Ron Paul Liberty Report show

Ron Paul Liberty Report

Summary: Podcast by Ron Paul Liberty Report

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 Corona-Madness: Authoritarianism Is Not The Answer! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:22:36

Throughout the country, bureaucrats and politicians are clamping down on the Constitution in the name of fighting a virus that thus far has not shown itself more deadly than the seasonal flu. Those numbers can change and it can be a serious disease, but as after 9/11 we are being told we must sacrifice our liberties in the name of security. Government did not deliver then and it will not deliver now. Liberty stolen will not be returned. Is there a better way? Subscribe to Ron Paul Institute updates at:

 It Wasn't "Different This Time"...It Was Worse & The Fed Will Fail | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:22:04

It's never "different this time." The Fed's bubbles and busts keep coming and they're getting more intense. Every bubble is bigger than the previous one, as is every "bailout." Every "bailout" carries with it a promise for a future economic crisis. The Fed will fail.

 How The Police State Uses Crises To Expand Lockdown Powers, With John Whitehead | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:23:14

The assault on our civil liberties is in overdrive. Habeas corpus is thrown out the window and the government is asking to be able to indefinitely detain Americans without charge or trial. Constitutional law attorney John Whitehead, President of the Rutherford Institute, joins today's Liberty Report to discuss these threats...and to let us know what we can do about them!

 The Coronavirus Profiteers | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:26:16

Now that the coronavirus scare has much of the country fearful and sheltered-in-place, there are more than a few special interests that are profiting massively from the "Emergency State" that has emerged. Crony capitalists, corporate criminals, Keynesians, big brother government advocates, previously unknown minor county officials...there is plenty of profit to go around.

 Will Coronavirus Bring Down The US War Machine? Not If Pompeo Can Help It... | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:24:33

While major military exercises have been cancelled in Europe due to coronavirus fears, the US has decided to continue with war games in the Middle East aimed at making war on Iran. On the home front, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo is using the virus to fight a hybrid war on Iran and other US 'enemies.' Will kicking them while they're down really work to our advantage? More sanctions on suffering countries?

 Weekly Update --- Like Freedom? Then You Won’t Like the FREEDOM Act | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:03:53

Yet another reauthorization of the PATRIOT Act...

 Schools Closing? Kids At Home? Try This Great Educational Trick! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:08:12

With schools closing across the country, parents are scrambling to keep their children engaged and learning. Ron Paul's Homeschool Curriculum may be just the thing you are looking for. Whether you want to sign up or just sample some of the great free programs, go to:

 What's Coronavirus' Greatest Threat? What's The Most Important Investment? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:23:44

With nearly one-third of all Americans on government-enforced lockdown and the National Guard pouring into the streets, it's a good time to take stock of the coronavirus scare and the real nature of the threat. What is our most important investment as the markets crash?

 Bailout Everyone? The Fed Is Doomed To Fail | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:24:15

'Shut down' the economy? Would government even think of such a thing without a Federal Reserve? Most likely not. Bailout just about everyone? Could government even think of such a thing without a Federal Reserve? Of course not! Every government and Federal Reserve "solution" comes with a promise for a bigger future economic crisis. The Fed is doomed to fail.

 Rep. Thomas Massie On Coronavirus And Patriot Act Suspension | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:23:13

As with everything else, the government is making the coronavirus outbreak much worse. Rep. Thomas Massie, one of the few original thinkers in the US House believes government should step out of the way and let the free market address demands for things like testing kits. Plus, Massie briefs the Liberty Report on the ongoing threat to our civil liberties posed by the PATRIOT Act as it has been temporarily renewed. Don't miss today's program!

 The Coronavirus Distraction...And The Continuing War On Iran | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:23:04

Neocons never like to allow a good crisis to go to waste. While Americans are increasingly threatened by authoritarian politicians if they dare leave their homes to protect against the spread of a virus that may end up being less deadly than the flu, the neocons are hard at work stirring up war on Iran. More sanctions, bombing "Iran-backed" militias in Iraq. And more. Panic is good for the war business.

 Good News: The End Of The Fed Is Near | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:22:49

After lowering the interest rate to zero and pumping trillions into the market, the Fed is finding that it has no tools to address the inevitable bursting of the bubble. They may try to blame the economic tsunami on coronavirus, but this crash has been in the works for some time. Mises Institute President Jeff Deist joins today's Liberty Report.

 Weekly Update --- The Coronavirus Hoax | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:04:22

Authoritarian dream...

 Coronavirus And Market Crash: The Mother Of All (Man-made) Crises | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:24:40

As the Fed fires money bazookas at the markets to no avail, governors across the US are shutting down businesses and destroying livelihoods. This is government out of control - it is many times more dangerous than any coronavirus.

 Coincidence? Coronavirus Crisis & A Fed-Created Financial Collapse | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:24:58

The Fed created the biggest financial bubble to ever exist. Every bubble is followed by a bust, so the Federal Reserve, regardless of any other event that occurs, is responsible for creating economic crisis. The real solution is to put an end to The Fed and monopolistic central banking. But until that conclusion is finally reached, the proposed solutions from every corner will be for The Fed to counterfeit currency in larger and larger doses. This assures continuous economic crises of increasing severity. Don't miss today's Liberty Report!


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