The Jason Stapleton Program show

The Jason Stapleton Program

Summary: Try as we might, we could never describe the show better than those who choose to make it a part of their daily lives, so, in the words of one of our listeners,"So who/what is Jason Stapleton/podcast? Before I answer that, ever heard of the saying, 'In a world gone mad...a glimpse of sanity' or 'In an ocean of island of calm'? Well, he's that and a whole lot more...entertaining, topical, knowledgeable, informed, traveled, intelligent and articulate. In his podcasts he brings his special sense of understanding and ability to simply the issues (governments, politics, economy, domestic and foreign policy, war, markets, morals, and more) an hour each day. If all the madness and all the turmoil (at home and all around the world) have you confused, aggravated and looking for a source of clarity, perhaps Jason can bring you a bit of sanity and a welcome sense of calm."

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 Debunking the Guaranteed Minimum Income | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3236

This is something that's been floating around the internet for some time. Most recently by Thom Hartmann who suggested it as a way to reduce the welfare state and end poverty in America. Oddly enough I've had several people in the private Facebook group ( posts asking for clarification so I thought we needed to spend some time on it here.  The difficult part about this topic, and more specifically Thom's promotion of it, is that it's full of not just distortions of economics but flat out lies about the success of this type of program in other countries.  I could make a very simple case using the 5 principles of liberty we talk about on this show frequently but that will not be enough for many of the supporters of this idea you'll encounter in your daily life. So we have to spend some real time discussing the nuances of this idea and where it falls short. The important think to remember is that your goal should not be to try and write down the 5 or 6 economic problems with this idea and then try to recite them to anyone who will listen.  That won't win you converts. Instead what you should focus on is identifying the lies associated with this program and more importantly what it's implementation will mean for our current welfare state. I cover all of this in todays show so sit back and enjoy! Jason

 What was the Fed thinking? Plus: Income vs. Wealth | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3192

As I expected the Fed held rates steady this week and the news caused a quick rally in the stock market. The question you might be asking yourself is WHY?    The Fed's decision to keep rates near zero is a signal that it does not believe the economy is on a firm footing. This SHOULD cause investors to sell amid the risk of another recession or slow growth. But that's not what happened.    It is further evidence that our financial market is addicted to Fed money and its current valuations are driven not by actual fundamentals but by Fed action.    It's a dangerous time to be an investor. But knowing what's happening and why is the first step in being able to make an informed decision about what to do.   In other news the U.S. has decided it may need to change it's policy toward the training of Syrian rebels after a 500 million dollar attempt to train 5400 rebel troops resulted in a total of only 5 graduates.    This further demonstrates the total incompetence of the pentagon and the lack of a cohesive strategy while politicians on both sides clammer for more military action.    Complicating the situation is Russia who is now sending weapons and equipment to the Syrian military to use against ISIS and other rebels. These are presumably the same rebels we are training since they will be used not just to fight ISIS but also to overthrow the Assad regime.    It's ugly out there. But I'm going to make sense of it for you. Hit that play button and I'll see you Monday!     Jason

 Fact Checking the Debate | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3201

Last night CNN hosted the 2nd republican debate in 2 stages. Yes, the field of presidential hopefuls for the republicans is so large you can't even do it all at once. This highlights a question I have about debates this large. Would it be more beneficial for a candidate to refuse to attend? Certainly if you're running at the bottom of the pack and your'e almost sure to receive only a few questions it would be far better for you to simply refuse to attend and watch the media go crazy. On todays show I want to break down the debate in a way you won't see it done in by the mainstream media. While they all focus on the spat between Carly and Donald, or Chris Christies appeal to the "working man" I'm going to spend time focusing on the candidates responses to the few policy questions they actually answered. My hope is that you'll see what I saw. A bunch of people who have no real understanding of rights, of economics or history. It's a fun and exciting show. Check it out. Jason

 Where Has All The Gold Gone? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3233

Today I want to talk about a couple of different things. We start out with a  couple of exercises in libertarian principle. Recently there have been two cases of young kids caught in violations of the law and the question  I pose is simply, "Was it deserved?"  Yesterday we talked about the 5 principles and today we get to see them in action.  Then we move on to an issue I was first alerted to last week. It appears gold is flowing out of the banks and it's creating quite a strain on the paper gold market. Now if that doesn't make any sense to you don't worry. I'm going to spend some time today explaining it in detail You don't want to miss out.  And make sure you download the report from Swiss America and put yourself in the running for a 1 oz. gold coin valued at over $1,200!! Talk to you soon,Jason

 The Power of Principle | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3221

I am often asked what it means to be a libertarian. I'll admit at the begining it was hard to define. I knew I didn't support the seeminly endless wars and massive governement spending, but I also didn't think you should go to jail for doing things that only harm you (like using drugs) I think a lot of people feel that way. Many jaded republicans and democrats feel as though their beliefs are not truely being represented. More importantly, for those who are looking at the idea of libertarianism, there is a need for someone to clearly define it.  I've heard a lot of different explanations about what a libertarian is but I think it's best to always work from principles. That's why I created the 5 principles of libertarianism for the show. It's a way for everyone to understand my philosophy and where my loyalties lie. Today on the show I talk about these 5 principles and how they can be used to assess any particular "issue" you might encounter.  For anyone who needs them here they are:   Pro Limited Government- Government should exist to protect Life, Liberty and Property. Nothing more. Liberty is a primary political value.  (does an act of gov. increase or decrease an individual's liberty) Pro Individualism - The rights of the individual are above the rights of the collective. The individual is sovereign.  Pro Tolerance - you should not interfere with things you do not agree with or disapprove of. Pro Peace - The principle of non intervention. Free movement of capital, labor, people, goods/services and Ideas. Pro Free Markets - No transaction Or cooperation should occur unless it is voluntary. It's my hope that these principles will help clarify your belief and help you better articulate what you stand for.   Jason   

 Why the Fed Failed | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3142

It's not uncomon for me to see someones eyes glaze over when I start talking about monetary policy. Taking fed action and interest rates doesn't exactly make me the life of the party.  It's easy to understand. When I say monetary policy most people think I'm talking about they companies policy on rembursing travel expenses. It's just not a topic followed by the bulk of Americans.  With that said I know this audience is no ordinary group of people. So today I'm going to talk a little about the fed and why, by their own admission, they have failed so badly at predicting and then correcting the booms and busts we've seen over the last two decades.   And don't worry, I'll make so easy to understand you'll be able to explain it to your kids. Give it a listen and let me know what you think! Jason Join the Private FB Group!  

 My ISIS Predictions Came True | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3224

Hey Lovers of Liberty! That's right, my predictions about ISIS, and they aren't and US problem of war or invasion and their quest to dominance in the middle east has come true. We also talk about the Pope's recent comments saying the bible, the Koran and Jesus and Mohammed are exactly the same thing. You definitely don't want to miss this episode. Jason   Visit for full episodes, news updates and show notes.    Twitter:    Facebook:   Roku:   If you are enjoying the show and would like to support what we're doing here, please consider donating to our cause. You can do that at   Are you interested in advertising on The Jason Stapleton Program? Reach out to me at - I'd love to talk with you.

 Is A Libertarian Utopia Possible? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3244

Hey Lovers of Liberty! Today's show is going to focus on a question posed by one of our viewers "does the constitution hold up in a libertarian society?" and can libertarianism create the utopia that we all seek? All that and more on today's show! Jason   Visit for full episodes, news updates and show notes.    Twitter:    Facebook:   Roku:   If you are enjoying the show and would like to support what we're doing here, please consider donating to our cause. You can do that at   Are you interested in advertising on The Jason Stapleton Program? Reach out to me at - I'd love to talk with you.

 The Gender War: Equality at Any Price | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3194

Today we discussed the social gender experiments that are going on right now, and how we really aren't all created equal in all areas, but that doesn't have to do with rights. All that and more - including the Kim Davis story of the clerk who won't issue marriage licenses to gay couples. Enjoy the show! -Jason   Visit for full episodes, news updates and show notes.    Twitter:    Facebook:   Roku:   If you are enjoying the show and would like to support what we're doing here, please consider donating to our cause. You can do that at   Are you interested in advertising on The Jason Stapleton Program? Reach out to me at - I'd love to talk with you.

 Dissecting the Syrian Refugee Crisis | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3253

I’ve had several requests to talk about the Syrian refugee crisis. It’s really not fair to call it a Syrian crisis although a huge number of Syrians are part of the refugee movement. A better way to frame the discussion would be to discuss the mass exodus of the war torn middle east and the millions of pilgrims making their way from Syria, Libya, Iraq and Yemen to countries in Europe. But the problem did not start in 2015. To get to the root of the problem we have to go back to 2010 and the little country of Tunisia to find out where things went so wrong.  Only after we understand how this crisis started can we begin to formulate a solution. Thanks to all of you who make this show part of your day. It has been my great pleasure to share an hour with you each and every day. Here’s to many, many more together.   Jason Visit for full episodes, news updates and show notes.    Twitter:    Facebook:   Roku:   If you are enjoying the show and would like to support what we're doing here, please consider donating to our cause. You can do that at   Are you interested in advertising on The Jason Stapleton Program? Reach out to me at - I'd love to talk with you.

 Property Rights Are Imperative to a Free Society | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3241

In a most recent case of "gender discrimination in Missourii at a public school one boy identifying as a woman says they can use whatever bathroom they want, Title 9 law backs up this claim that no one can discriminate. Now, this is a public school and since everyone owns it, only the government owns and gets to make the rules, whether others like it or not. Property rights would solve this issue. Not only that but the GOP is trying to get you to pledge to any republican candidate even if your favorite isn't nominated! -Jason   Visit for full episodes, news updates and show notes.    Twitter:    Facebook:   Roku:   If you are enjoying the show and would like to support what we're doing here, please consider donating to our cause. You can do that at   Are you interested in advertising on The Jason Stapleton Program? Reach out to me at - I'd love to talk with you.

 Why We Struggle | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3235

Well gang I had a couple of days off and it gave me some time to think. Most people don't know this, but when I get time away from the office I typically come up with some new hair-brained idea or new concept I want to share. I think it's because my brain is freed up from the normal day to day problems I typically deal with and it's when you're thinking about something the least that you have a breakthrough. One of the things that I had been struggling with since our discussion last week about economics was the idea of "fundamentals don't matter". I got some blow back when I made that statement last week and although I knew it was provocative I also knew I was right. But how do you explain a complex economic idea like human sentiment in such a short period of time. Answer: you can't. So I started writing the outline of a new paper I've loosely titled "The Theory of Individual Sentiment". In this paper I'm going to attempt to share my thoughts on where modern economists go wrong and the roll perception plays in our economic decision making. Today on the show I talk a little about this theory in more detail and wet your appetite for more. I also discuss the new educational series I'll be starting that will explain some of the basic ideas of economics in a way that will make it fun and easy to understand. That way you can destroy your opponents with unbeatable arguments that support your beliefs about liberty. Give the show a listen and don't forget to download the new app and subscribe to the show! Jason   Visit for full episodes, news updates and show notes.    Twitter:    Facebook:   Roku:   If you are enjoying the show and would like to support what we're doing here, please consider donating to our cause. You can do that at   Are you interested in advertising on The Jason Stapleton Program? Reach out to me at - I'd love to talk with you.

 Talking Liberty with Johnny Rocket | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 4262

Talking Liberty with Johnny Rocket

 My Chat with Jeffrey Tucker | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2927

My Chat with Jeffrey Tucker

 The Issue of Citizenship: Why we fight | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3280

You know, each day I do this show I only have one goal and that's to make it better than yesterday’s show. Now that is an extremely high bar but it keeps me on my toes.  I wish I could tell you every single show I do is the best show I've ever done but that wouldn't be the truth. Since TRUTH is a pretty important concept to me I have to admit I've done my fair share shows that I feel were not a good reflection of what I'm capable of.  This show is not one of those shows. Today I want to attack the idea of Citizenship. We place a pretty high importance on it. So much so that every politician and media outlet in the world is, right now, focused on what needs to be done to protect it. But why do we hold citizenship in such high esteem? Why do we protect it with an almost religious zeal? Today I want to discuss just that.  Also, it doesn't matter what side of the political isle you're on, you can find would be dictators ready and waiting to impose their will on you and your life. Today we'll look at Darrell Trigg, a Christian fanatic that wants to change America in a radical way. Make sure you tune in!   Jason


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