The Freedom Report show

The Freedom Report

Summary: The Freedom Report is a daily podcast that reports on news from a perspective of economic freedom and personal liberty. Hosted at The Libertarian Republic website, our podcast is downloaded by thousands of liberty lovers every single day. Whether it's the war on drugs, election coverage, big government intervention into the economy, or crazy conspiracy theories, we tackle it all so subscribe and don't miss an episode!

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  • Artist: Austin Petersen
  • Copyright: Copyright 2018. All rights reserved.


 This Liberal Sociopath Called A Rape Victim A “Slut” [PODCAST] | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:43:00

The Libertarian Republic posted a story last weekend where a man was brutally beaten after he reportedly raped his nephew's girlfriend in their house. While normal people were cheering on the boyfriend's heroics, one self-proclaimed liberal publicly called her a "slut" who must have wanted it because a news report stated that the boyfriend heard "moaning" coming from the bedroom. What happened after that is a shitstorm of racism, sexism and misogyny that only liberals could get away with. Let's begin at the beginning. We should warn you. A lot of this is very explicit. Meet Chris Flood. Flood is an angry young man from Baileytown, New York, who is tired of "sluts" and looking for a real relationship. Still, since October of 2013, he might be changing his mind a little as he apparently now only wants to date freaks. So which is it Chris? No sluts? Or only freaks? Oh well, why should we expect reason from such stupidity? Thomas Paine once said that using reason on those who have renounced it is like administering medicine to the dead. Flood's misogynistic tirade against women began innocently enough. After our news report about the sexual assault incident from South Carolina, Flood was on the case ready to diagnose exactly what happened based on one word of a news report. Needless to say, I was gobsmacked. How, when hearing a report about a girl being raped, do you immediately jump to calling her a slut just because you heard there was moaning? Don't people moan from pain? I've heard moaning coming from hospital bedrooms where people are dying from disease. Why would you immediately think that? My new buddy Jackson LeBeef summed it up quite nicely when he said: It's because this is exactly the type of man that feminists are talking about. But they won't come after him. Do you know why? It's because he's a liberal Democrat. Now before we get into the politics of this story, let's just examine the facts. Flood reacted to my criticisms of him calling the girl a slut by aggressively sending me messages attacking me. These messages weren't just hateful rants, but they were accompanied by photographs of his genitals, and of one of his sexual partners fellating him in his vehicle. Out of respect for the girl, who I can't be sure knew she was being photographed, I won't show a picture of her on this site. However, it does show the same tattoo on the right forearm that you can see pictured in this explicit photograph, which he sent without solicitation. We know it's you Flood. Strange. So in order to prove that he does indeed get women, he decided to send a photograph of his genitals. And in order to prove that he doesn't hate women, he sends a sexual picture of a girl to a complete stranger without her knowledge or consent. Tell me again there's a conservative war on women. And, how did I know that Flood was a liberal? He said so. And that's when things got really ugly. Flood saw his character being assassinated and decided to call in support.  Yes Chris, you're famous now. Infamous. Oh, and slander is spoken. It's libel that's written. And you have to prove that I said something false. All I'm doing is reposting your own words. See the entire exchange here. So what did I get for calling out a liberal misogynist on his hateful disregard for the female gender? I got called a racist, and worse... a conservative! Clearly these guys don't know who they're messing with. But I know exactly who, or what, I'm messing with. Meet Darnel Jenks. He's a military veteran (allegedly), and an openly racist, misogynist liberal, who thinks that conservatives only have "fat ugly white women." Jenks is

 Here’s The Story Of An Internet Bully Getting His Ass Handed To Him [PODCAST] | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:43:00

We few, we happy few, we band of brothers... Editor of The Libertarian Republic Austin Petersen generated enormous controversy (AKA butthurt) over the Christmas holidays when he posted a series of memes attacking blind statism. Conservatives and liberals exploded with rage, and threatened to publish Petersen's personal information, as well as made actual physical threats. But, when this aggression met with an immediate response from the libertarian community, these bully's threats turned to whimpers and cries of "I'll call my lawyers!" Not so tough now are you tough guys? The pictures in question were meant to debunk the idea that you should "always follow the law," even if that law is unjust. They were inspired by those who said that if Eric Garner didn't want to be choked to death then he should have "just followed the law." But wouldn't that also apply to Cliven Bundy in his standoff with the feds at his ranch? Should he have "just followed the law"? Should the 3%'ers who pointed guns at federal agents have "just followed the law"? No. Martin Luther King Jr said that it is our moral duty to disobey an unjust law. And guess what? Police officers actually do NOT get a free pass for enforcing bad laws. Do you think the officers enforcing segregation should have just followed the law? Do you think that people enforcing the fugitive slave act should just follow the law? Do you think everyone forced to buy insurance due to Obamacare should just follow the law? No. There is often a distinction between law and morality. Frederic Bastiat, a classical liberal economist once said "When law and morality contradict each other, the citizen has the cruel alternative of either losing his moral sense or losing his respect for the law." “Never pick a fight with someone who buys ink by the barrel.” — attributed to Mark Twain This famous quote by Mark Twain has been said by many other famous people in different ways. The idea behind it is that you shouldn't get into an argument with a journalist, writer, or anyone who has a platform to speak to a large audience. How many politicians have been sunk because they just couldn't resist flapping their gums at a reporter, who then had plenty of rope to use to hang them with? The Leadership Institute in Arlington, Virginia teaches classes for political leaders on how to manage damage control. The number one rule for how to deal with negative press? Ignore it. This bully apparently never took that class. But he's about to get a real-life lesson. Our story today focuses on the tale of one Joshua "Samuel" Flashman, a retired US Marine and Internet tough guy who claims to have a penis the size of a Ken doll. But... don't Ken Dolls have NO penis? Flashman came to our attention after contributing to comments at our Facebook page, where he wanted to fight our editor Petersen because he believed that we were disrespecting the military. The self-reportedly dickless former Marine was upset at the following exchange: Click to see the post and read comments That didn't sit will with Lance Corporal Dickless, who flew into a rage, and started taunting Petersen, inviting an altercation. And here: Luckily, as it turns out, there are quite a few active duty and retired members of the US military who are libertarians. And apparently they don't take too kindly to someone making them look bad. The Libertarian Republic began receiving a flood of information about Joshua, namely that his name isn't Samuel. His name was really Joshua Flashman. He's from Newtown, Connecticut, and he reportedly retired from the Marines on a PTSD disability claim, although that is as of yet uncorroborated. Dickless here is threatening a journalist because he doesn't care for much for the freedoms that he was charged with upholding. But it's funny that he'd be so upset... consideri

 Has North Korea Proven That America Is a Pussy Nation? [PODCAST] | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:11:39

The Freedom Report podcast today takes on the news that Sony Pictures and major theatre chains have caved to demands made by hackers and decided not to show the Seth Rogen and James Rogen film The Interview. Despite the news that the film would not appear in theatres, footage of the scene which depicts the death of Kim Jong Un appeared online, and sparked a firestorm debate over free speech, liberty and security. It also got us to wondering: when will someone actually kill Kim Jong Un? Celebrities took to Twitter to complain over the film's cancellation. Today's show will read some of these outraged tweets from stars such as Rob Lowe, Jimmy Kimmel, Judd Apatow and Michael Moore. Bill Maher gets credit for the title of this piece, calling America a #PussyNation. Is that the case? Or do theatre owners have to look after their own economic self interest? Finally, if you have been enjoying the Freedom Report podcast this year, please do us a favor and tip us some Bitcoin on the right side of this site. Or, if you prefer to give Federal Reserve notes, you can donate them here at this link.

 Do women lie about rape? Absolutely! Here are 13 reasons why… [PODCAST] | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:18:45

Today's episode of the Freedom Report podcast takes a look at woman who lie about rape. Whether it's Lena Dunham or "Jackie" from the Rolling Stone article that has been retracted, women lie about rape for all sorts of reasons. Today's show looks at 13 different stories and the reasonings for why women lied about being raped, and in the process destroyed the lives of many of the men and boys they accused.

 Would You Rather Be Poor In Europe, Or Poor In The USA? [VIDEO, PODCAST] | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:17:20

America is the world's 2nd largest welfare state! Did people really not know that? Or is everyone as stupid as Jonathan Gruber said we are? Today's episode of the Freedom Report podcast features Austrian economist and professor Steve Horwitz to break down the numbers.   Today's show takes a look at this article titled: "Which country has 2nd largest social welfare system in the world? Surely not the US of 'F*ck the Poor' A? Actually, yes." So, is it true?  Professor Horwitz goes into detail about people in the United States who are below the poverty line. Did you know that the poor in America have cell phones, cars and TVs? Not bad right? Well that is only not bad if you consider owning property as a good thing, which I suspect a lot of people might. But, what if someone has more stuff than you? What if someone has A LOT more stuff than you? If you're poorer than the next guy, then maybe you have a reason to be angry? Horwitz gets his econ-on to explain why this is a bit fallacious.  Also, are we better off than we've been in years past? Everyone keeps talking about this Great Stagnation of the last 30 years. So are we better off than we were, or worse? Tell us professor! We stupid voters can only understand so much about our own lives and happiness! We don't want to be the slaves of some defunct economist!  Plus, haven't Austrian economists been on gloom and doom rants about the economy and inflation for a while now? So, if everything is going to go to crap because of the Federal Reserve's money printing, and the dollar will crash, then why hasn't it happened yet? I hold Steve's feet to the fire to ask him why the predictions of so many Austrians haven't come to fruition.  And finally, what about the minimum wage? If poor people keep advocating for a higher minimum wage, does that mean that low skilled workers are going to have less employment?  Find out if Americans really are as stupid as Jonathan Gruber says we are in this very special episode of the Freedom Report podcast! 

 Is Obama a racist? [PODCAST] | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:24:07

“This is something that is deeply rooted in our society, it’s deeply rooted in our history,” said President Obama in an interview with BET. “When you’re dealing with something as deeply rooted as racism or bias … you’ve got to have vigilance but you have to recognize that it’s going to take some time, and you just have to be steady so you don’t give up when we don’t get all the way there.” The Freedom Report podcast today looks at the state of race relations in the United States. A recent poll from Bloomberg politics shows that racial tensions have only been exacerbated since the election of Americas first black president (second if you count Bill Clinton). 53 percent of respondents to the poll said that interactions between black and white communities have deteriorated since he took office.  On today's show, editor Austin Petersen examines the history of racism in the United States, examining the President and his supporter's behavior when it comes to hustling of the race issue. Is the president a racist in the conventional sense? What about pushing for policies such as affirmative action? Would that be considered racist? The Democratic Party has had no qualms using the race issue to stir up their electorate and gain political power. So what does that mean in context of the current events? [RELATED: A Brief History of Racist Democrats] Also, can white people really solve the problems in the black community? Steve Chapman at Reason writes that white people are blaming the problems in the black community on problems they themselves have created. But is that truly the case? Chapman cites statistics that black crime is at a historic low, while arguing that blacks deaths caused by police are at an all time high. The problem with that logic is that some people might correlate that police killing black men directly correlates to the drop in crime. Probably not a wise comparison to make. [RELATED: Are Democrats Hypocrites About The Racists In Their Own Ranks?]  All that, as well as a little history about the history of racism in the Democratic Party on this special episode of the Freedom Report podcast. 

 Why Ban Female Orgasms In Porn, But Not Male? (PODCAST, NSFW) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:29:57

The Science Babe returns to the Freedom Report podcast to talk about a host of issues including the recent news that BDSM, female ejaculation and other types of hardcore porn are banned from creation in Great Britain. The Anti-Woo princess also takes on chiropractors who adjust babies necks in this show, and tells the story of one quack for whom she issued a mighty smackdown! 

 The Choking Death of Eric Garner By NYPD Was Illegal [PODCAST] | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:24:12

The Freedom Report podcast today takes on the case of the killing of Eric Garner who was killed by NYPD after they put him in an illegal chokehold. Officer Daniel Pantaleo was not indicted by a grand jury, although he still faces a federal civil rights suit by the DOJ, an internal NYPD investigation and a civil suit of $75 million from Garner's family. Today's show takes a look at potential outcomes of all of these cases, as well as the problem of police brutality and race in America. 

 Why Do So Many Americans Believe In Conspiracy Theories? [PODCAST] | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:14:44

The Freedom Report podcast today asks: Why do so many Americans believe in conspiracy theories? Special guest today is author Joseph Usckinski, whose new book "American Conspiracy Theories" takes a look at the psychology of the issue, tackling questions like: Are conspiracy theorists potentially dangerous? 

 A Libertarian Takes On What’s Wrong With Ferguson & America [PODCAST] | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:17:33

My Quick Take on Ferguson from the editor: Ferguson and this president are tearing this country apart. At issue are two problems, as I see it.  1. The real problem is with the culture! The obvious festering race debate that is bubbling underneath the surface. The rising tide of previously silent people have been held down by those whose whips read "political correctness." Serious debate is impeded by the social justice point system of minority favored status obligations. If there's no basic understanding of individualism over collectivism, then the race debate will continue unabated from now until forever. Human beings are so genetically similar that it is almost laughable to even ponder our differences, other than perhaps for purposes of biological health. Success and opportunity are available to you in this country. I've seen (and been) poor people make something out of nothing. It doesn't matter the color of your skin. It's what's on the inside that counts, and how you express it into the world, positively or negatively. As humans, we should be able to overcome our previous differences as a whole. We should give up on our fear of "the other" (at least unless any non-human species have a hostile intervention of the close encounter kind). Race should not be an issue. It's only another thing to divide us further. Like flags.  2. A culture of police violence created by an unjust system. "The law perverted! And the police powers of the state perverted along with it!" -Bastiat The Law Let's not discuss the numbers for now. Statistics prove that you don't care. Let's discuss something. Unless you've been living under a rock, you've seen the videos of police officers engaging in what I will kindly call "controversial" behavior. As someone who may or may not consider themselves a person of law and order, do you believe that it's possible to always 100% perfectly uphold law and order? No, of course you don't. No one is perfect.  Nevertheless, a perfect standard is what we must set for our officials, elected and non-elected. It is none other than the standard we would demand for ourselves if we privately purchased the means of self defense, instead of being forced to pay for it through taxation. We must do this to ensure that there is always a balance of power. A check and a balance. The rights of We the People will not be safeguarded by a warrior class of philosopher cops, who are the only authorized gun users, and who are skilled in self defense. Every single lesson of the American Revolution is intertwined with the self-reliance of individual patriots acting in their own self interests. That is the goal, if we are to be a free society.  Agents of the police are public servants who are given the authority to initiate force and secure arrests. If we wish to minimize their role in our lives, I'm sure that we all can agree that we would love to need less police, then we must act. We must reform our criminal justice system. We must end the war on drugs. We must stop prosecuting non-violent offenders, and we must rein in the power of our wildly expanded police force of infinitely expanding authority. Criminal terrorism should not be the bogeyman that gets us to give up our freedoms. The only thing we have to fear is fear itself. Americans should be free to arm and defend themselves when necessary. More individual self reliance breeds a stronger stock. Waiting for the government to save you from real criminals is not always a survivable strategy. The goal is to be a more peaceful society, a more peaceful society should need less police.  Charles Krauthammer said once that libertarianism wasn't a governing philosophy. He was right. It's a self governing philosophy.  Listen to more on this subject on my podcast! 

 Is It Time To Pass Net Neutrality? [PODCAST, POLL] | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:00:06

This Is The Net Neutrality Discussion You Were Looking For:  Readers of the Libertarian Republic have been writing to us requesting to have a discussion about net neutrality. Today's episode of the Freedom Report podcast examines the threat to the free market posed by further regulation, as well as examines possible solutions to the mess created by government.  Is it time to pass Net Neutrality? Take our poll below.  First we should ask ourselves what Net Neutrality is and isn't. Senator Ted Cruz of Texas was widely panned by social democrats for suggesting that it was just "Obamacare for the Internet," which is true and false in many ways. Net Neutrality would effectively regulate the Internet as a Title II utility, which would mandate that all packets of data be treated the same regardless of source, destination or content.  Under Title II regulation, Internet Service Providers could be required to submit to universal service requirements. Telephone companies are currently forced to wire up homes in such a way. ISPs could be required to bring their infrastructure up to a minimum standard, which is widely seen as a handout to rural customers where the profit margins for such a requirement could necessarily harm the ISP. No one feels bad when government forces big businesses to give something away for free though.  Also, under net neutrality, the FCC would be able to have the power to set prices, effectively killing all competitive forces that the market could theoretically provide. If that happens then ISPs will fight for the highest prices allowed by law. It would also detract from ISPs motivation to innovate, seeing as how they are guaranteed a certain set amount of profit.  What's the real solution to the problem that doesn't involve adding more regulations to an already regulated marketplace? Kill the duopoly of the ISPs. The Freedom Report podcast today takes a look at the special protectionist laws around the country which hamper competition by stopping upstarts like Google from introducing competition to the marketplace. Listen to the show, leave your thoughts and comments below and don't forget to take our poll to let us know what you think about Net Neutrality. 

 Is Feminism Ruining Everything? [PODCAST] | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:19:35

A libertarian feminist came out strongly against our sister site Liberty Viral, with harsh criticism of a story titled: "Uppity White Liberal Upset About Being Catcalled In The Streets Of NYC." Journalist Juliana Perciavalle penned a harsh rebuttal titled "An Open Letter to Libertarians on Street Harassment," where she said it was a "particularly vile piece." So, we invited her on the show! Today's podcast looks at that now infamous catcalling video, which exploded online and in the media. It's no surprise that many people took offense at a title as incendiary as the one penned by Liberty Viral. The piece was a cleverly designed trap, to collide social justice narratives and cause the social democratic diversity enforcement SWAT actors to eat one another alive. And eat each other they did. Several left wing sites almost immediately began denouncing the video as racist. Feminist outlets recoiled at the narrative that the video depicted a weak, white girl who needed saving from the barbaric minorities. Social Justice Warriors began demanding to see more of the tape, due to the fact that there weren't enough white men depicted harassing the woman. They demanded diversity, only this time, there was none to be found. The only white male shown in the video says a very polite, "Have a good evening." So is the video a feminist video, or a racist video? No one knows! And that's what makes it beautiful, because there's no point system we can all refer to in order to help us rank something on how racist, sexist, transphobic, etc., something is. It's purely subjective. So, when feminist libertarians criticized the Liberty Viral piece, we wondered if maybe they weren't getting the joke. And why are feminists so angry? And that's another good point, can feminism take a joke? And if not, is feminism ruining everything?  Also, can a shirt be sexist?  All that and more on this special episode of the Freedom Report podcast!

 Is Feminism Ruining Everything? [PODCAST] | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:19:35

A libertarian feminist came out strongly against our sister site Liberty Viral, with harsh criticism of a story titled: "Uppity White Liberal Upset About Being Catcalled In The Streets Of NYC." Journalist Juliana Perciavalle penned a harsh rebuttal titled "An Open Letter to Libertarians on Street Harassment," where she said it was a "particularly vile piece." So, we invited her on the show! Today's podcast looks at that now infamous catcalling video, which exploded online and in the media. It's no surprise that many people took offense at a title as incendiary as the one penned by Liberty Viral. The piece was a cleverly designed trap, to collide social justice narratives and cause the social democratic diversity enforcement SWAT actors to eat one another alive. And eat each other they did. Several left wing sites almost immediately began denouncing the video as racist. Feminist outlets recoiled at the narrative that the video depicted a weak, white girl who needed saving from the barbaric minorities. Social Justice Warriors began demanding to see more of the tape, due to the fact that there weren't enough white men depicted harassing the woman. They demanded diversity, only this time, there was none to be found. The only white male shown in the video says a very polite, "Have a good evening." So is the video a feminist video, or a racist video? No one knows! And that's what makes it beautiful, because there's no point system we can all refer to in order to help us rank something on how racist, sexist, transphobic, etc., something is. It's purely subjective. So, when feminist libertarians criticized the Liberty Viral piece, we wondered if maybe they weren't getting the joke. And why are feminists so angry? And that's another good point, can feminism take a joke? And if not, is feminism ruining everything?  Also, can a shirt be sexist?  All that and more on this special episode of the Freedom Report podcast!

 [PODCAST] Rubio & Ryan V. Obamacare, Liz Warren’s Socialism, Mia Love’s White Privilege + Taylor Swift & Lorde V. Diplo | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:29:28

Today's episode of the Freedom Report podcast is a variety show extravaganza! Our topics include: Obamacare, Elizabeth Warren, Mia Love and a special report on the Taylor Swift feud on Twitter! Listen in and subscribe on iTunes! Also, don't forget to take our latest poll to tell us whether or not you give to panhandlers. TOP NEWS: The GOP Vs. Obamacare Is the Republican Party going to "replace" Obamacare with something worse? Did you know that someone once asked Thomas Sowell what we should replace the Federal Reserve with if we abolished it. Do you know what he said? "When you remove a cancer, what do you replace it with?" That's about how I feel about the GOP's Marco Rubio and Paul Ryan talking about replacing Obamacare. My strategy that I discuss in this show can be summed up in three words: REPEAL! REPEAL! REPEAL! Democrats Committed To Socialism Democrats are pushing Senator Elizabeth Warren into roles with more responsibility. I posted on my Facebook page today my thoughts. Historic First Black Republican Woman In Congress Inspires Democrat Hate Mia Love from Utah is already making liberal heads spin. One Ph.D. wrote that she doesn't represent her own race, or their cultural oppression. She benefits from "white privilege." Oi yoi, yoi!  Pop Stars Twitter War! Taylor Swift, Lorde vs. Diplo & Katy Perry Gawker has a hilarious piece about a feud that's erupted between pop stars and famous DJ Diplo. Diplo tweeted that someone needed to kickstarter a campaign to get his former girlfriend Taylor Swift a booty. Ouch! That may sound harsh, but Swift did notably create an album called "Bad Blood" to describe their relationship. Maybe she had it coming?  Oh no! Because Lorde, old soul that she is, fired back at Diplo about his *ahem*, masculinity.  LISTEN TO THE SHOW: Subscribe on iTunes

 Ted Cruz Vs. Rand Paul: What Should The GOP Do Now? [PODCAST] | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:27:11

Should the GOP try and repeal Obamacare, knowing that the president is just going to veto it anyway? Or should they focus on smaller battles they can actually win?  Prominent Republicans are bickering over whether the new Republican majority in the Senate should attempt to pass a full repeal of Obamacare, despite the threat of an inevitable presidential veto. Senator Ted Cruz declared his intent to go for a full repeal, while Senators Mitch McConnell and Rand Paul of Kentucky are trying to focus on more substantive measures that actually have a chance at passing. So what should the Republicans do now that they have a chance to enact a legislative agenda? This episode of the Freedom Report focuses on the struggle in the GOP over where the party should focus their agenda in the next two years. We look at a column by George Will, who writes on a small series of bullet pointed items that he believes would help Republicans push back the progressive agenda, while showing to the American people that they are fit to govern in 2016.  Don't forget to subscribe to us on iTunes! 


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