American Nationalist Network show

American Nationalist Network

Summary: The official Radio Network of the American Nationalist Association. WWW.ANA-ANN.COM

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 The Patriot Dame | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:01:00

This Sunday, July 7th at 8pm EST, Susie will do an hour interview with Friedrich P. Berg.  Mr. Berg is an engineering graduate of Columbia University.  He specializes in dangerous gases and specifically asks the question, 'Could there have been any gas chambers at the German concentration camps during World War II?'   His web site on this research is:   See you Sunday!        

 Alba Voce with David Baillie | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:01:00

Tonight I welcome back Caius Marcus Ideus to flesh out and finish our discussion from last week regarding Christianity and its pertinence to the pan-Aryan community and future efforts to organize White people into one movement with the singular purpose of preserving the White race unblemished. We will also disucuss topical issues as well as his up coming second edition of The Imperian Manifesto.

 What is TRUTH with the Rizolis | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:00:00

Are the Jews God's Chosen People and what is the deal with them today.

 Alba Voce with David Baillie | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:01:00

Tonight I interview Caius Marcus Ideus, author of the Imperian Manifesto, a book which picks up where Francis Parker Ycckey's grand and hopeful Spenglerian conception for the future of Western Civilization, Imperium, leaves off. Ycckey's vision in the aftermath of WW2 was decades ahead of ever being possible in the face of the iron grip that the enemy-controlled US, UK and USSR held over a defeated Germany and shattered Europe. Caius Marcus Ideus rounds out Ycckey's weltanschlang, covering issues like religion, which Yawkey was not able to include in his tome before his murder while in FBI custody. Prior to writing his book, CMI worked as a student at the United Nations and witnessed first hand the many examples of corruption and moral degradation which is allowed at the very apex of world governance, or at the least, the theater of what is considered world governance.

 What is TRUTH with the Rizolis | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:21:00

Are the Jews Gods CHOSEN people? Ya chosen for destruction.  Find out what the Bible really says about how God has dealt with the Jews in the past and what is their fate in the future.    

 Alba Voce with David Baillie | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:01:00

Tonight I welcome back Jim & Joe Rizoli to finish our discussion from last week and discuss their new program on this network. I encourage everyone to make a point of going back and listening to their new show What is Truth and make a point of following it every week.

 What is TRUTH....... | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:01:00

When Jesus went before Pilot, Pilot asked Jesus, "What is Truth?"   That's what we're trying to figure out with our show. We wll talk about all different topics, Jews, the Holocaust, Immigration, 911, Boston Marathon, nothing is off limits with the Rizoli Brothers. One thing we know for sure is who the liars are.

 Alba Voce with David Baillie | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:01:00

Tonight's show features the Rizoli Brothers of Framingham, MA. The Rizolis are long time activists who have been at the forefront of the fight against the illegal alien invasion and then expanding out into the bigger issue of the Holocaust  and associated frauds being perpetuated on the White Race. Cited by the ADL for their activism, they have used the Internet,, and their own cable community access shows in Framingham to take the fight to the enemy and wake up our people.

 Alba Voce with David Baillie | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:02:00

Due to recent developments here at the American Nationalist Network and with the American Nationalist Association in a larger sense, tonight I will be hosting a discussion with the ANA's Board Of Directors. We will be discussing recent events, the goals of ANA/ANN, new developments and other topics of interest to our listeners and the wider White Nationalist communhity.

 The Nationalist Hour with Rodney Martin | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:59:00

“WHAT HAPPENS IN 40 YEARS IF WE DO NOTHING” Jim Ring, a 40 year veteran of the Movement joins Rodney Martin for the Show to discuss the current outlook in the Movement and discuss: Where European-Americans will be in 40 years if we do nothing What needs to be done by various factions and groups to coalesce and fight the real enemy? Why the White Nationalist Movement has been fractured and ineffective in the USA as opposed to Europe Rodney and Mr. Ring will review a recent email Rodney received that seems to be the key to understanding why White Nationalism has not grown into a broad based Movement with effective political strength. Mr. Ring will also give us an update on his efforts to restore the National Alliance, an organization which he served over 20 years. Visit World View Foundations: Visit Jim Ring’s Site:    

 Rockin' the Music World (Heart) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:00

'Heart' (Ooooh, Barracuda) The Rock group 'Heart' is this weeks story on Rockin' the Music World with Robert Lloyd. Never in the history of rock-n-roll has there been such a talented woman with the voice and writing ability of Ann Wilson. Put her with the dynamic lead guitarist Roger Fisher and they had the making of a super group like none other. Discussions include:(1)The early forming of a band without any 'girls' or any thought that it might be a good idea.(2) In walks Ann Wilson, and her voice is so piercing and yet at times so sweet.(3) Romance starts between the members in the group. The Fisher's and the Wilson's create the force that push the band forward.(4) Romantic ties then start falling apart and thus the band weakens and almost breaks up.(5) Without the talent of Roger Fisher, the band moves towards a simpler pop sound. It sells even more albums, but critics say they may have lost their edge. Enjoy the show and the hard driving music as only Heart can provide. Contact Robert at

 Alba Voce with David Baillie | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:03:00

Tonight I will be starting at 8PM EST and my guest will be Jim Ring, a long-time (22 years) former member of the National Alliance. We will be discussing the legacy of Dr. William Pierce and the state of the National Alliance since his passing under the direction of Erich Gliebe, the flight of many of its members and Jim's hopes for the future regarding re-establishing the National Alliance under new leadership. Jim has been a life-long proponent of White Nationalism and interests, dating back to 1968, and has worked with several groups to that end over the years, eventually leading to his association with Dr. Pierce and Natall.

 Alba Voce with David Baillie | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:02:00

Tonight's guest is Mark Dyal, a Professor of Anthropology and writer for, which is the intellectual and media face of what is called the American New Right. Mark has an interesting past, with his background in Black Studies, which then transformed into a true appreciation for classical White culture. Perhaps even odder still is that Mark considers himself a Nietzschen philisopophically. Mark has recently signed with Arktos Media and will publish his first book on the Ultras, who are perhaps best described as Italian soccer hooligans, and their fight against globalization, Americanization and Liberalization in Rome.

 Alba Voce with David Baillie | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:58:00

Living up to its title, this episode of Alba Voce (White Voices) will feature THE pre-eminent White voice in our history since the coming of Jesus, and one even within living memory has been slandered, vilified and lied about unceasingly by the enemy. So much so that a great many of our own people turn away in fear or disgrace rather than ALLOW themselves the right to an object look at the facts surrounding this great man. Tonight's show will feature a reading of Chapter 11, Nation & Race, from Mein Kampf, Hitlers semi-autobiography and statement of purpose as the spokesmen not only of the German nation but of the White race in general. This IS from the Murphy translation, it is not garbled, the message is quite clear and it WILL require multiple hearings so be sure to download the poscast and study this most important chapter of this seminal book on White identity. Also, there is NO question whatsoever that Hitler was at the very least a GERMAN CHRISTIAN, though give HIS understanding of the story of Adam & Eve in the Garden, it can be argued that he was indeed a Christian Identist before the 

 Alba Voce with David Baillie | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:08:00

On tonight's show I welcome back Severus Niflson, the author of the Niflson's Mind site: and SoundCloud page   Tonight we will discuss issues that he considers to be at the core of White Civilization's dilemma such as Meta Identity vs core identity, seperating Matter from Spirit,  his latest post on Violent Aesthetics Severus is a native of Spain, who has traveled extensively throughout Central and South America, the experiences of which have helped enlighten and inform his worldview and advocacy for preserving White Civilization and the White Race. If you have a question you'd like to ask Severus or me, feel free to email me at


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