The Freedom Report show

The Freedom Report

Summary: The Freedom Report is a daily podcast that reports on news from a perspective of economic freedom and personal liberty. Hosted at The Libertarian Republic website, our podcast is downloaded by thousands of liberty lovers every single day. Whether it's the war on drugs, election coverage, big government intervention into the economy, or crazy conspiracy theories, we tackle it all so subscribe and don't miss an episode!

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  • Artist: Austin Petersen
  • Copyright: Copyright 2018. All rights reserved.


 Rand Paul Vs. Hillary Clinton 2016? Ft. Jack Hunter (PODCAST) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 21:20

Jack Hunterdropped by the Freedom Report studio to talk about a potential cage match betweenHillary ClintonandRand Paulin 2016. If Senator Paul takes on Secretary Clinton, what strategy will the libertarian leaning legislator have to pull off to beat the baddest Democrat on the block?Also, asMatt Kibbesays, sometimes you have to beat the Republicans before you beat the Democrats. Is the GOP ready for Paul's brand of constitutional conservatism? And what happens if he has to take onTed Cruz? Will the party split the vote to elect an establishment style candidate?And what about national defense? Does Senator Rand Paul have what it takes to construct a foreign policy that protects American's lives, liberty and property?All that and more on the Freedom Report podcast!

 States Consider Legalizing Euthanasia? Should it be legal? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 12:14

A district court in New Mexico recently authorized doctors to provide lethal prescriptions and stated that there is a constitutional right for a competent, terminally ill patient to choose aid in dying. Other states are considering following suit. Do people have a right to die? What if a child is born with a congenital defect? Should parents have the right to choose to euthanize the child?The Freedom Report takes on one of the ultimate taboos exclusively at The Libertarian Republic.

 Iran Sending Warships To American Maritime Border, When Is It Ok To Nuke Them? (PODCAST) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 18:28

"I say we take off and nuke em from orbit. It's the only way to be sure."The Freedom Report podcast today deals with the issue of the government of Iran preparing to send warships to the US Maritime border in the Atlantic Ocean. The threat is reportedly a response to the U.S. fifth fleet in the gulf. How far will the conflict escalate before this cold war turns hot?Follow TLR on Google+A key diplomatic issue with Iran/US relations is whether or not the hostile Middle Eastern state should be allowed to develop nuclear weapons. Last weekfootage emerged of the bombing of Nagasaki, and it had libertarians asking the question, is it ever OK to use nuclear weapons, even in self defense?This podcast asks the question with the hypothetical, if Luke Skywalker killed any civilians in his assault on the Death Star in Return of the Jedi,would that make him a war criminal? If so, then what lengths can we go to in order to defend ourselves?Iran, Star Wars, Nagasaki and nuclear war all are issues of discussion in this episode of the Freedom Report podcast!

 Could a Libertarian be the Next Governor of Texas? Ft. Kathie Glass | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 15:03

Libertarian Partycandidate for Governorof TexasKathie Glassjoins the Freedom Report to discuss her run for office. Glass is a Houston lawyer who has worked in the liberty movement for 28 years and is running on a platform of nullification of federal laws.Follow TLR on Google+Glass believes that nullification is like a strong muscle that has atrophied, and it's time to give it a workout. She says that if agents of the federal government were to try to enforce unconstitutional laws in Texas, she'd have them arrested!Glass discusses her views on her opponentsWendy DavisandGreg Abbot, as well as gives her opinion on the topic that sank tea party favorite Debra Medina's campaign, namely whether the events of 9/11 were a conspiracy orchestrated by our own government.All that and more on a special episode of the Freedom Report,brought to you in part by Amagi Metals, The Libertarian Republic's trusted metals dealer.

 Raw Milk Raids! Should Gov’t Be Telling Us What To Eat? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 38:17

Raw Milk ActivistLiz Reitzigjoins the Freedom Report podcast to discuss issues surrounding raw milk raids in the United States. Reitzig is an openly declared criminal, who claims her sovereign right to drink raw milk and feed it to her children. She's admittedly defying the law and any libertarian would agree that she should have the right to do with her body whatever she likes. But isn't raw milk dangerous? And didn't we invent pasteurization in order to help stop the spread of deadly germs such as salmonella?Reitzig argues that the public doesn't have all the information when it comes to raw milk. She also has some strong opinions about GMO's. Reitzig debates Austin Petersen over whether GMO's are really dangerous, and whether corporations like Monsanto should be derided for producing products that people want, despite the crony capitalism involved in the production of these products.And in Michigan government swine raided a pig farm after the Department of Natural Resources classified the hogs on Baker's Green Acres farm as illegal. The government demanded that Mark Baker kill his livestock without an act of legislation. Is Baker's Green Acres doomed?All that and more on the Freedom Report podcast!

 Mitt Romney Doesn’t Want Rand Paul or Ted Cruz For President in 2016 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 16:58

Failed presidential candidate Mitt Romney appeared in an interview on Fox News recently to argue in favor of a candidate in 2016 that represents as broad a spectrum of the party as possible. That list apparently doesn't include Ted Cruz or Rand Paul.Also, a new poll shows that Mike Huckabee is in the lead for potential presidential candidates, with New Jersey Governor Chris Christie slipping after his "Bridgegate" scandal. Is the guy who said that government is "Uncle Sugar" to women going to win?And is Rand Paul ready to get serious with his rhetoric in the "War on Women" narrative if he has to face down a potential Hillary Clinton?All that and more on the Freedom Report podcast!This show is also hosted at the top

 Is the death penalty cruel and unusual punishment? Ft. Marc Hyden | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 12:09

Is the death penalty a violation of the 8th amendment's rule against cruel and unusual punishment? A recent case in Ohio where a man took twenty minutes to die from an untested lethal injection cocktail is raising concerns amongst advocacy groups.One group calling themselvesConservatives Concerned About the Death Penaltyis gathering support from many prominent conservatives and libertarians. The National Advocacy Coordinate for Conservatives Concerned joins the Freedom Report to argue why a consistent pro-life ethic is both morally superior and constitutionally ethical.This podcast is also hosted at the top ofwww.thelibertarianrepublic.comSubscribe to us on iTunes here.

 Rand Paul Raises A Million For 2016 and then Moons The NSA on Snapchat | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 21:35

Senator Rand Paul reportedly raised over a million dollars recently for a fund that's called "Rand Paul 2016." The Kentucky senator now has over $1.7 million raised for either his reelection to the senate, or for a run at the White House.Also, Senator Paul recently joined the photo messaging app "Snapchat," and he took his second shot at the NSA with an obligatory full moon. All that and more on the Freedom Report Podcast!


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