The Jason Stapleton Program show

The Jason Stapleton Program

Summary: Try as we might, we could never describe the show better than those who choose to make it a part of their daily lives, so, in the words of one of our listeners,"So who/what is Jason Stapleton/podcast? Before I answer that, ever heard of the saying, 'In a world gone mad...a glimpse of sanity' or 'In an ocean of island of calm'? Well, he's that and a whole lot more...entertaining, topical, knowledgeable, informed, traveled, intelligent and articulate. In his podcasts he brings his special sense of understanding and ability to simply the issues (governments, politics, economy, domestic and foreign policy, war, markets, morals, and more) an hour each day. If all the madness and all the turmoil (at home and all around the world) have you confused, aggravated and looking for a source of clarity, perhaps Jason can bring you a bit of sanity and a welcome sense of calm."

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 The Myth of Gun Control | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3141

I don't know if we've ever talked about gun control on this show which is strange given all the shootings we've had this year. But with the recent attack in Virgina I thought it would be good to talk a little about my thoughts on protecting the public. We're also going to talk a little about the economy so make sure you tune in. Jason  

 Jason Takes His Critics to the Wood Chipper | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3045

Well I knew it was coming. I make some bold statements on yesterday’s show about the market, gold, inflation and government spending. I went "off script" if you want to refer to it that way, in an attempt to explain WHY many of the doom and gloom scenarios haven't come true. I also took a jab at Peter Schiff for his incorrect prognostications about the market, gold and inflation.  This got a lot of people fired up. Frankly the TRUTH hurts. And when the truth runs contrary to our own understanding and/or belief, our natural inclination is to reject it out of hand. We hear what we want to hear and label the truth teller accordingly. So today I take those critics to task on their comments. We also discuss more on Venezuela. They're not having food riots as their people descend into starvation. It is a living breathing picture of what socialist policies do to a nation.    Don't miss this episode! Jason

 Peter Schiff : Oracle or Fraud | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3052

I'm going to take heat from this and that's ok, but I'm sick and tired of every prognosticator who calls for the end of the world running to a camera every time we see the market crack.   There are very serious, systemic problems with our global economy right now but that doesn't mean the total collapse of the dollar and a meltdown of our financial system is right around the corner.  If countries like Japan have taught us anything it's that these types of problems can fester for decades while currencies strengthen and markets do well. Yet guys Like Peter Schiff spend their entire lives screaming "The sky is falling." and every 10 years or so they end up being right.  Today I'm going to talk spend some time talking about the danger of listening to these "Oracles" when making investment decisions. If you listened to Schiff for example and bought gold in 2012 you'd be down about 40%.   What really matters is sentiment not fundamentals.  We might all see that the house is on fire, but knowing when the roof is going to fall in is a tricky skill to master. Most of the doomsday predictors still haven't figured it out.    Jason

 Hyperinflation and the Market | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3142

I debated heavily about what to discuss today. The astonishing 1000 point drop in the US equites market this morning is a direct result of the attempt by governments and central banks around the world to prop up a fledgling system on the verge of another great recession.  After reading a recent report about Venezuelan smugglers clashing with the Army my mind was drawn to the great harm hyper or even rampant inflation combined with government controls can have on an economy.  The smuggling problem in Venezuela is a direct result of both hyperinflation and the government’s attempt to control panic buying and selling through price controls and rationing. The big question is, could it happen here and if so are we getting close. Today I set out to discuss these issues and provide you a blueprint on what to look for. Naturally none of us can know for sure WHEN or even IF a catastrophic event like hyperinflation might occur but we can look to other nations where it has happened and look for similarities between our two countries.    Jason

 What To Do About Entitlements | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3379

As a libertarian I'm faced with a somewhat perplexing question about how to handle entitlements. Take social security for example. It's a ponzi scheme that deprives the younger generation of their wealth in order to provide for the older generation. So, as a libertarian, should I refuse to accept this clear wealth transfer? And what about the business owner who solicits the governement for special tax incentives or other handouts?  Should he refuse to petition the governement for such special consideration and allow his competition to do it instead? These are very interesting questions and one's I'll try to answer today.  

 The Plague of Government Debt | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3259

Do the sins of the father transfer to the sins of the son? I think most of us would say no. So does the debt of the father pass the son? If I rack up thousands on my credit card bill and then die, is my son obligated to pay the debt? Even our current progressive society would not dare suggest that bad financial decisions made by your parents can be passed on to you. But what about government debt? If our parents spend money and create programs that require us to take on debt, are we as their children obligated to pay on those debits long after they're gone? The answer is yes. It is yet another example of government holding the individual to one standard while holding you to another. You see when the government takes on debt it does so in your name. You, your children and your grandchildren are the preverbal "co-signer" of all debt the politicians in Washington see fit to take out. It's as though you were to take out a credit card in your child’s name, rack up millions of dollars in debt on big houses, nice cars, top shelf medical coverage and then, when you kid turns 21 hand the card over to him and say "Here you go. It's your responsibility now." Your son or daughter would likely protest saying, "How could you do this to me? Why am I responsible for your poor financial decisions?" You respond, "I did all of this for you. Just look at the big house you got to live in, the nice cars you got to drive." "Don't worry son." you say. "Just get a new card in your son's name, transfer the balance to his card and make the minimum payments. Then when he turns 21 pass it on to him."  What our parents and grandparents have done to us is essentially the same thing. The real question is, do we continue the cycle or do we finally say "NO". Only time will tell.   Jason  

 What's Wrong with American Society | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2643

Today I was struck by the recent story about Pittsburgh Steelers linebacker James Harrison and his decision to return his sons participation trophies.  It speaks to the pervasive and ever expanding trend that starts in grammar school which seeks to promote the idea that everyone deserves to be a winner. Everyone deserves to be recognized even if simply for their effort.  I fear we're breeding a generation of entitled selfish children who believe they're entitled to feel good and be rewarded regardless of what they actually accomplish. We'll also talk about Hillary Clinton’s latest response the question "did you wipe the hard drive clean?" Visit the site:        

 Predictions Come True | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3109

Over the past several months I've been warning you about the threat we're facing from things like the minimum wage, the economy, even Hillary Clinton. LOL I take a lot of flack from certain people when I speak about the dangers of the minimum wage for example. But the principals of economics and liberty always prove me right. Today we're going to discuss Hillary Clinton who I predicted would never be the presidental nominee as early as the day she announced her candidacy.   Then we move on the the minimum wage which is now destroying businesses across the west cost, most recently in the little town of Everyville, CA.   Then it's back across the pacific to China where there recent attempts to prevent further stock market declines have failed.  What's sad is that all these problems were foreseeable and preventable. Unfortunatly those who now lead us lack the economic intelligence or just common sense to do what is necessary to truly prevent such disasters and repair the damage done.  Until Tomorrow, Jason Visit for full episodes, news updates and show notes.    Twitter:    Facebook:   Roku:   If you are enjoying the show and would like to support what we're doing here, please consider donating to our cause. You can do that at     Are you interested in advertising on The Jason Stapleton Program? Reach out to me at - I'd love to talk with you.

 Youth And The State: What The Social System Is Doing To The Next Generation | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3164

  The youth are being indoctrinated into a philosophy that says it is okay to take what isn’t yours and to demand as well as to put upon others your own wants, your will and desires. We don’t believe that’s true and I am here as a voice to try to convert the unsaved.    Visit for full episodes, news updates and show notes.    Twitter:    Facebook:   Roku:   If you are enjoying the show and would like to support what we're doing here, please consider donating to our cause. You can do that at   Are you interested in advertising on The Jason Stapleton Program? Reach out to me at - I'd love to talk with you.

 Double Standards, Free Speech: Are People Judged Equally Under The Law? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3010

What happens when people have no confidence in the rule of law? Why does Hillary Clinton get away with destroying evidence? And what happens when government gets the overriding powers through regulation? Case in point, look at net neutrality. The FCC get to pick who are the winners and losers. So who's winning? Are you?   Visit for full episodes, news updates and show notes.    Twitter:    Facebook:   Roku:   If you are enjoying the show and would like to support what we're doing here, please consider donating to our cause. You can do that at   Are you interested in advertising on The Jason Stapleton Program? Reach out to me at - I'd love to talk with you.

 Money, Lies and Spies: Mastering the Human Domain | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2968

  2.6 Trillion dollars. The government confiscates against your will. And half a trillion dollars still owed to our future generations in deficits. We're on the wrong path. It's all going to come down. I talk more about what’s next today… Jade Helm and the human domain.   Visit for full episodes, news updates and show notes.    Twitter:    Facebook:   Roku:   If you are enjoying the show and would like to support what we're doing here, please consider donating to our cause. You can do that at   Are you interested in advertising on The Jason Stapleton Program? Reach out to me at - I'd love to talk with you.

 The End of Paper Money: The Greatest Threat to your Liberty | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3028

You need to listen to this episode closely. Recently, there has been a huge push to try to force the end of paper currency. They want to make it harder for cash transactions. Now why? It's to take away your liberty...   Visit for full episodes, news updates and show notes.    Twitter:    Facebook:   Roku:   If you are enjoying the show and would like to support what we're doing here, please consider donating to our cause. You can do that at   Are you interested in advertising on The Jason Stapleton Program? Reach out to me at - I'd love to talk with you.

 Ferguson Protesters & Activists Out of Ideas | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3064

Today we discuss the issues surrounding the 1 year anniversary of the Michael Brown shooting. But the protesters and activists are out of ideas. Instead of addressing the real issues, they blame it on White America and they spend time hijacking other people's events like what happened to Bernie Sanders...   Visit for full episodes, news updates and show notes.    Twitter:    Facebook:   Roku:   If you are enjoying the show and would like to support what we're doing here, please consider donating to our cause. You can do that at   Are you interested in advertising on The Jason Stapleton Program? Reach out to me at - I'd love to talk with you.

 Republican Debates: Is There Any Hope? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3025

Today we talk about the republican debates which were more or less a disaster, is there really any candidate you favor to propose limited government, and at the ver least guys like Rand and Ted should be voicing limited government and addressing the issues. A lot of missed opportunities...   Visit for full episodes, news updates and show notes.    Twitter:    Facebook:   Roku:   If you are enjoying the show and would like to support what we're doing here, please consider donating to our cause. You can do that at   Are you interested in advertising on The Jason Stapleton Program? Reach out to me at - I'd love to talk with you.

 Dissecting The Death Penalty | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1432

This is the second episode in our mini-series on answering YOUR questions, which was about Capital Punishment or "The Death Penalty" When is it OK? When is it not OK? Do certain actions justify this type of punishment? I walk the line from a libertarian's perspective and present some thoughts from our "founding fathers" on this topic. Let me know what you think about these topical episodes, and if you really like them. I'll be back in the studio on Monday August 10th for a full live video show, until then, have a great weekend! -Jason   Visit for full episodes, news updates and show notes.  Twitter:  Facebook: Roku:   If you are enjoying the show and would like to support what we're doing here, please consider donating to our cause. You can do that at   Are you interested in advertising on The Jason Stapleton Program? Reach out to me at - I'd love to talk with you.


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