The Red Pill Investor show

The Red Pill Investor

Summary: Wholesaling Real Estate and Sales Skills. This podcast is devoted to Wholesaling, Sales Skills for Investors and Realtors®!

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  • Artist: Karl Krentzel
  • Copyright: Copyright 2013 Karl Krentzel. All rights reserved.


 Episode 285 How to Control Your Monkey Mind! TenMinuteSkill | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: Unknown

In this episode, we spend a few minutes discussing the important topic of How To Control Your Monkey Mind. The part of your mind that tells you all the horrible things you would never allow a friend to say! In this TenMinuteSkill, I give you a very specific three step plan to control these rampant thoughts in your head!Just two days left until our kick ass class "How To Talk To Sellers Without Getting Thrown Out!". This is a complimentary class, and there will be no replays! I guarantee you will learn more than one thing in that class that will be worth your time. Registration is required, so click here to reserve your space!

 Episode 284 Who Has The Butter? TenMinuteSkill | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: Unknown

Who has the butter? In this short story, I demonstrate the Single Biggest Problem you will have in Real Estate. The Ego. In ten short minutes I talk with you about the negative self talk, the stories, the "Monkey Mind" that you have to face on a regular basis. Additionally, you will learn the following!What the "Monkey Mind" isHow your Mind works against you.How to Use It Productively! And in the end, I outline Why the quest is NOT for more, as you will never win. More importantly, I show you what the quest REALLY is! Click here for an invite to our class on "How To Talk To Seller... Without Getting Thrown Out! It's totally free, gonna be a kick ass time, and man, the response thus far has been awesome! Once you register, don't forget to check your email for your bonus!

 Episode 248 How to Make the Money You Say You Want! TenMinuteSkill | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 10:15

In this episode, I take a more serious tone and try to explain to you the very real reason why many times, we don't get what we want. What is at the root of our problems? If we know what to do, and we are motivated to do it, why can't we reach the heights of the business we say we want?In a few short points, I outline what I believe is holding many of us back. I certainly have suffered from this (and from time to time, still do). What is it that is holding us back? I think many times, it is Ego. Please allow me ten minutes of your time to explain, How to Make The Money You Say You Want!**Reminder! Tomorrow's (Saturday April 5th) "How to Convert FSBO's to Cash!"is live, free and going to be a lot of fun! To be included on the invite list, or for additional information, please feel free toclick here!

 Episode 247 How to Go For It! TenMinuteSkill | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 10:15

Want to learn how to be decisive?  Want to beat procrastination and just go for it?  In this episode, I give you 4 Tips to Help You Go For It! One of the hardest things as a newer practitioner is "where do I start?".  For most, the hardest part is to get to the point where you are simply acting, and not thinking.  After this short TenMinuteSkill, you will have a clear plan, and idea on how to spot, identify, and destroy the excuses that are stopping you from your destiny! Want to learn to maximize your time?  Check out our totally free "Quantum Time Management" e-mail course here

 Episode 246 How to Use an Escape/Out Clause! TenMinuteSkill | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 10:15

Escape Clauses aka Out Clauses in your contract are essential to ensure you don't get committed to something you don't want to do!  However, all the guru's tell you to have them but not how or which kinds to use.  In this episode, you will discover the following:What is an Escape clause (The Fire Not Smoke Principle)Negotiation Strategy, the idea is to win!How to choose the right contract for your deal to maximize your odds of getting it accepted.The Four most common "Out Clauses" and contingencies.How to Never Sell With Blah Blah, what you can sell with blah! The most powerful contingency of all... and how to use it!Best of all, my personal introduction to you... I would like to invite you to a little talk I will be giving on Saturday the 5th of April at 10am PST.  It will be a live webinar about "How to Present To FSBO's!"  If you would like to come, then please click here to register!  Thank you for all the sharing you have been doing!  Every time you rate us in iTunes or share, it helps #PayItForward to someone else!

 Episode 245 How to Create a 90 Day Cycle! TenMinuteSkill | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 10:15

Tired of the Feast and Famine of Real Estate? Then this podcast is for you! In this power-packed podcast, I cover a few ideas about how to maintain the fire, maintain the intensity, and help you get your goals in 2014!  Start off the next 90 days by beginning your own 90 Day Success Cycle! Included are the following:Making contact goals Adding Role Play for EffectivenessThe "First Question" you need to ask yourself every day to Win!  Challenging what you believe is possible for yourself.Invest ten minutes and see if your day doesn't start off better!  If so, write me back and let me know how it went! Interested in our Free "How To"  FSBO Email Course?  Click here to signup! Never offered before Business Coaching is now available, learn more here

 Episode 244 How to Set Amazing Goals! TenMinuteSkill | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 10:15

In this episode, I explain four extremely valuable tips to help you create, maintain, and achieve the goals you have set for yourself.   The first quarter is complete! How far along are you in your goals?  If you aren't where you want to be, then let's work together on getting you back on track!If you are interested in our Business Coaching (something a little less intense than One on One Coaching) to help achieve your goals, then feel free to click here

 Episode 241 How to Handle Buyer and Seller Problems! TenMinuteSkill | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 10:15

Great!  Now you have it under contract.  However, from time to time (maybe it's just me) but we have problems with the Buyer and the Seller.  The difference between the professionals and the amateurs are the reactions to the everyday challenges that you face.  In this TenMinuteSkill, we cover some basic thoughts and strategies to overcome the most common problems you will face during escrow.  What are those problems? Glad you asked! Contract QuestionsTitle IssuesInspection IssuesLiensProperty Issues (Tenants etc.) Of course, it's not a comprehensive look at these issues.  However it is meant to raise your awareness and hopefully give you some powerful momentum from which to build your business!Thank you for listening!  I appreciate you! BTW, Did you hear about the new absolutely FREE course I am putting out for ALL my Red Pill Investors?? Its called "Quantum Time Management!."  Designed to give you the latest ideas, tips and tricks to save you time, so you can do this full time fast!  Click here for more info!

 Episode 240 Why It’s So Hard For You… TenMinuteSkill | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 10:15

We've talked about the "How To Wholesale A House" Stuff.  Now, let's talk about why it's so hard for you to actually DO IT? In Ten minutes, I cover a few points on how to do the following:How to spot and categorize the haters in your life into the 3C's.  (Criticizer, Condemner, Complainer) A specific script to empower you when someone critiques your dreams!How long it will take you to be any "good" at the sales business.How to "Hack" The Sales Learning Curve.How to "Get through the forest of life's problems" to your "City of dreams!"Realtor® or Investor alike face the same problems when trying to build your dreams.  The problem of "The Forest".   The "Forest" of business challenges and unknown obstacles. This is what prevents you from getting what you want.  The goal of this podcast is to show you the following; to spot the problems along the way, deal with them efficiently, and quickly find the way through your problems to get to your goals.  If you feel as though we have met that expectation, then please do me the honor of sharing it with just ONE person! If you are interested in our Free FSBO E-Mail Course then please click here to signup!If you've not joined TenMinuteSkill News (our Newsletter where I share extra tips and tricks) then you won't want to miss the tips from that!  Absolutely FREE! Get your subscription here! Finally, if you find ANY value in what we do, then you can Pay It Forward in your own way if you like!  One way to PayItForward easily is to simply give us a review on iTunes.  It really is how it works.  The more reviews, the more relevance you have.  By paying it forward in this simple way, you enable another person to hear our message.  That enables us to help grow our community of professionals.  You can do your part here!Thank you so much for all your messages and notes of encouragement!  I appreciate hearing all your success stories!

 Episode 239 How to Market A Home To Sell! TenMinuteSkill | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 10:15

In today's TenMinuteSkill, we discover How to Market a Home for Sale!  Discover the hands down number one element in selling a home. By systematically approaching the sales process (Review included with appropriate episode reference numbers) you will be able to install this "Home-Selling System" In your business.Like this training? Have you heard of our FREE Email FSBO Home-Study course?   If not, then click here to get immediate access! If you are on iTunes, be sure to click HERE to subscribe and leave us a review!  Thanks for doing your part to help pay it forward!

 Episode 238 How to Become a Powerful Closer! TenMinuteSkill | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 10:15

How to Become a Powerful Closer! In this TenMinuteSkill, I cover a few points on how to become "The Feared" Closer in your town. Surprisingly, it does not require the "Hard Sell". One of the surprising factors of the champions I have coached over the years is the "Secret to Sales". It does not require the laborious hard selling you think. Rather, a more disciplined approach.In this podcast, we define what the Skill of Closing entails and how to use it effectively. As we discover it's meaning, we learn that Closing is actually ending presentations effectively. By focusing on certain skillsets, mindsets, dialogues and approaches, you will be able to upgrade your closing ratio and spend less time on worthless appointments!I also mention the "Secret Close." This powerful close I use to help Sellers make a decision, and in addition, I toss in a couple extra dialogues of sample closing techniques as well as how to deliver them effectively!Trust me, if you can't use this, then you need to get out of the business! Please honor me with Ten Minutes of your time to show you how you are more powerful than you think!In this episode, I also reference how to present comparables to a Seller. If you did not get a chance to hear that, thenClick HEREBy the way, have you heard about our FREE Email FSBO Class? Clickhereto sign up!

 Episode 237 How to Deal With Objections and Conditions! TenMInuteSkill! | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 10:15

As an Investor or Realtor®, handling objections has to be one of the most frustrating portions of our business. Homeowners and Buyers do not always agree with what we say, and as a result, they have multiple questions or objections to our ideas. This isn't a new problem, not at all. So if the problem isn't new, then what's the solution?Here at TenMinuteSkill, we are committed to making sure you know HOW to handle these toxic situations. In TenMinutes, you will learn the following:The Difference between a Condition and an ObjectionThe Rules of Objection HandlingA Four Step System to handle ObjectionsIf you have ever considered listening to a podcast, then this is the one to start your online education! If you liked it, please consider subscribing and liking us on iTuneshere.To get extra tips and tricks, including the Scripts you hear on the podcast, feel free to join our Newsletterhere!Last but not least.. If you like having TenMinuteSkill Seven days a week, then join our Premium Podcast and get extra shows! CLICK Here!It's where even MORE info is shared!Know someone online who could use this info? Please be a friend and share! 

 Episode 234 How to Present Comparables! Another TenMinuteSkill! | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 10:15

How to Present Comparables!  Let's have a "Be Honest" with each other.  Are you showing the Seller comparables to demonstrate why you are offering what you are offering? When you are able to clearly articulate what is going on in the market and how it affects them, you will be better able to price the property to sell. Ever have problems with the Seller not believing you about comparables or values in the area?  Then this TenMinuteSkill will clearly show you a way to present them clearly, and effectively!  A visual demonstration of this will be on HouseFlippingAgent (Click Here) shortly for you to view.  In the meantime, lets talk about Presenting Comps! As always, I thank you for sharing and listening!  I hope you find value in it!Never miss another exciting episode!  Be notified when every money making episode comes out by clicking HERE!Want to get even MORE tips and tricks?  Sign up for the TenMinuteSkill News.  You will get an actionable piece of intel that you can integrate in your business every week!  Free!  Sign up here

 Episode 233 How to Help a Buyer Buy! TenMinuteSkill! | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 10:15

In today's TenMinuteSkill, we are going to discuss how to Help A Buyer Buy... Regardless of your position in the transaction, useful skills can be gained from investing ten minutes of your time to make sure your axe is sharp today!In this episode, we cover the difference between a "Real" motivated buyer vs. a "Fake" unmotivated buyer. This skill alone will help you save time AND your sale! We cover what a "Buyer Wants" and "Seller Wants" (***Spoiler Alert! The Seller does NOT Want what you think they do!).I also cover some realistic, easy, cheap techniques to increase your referral business. I show you easy ways to make your business stand apart and shine! Wholesalers, Agent Investors, and Salespeople in general will learn something from this episode!Don't forget to check out our buyer class. You can getMORE INFO by clicking here!I will be emailing additional information about this class which will be held on March 31st, at 2pm MST.To purchase tickets (Class size is limited to 25) click hereand use code 'redpill' to get 25% off your order!Don't forget to Join our weekly Newsletter (Delivered on Fridays FREE to you!) with a tips, dialogues, tricks and scripts not released anywhere else! Just shoot me your email, and I will be sure to respect it!Click HEREfor TenMinuteSkill News!

 Episode 232 How to Price Property! TenMinuteSkill | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 10:15

Within the first 2 minutes, I share with you a lifesaving skill! The hands down, number one reason why I have seen Realtors®, and Wholesaling investors fail. These two skills are essential to understand before you can EVER have a serious conversation about price.In this episode, I cover the three necessary components in pricing Real Estate.Price is the ONLY factor in Real Estate Sales. Period.Rules of Thumb when pricing. (Realtors® check this one out!)How to confront the Seller over price.BONUS MATERIAL!The "Let You Down Technique" Great for preparing the Seller for Pricing.The "Three Things Technique"- What I personally say prior to ANY presentation with a Seller.If you like this type of info, please Share it on your networks!Sign up to get our weekly info packednewsletter here!Interested in our upcoming "Turning Buyer Leads Into Closings" class coming up?click here! 


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