Ron Paul Liberty Report show

Ron Paul Liberty Report

Summary: Podcast by Ron Paul Liberty Report

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 More Chaos: House Iran War Vote, Coronavirus Stimulus, Euro Travel Ban! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:26:08

As the House further debates a resolution restricting President Trump's power to make war on Iran, the House is rushing through a "coronavirus stimulus" bill pumping more billions into the pockets of the well-connected. Meanwhile, President Trump has announced that no flights from Europe can land in the US. How is that going to work? And where's the authority?

 Battle Over Idlib - Pompeo Versus Trump | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:21:15

President Trump's Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo, is driving the US closer to war with Russia over Turkey's land grab in northern Syria. While Trump talks about removing US troops from the Middle East, Pompeo has turned his State Department into a second White House and second Pentagon to launch his own foreign policy. Will Trump continue to allow Pompeo to run the show?

 Iraq War Goes On (And On) - Two More US Soldiers Killed | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:22:39

After a "Super Tuesday 2" campaign update from Ron Paul, today's program looks at yet more US military deaths in Iraq. The 17 year war continues to take US (and Iraqi) lives even after the Iraqi parliament voted this year to remove foreign troops from Iraqi soil. What are they fighting for? Does anyone know?

 Weekly Update --- Central Banking Is Socialism | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:04:12

Ron Paul on the warfare/welfare state...

 A Military Distraction? Us Hands Ukraine $125 Million In Weapons | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:19:28

In yet another example of President Trump continuing the bad policies of President Obama, the Administration announced it would grant $125 million in new anti-artillery radar and military patrol ships to Ukraine. Maybe a military distraction will take minds off of rocky financial waters and a coronavirus that has the world in a panic?

 The Straw That Broke The Fed's Back | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:24:03

Close observers of the un-constitutional and immoral Federal Reserve realize that there is trouble in the central planners paradise. As happens with all attempts at trying to micromanage the world, the point is finally reached where the micromanagers are completely overwhelmed by problems of their own making. When the final story of The Fed is written, it will be no different than the unnecessary and foolish central planning schemes of the past.

 Patriot Act At 19 Years - Time To Pull The Plug? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:20:41

***Apologies for sound issues. We had technical failure during program.*** Three provisions of the USA PATRIOT Act are set to expire on March 15th and many in Congress are scrambling to keep government surveillance of innocent Americans alive. Others are pushing for reform. We are pushing for euthanasia. Today we look at what is expiring and what is likely to be done about it.

 Another Trump Flip-Flop: US To Send Money And Weapons To Syria Rebels | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:23:38

After a brief discussion of yesterday's "Super Tuesday" and what it may mean for the markets, today's Liberty Report will look into yet another round of US interference in the nine year war in Syria. While the Trump Administration has thus far avoided direct engagement with Russian and Syrian troops, yesterday a US official illegally crossed into Syria to announce a hundred million dollars in US aid. Earlier the US announced it would be sending more weapons to the Turks, who are embedded with al-Qaeda in Idlib province. As before, these weapons will end up in the hands of al-Qaeda.

 'Saigon Moment'? Afghanistan Deal Means Rapid Us Withdrawal | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:21:05

Will the just-signed Afghanistan deal mean a rapid US departure (after 19 years of war)? What about the "secret annexes" that Pompeo has admitted are in the agreement? How long will the US-backed Afghanistan government hold without US troops?

 Weekly Update --- Can the Fed Save Us from Climate Change? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:04:11
 Pompeo Wants Missiles For Turkey...To Confront Russia In Syria | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:19:53

When Turkey found itself in a bit of trouble in Idlib, Syria last week - a Syrian army advance had taken back much of the province and a Syrian air force strike had killed Turkish soldiers embedded with jihadist fighters - Ankara signaled to Washington that it needed help, including Patriot Missile batteries on Turk soil. The response was cool from the Pentagon, but Pompeo's State Department is all for it - even if it means war with Russia and Iran. Get your tickets to the RPI Houston conference:

 The Fed Creates Crisis: Black Swan Events (Like Coronavirus) Light The Fuse | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:25:08

The Fed has created the biggest artificial financial bubble to ever exist. Every bubble is necessarily followed by a proportional financial crisis. Black Swan events (like Coronavirus) often act as the fuse. The major headlines always keep the focus on the Black Swan events. The Ron Paul Liberty Report is here to keep the focus where it belongs: The Federal Reserve.

 US Troops Back To Saudi Arabia - To Provoke Iran? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:17:47

For the first time in 17 years, US troops are moving back to Prince Sultan Airbase in Saudi Arabia. The troops were removed in 2003 because they were serving as a recruiting tool for al-Qaeda. The Trump Administration claims they are returning to "deter" Iran...but are they telling the truth?

 Trillion Dollar Nuke 'Upgrade' - Not An Arms Race? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:20:46

The Trump Administration continues to spend billions developing and "upgrading" the nuclear weapons arsenal, claiming at the same time that it's in response to Russian moves and that it's "not an arms race." Is there solid evidence to back US claims...or is this just another high-paid jobs program for the military-industrial complex?

 Weekly Update --- Trump's Betrayal Of Julian Assange | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:04:09

Ron Paul on the tragedy of Assange persecution...


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