Alba Voce with David Baillie

American Nationalist Network show

Summary: Tonight I interview Caius Marcus Ideus, author of the Imperian Manifesto, a book which picks up where Francis Parker Ycckey's grand and hopeful Spenglerian conception for the future of Western Civilization, Imperium, leaves off. Ycckey's vision in the aftermath of WW2 was decades ahead of ever being possible in the face of the iron grip that the enemy-controlled US, UK and USSR held over a defeated Germany and shattered Europe. Caius Marcus Ideus rounds out Ycckey's weltanschlang, covering issues like religion, which Yawkey was not able to include in his tome before his murder while in FBI custody. Prior to writing his book, CMI worked as a student at the United Nations and witnessed first hand the many examples of corruption and moral degradation which is allowed at the very apex of world governance, or at the least, the theater of what is considered world governance.