Intuitive Astrology  with Molly McCord show

Intuitive Astrology with Molly McCord

Summary: Join bestselling author, consciousness teacher, intuitive and astrologer Molly McCord for this lively weekly show! Molly shares inspiring cosmic messages, astrological updates, spirituality insights, and timeless wisdom to add empowering awesomeness to your life - and have some fun along the way! Molly's spiritual awakening began in 2002, and she delightfully offers her years of growth and experiences in each episode to inspire, uplift and upLIGHT your journey.

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  • Artist: Intuitive Astrology with Molly
  • Copyright: Copyright Molly McCord (C/O Blogtalkradio)


 Rising Light: Clearing, Cleansing, and Revitalizing Humanity's Energy Field | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:42:00

We enter a significant phase of 2020 as the Jupiter - Pluto conjunction begins in April 2020 and changes the world permanently and intensely. The underworld of our planet is being excavated and we are experiencing an 'energetic flip' on the planet, which is why Lightworkers and Starseeds chose to be here at this time. In this episode, I also share with you a story I've been sitting on for 18 years about a very powerful and rich person who has been involved in nefarious acts and there seems to be a big turn in his career - is this year finally his downfall? The astrology is quite interesting and certainly corresponds with the theme I've been talking about since 2018 - "when heroes become zeros".    Lightworkers, Starseeds, Healers, and Galactic Allies are here for this phase in our journey - GAME ON! Even after the darkest of days and hardest of times, the LIGHT will shine brighter and the Sun will continue to rise each morning.    Hindsight is 20/20, and much of the year 2020 will be viewed with clearer vision in the years to come.    Full astrology for April for only $11 USD when you use code ARIES at checkout. More details here:   Astrology 101 Course For Your Soul's Growth ~ Learn to interpret your natal chart in this on-demand course with 6 classes. More info here:   Sign up for weekly intuitive astrology updates and learn more about your astrology chart here:        

 Weekly Intuitive Astrology and Energies of April 1 to 8 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:43:00

  April begins with powerful energies as the Jupiter-Pluto conjunction grows and becomes exact on April 4th, followed by a powerful Libra Full Moon on April 7. Venus enters Gemini on April 3, where she will stay until early August due to her upcoming retrograde cycle. Venus receives stabilizing support from Saturn and Mars in Aquarius, creating new solutions and ideas for where we are heading as our daily lives have changed. Much more to share in this podcast, including practical tips for taking care of yourself and remaining in your power.   April Soul Growth Astrology Webinar now available. Use code ARIES to get all 4 webinars on April astrology for only $11 USD. More details here:     Sign up for weekly intuitive astrology updates and learn more about your astrology chart here:   .  

 Your Mercury, Your Venus, and Connecting With Your Personal Energies | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:41:00

In your natal astrology, Mercury and Venus reveal what you will find satisfying and enjoyable, as well as how you process information and understand the world around you. We'll talk about the significance of each of these personal planets in how they form your energies in this lifetime. You can intentionally choose to get to know each one better, and then open up to more happiness and mental strength than you've experienced before. We'll also talk about why it is essential to care for these parts of yourself now as the tidal waves of 2020 continue to roll in and take us to new shores.     April Soul Growth Astrology Webinar now available. Use code ARIES to get all 4 webinars on April astrology for only $11 USD. More details here:   Astrology 101 Course For Your Soul's Growth ~ Learn to interpret your natal chart in this on-demand course with 6 classes. More info here:   Sign up for weekly intuitive astrology updates and learn more about your astrology chart here:  

 Weekly Intuitive Astrology and Energies of March 25 to April 1 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:37:00

March ends with powerful astrology as the Jupiter - Pluto conjunction begins at 24 degrees Capricorn and Mars meets up with Saturn at 0 degrees Aquarius on March 31. The world is changing in permanent ways, which is obvious at this point, but it also involves bigger cycles that are only beginning to be known as we move into April. A bit of beneficial energy will stream through as Venus in Taurus trines both Jupiter and Pluto at 23 / 24 degrees Capricorn on March 27 and 28, providing support through the Taurus themes of money, finances, possessions, resources, and personal values. Messages also came through about the energetic overlaps with Atlantis and Atlantis consciousness at this time, and the importance of owning your sovereignty and soul's power. More to share in this week's episode.   ~~~ New! Monthly Astrology Webinars ~ April Soul Growth Astrology Webinar now available. Use code ARIES to get all 4 webinars on April astrology for only $11 USD. More details here:        

 2020 Astrology: Finding Safety Within and Healing 4th House Themes | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:37:00

As the world drastically changes, we can feel uncertain and anxious about where to put our energy or commit to future endeavors. One of the safest places you can trust during this big times is to nurture and develop a place of peace and safety within yourself. We'll take a look at how you can focus on what that personally means for you, as well as what your natal astrology chart reveals about this area of your life. The 4th house holds insights into your emotional needs and life foundation, as well as how you were raised, your family's lineage, and how your needs were met - or not - as you grew up. We can each consciously know more about ourselves at a deeper level now as we are spending time within our own energy fields and listening more to who we are. More to share in this episode about this healing theme.   Sign up for weekly intuitive astrology updates and learn more about your astrology chart here:   ~~~ 2020 Soul Growth Astrology Webinars ~ The major astrology of 2020 and how it will show up in your natal chart. Use code RARE to get it for $25 USD. Check it out:   ~~~ New! Learn Transits In Your Astrology Chart Discover how the transiting planets are working with your natal chart and planets through 6 teaching videos, including understanding the 12 astrological houses, aspects, and how to read an ephemeris. Use code TRANSITS to get 50% off ~ only $44 USD  

 Your Moon, Your Mars, and Moving Through Uncertain Times with Trust | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:47:00

We are equipped with a deep soul wisdom that is guiding each of through these big world changes. Let's take a look at the importance of your energy guidance systems, including your Moon, your Mars, your Rising Sign, and your 6th house for how you can make the best choices for what you need. We'll also look at the free energy practices you can incorporate into your life to help move lower energies up and out into higher expressions. Plus a visualization of what is possible as we practice trust, grace, and the potentials of abundance on the planet. More to share in this bonus podcast.   Elevate your energy with 12 Universal Spiritual Laws that reunite you with your soul's energy. Over 3 months, you'll be guided to harness your power and higher choices with a special blend of astrology, channeled messages, Real World examples, worksheets, and audio recordings. Use code VIBRATION to get $6 off each month. More details here:   All current online courses and programs:    

 Weekly Intuitive Astrology and Energies of March 18 to 25 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:44:00

A week of big astrology is here as the Sun enters Aries on March 19, Saturn enters Saturn on March 22, and Mars begins conjunctions to both Jupiter and Pluto in Capricorn - wow! Global energies have not peaked yet and a lot of changes are underway that will last through the rest of the year. We also have the Aries New Moon conjunct Chiron on March 24, showing us where we have underdeveloped energies that we are here to grow in this lifetime. Much more to share with you in this week's podcast   ~ March Soul Growth Astrology Webinar now available. Use code PISCES to get all 5 webinars on March astrology for only $11 USD. More details here:   ~ 2020 Soul Growth Astrology Webinars ~ The major astrology of 2020 and how it will show up in your natal chart. Use code RARE to get it for $25 USD. Check it out: .  

 The 3 Jupiter - Pluto Conjunctions of 2020 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:35:00

Jupiter and Pluto in Capricorn meet up three times in 2020 conjunctions that heavily emphasize the big transformations we are experiencing individually and collectively. The energies are that of a 'soul force' pushing you to evolve, change, and move into new territory that could feel uncomfortable at first. The first conjunction is in early April, then again in early July, and ending in November. A powerful process of change is unfolding over these months of the year, and the more we can adjust our expectations, the better we can ride the waves that are carrying us to new places. Be sure to identify where 22 to 24 degrees Capricorn is in your natal astrology chart for where your soul chose to make deep, permanent changes in your life now.  More to share in this episode.    ~~~ 2020 Soul Growth Astrology Webinars ~ The major astrology of 2020 and how it will show up in your natal chart. Use code RARE to get it for $25 USD. Check it out:   ~~March Soul Growth Astrology Webinar now available. Use code PISCES to get all 5 webinars on March astrology for only $11 USD. More details here:  

 Weekly Intuitive Astrology and Energies of March 11 to 18 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:39:00

A time of acceptance and completion is underway as the Sun completes its journey through Pisces over the next week. Surrendering what you cannot control will be your greatest superpower this week and put you in alignment with Universal grace. Pisces energies connect with the planets in Capricorn to support taking care of what is important right now, as well as being in a place of power over your soul growth. Saturn also moves through the 29th degree of Capricorn this week, yet another indicator of karmic completions and where we are ready to graduate to the next level of growth. All planets are direct as we complete the zodiac cycle and prepare for the Aries Equinox on March 19. More to share in this podcast.   ~~~ New! Monthly Astrology Webinars ~ March Soul Growth Astrology Webinar now available. Use code PISCES to get all 5 webinars on March astrology for only $11 USD. More details here:   ~~~ 2020 Soul Growth Astrology Webinars ~ The major astrology of 2020 and how it will show up in your natal chart. Use code RARE to get it for $25 USD. Check it out:   ~~~ New! Learn Transits In Your Astrology Chart Discover how the transiting planets are working with your natal chart and planets through 6 teaching videos, including understanding the 12 astrological houses, aspects, and how to read an ephemeris. Use code TRANSITS to get 50% off ~ only $44 USD

 Saturn in Aquarius - Part 2 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:43:00

Saturn in Aquarius brings real world grounding to soul mission work as we take the hard work of Capricorn and apply it to what we share in the world. In Part 2 of this topic, we look at the Aquarian themes that Saturn will touch until March 2023 as we will be required to make choices and stay clear in theses areas of our lives. We'll also talk about how Saturn in Aquarius will be interacting with other astrological energies. Saturn provides us with choices and as assessment of what is working - or not - in the Aquarian areas of our lives.   ~~~ New! Learn Transits In Your Astrology Chart Discover how the transiting planets are working with your natal chart and planets through 6 teaching videos, including understanding the 12 astrological houses, aspects, and how to read an ephemeris. Use code TRANSITS to get 50% off ~ only $44 USD   Sign up for weekly intuitive astrology updates and learn more about your astrology chart here:    

 Weekly Intuitive Astrology and Energies of March 4 to 11 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:43:00

A turning point of energy unfolds in the week ahead as Venus enters her home turf of Taurus on March 5, Mercury stations direct at 28 degrees Aquarius on March 9 alongside a Full Moon at 20 degrees Virgo that focuses on practical healing and next steps. The Sun and Neptune in Pisces meet up in an annual conjunction on March 8 and 9, just as Venus makes a conjunction to Uranus at the same time. Then the Sun in Pisces sextiles Jupiter in Capricorn on March 11, bringing solid footing to potential dreams and ideals that Mercury retro was testing. What has been foggy or emotionally charged may feel calmer now, and bring clarity to what you truly need and want. More to share in this week's episode.    ~~~ New! Monthly Astrology Webinars ~ March Soul Growth Astrology Webinar now available. Use code PISCES to get all 5 webinars on March astrology for only $11 USD. More details here:   ~~~ 2020 Soul Growth Astrology Webinars ~ The major astrology of 2020 and how it will show up in your natal chart. Use code RARE to get it for $25 USD. Check it out:    

 Saturn in Aquarius - Part 1 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:42:00

Saturn transits through Aquarius beginning in 2020 until March 2023 and awakens the themes of the 11th zodiac sign for the first time since the early nineties. Saturn brings form, structure, management, and physical world choices that keep us grounded and aware of the limitations of our humanness. Aquarius is associated with the future, friends, individuality, collective endeavors, a higher vantage point, new solutions, technology, science, and astrology, to name a few themes. We'll be taking a good, hard look at all of these areas and how they are creating our current reality. What is working and what is broken? What is limiting and what is ready for further development In Part 1, we look at the energetic and cosmic developments that will now be available to us, as well as how Saturn will require choice points and decisions to be made around who you are now. Aquarius, the energy of the future, is also opening up energetic pathways to cosmic understandings and new vibrations in the physical body. More to share in this episode.   ~~~ 2020 Soul Growth Astrology Webinars ~ The major astrology of 2020 and how it will show up in your natal chart. Use code RARE to get it for $25 USD. Check it out:   ~~~ New! Learn Transits In Your Astrology Chart Discover how the transiting planets are working with your natal chart and planets through 6 teaching videos, including understanding the 12 astrological houses, aspects, and how to read an ephemeris. Use code TRANSITS to get 50% off ~ only $44 USD   Sign up for weekly intuitive astrology updates and learn more about your astrology chart here:  

 Weekly Intuitive Astrology and Energies of Feb 26 to Mar 4 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:40:00

We transition from February to March with Mercury retrograde in Pisces reminding us to keep trusting the bigger process we're moving through, which can bring up unconscious areas of ourselves that we haven't been able to see before. Venus in Aries makes squares to both Pluto and Saturn in Capricorn, challenging the ability to receive love at this time but to instead focus on developing it from within. Strong soul healing is underway as Chiron in Aries squares North Node / South Node access and creating conflict around where you should go next. Chiron builds a bridge from the wound to the healed expression of a part of our self-identity. More to share in this week's show.   ~~~ New! Monthly Astrology Webinars ~ March Soul Growth Astrology Webinar now available. Use code PISCES to get all 5 webinars for only $11 USD. More details here:   ~~~ 2020 Soul Growth Astrology Webinars ~ The major astrology of 2020 and how it will show up in your natal chart. Use code RARE to get it for $25 USD. Check it out:  

 Weekly Intuitive Astrology and Energies of February 19 to 26 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:41:00

Pisces season is here with the Sun, Mercury retro and Neptune in the 12th sign of the zodiac bringing us to a point of completion and closure. Strong Capricorn energies continue as Mars is now here and activating the Dec 25 Capricorn Solar Eclipse, passing over the South Node, squaring Chiron in Aries, and trining Uranus in Taurus, all within a few days. Mars is action, desire, physical health, and going for goals, so there is movement to be experienced even with Mercury retrograde in Pisces. Venus in Aries is under increasing stress as she squares Jupiter, Pluto, and Saturn in Capricorn over the next 2 weeks. The Pisces New Moon on February 24 bring awareness to what you are ready to release as we are now blooming with more energies through the 7 chakras. More to share in this week's episode.   ~~~ 2020 Soul Growth Astrology Webinars ~ The major astrology of 2020 and how it will show up in your natal chart. Use code RARE to get it for $25 USD. Check it out:   ~~~ New! Learn Transits In Your Astrology Chart Discover how the transiting planets are working with your natal chart and planets through 6 teaching videos, including understanding the 12 astrological houses, aspects, and how to read an ephemeris. Use code TRANSITS to get 50% off ~ only $44 USD

 Weekly Intuitive Astrology and Energies of Februar 12 to 19 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:49:00

The Sun travels through the last decan of Aquarius until February 18 and then enters Pisces, the 12th sign of the zodiac. A slowdown is happening now as the first retrograde of 2020 begins on February 16 with Mercury stationing retro at 12 degrees Pisces. Pisces themes are exceptionally strong and support taking a break from the real world as you return to your spiritual health and trusting a process that is needed right now. With so much energy active in the collective, this week reminds us that we don't have to have it all figured out right now and that it's necessary to get out of our heads to allow spiritual support to arrive. Ask your guides / ancestors / angels for anything you may need right now. Plus, a guided visual on how to work with the coronavirus energies that remind us of our power and choices of conscious creation. More in this week's show.     ~ February Soul Growth Astrology Webinar now available. Use code AQUARIUS to get it for only $11 USD. More details here:   ~ 2020 Soul Growth Astrology Webinars ~ The major astrology of 2020 and how it will show up in your natal chart. Use code RARE to get it for $25 USD. Check it out:    


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