American Nationalist Network show

American Nationalist Network

Summary: The official Radio Network of the American Nationalist Association. WWW.ANA-ANN.COM

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  • Artist: American Nationalist Network
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 What is Truth? With Jim and Joe Rizoli | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:00

Join Jim and Joe as they look into some new informatiom about the slave trade. Thought you knew it all? Well, there happens to be a few more things that you weren't taught in school. Who brought them here? What were the true roles of the blacks? Were the backs as bad off as they say? If you were Balck, would you be better off here in America or back in sub'Sahara Africa?  

 Self-Evident Truths | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:01:00

Tonight, hosts Swordbrethren and David take on Communism in the United States. What is Communism, what are the Ten Planks that constitute a Communist government? Is the United States run by a Communist government? How did it happen? Why do Liberals AND patriotards (under the leadership of frauds) keep pushing the notion that the US is or is becoming a fascist state? Communism:   Typical lies about the Third Reich:   Join us tonight

 The Patriot Dame | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:58:00

Susie will interview Barbara Gordon-Bell, author of A Crime Worse Than Murder.  The book is available on Barbara's compelling story is true.  On the morning of May 3, 1988, she found the bodies of her two friends laying peacefully in bed.....dead.  But they did not die peacefully. It is easy to recognize the cover-up by Coral Springs police of these murders. They broke police rules over and over. Excellent, tedious record keeping by Barbara has made this crime come to life. Perhaps the murderers will never see the inside of a court room for their hideous crime. Perhaps the only 'justice' for these two victims will be that Barbara wrote about this true story. Come join us this Sunday at 7pm and a citizen, then as a detective.

 Alba Voce with David Baillie | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:01:00

Tonight I welcome Art From Philly. Art was a guest on Susie's show this past Sunday as well. He is a repository of knowledge as regards the Jewish crime syndicate, the top of the heap in organized crime going back centuries.   You can follow this incredibly intricate history of Jewish corruption and power at his site,

 What is Truth? With Jim and Joe Rizoli | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:00

Senator Joe McCarthy was a true American hero. What happen to him and who brought him down is the real story. Find out as brothers Jim and Joe give you the facts about this man. And why would the press demonize him? What is in it for the press? Or for that matter, who is behind the press? This will be a good one today!

 Self-Evident Truths | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:01:00

Tonight for hour hour long debut episode, Sworbrethren and I will be introducing the program and what we hope to achieve with it, and then go on to discuss the Boston Bombing and subsequent fallout from it like the lockdown of Boston and surrounding cities for their "manhunt" of the boy accused of participating in the terrorist bombing at the Boston Marathon.

 The Patriot Dame | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:58:00

  Susie's guest at 8pm EST Sunday will be Art Philly. Art has been on many talkshows since at least 2008, Susie interviewed him once before on TalkShoe. Art speaks out strongly about communism and the mafia and the visas letting foreigners take American jobs. Art will tell the listeners what he has been doing and how to do it ourselves. Visit the web site: And click on 'Issues' at the top to read some of his articles. Here are some other sites relating to this interview: H 1 B visa NAFTA visa  

 Alba Voce with David Baillie | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:00:00

Tonight I welcome Scott Roberts, one of the most active and eloquent spkesmen of White consciousness. He is known as the most censored man on YouTube, because of his prolific and eloquent output on the ongoing genocide of the White Race and the destruction of White Civilization.   We'll be talking about a broad range of topics, from the Jewish media's subtle manipulation of language to the dangers posed by China in the days to come based on their economic and military build up over the past few decades by the Jews and their associates.

 What is Truth? with Jim and Joe Rizoli | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:01:00

The history about Charles Lindberg and why he was hated by the Jews. Charles 'Lucky Lindberg was the hero of the world in 1927 when he was the first man to flew from America to Europe non-stop. They had songs written for him that played on the radio. They had ticker tape parades for this man that everyone loved.   But then there was hatred for him for speaking the truth. he was best friends with Henry Ford and Thomas Edison. And what did they have in common? And why would the Jews hate them?

 The Patriot Dame | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:04:00

Susie will interview Chritopher Bollyn, author of 'Solving 9-11.' Christopher Bollyn is an experienced journalist who began writing about 9-11 after the attack on the Twin Towers. He has proven, though his methodical research and personal experience, that Osama Bin Laden and Al Qaida could not have carried out the complicated, well-planned, and highly technical destruction of the World Trade Center buildings. He states that this terrorist act could have been twenty years in the planning. Sunday, July 21 at 3pm EST.    

 Alba Voce with David Baillie | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:15:00

History Lesson Night featuring Dr. William Pierce - Tonight I will be playing several broadcasts by Dr. Pierce recorded in 1999, specifically discussing the United States involvement in Kosovo, bombing Serbia, and claims that the Serbians had been committing genocide against the ethnic Albanians, when, in fact, they were fighting against the gangster Muslims known as the KLA, Kosovo Liberation Army. Dr. Pierce discusses the role of the Jews in Washington DC and the way the ones in Kosovo had invoked their alien status to avoid harm when the Muslims were going on murderous rampages against Serbs leading up to the confligration.

 Camp Constitution | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:00:00

Will talk about my week at Camp Constitution and review of the book the Pink Swastika by Scott Lively.

 The Patriot Dame | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:04:00

Susie's guest on July 14th will be Tom (Tomislav) Sunic, who is an American citizen from Croatia author, translator and former professor.    Tom will talk about the American Freedom Party, his goals, recent and upcoming speaking and fund raising events.   He is best known for his books and writings critical of egalitarianism, biblical monotheism and liberal political discourse.  We will be discussing these issues and his upcoming conference.   His books include:   'Homo Americanus: Child of the Postmodern Age,' a collection of his essays.   You can also read his writings at   See you at 3pm EST

 Alba Voce with David Baillie | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:01:00

Tonight I welcome back Caius Marcus Ideus in the third of what has turned out to be a three part series. We will be covering the second edition of his book The Imperian Manifesto, which is due to hit bookstores in August. We will also be discussing the way forward in organizing our people and redirecting them en masse towards a White future. Can it be done?Not if all the self-appointed leaders are myopic and would rather rule over handfuls of hype ideologues than spread word to the masses using concepts that various divisions of our people relate to.

 Camp Constitution | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:50:00

I'm up doing a live show from Camp Constitution in Rindge N.H Today Scott Lively Fierce advocate against the Gays gave a talk The Gay Agenda.  I will play the 50 minute talk and come back later with my brother to talk about it.  


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