Here’s The Story Of An Internet Bully Getting His Ass Handed To Him [PODCAST]

The Freedom Report show

Summary: <br> We few, we happy few, we band of brothers...<br> Editor of The Libertarian Republic Austin Petersen generated enormous controversy (AKA butthurt) over the Christmas holidays when he posted a series of memes attacking blind statism. Conservatives and liberals exploded with rage, and threatened to publish Petersen's personal information, as well as made actual physical threats. But, when this aggression met with an immediate response from the libertarian community, these bully's threats turned to whimpers and cries of "I'll call my lawyers!"<br> Not so tough now are you tough guys?<br> The pictures in question were meant to debunk the idea that you should "always follow the law," even if that law is unjust. They were inspired by those who said that if Eric Garner didn't want to be choked to death then he should have "just followed the law." But wouldn't that also apply to Cliven Bundy in his standoff with the feds at his ranch? Should he have "just followed the law"? Should the 3%'ers who pointed guns at federal agents have "just followed the law"?<br> <br> No. Martin Luther King Jr said that it is our moral duty to disobey an unjust law. And guess what? Police officers actually do NOT get a free pass for enforcing bad laws. Do you think the officers enforcing segregation should have just followed the law? Do you think that people enforcing the fugitive slave act should just follow the law? Do you think everyone forced to buy insurance due to Obamacare should just follow the law?<br> No. There is often a distinction between law and morality. Frederic Bastiat, a classical liberal economist once said "When law and morality contradict each other, the citizen has the cruel alternative of either losing his moral sense or losing his respect for the law."<br> <br> <br> <br> “Never pick a fight with someone who buys ink by the barrel.” — attributed to Mark Twain<br> This famous quote by Mark Twain has been said by many other famous people in different ways. The idea behind it is that you shouldn't get into an argument with a journalist, writer, or anyone who has a platform to speak to a large audience. How many politicians have been sunk because they just couldn't resist flapping their gums at a reporter, who then had plenty of rope to use to hang them with?<br> The Leadership Institute in Arlington, Virginia teaches classes for political leaders on how to manage damage control. The number one rule for how to deal with negative press? Ignore it. This bully apparently never took that class.<br> But he's about to get a real-life lesson.<br> Our story today focuses on the tale of one Joshua "Samuel" Flashman, a retired US Marine and Internet tough guy who claims to have a penis the size of a Ken doll. But... don't Ken Dolls have NO penis?<br> Flashman came to our attention after contributing to comments at our Facebook page, where he wanted to fight our editor Petersen because he believed that we were disrespecting the military. The self-reportedly dickless former Marine was upset at the following exchange:<br> <br> <br> Click to see the post and read comments<br> <br> That didn't sit will with Lance Corporal Dickless, who flew into a rage, and started taunting Petersen, inviting an altercation.<br> <br> And here:<br> <br> Luckily, as it turns out, there are quite a few active duty and retired members of the US military who are libertarians. And apparently they don't take too kindly to someone making them look bad. The Libertarian Republic began receiving a flood of information about Joshua, namely that his name isn't Samuel. His name was really Joshua Flashman. He's from Newtown, Connecticut, and he reportedly retired from the Marines on a PTSD disability claim, although that is as of yet uncorroborated.<br> Dickless here is threatening a journalist because he doesn't care for much for the freedoms that he was charged with upholding. But it's funny that he'd be so upset... consideri