Ron Paul Liberty Report show

Ron Paul Liberty Report

Summary: Podcast by Ron Paul Liberty Report

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 Defund The Police? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:23:46

From Minneapolis, where police killed a black man in their custody, and across the country there are cries to defund and disband police forces. The Minneapolis city council already voted in a veto-proof majority to get rid of its police department. But are supporters of this new mass-movement just reacting to relentless media hype and propaganda? Do they really have a plan to protect life and liberty without government police officers?

 How Many Rabbits Can The Fed Pull Out Of The Hat? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:24:05

The Federal Reserve has been increasing the supply of dollars at levels not seen in at least 40 years. Even the money pump during the 2008 financial crisis pales in comparison to today's central bank counterfeiting. Just as the lockdowns will produce tremendous ongoing problems, the Fed's reckless money-printing is setting in motion an economic debacle that one can hardly imagine. Central planning always fails. The Fed is certainly not an exception to the rule.

 Incredible Disappearing Coronavirus - The Narrative Has Failed | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:24:25

Suddenly there is no talk about coronavirus. Reputable doctors in Italy, the UK, and elsewhere are claiming the virus hardly exists any longer. Just over a week ago much of America faced jail if they dared break the "social distancing" rules put in place by tyrannical governors and other public officials. Now tens of thousands gather to protest a police killing with impunity. And the spikes they warned about in areas where restrictions were eased are not happening. So what is happening? Also, what to make of the Trump/Mattis/Esper spat over US troops deployed against rioters in the US?

 It's All Political! Corona Lockdown Leaders Now Joining Mass Protests! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:29:49

"Stay home, save lives," the politicians and media demanded. And Americans stayed home for months and lost their jobs and their mental and physical health. If you go out, they said, you will kill people by passing on the virus. But all of a sudden these same politicians have turned on a dime in the aftermath of the killing of a Minnesota man in police custody - all of a sudden they are not only encouraging but joining mass public protests. Social distancing has given way to the demands of social engineering. Meanwhile a large part of the US is in smoldering ruins. What's going on here?

 Riots Out Of Control - Are US Troops And Martial Law The Answer? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:25:48

Hundreds of US cities have been turned into war zones, with looting, murder, and mayhem unleashed on a level we have not seen in more than a generation. President Trump is threatening to call US troops to the street. Will de facto martial law calm the chaos, or will it be pouring gasoline onto the flame?

 Weekly Update --- Listen to the Doctors, End the Lockdowns | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:04:06

Ron Paul's latest on the health damages of the lockdowns...

 What's To Blame For Nationwide Riots - Police Brutality Or Lockdown? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:30:16

Are the riots engulfing the nation simply fallout from the shocking killing of a black suspected forgerer at the hands of a white police officer? Or is there something else to the story? The ramifications of three months of nationwide lockdown may be more profound than people understand.

 Who Owns The Fed? Are They To Blame For 40 Million Unemployed? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:26:46

Who's in charge? Is The Fed responsible for 40 million unemployed? The concept of a "Deep State" may be a new one for Americans to come to grips with, but unaccountable power is as old as the hills. Liberty & sound money are the only neutralizing agents to Deep State power.

 Are You Ready For Your...Immunity Passport? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:28:01

Think of it as the REAL ID on steroids. The airlines and sectors of government are pushing for a biometric "immunity passport" to prove that one is not corona contagious before flying, attending large events, maybe even going to work. Is this the number of the beast or a sensible reaction to a pandemic? Something in-between? Plus today's program will look at another pandemic: depression and anxiety as a result of the shutdown. And Minnesota Governor Tim Walz emptied out hospitals and cancelled surgeries to make way for a coronavirus tidal wave that never hit. How many deaths occurred in the push to avoid deaths? Finally, freedom action in Brazoria County as homeschoolers challenge park shutdowns.

 Mandatory Masks, Contact Tracing, Social Distancing - Tyrants Desperately Clinging To Power | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:25:16

With a new CDC report confirming that the Covid-19 death rate is far, far lower than originally estimated, and Covid deaths plummeting across the country, desperate governors are ignoring facts and imposing even more authoritarian measures to oppress the population. With rebellion breaking out everywhere, at what point are we going to see a clash between a population no longer believing the coronavirus myths (that it is ten times more deadly than the flu, for example) and a political class drunk on power?

 Weekly Update --- One Good Thing About The Lockdown | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:03:57

Homeschooling is booming. Ron Paul on the only good thing about the lockdown...

 Power Freaks Losing Control As Public Laughs At Coronavirus Lockdowns | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:30:23

From the Lake of the Ozarks to the Texas Gulf Coast, Americans spent Memorial Day weekend in defiance of the forced "lockdown" orders of the politicians. Dr. Birx was furious over people refusing to wear masks at the beach. Other local tyrants screamed and threatened. The people are ignoring them. Deliverance from this coronavirus-induced government tyranny is not coming about because politicians have seen the error of their ways. It is coming about because the people are finally waking up. Keep the Liberty Report on air with a tax-deductible contribution to the Ron Paul Institute:

 Liberty Report Classic: Against The Left Authoritarians -- With Lew Rockwell | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:15:45

We hope that you enjoy this classic interview from 2019 with Lew Rockwell on the great dangers of left authoritarianism. Get your copy of 'Against The Left' on Amazon: Be sure to visit every day!

 The Fed Enabled The Coronavirus Tyranny | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:24:26

The Federal Reserve is an unconstitutional government-created monopoly. Bankers and politicians can act recklessly, while the rest of the population suffers the consequences and pays the price. Without the Fed, would U.S. Governors have been forced to act more rationally? Without the Fed, perhaps locking down the states would have been unthinkable. But now the unprecedented damage has been done, and bailouts from The Fed are proceeding. The American public has (and will continue) to pay the gut-wrenching price as long as The Fed exists. It enables the endless wars. It enables the bankrupt welfare state, and The Fed has enabled Coronavirus tyranny.

 600 Doctors Warn Trump: Lockdown May Be More Deadly Than Coronavirus! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:26:49

Hundreds of doctors have sent a letter to President Trump warning that the nationwide lockdown is killing thousands of Americans. It may end up more deadly even than the coronavirus it is intended to defeat. Doctors understand that you don't kill the patient to save the patient. Also, homeschool moms in Lake Jackson, TX, defy officials and take their kids to the park. City workers call the cops - but in a twist, the moms know their Constitution and end up schooling both the cops and city officials.


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