Live Abundant Radio with Doug Andrew show

Live Abundant Radio with Doug Andrew

Summary: A popular radio program and podcast hosted by New York Times best-selling author and financial strategist, Douglas R. Andrew, focusing on asset optimization and tax minimization. As a continual learner, Doug Andrew currently collaborates with some of the top entrepreneurial think tanks in the country. The Live Abundant movement has grown from his passion to live with an abundance mentality and create value in the lives of those heading toward and in retirement.

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 The Importance of Getting on the Right Train | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 18:40

Doug Andrew has spent the better part of the last 4 decades helping people overcome varies challenges of dis-ease. That includes being ill at ease physically, emotionally, spiritually and mentally. It's no surprise that many people aren't at ease financially too. In this episode, Doug shares some of his best strategies to ensure an abundant life now and throughout your retirement. If you haven't given serious thought to how taxes may affect your golden years, you need to hear this. Here's a quick preview of what Doug Andrew shares with you this week: * Is your retirement planning leaving you uneasy? Doug has some insights to put you safely on the train to a brighter future. * If you're saving for retirement in an IRA or 401(k), you're banking on taxes being lower upon reaching retirement. Doug explains why this cannot be taken for granted. * For most Americans, tax-deferred accounts like an IRA or 401(k) are the preferred way of saving. Learn why a tax-free vehicle could mean a world of difference in growing your nest egg. * Why do so many people choose to go deep into frivolous things? Learn how avoid going shallow into the things that should be our deepest, life-changing principles. * How does the prevailing mentality of whoever is in office tend to affect tax policy? Why is this something we should be paying attention to right now? * What is the window of opportunity for us to get our serious money into a tax-advantaged vehicle? Doug explains why might we be kicking ourselves a few years from now if we fail to act. * And much, much more… Start by visiting with a wealth architect today. *Life insurance policies are not investments and, accordingly, should not be purchased as an investment.

 What You Should Know About Having a LASER Fund | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 19:20

Doug Andrew recently returned from a trip to New York City where was given a private tour of the New York Stock Exchange. He had a great chance to learn some things about Wall Street that he wouldn't have known otherwise. Doug also was interviewed by LeeAnn Alfaro about his upcoming book "The LASER Fund". This was his opportunity to share with her some of the ground-breaking concepts Doug has learned in more than 40 years as a financial consultant. If you want to better understand the market and what you should and shouldn't be doing, this is a prime opportunity to learn how your money can safely and predictably be accumulating for your golden years. Here's a snapshot of what Doug Andrew covers in this episode: * What's the difference between having your money in the market versus indexed to the market? If you've ever seen your retirement funds dip when the market dips, you'll want to know this. * Are there stable financial vehicles that can allow you to avoid the fear of market volatility? How great would it be to know your nest egg is protected from the market ups and downs? * Many Americans still save for retirement in tax-deferred accounts like an IRA or 401(k). Learn why tax-free accumulation will mean a world of difference when you reach retirement. * Who is most at risk of outliving their retirement savings? If this thought makes you uneasy, Doug explains how to not be one of those at risk. * What are the best financial instruments for liquidity, safety and predictable rates of return. Hint: you'll understand Doug's acronym LASER once you hear the answer. * Doug explains why he wrote his new book for left-brain and right-brain people. * And much, much more… Start by visiting with a wealth architect today. *Life insurance policies are not investments and, accordingly, should not be purchased as an investment.

 New Tax Laws Have Opened a (Temporary) Window of Opportunity | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 19:01

In case you hadn't noticed, new tax laws have been passed. The changes affect tax brackets and thresholds as well as a reduction in the tax rates. So, how does all of this affect you? For an average family, this could mean saving an extra $3,000 to $10,000 dollars a year. Of course, this is a temporary window of opportunity that could change within the next 3-7 years depending upon who controls Congress and the presidency. You'll also have the opportunity to implement certain tax strategies that could make a huge difference upon reaching retirement. Pay attention now so you don't want to kick yourself later. Here's a quick preview of what Doug Andrew covers in this week's broadcast: * Learn why time is on your side if you put that extra $3,000-$10,000 a year savings to work now. It could mean an extra half a million to a million and a half dollars over the next 30 years. * Do you have money accumulating in an IRA or 401(k)? Now is the time to consider moving those funds from tax-deferred to tax-advantaged. * Folks who are counting on being in a lower tax bracket at retirement may be in for a nasty surprise. Learn why that is and what you can do to avoid it. * Why is it essential to be willing to invest in knowledge and education now so you can enjoy a much larger payoff later? Anyone who has taken Doug's classes knows the answer to this question. * Discover how to optimize your financial assets and how to minimize the unnecessary taxes you pay. * What is meant by authentic wealth? Once you've heard Doug's explanation, you'll never think of wealth as money alone. * And much, much more… Start by visiting with a wealth architect today. *Life insurance policies are not investments and, accordingly, should not be purchased as an investment.

 3 Stories That Illustrate the Importance of Paying Attention to Signals | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 19:52

There are signals all around us in life. Some we're aware of but there are also those that we can miss if we're not paying close attention. In today's broadcast, Doug Andrew shares 3 stories that drive home the importance of the signals around us. One story involves an incident when he was piloting a small plane, another is about the signals our bodies can send us when our health is in trouble. Finally, Doug shares an example of the signals that our economy is sending that we cannot ignore. Once you've heard these stories, you'll understand why complacency is not an option. Here's sneak peek at some of the strategies Doug covers in this episode: * Why can't we afford to slip into a routine where we miss what's right in front of our faces? When you hear Doug's story of his airplane incident, you'll see why this is essential. * When Doug experienced chest pain while doing cardio, he was tempted to ignore it. Learn why he was grateful he didn't just brush this signal aside. * What are the financial signals that our economy is putting off? If you miss them, you just might want to kick yourself in the future. * What are the instruments on your financial dashboard and do you know what they're saying? Once you've learned what to look for, watch for your peace of mind to increase. * If you're not diversifying your money into superior financial vehicles, you're letting opportunity slip through your fingers. Learn why there are better ways to save. * Once you know what signals to look for financially, do you know how to protect yourself? Doug shares some of his best strategies to keep yourself and your money safe. * And much, much more… Start by visiting with a wealth architect today. *Life insurance policies are not investments and, accordingly, should not be purchased as an investment.

 How To Use the Coming Tax Reforms to Your Advantage | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 19:01

Now that Congress has enacted a number of tax reforms, there is a window of opportunity that may be open for the next three to seven years. If you knew that you'd have an extra $3,000-$10,000 that wasn't going to taxes, would you know how to put that money to the best use? Would you have an interest in learning if you knew that money that would have gone to taxes could mean an extra half a million to a million and a half dollars over the next 30 years? Think about the difference that could make in your retirement nest egg. It's essential that you know what to do with that money that won't be going to pay unnecessary taxes. Here's sneak peek at some of the strategies Doug covers in this episode: * Why is now a great time to look at getting your IRA and 401(k) funds repositioned? It has everything to do with whether your taxes will be lower or higher at retirement. * Learn why an investment in your financial understanding today can be worth a great deal more to you down the road. * What does it mean to optimize your financial assets and minimize your unnecessary tax liabilities? If you want to unlock your authentic wealth, these are things you must know. * Why is education beyond your college years such a necessity? Doug's clients can attest that a willingness to keep learning and applying truth always pays off in the end. * If you're not diversifying your money into superior financial vehicles, you're letting opportunity slip through your fingers. Learn why there are better ways to save. * Which makes more sense to you, a farmer paying tax on the seed he buys in the spring or on the harvest he realizes in the fall? Your answer will show whether you understand the power of tax-free accumulation versus tax-deferred. * And much, much more… Start by visiting with a wealth architect today. *Life insurance policies are not investments and, accordingly, should not be purchased as an investment.

 What You Need to Know About Tax Season | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 19:51

Tax season is here and since the topic of taxes are fresh in most people's minds, Doug Andrew has some empowering ideas to share. Too many folks tend to focus on getting their taxes filed and on deciding what to do with any refund that comes their way. In today's episode, Doug has serious advice about what not to do with your refund. You'll also learn about how to make certain you're not paying a dime more than you have to in unnecessary taxes. If tax season has left you feeling uneasy, you're about to find some reasons to take heart. Here's a snapshot of some of the subjects Doug goes over in this broadcast: * How well do you understand what your tax returns are telling you? Doug explains how he can pinpoint areas where you're paying unnecessary taxes within a few minutes of looking at your statement. * Minimizing taxes isn't enough to build an abundant future. Learn why it's important to optimize your assets as well. * Why is it better to be proactive instead of reactive when it comes to your taxes? Hint: the person who's being reactive is far more vulnerable. * Learn the power of tax strategizing over simply dumping your tax papers and receipts with your accountant. It can add up to hundreds of thousands of dollars over the years. * Discover the truth about that refund that so many are anticipating. Should you really be celebrating the fact that you just gave Uncle Sam an interest-free loan? * Instead of consuming that refund check, what if you were able to put that money to work in ways that will pay off for years to come? * And much, much more… Start by visiting with a wealth architect today. *Life insurance policies are not investments and, accordingly, should not be purchased as an investment.

 Why It’s Essential to Pay Attention to Signals | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 19:52

Paying attention to the signals around us isn't just important, it's essential. These signals could pertain to the vehicle in which we're traveling. They can be warnings for health concerns that need to be addressed sooner than later. They also can be economic signals that relate to our financial wellbeing. Too often, we slip into a routine to where it becomes tempting to ignore the signals that are warning us of danger. Doug Andrew has a number of observations, many based on personal experience that help illustrate why we can't afford to be complacent. Check out this preview of what Doug shares in this week's episode: * Doug shares a powerful story about running out of fuel while flying a small airplane with a family member aboard. Listen to learn which signal he missed and what he learned. * If you experienced minor chest pain while doing cardio exercise, would you ignore it? Wait till you hear about Doug's experience with this exact scenario. * Why do we tend to miss what's right in front of our faces? Doug explains how to break out of this dangerous pattern. * What are the financial signals to which we should be paying close attention? This isn't about gloom and doom, it's about having situational awareness to avoid unnecessary pain. * Once you're aware of what's happening financially, do you know how to protect yourself and your money? Doug has some strategies worth considering. * Do you know how to read the instruments on your financial dashboard? Once you know what to look for, your peace of mind will increase significantly. * And much, much more… Start by visiting with a wealth architect today. *Life insurance policies are not investments and, accordingly, should not be purchased as an investment.

 A Dream Solution for Your Financial Objectives | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 19:56

If you're serious about achieving your financial objectives, you're going to love this episode. In today's broadcast, Doug Andrew will open the door to a number of solutions that you may never have considered. For instance, have you ever wondered where banks choose to put their tier one assets? What if you could do the same thing with yours and use your money to make more money? Doug also covers what a MEC or Modified Endowment Contract is and how it could outperform your IRA or 401(k). This is must have information for anyone with a 401(k) or IRA. Here's a sneak peek at what Doug goes over in this episode: * Ever heard of a LASER fund? Doug will soon be releasing a new book on this subject and you'll want to hear about what it teaches. * If you're serious about maximizing what you will leave to your family, you need to know what a family bank is and how it works. * Learn what you could be doing better if you own real estate, even if it's just your own home. * Doug explains what a strategic rollout is and why if you have money trapped in an IRA or 401(k), it can help you get that money safely moved with minimal tax exposure. * Lots of folks who are saving for the future cannot access their money without great difficulty and serious penalties. Learn why liquidity is not only possible but preferable. * How can you maximize the safety of your money and enjoy tax-free rather than tax-deferred accumulation? Knowing the answer to this question will make all the difference at retirement. * And much, much more… Start by visiting with a wealth architect today. *Life insurance policies are not investments and, accordingly, should not be purchased as an investment.

 Timely Tax Advice for Those Who Are Thinking About the Future | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 19:01

There have been some significant changes in tax laws recently and that could spell opportunity for those who are paying attention. For some folks, it could mean an extra $3,000 to $10,000 in extra tax savings for the next 3 years. That's money that they would have likely paid in taxes had these latest tax reforms not happened. This means that a window of opportunity will be open for a short season and they'll have an opportunity to put that money to work safely earning predictable rates of return. For those who are thinking ahead and carefully planning for their golden years, that could mean another half a million dollars in their nest egg. Now is not the time to be short-sighted. Here's a snapshot of what Doug shares in this week's episode: * Now is the time to be thinking about whether to reposition your IRA or 401(k) funds. If you've ridden the wave of market volatility before, you'll understand why this is so crucial. * If you're counting on being in a lower tax bracket when you retire, you'd be wise to think again. Doug explains what has changed in the last 20 or so years that has made lower taxes at retirement a non-starter. * How willing are you to invest in building your brighter future? Once you've heard Doug's explanation of why this matters, you'll see why proven strategies beat dumb luck every time. * What's the difference between authentic wealth and what a majority people consider wealth? Hint: Your finances are only one dimension of your wealth. * Why is it essential to optimize your assets, to minimize unnecessary taxes and to diversify your money into superior financial vehicles? A lot of folks won't realize this until it's too late. * If you were a farmer, would you prefer to pay the tax on your seed that you bought in the springtime or on the harvest you reaped in the fall? How you answer this can reveal whether you understand the difference between tax-deferred and tax-free accumulation of your money. * And much, much more… Start by visiting with a wealth architect today. *Life insurance policies are not investments and, accordingly, should not be purchased as an investment.

 Why Some Folks Don’t Fear Stock Market Volatility | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 19:32

It's no secret that the stock market has been doing a pretty good impression of a whipsaw lately. Even though it's been nearly 10 years since we saw the last big correction, a fair amount of folks are getting nervous that another is coming. In today's episode, Doug Andrew explains how he and his clients have found peace of mind and sometimes even reason to celebrate in times of market volatility. It's not about out-guessing the market, it's a matter of knowing the right strategies and accumulating your money for the future in the right savings vehicle. If you want to know how to sleep soundly at night, regardless of what the market is doing, you're going to love Doug's message. Here's a preview of some of the topics Doug covers in this broadcast: * If you've felt fearful or confused when you hear what's happening in the stock market, you're not alone. The good news is you're not powerless and Doug explains why. * When the Dow Jones average dropped recently, did your heart skip a beat wondering what would happen next? Doug shares some ideas that will allow you to take it all in stride with confidence that your money is safe. * What's the difference between having your money in the market where it's vulnerable to market swings and having your money linked to the market where it benefits from growth but doesn't go away in downturns? * Indexing is one of Doug's favorite strategies to help your principal grow during good years and to protect it during bad ones. Learn why this approach saves you from having to make up lost ground. * Is it possible to lock in your gains yet not lose a dime during those times when the market declines? Doug explains why the answer is a resounding "yes". * Historically, how many years in any given decade will be down years for the market? You may be surprised at the answer. * And much, much more… Start by visiting with a wealth architect today. *Life insurance policies are not investments and, accordingly, should not be purchased as an investment.

 A Tax-free Retirement and Other Reasons You Won’t Want to Kick Yourself | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 18:50

We've all had occasions where we've wanted to kick ourselves over some missed opportunity. One place where that kind of regret can be especially costly is when we reach retirement. It today's broadcast, Doug will discuss some timely advice regarding the new tax law and a window of opportunity that has opened. He also outlines the case for a tax-free retirement and why it's something that merits serious consideration. If regret is not your thing, you'll find a lot to think about in Doug's message. Here's a quick glance at some of the insights Doug shares in this episode: * Do you know how to position your retirement savings to protect yourself from rising taxes? It's a tactic worth knowing if you think taxes could go higher in the future. * Has the new tax law opened a window of opportunity for those who are paying attention? You explains what you'll need to know. * The tax cut that president Trump signed into law just before Christmas brought down some taxes but why is there still a legitimate threat of higher taxes looming before us? * How does continued government spending threaten those who are saving for retirement in tax-deferred vehicles? If you are currently saving in an IRA or 401(k), you'll want to hear this. * As Baby Boomers retire in ever greater numbers, how will their need for Social Security and Medicare impact your nest egg? * Why is the window to reposition your assets only likely to remain open for the next 3 or 7 years? If a tax-free retirement is a priority to you, you'll need to understand how short this window may be. * And much, much more… Start by visiting with a wealth architect today. *Life insurance policies are not investments and, accordingly, should not be purchased as an investment.

 Discover Abundance by Escaping the Scarcity Spiral and the Tax Trap | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 20:01

As much as we'd like to believe that abundance requires zero effort, the reality is that there are a number of things that arise in life that can prevent us from enjoying it. One of those things is the scarcity spiral and another is the tax trap. The key to overcoming these diversions starts with understanding what they are and then consciously taking steps to avoid them. In today's episode, Doug offers proven principles that lead to the kind of abundant life we're seeking now and in the future. Here's a quick preview of what Doug covers in this broadcast: * What are the 4 steps to focus outward instead of inward during life's golden years? There are givers and there are takers, but only one is associated with abundance. * In retirement, it can be easy to fall into a scarcity mindset. Learn how to plan for retirement in such a way that there's no need to think this way. * Why is it so unhealthy to spend time obsessing over the success or achievements of others? Doug explains how to beat the need to compare ourselves to the people around us. * Is scarcity a mindset we can inadvertently pass on to our children and grandchildren? The answer may surprise you. * Doug explains how to pass on a legacy of creativity, gratitude and abundance to those who'll follow in our footsteps. * Learn why a shift in how we approach necessary taxes now can save us a bundle of money and a lot of heartache in retirement. * And much, much more… Start by visiting with a wealth architect today. *Life insurance policies are not investments and, accordingly, should not be purchased as an investment.

 Why Some Folks Cheer Rather Than Fear the Stock Market Whipsaw | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 19:32

If you've been paying attention to the stock market, you can appreciate how its behavior can sometimes be likened to a whipsaw. We've seen market volatility lately and it's expected to continue into the foreseeable future. Instead of viewing this ongoing volatility with a sense of dread, what if you could find reasons to cheer about it? The people who aren't intimidated by these market fluctuations are the folks who know that, no matter what the market is doing, their money is still safe. With the right strategies and the right savings vehicles, you can enjoy the same kind of peace of mind. Here's a snapshot of some of the topics Doug covers in this episode: * Why do so many people become fearful or feel powerless when the market experiences volatility? If you'd like to break free of the herd, Doug has advice on how to do it. * Learn how to have clarity, creativity and confidence to continue moving forward, even when bad things are taking place. * The Dow just experienced it's largest point drop in its history recently. Who were the people that remained unfazed by this instability? * What happens to people who are saving for retirement in a 401(k) or IRA when the stock market drops nearly 40% like it did between 2002 and 2003 and again in 2008 to 2009? Are you willing to take the same risks? * What's the difference between having you money at risk in the market and having your money indexed to the market? If you want to have peace of mind, you'll want to know this. * Discover why it's much better to never lose principal than it is to try to make up for lost principal. Time is never on our side when it comes to making up lost ground. * And much, much more… Start by visiting with a wealth architect today. *Life insurance policies are not investments and, accordingly, should not be purchased as an investment.

 Navigating Your Way Out of Unacceptable Detours and Dead Ends | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 20:14

Each of us faces the possibility of what success coach Dan Sullivan refers to as unacceptable regrets. It's helpful to sit down occasionally and determine those regrets we'd absolutely not want to have to face. The beauty of this approach is that it can apply to many areas of our lives. Doug Andrew has taken this idea and expanded it to create a tool that can help us to avoid unacceptable detours and dead ends in our financial wellbeing. Taking the time to list out those things we wish to avoid can also help us discover and chart a course toward the opportunities we do want to experience. Here's a preview of some of the ideas that Doug covers in this week's broadcast: * What can we do when we find our financial path taking us toward dead ends or detours we'd rather avoid? * You don't have to settle for taking 3 steps back for every 5 steps forward in your rate of return thanks to market volatility. Doug explains how to avoid having to make up that lost ground in the first place. * How does an IRA or 401(k) automatically reduce your retirement income by nearly a third? A lot of folks are in for a nasty surprise when they reach retirement. * Is is possible to enjoy safety of principle and predictable rates of return on your nest egg? The answer is yes, though many people don't understand how to do it. * One of the biggest detours that will cost people dearly in retirement is not knowing the difference between tax-deferred and tax-free accumulation. Doug's advice will save you valuable time and effort. * Most people still believe they'll be in a lower tax bracket when they retire. Doug explains why this could be a mistake and how to avoid this costly dead end. * And much, much more… Start by visiting with a wealth architect today. *Life insurance policies are not investments and, accordingly, should not be purchased as an investment.

 Solving the Tax Dilemma All Americans Face | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 19:48

All Americans face a tax dilemma. It doesn't matter what income bracket you're in, there are unnecessary taxes that each of us can end up paying inadvertently. The reason most people face this dilemma is a simple lack of knowledge. In today's broadcast, Doug Andrew shares essential insights for identifying the problem at hand as well as examples of people who have incorporated proven solutions. Here's your opportunity to draw upon Doug's 40 plus years of experience as a tax strategist to ensure you're not putting more money in Uncle Sam's pocket than you absolutely have to. Check out some of the the subjects Doug covers in this episode: * Why do so many financial and tax advisors miss some of the simple solutions that exist within the IRS code? * What does the latest tax reform mean for your financial future and what sections of the IRS code remain unaffected? * Even thought a vast majority of Americans choose to save for retirement in savings vehicles like IRAs and 401(k)s, there are still ways to accumulate, access and transfer your money tax free. Doug explains what they are. * There's a world of difference between tax-deferred and tax-free. Learn how this can be of critical importance when it comes to your retirement nest egg. * Too many people are missing out on a fortune that could be theirs. Doug explains how he can pinpoint the problem areas in a matter of minutes, just by looking at their tax returns. * One of the biggest mistakes many people make in saving for retirement is assuming that they'll be in a lower tax bracket. Doug offers convincing proof why this is no longer axiomatic. * And much, much more… Start by visiting with a wealth architect today. *Life insurance policies are not investments and, accordingly, should not be purchased as an investment.


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