In the Author's Corner with Etienne show

In the Author's Corner with Etienne

Summary: Hello, Friends and Visitors! We're are delighted to inform you that In the Author's Corner with Etienne is coming back home, effective the first of Dec 2020. As you might know, the devastation of dual-Hurricanes Irma and Maria knocked us off the air (with medical issues included), assigned me as a Crisis Counselor during the recovery phase, and awaking scheduling for my medical follow-ups! In the meanwhile, I have been preparing gifts and surprises for you, my Faithful Followers. More to come! (Want to be a guest? Then email me at ************************* We regret that, since the devastation of Hurricanes Irma and Maria, our studio and related technology have been down. Our intentions were to keep you posted on our status. That, unfortunately, has not occurred until now, Sept. 5, 2018. During the recovery process, I have been functioning as a Crisis Counselor, in a local nonprofit agency, funded by The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA). Most recently yours truly was promoted to Crisis Counselor Lead. This podcast will remain on hiatus until further notice. We regret that, since the devastation of Hurricanes Irma and Maria, our studio and related technology have been down. Our intentions were to keep you posted on our status. That, unfortunately, has not occurred until now, Sept. 5, 2018. During the recovery process, I have been functioning as a Crisis Counselor, in a local nonprofit agency, funded by The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA). Most recently yours truly was promoted to Crisis Counselor Lead. This podcast will remain on hiatus until further notice. We're now also on Stitcher. I've created this talk show exclusively for authors of published books and those thinking about writing their first one. Listen to authors as they share their stories of how and why they became writers of stories. Be part of the show: ask questions and share your comment

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  • Artist: In the Authors Corner with Etienne
  • Copyright: Copyright Etienne A. Gibbs (C/O Blogtalkradio)


 Peggy Vincent's a Baby Catcher | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:16:00

Peggy Vincent, the author, is also Peggy Vincent, the midwife. She's the author of Baby Catcher: Chronicles of a Modern Midwife, an inspiring collection of birth stories by a charming midwife. "Each time she knelt to catch another wriggling baby—nearly three thousand times during her remarkable career - California midwife Peggy Vincent paid homage to the moment when pain bows to joy and the world makes way for one more. With every birth, she encounters another woman-turned-goddess: Catherine rides out her labor in a car careening down a mountain road. Sofia spends hers trying to keep her hyper doctor-father from burning down the house. Susannah gives birth so quietly that neither husband nor midwife notice until there's a baby in the room." "More than a collection of birth stories, however, Baby Catcher: Chronicles of a Modern Midwife is a provocative account of the difficulties that midwives face in the United States. With vivid portraits of courage, perseverance, and love, this is an impassioned call to rethink technological hospital births in favor of more individualized and profound experiences in which mothers and fathers take center stage in the timeless drama of birth." "Since observing the birth of a baby for the first time when I was a 19 year-old nursing student in the mid-sixties at Duke University, childbirth has been my primary focus." ". . . I began working as an obstetrical nurse at a prominent hospital in Berkeley, California, where my first 2 children were born. In 1978, I established the Alternative Birth Center and then went to midwifery school, graduating in December 1980." Visit Peggy at

 Peter Mack, the Webspinner, and Published Author of Five Books | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:31:00

A sample from Peter Mack’s book, AYANA CHERRY & THE TABERNACLE GLORIOUS Includes Rev. Mathias Lovejoy's sermon, "Satan's Whisper" An Excerpt: Ayana Cherry's education in the power of seduction will be put to the test when she is taken in by Rev. Mathias Lovejoy and given a place to live and work at The Tabernacle Glorious. Her stride of seduction is on full display as she navigates the inner sanctum of a church that is rife with blackmail, sex, secrets and lies, all pitted against a reverend who has plans to build a grand cathedral to rival the biggest in the nation. When Rev. Mathias Lovejoy calls on Ayana's help, she has a perfect opportunity to get her friend, Peaches, released from jail in the process. After seducing the reverend, satisfying a judge's request to be sexually dominated, and exposing a thieving, adulterous, blackmailing deacon, Ayana Cherry is a half-a-million dollars richer and on her way to California to find love. Peter Mack is the highly acclaimed author of A Neighborly Affair. His follow- up novel, The Seduction of Ayana Cherry, was also met with high praise. Peter Mack was born in Los Angeles, California.

 Tanya Jones: Taking It to the Reader, One Tour at a Time | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:31:00

Tanya with TJs Virtual Book Tours will be here with a few words for authors! "Looking for an economical way to promote your books? No time for book signings or manning a table at one convention or another? Just not increasing your social media network base fast enough? Let’s talk about virtual book tours." "One of the biggest challenges for authors, in particular indie authors, is promotion. Until that big break, a large percentage of self-published authors have to watch their costs. There’s no big advance check coming in like with some of the traditionally published authors. Virtual book tours are the way to go. There are other options, but the elements specific to tours make them a great way to get your book out there. I will touch on some of the reasons that make virtual tours an excellent choice when promoting your book." "TJs Virtual Book Tours provides an economical way to broaden exposure for your book. Join me Saturday, August 22nd at 10 AM Eastern time (9 AM Central) for an engaging discussion of why you should consider using book tours."

 Jewel Amethyst Now in the Heart of the Hurricane | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:43:00

Jewel Amethyst was born and raised on the lovely island of St. Kitts in the Caribbean. Jewel's debut novel, A Marriage of Convenience received 4 stars from Romantic Times. Her holiday romance story, From SKB with Love is part of the Holiday Brides anthology of romance stories which includes stories by Farrah Rochon and Stefanie Worth. With intimate romantic themes and a strong multicultural essence, Jewel's stories are greatly influenced by her Caribbean roots. Jewel lives with her husband and three kids in Maryland where she enjoys writing both romance and women's fiction. She has a passion for writing poetry and short stories emphasizing Kittitian culture and language, and is a romantic at heart. The Player When Kyle agrees to be the best man at his best friend’s destination wedding in Dominica, he has one thing on his mind: partying. But all that changes when a powerful hurricane strikes the island and he finds himself trapped in a village and falling hard and fast for the indigenous beauty queen, Alia Graneau. The Planner Alia Graneau has goals that do not include men, least of all an immature, irresponsible American party-animal like Kyle. But the hurricane devastates more than her beautiful island; it wreaks havoc on her heart when she falls under Kyle’s spell and is forced to choose between her ambition, her love for her country and her love for Kyle Robinson. Can their love, born in a hurricane, survive the ravages of real life?

 Nefretiti Morant’s Publishing House Takes the Internet by Storm | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:32:00

Nefretiti Morant, an aspiring young writer, decided 2 years ago to pick up her pen and write from her heart. Armed with lots of ambition and a desire to create beauty with her words, Nefretiti started a poetry blog.   Within 19 months Nefretiti created the tantalizing series: Perspectives, a storyline that follows seven individuals who learn to appreciate their loved ones and their life.  The amazing thing about these works is the author's ability to keep the reader captivated while entertained.  According to one Amazon reviewer: "The author weaves a tale of several different characters with their own struggles, failures, love interests, and perspectives. The great thing about this book, is that every character is well-rounded, life like, and their stories are spaced out well enough to make you miss their parts, but excited to return to another character. You'll be instantly captivated by the prose in this book, the realistic dialogue, and engaging stories. This is my second Morant book..."  Nefretiti has garnered a plethora of positive reviews and according to a recent interview on Considered Bookshelf, a WordPress Blog by written by Considered Creative. According to Nefretiti, she doesn't plan to stop cranking out literary works anytime soon. Her feel-good reading is a refreshment to literature, inspiring others to follow their dreams and accomplish whatever positive things their heart desires. Visit Nefretiti at:

 Welcome Bridgette McCullough and Rachel Butler, Mother-Daughter Team of Writers. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:01:00

ASWIFTT Literary Segment airs at 1:00 pm PST, 2:00 pm MST, 3:00 pm CST, 4:00 pm EST/AST. ASWIFTT Writer’s Guild welcomes its two newest members, Bridgette McCullough and Rachel Butler, a mother-daughter team who joined ASWIFTT Writer’s Guild with a desire to be mentored and become published authors.  New to the literary world, Bridgette is pursing her dream and putting her passion of writing to work. According to her, "It is a blessing to get the opportunity to work with ASWIFTT Writer’s Guild Founders, Brenda Johnson Padgitt, Eunice Bridges and Glenda Fields. I feel confident in the founders’ knowledge, skill-set, talents, and their desire to help me achieve my  literary goals." Since childhood, Bridgette has written poetry, short stories and thoughts about life in her journal.  An avid reader, lover of art and music, Bridgette is a proclaimed self-taught dancer, video/photographer, and admirer of the triumph of the human spirit.  Her ultimate life goal is to write and travel the world. Rachel Butler joined ASWIFTT Jr. Writer’s Guild with a passion to write. Rachel is a creative, thought-provoking 10 year-old student who has written several short stories. Having received an award for an essay she wrote, the award became a motivation for her to continue writing and become a published author.  With the assistance of ASWIFTT Jr. Writer’s Guild, she is happy to have support and mentorship to make her dream a reality. Rachel also loves to act, swim, play video games, and bake. For more information:   or 1-866-302-0508.

 Dr. Kitty Malone, co-authors of Divine Encounter: Women of God | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:01:00

Learn how the anointing conveys freedom and peace of mind. Follow these women of God as they share their spirit awakening stories of being broken, forgiven and blessed. Discover how the Lord led them out of their dilemmas. These Christian women of God moved forward with His redeeming grace, plan and purpose. (Jeremiah 29:11). They now know the power of God’s blessings during trials of damaged emotions. What an awesome God we serve for His love is powerful. Be blessed, In the name of Jesus, Amen. Dr. Kitty Malone and her co-authors of Divine Encounter: Women of God, are committed to serving God and the needs of you and your family. Using universal principles of spirituality, we offer practical tools for leading a joyous, abundant and peaceful life. Wherever you may be on your spiritual path, you will find at Global Faith Publishing a supportive community with a wealth of opportunities for personal growth. The Women of God: Dr. Kitty L. Malone, Ph.D., Mrs. Manitta Pervette Hood, Mrs.Willie M. Bryant, and Mrs. Myra Cobb-Davis. They aspire to strengthen each person's confidence and joy in Jesus Christ at every point in their life, and encourage personal and spiritual growth through prayer, Bible study and active service in our church and community. They invite you to become a member of their eBook publishing ministry, allowing God into your life through their various programs and community outreach efforts. Visit them at:

 Eartha Watts Hicks, a Former Stay-at-Home Mom But Look at Her Now! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:31:00

On June 13, 2013, Eartha Watts-Hicks was recognized as a literary "game changer" by the NYCHA branch of the NAACP and presented with the Just R.E.A.D. Award in the fiction category. Eartha is a member of the acclaimed Harlem Writers Guild and an honors graduate of the State University of New York, College at Old Westbury. For years, she was a stay-at-home mom. The former editor and director of publications for Cultivating Our Sisterhood International Association's COSIAnet, Eartha, a freelance writer, blogs for Her articles appeared in numerous online publications. Eartha is also a songwriter & music publisher registered with the American Society of Composers, Authors, and Publishers (ASCAP). Her first novel, Love Changes, a novel with a soon-to-be released companion music soundtrack, was the culmination of years of independent study, and continuing education coursework in creative writing, fiction, and poetry she received at Marymount Manhattan College, City College of New York, and the Frederick Douglass Creative Arts Center.  For interviews, readings, panel discussions, and facilitation of writing workshops, please send an inquiry to Also a Project Enterprise certified entrepreneur, Eartha offers professional PR writing and editing service at

 Riiva Williams Just Lets the Words Flow | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:31:00

Inspired by authors like Zane and Nora Roberts, Riiva Williams started writing at a very young tender age of 12.  Born in the US Virgin Islands, Riiva Williams is the mother of an energetic little boy with high expectations and dreams. Riiva graduated from NECI and Johnson & Wales University in Rhode Island with degrees in Culinary Arts, and from the Kaplan University in Chicago, IL with her Bachelors of Science in Nutrition Science. Currently Riiva is studying at the Kaplan University with a pending degree in Business Management with the goal to run her own business one day. One of her current goals is to complete her first novel and to continue the trend. In her spare time she throws herself into poetry as it helps her relieve stress and she gets to promote another creative side to herself. Poetry always has been her life. To date she has written over 200 pieces and will continue to grow her literary skills.

 ASWIFTT Publishing Literary Segment with Brenda Padgitt | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:01:00

Show airs at 1:00 pm PST, 2:00 pm MST, 3:00 pm CST, 4:00 pm EST/AST. On Jan. 10, 2015 ASWIFTT PUBLISHING, LLC debuted its own Literary Segment here on In The Author’s Corner With Etienne. Brenda Johnson Padgitt of ASWIFTT PUBLISHING, LLC has teamed up with Etienne A. Gibbs of In The Author’s Corner With Etienne to discuss Literary, Visual, and Performing Arts topics, highlight featured authors; give literary tools and advice; and respond to listeners who call-in with comments or questions. The ASWIFTT PUBLISHING Literary Segment will continue to air on the second and third Saturdays of each month. This new program seeks to educate and enlighten the listening audience, especially novice and aspiring authors, on various literary, visual, and performing arts topics; provide marketing opportunities; address their concerns and questions, help listeners discover and seek out their passion in the Arts. On today's ASWIFTT PUBLISHING, LLC Literary Segment with Brenda Johnson Padgitt:Setting Up Book Signing Events Have questions or comments? Call 646-721-9611. Come for the chat, stay for the co-authoring that can lead to success. Show airs at 1:00 pm PST, 2:00 pm MST, 3:00 pm CST, 4:00 pm EST/AST. Contact Brenda Padgitt, CEO and Founder of ASWIFTT PUBLISHING, LLC, and get to know her better. Visit Brenda at

 Empress Simone Shares Her Book, Geena - A Bronx Chick’s Story | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:31:00

Empress Simone credits her parents for giving her the drive to pursue her dreams. A lifelong resident of the Bronx in New York City, Empress Simone devotes her time to family, education, and writing.  During childhood Empress Simone realized she loved to write and would pen plays, song lyrics, poems, and short stories. She wishes to throw her hat in the editing arena and help bring fellow-authors visions and literary work to readers and supporters. An Administrative Assistant she is passionate about her love for others and tries to help in any capacity that she can. Empress Simone, an avid reader and old school Hip-hop fan, is also a budding genealogist who extensively studies and researches her ancestors/family history. Excerpt from Geena: A Bronx Chick’s Story Meet Geena Samuels, a single mother raising two sons in one of New York City’s toughest boroughs. This Bronx Story is nothing like you’ve ever witnessed before. Geena encounters violence and betrayal from those who claim to love her most. She is on a roller coaster ride of a struggle to make ends meet and find true love with emotions raging between love and anger that sometimes lead to war. During it all the one saving grace seem to be Geena’s sponsor who helps with the bills and Geena’s expensive shopping habits. However his real intentions are covered by the financial security he provides. Will Geena survive the game, or the web of deceit her best friend Abby or Sponsor have woven, or will naivety and greediness be the cause of her demise? Visit Empress Simone at: 

 Anthony Anglorus, the Highwayman Aficionado | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:33:00

Here’s what Anthony Anglorus, our guest, had to say about his book, The Prince of Prigs. “Writing this tale was an utter joy, but I had a problem. Two, actually. One, the start of the book must catch the reader's eye. There is nothing especially fascinating about a teenager arguing with his father and leaving home even in the seventeenth century, so I elected to start the book sixteen years later. Two, by starting at this point, I was rejecting a lot of fascinating stories, and to make matters worse, eight months later he left the country to fight abroad, and there is little information about this later period. So I wrote his tale covering the eight months, and then hit a problem; it was way too short. However, history was roiling around him in this period, so I decided to show some of the events which coloured his actions. In doing so, General Thomas Lord Fairfax caught my eye and I researched him before weaving him into the tale. But the story still lacked depth and a proper conclusion. So I introduced Zachary Howard, weaving his tale around the existing story, and because of some of his actions, I was able to create a totally fictitious but utterly satisfying conclusion to the book.” What a storyteller! Want more? Then visit Anthony at: 

 The Melee Soup Gang Featuring Jair Smith | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:30:00

Tuesday Melee Soup Gang Series The Book: Virgin Islands Melee Soup for Young Mind, a collection of 12 short fictional children stories all set in the Virgin Islands, written by 12 local Virgin Islands high school students in the Junior Achievement Program. The stories are written to educate, motivate, and inspire young minds through reading. The Mission: To inspire and educate with the main ingredient: reading The Vision: Creating recipes to inspire young readers The Creation: After 7 weeks of contemplating on a perfect product to serve their community, they came up with the idea to publish a book. Virgin Islands Melee Soup for Young Minds consists of 12 original short fictional stories for children below the age of 11 that showcases our rich culture. Our book also makes for a good summer read! The Authors/Board of Directors: Khaleel Smith, President; Aliya Benjamin, VP of Human Resources; Derrick Thomas, VP of Marketing; Nytia Mathurin, VP of Production; Kevin King, VP of Public Relations; Trent Stedman, VP of Finance; Jair Smith; Tiffany Khadoo; Johnathon Pemberton; Peter Williams; Shane Austrie; Christian Ayala Nunez The Illustrators: Shem Matthew (cover), Keryl Liburd (interior) The Bookery: A Junior Achievement Company, Bookery is a children's book publishing company consisting of 12 students from Charlotte Amalie High School, St. Thomas/St. John Seventh Day Adventist School and the Ivanna Eudora Kean High School, most on the island of St. Thomas, and one on the island of St. John, US Virgin Islands.

 Dr. Kitty Malone and Co-authors Bringing a Divine Encounter | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:01:00

Dr. Kitty Malone, CEO at Global Faith Publishing LLC  where she and her team specialize in book publishing and promoting eBooks, loves reading, writing, spending time with family and friends. With a Ph.D. in Business Administration from Union Institute, her skills and areas of expertise include book publishing and community outreach with a ministry in marketing.    According to Dr. Malone, "At Global Faith Publishing, we are committed to serving God and the needs of you and your family. Using universal principles of spirituality, we offer practical tools for leading a joyous, abundant and peaceful life. Wherever you may be on your spiritual path, at Global Faith Publishing, you will find a supportive community with a wealth of opportunities for personal growth. We aspire to strengthen each person's confidence and joy in Jesus Christ  at every point in their life, and encourage personal and spiritual growth through prayer, Bible study and active service in our church and community. We invite you to become a member of our eBook publishing ministry, allowing God into your life through our various programs and community outreach efforts." Visit Dr. Kitty Malone and Global Faith Publishing at: 

 S.C Hutchinson, Creator of The Dark Series | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:35:00

From the halls of Montezuma to the shores of...the Gulf of Mexico? Yes, you've read it correctly. S.C Hutchinson is from a little known town just thirty minutes from the Gulf of Mexico called Barnwell, Alabama.  Take a trip back with her to 1993 to a place surrounded by farm land and pecan orchards. Across the street was a small patch of forestry. In the midst of all of that nature sat a beautiful lake. Hours spent lakeside got the imagination of a young girl churning with powerful stories--stories that one day would refuse to be silenced as the young girl grew into a woman. The more that time passed, the louder the characters of those stories shouted, demanding to be heard.  S.C Hutchinson has been writing since the age of twelve. Finally, twenty-one years later, she could no longer ignore the stories churning within the core of her soul. It was in that moment she put the proverbial pen to paper and created The Dark Series (soon to be released by Page Publishing, New York, NY), The Highland Stones Trilogy, and Alabama Sweet Tea (part of the Southern Comforts Collaborative Series written with Ella Dominguez, Yara Greathouse, and Gwendolyn Crute). But, it doesn't stop there. More works in progress are coming and there is no end in sight.  Keep up with S.C Hutchinson on Facebook, Twitter, and on the web at: 


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