Episode 240 Why It’s So Hard For You… TenMinuteSkill

The Red Pill Investor show

Summary: We've talked about the "How To Wholesale A House" Stuff.  Now, let's talk about why it's so hard for you to actually DO IT? In Ten minutes, I cover a few points on how to do the following:How to spot and categorize the haters in your life into the 3C's.  (Criticizer, Condemner, Complainer) A specific script to empower you when someone critiques your dreams!How long it will take you to be any "good" at the sales business.How to "Hack" The Sales Learning Curve.How to "Get through the forest of life's problems" to your "City of dreams!"Realtor® or Investor alike face the same problems when trying to build your dreams.  The problem of "The Forest".   The "Forest" of business challenges and unknown obstacles. This is what prevents you from getting what you want.  The goal of this podcast is to show you the following; to spot the problems along the way, deal with them efficiently, and quickly find the way through your problems to get to your goals.  If you feel as though we have met that expectation, then please do me the honor of sharing it with just ONE person! If you are interested in our Free FSBO E-Mail Course then please click here to signup!If you've not joined TenMinuteSkill News (our Newsletter where I share extra tips and tricks) then you won't want to miss the tips from that!  Absolutely FREE! Get your subscription here! Finally, if you find ANY value in what we do, then you can Pay It Forward in your own way if you like!  One way to PayItForward easily is to simply give us a review on iTunes.  It really is how it works.  The more reviews, the more relevance you have.  By paying it forward in this simple way, you enable another person to hear our message.  That enables us to help grow our community of professionals.  You can do your part here!Thank you so much for all your messages and notes of encouragement!  I appreciate hearing all your success stories!