Live Abundant Radio with Doug Andrew show

Live Abundant Radio with Doug Andrew

Summary: A popular radio program and podcast hosted by New York Times best-selling author and financial strategist, Douglas R. Andrew, focusing on asset optimization and tax minimization. As a continual learner, Doug Andrew currently collaborates with some of the top entrepreneurial think tanks in the country. The Live Abundant movement has grown from his passion to live with an abundance mentality and create value in the lives of those heading toward and in retirement.

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 Missed Fortune – A Successful Journey Starts By Knowing Exactly Where You Are | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

All Progress Starts by Telling the Truth There’s a saying to the effect of “You can tell where someone is at by where they’re at.” This is true whether it’s applied to where a person is spiritually, psychologically, or financially. Right now a lot of people are getting, and spending, their tax returns. What a lot of people don’t realize is that by simply investing the average tax refund in America, a person could realize an extra $500,000 in savings over the next 30 years. Over 40 years, that refund could result in an extra million dollars. So why don’t more people do that? Simple. They don’t know what they don’t know. They continue to waste money on otherwise payable taxes that could be safely and legally directed toward other causes that they support. There’s no shame in paying our fair share in taxes, but being taxed to the max is not a good way to go. Case in point, IRAs and 401(k)s used to be a good way to go, but from a tax standpoint they are now poor at best. This is because of where we’re headed in America with future higher taxes a near certainty. The most important thing you can know when you set out to take a journey for the first time is knowing exactly where you are currently. Once you’re clear on where you’re at, then you can chart your course for where you’d like to go. This clarity of knowing where you’re at includes where you are physically, intellectually, spiritually, socially, emotionally, and financially. What good does the money do unless you have your act together in these other areas? A good example of this are those individuals who spend their health trying to build wealth and then find themselves, in their golden years, spending their wealth trying to regain their lost health. It’s essential to stay balanced if we wish to obtain a brighter future. That’s what frees us up to focus on what matters most. Free to Focus on What Matters Most When we reach our golden years, we don’t want to have to worry about our money. We want to know that no matter what happens with government, such as taxes going up, that we are immune. This can only happen when our money is accumulating and distributing tax-free. We want to know that if serious inflation is headed our way, due to government printing so much money, that inflation won’t affect us. We’d rather know that inflation would actually help rather than hinder us because our returns are tied to those things that inflate. We want to know that we are immune from the effects of continuing market volatility and economic uncertainty. We want the peace of mind of knowing that our money is not at risk in the market but can safely grow when the economy grows, but not lose a dime of principal during those times when the economy shrinks. When we have addressed these three potential roadblocks, we can enjoy real peace of mind. But the first step, as always, is to have clarity of where we are currently. Once you understand exactly where you’re at, you can chart clearly where you’d like to go. You can find balance and bring harmony between your money, your life, your values, your family, and your time. If this message is resonating with you, it may be time to get that needed clarity and starting moving toward that balanced and brighter future you deserve. Take that first important step by visiting with a wealth architect today. Bonus Missed Fortune E-Book: Baby Boomer Blunders The average Baby Boomer has less than $50,000 accumulated for retirement (which means many have less than that), primarily due to bad habits and having money invested in the wrong places where economic downturns can diminish their nest egg. Download this e-book

 Missed Fortune – Predictability Produces Peace and Abundance | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Abundance is More Than Just Money The great mentor Marshall Thurber taught that 94% of all failures are due to a lack of a system. In this case, SYSTEM is an acronym that stands for Save Your Self Time Energy Money. Thurber taught about the importance of predictability in ensuring quality results. That means if you put a certain amount of wood into the fire, you’d get a certain amount of BTUs. Or if you followed the exact recipe for cinnamon rolls, you’d get a perfect batch of them 90-95% of the time. This same principle can be applied the systems that create predictable wealth. Most people, who are familiar with the world of finance, focus on creating predictable rates of return and predictable results with their money so they don’t have to worry about their money. There are several different ways to accomplish this. One is called structured cash flows. Others include putting money into a maximum funded insurance contract. During the past 12 years—possibly the worst 12-year period since the Great Depression—people who have done this have enjoyed predictable rates of return at a time that was utter chaos to others. Many investors saw up to a 40% loss in their savings twice in the past 12 years, first in 2003 and again in 2008. It’s no wonder people were running around in a panic. But those who used systems that created predictable returns saw their money double and triple during that same 12 years. They did not lose any money when the economy went down. That ongoing market volatility is just one part of a triple whammy that also includes higher taxes and rising inflation. But once again, having the right system in place allows a person to enjoy predictable tax-free returns while building a nest egg that continues to produce tax-free income throughout your retirement. Having a life of abundance begins with learning the right strategies. Building Your Dream Life of Peace and Prosperity On September 23, 1908, in a game against the Chicago Cubs, Fred Merkle of the New York Giants was on first base with Moose McCormick was on third base, with two outs in the bottom of the ninth inning. The score was tied. The next batter singled home McCormick from third base. But Merkle, caught up in the excitement, failed to touch second base and ran to celebrate with his teammates. The second baseman noticed this, picked up the ball and tagged second base and then appealed to the umpire who called Merkle out. This nullified the run just made by McCormick. In the ensuing chaos, the game was called a tie and the Cubs and Giants had to meet in a playoff game. The Cubs won that game. Had the giants won that September 23rd game, that playoff would have been unnecessary and the Giants could have won the 1908 World Series that instead ended up being won by the Cubs. The lesson here is that sometimes in life, we forget to touch all the bases and it can come back to bite us later. We have to keep things in their proper perspective. This includes money. It’s fine to learn how to accumulate money predictably and to accumulate it tax-free in good times or bad times. But we have to remember to touch all the bases while we do it. This means touching not only the financial bases, but also the other bases like your health, your family, your relationships, and your values. You’ve got to get your intellectual assents, your wisdom, your knowledge, and your experience in alignment as well. It’s also important to touch the base of what you give back to society through your contributions. What good is your money without these other foundational areas? It’s impossible to be happy without remembering to touch these bases. Our knowledge, attitudes, skills and habits contribute greatly to the kind of abundance that we all hope to enjoy. If you’d like to learn how create greater predictability in your wealth without losing sight of those other essential areas of the abundant life,

 When Good Is No Longer Good Enough | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

This week Doug Andrew discussed the following: Upcoming Free Webinar Attend our free 90-minute webinar live over the Internet Tuesday, May 7th at 11:00 a.m. pacific (12:00 p.m. mountain, 1:00 p.m. central, 2:00 p.m. eastern), and again at 6:30 p.m. p...

 Never Let It Rest Till Good Is Best | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

This week Doug Andrew discussed the following: Upcoming Free Webinar Attend our free 90-minute webinar live over the Internet Tuesday, April 30th at 11:00 a.m. pacific (12:00 p.m. mountain, 1:00 p.m. central, 2:00 p.m. eastern), and again at 6:30 p.m. pacific (7:30 mountain, 8:30 central, 9:30 eastern). The topic is "True Asset and Wealth Optimization." You'll learn how to choose the right investments for liquidity, safety, rate of return and tax benefits. Click Here to Register Now All attendees will receive $997 worth of valuable gifts, including a customized LASER Retirement Brief, The Success Formula audio program, and access to The Secrets to a Tax-Free Retirement event.. Never Settle For Less Than the Best Here’s a saying you may want to commit to memory: “Good. Better. Best. Never let it rest, never let it rest, till good gets better and better gets best.” When it comes to planning for that brighter future, the difference between best and good can be astonishing. In terms of your retirement nest egg, that difference could be as much as 50% more net spendable retirement income. To put it another way, when we apply this distinction to financial strategies, it could be the difference between outliving your retirement savings and having money to spare. A good example of this can be found in the way some people still put their serious retirement money into tax-deferred accounts like IRAs and 401(k)s. For many years people have believed that this was a better way to save for the future. But the truth is, it’s far from the best and it’s not even good any more because taxes are going up. Shifts in conventional wisdom are not uncommon. For years we’ve been told that fossil fuels are destroying the planet and now some are saying that proof exists that fossil fuels are dramatically greening the planet. The point here is that billions of dollars have been spent chasing an assumption that fossil fuels were bad when there is convincing evidence that they are beneficial. Not only have we spent decades wasting money on pursuing biofuels, but other associated costs in other areas of our lives have skyrocketed as well. The bottom line is that sometimes we buy into faulty assumptions simply because we’re so used to simply following the crowd. When someone comes along and points out a better way, we’re amazed that we didn’t recognize it sooner. This is has been especially true in how people plan for retirement. Reading the Writing On the Wall Anyone who is paying attention should recognize that the only direction taxes will be heading is higher. Not just a little bit higher, but dramatically higher. The assumption we made years ago that we were better off saving in an IRA or 401(k) where taxes are deferred to some future perceived unknown advantage is proving to be dead wrong. Our assumption was that most of us would eventually end up in a lower tax bracket at some future point. A large percentage of Americans assumed that they would be retiring on 60-70% of their normal income and that they would therefore be in a lower bracket. But this has not been true for more than 20 years. In reality, by the time we’ve retired, we no longer have the deductions we enjoyed during our prime earning years. Our dependents have moved on. Our homes are paid off. And we’re no longer contributing to our retirement accounts. Even though our income may be 60-70% of what it was, we now have Social Security added on top of it and we’re being taxed on 85% of that benefit. Too many people are finding that they are actually paying a higher percentage of federal and state income taxes than they were while they were working. Meanwhile, Congress continues to create more tax brackets and to raise taxes as a means of paying back the money that it is borrowing to support its spending habits. You don’t have to be a rocket scientist to see where this is leading. Higher taxes,

 A Tax-free Retirement Is Still Possible | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

This week Doug Andrew discussed the following: Upcoming Free Webinar Attend our free 90-minute webinar live over the Internet Tuesday, April 23th at 11:00 a.m. pacific (12:00 p.m. mountain, 1:00 p.m. central, 2:00 p.m. eastern), and again at 6:30 p.m...

 Growing Your Money Tax-free is Essential To a Worry-free Future | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

This week Doug Andrew discussed the following: Upcoming Free Webinar Attend our free 90-minute webinar live over the Internet Tuesday, April 9th at 11:00 a.m. pacific (12:00 p.m. mountain, 1:00 p.m. central, 2:00 p.m. eastern), and again at 6:30 p.m. pacific (7:30 mountain, 8:30 central, 9:30 eastern). The topic is "True Asset and Wealth Optimization." You'll learn how to choose the right investments for liquidity, safety, rate of return and tax benefits. Click Here to Register Now All attendees will receive $997 worth of valuable gifts, including a customized LASER Retirement Brief, The Success Formula audio program, and access to The Secrets to a Tax-Free Retirement event.. Where the Crowd Goes Astray Most people are conditioned to follow the crowd. This is especially true in how we approach saving for our retirement. If we perceive that most people are putting their money into 401(k)s or IRAs, then we assume that these must be the ideal ways to save. In this case, however, there is no real safety in following the crowd. The problem is that few people understand the difference between accumulating money in a tax-deferred account rather than in a tax-free vehicle. But it’s not just laypeople that don’t understand this distinction. Even tax attorneys and financial advisors are often unaware of truly tax-free methods to accumulate money. Upon hearing the words “tax-free”, many people suppose that we’re referring to some sort of tax loophole that could be closed by Congress at any moment. But the tax-free vehicle we’re talking about is no loophole. It is a perfectly legal tool for accumulating money tax-free and it has been grandfathered into the IRS code for over 100 years. Congress considers it such a sacred cow that it’s the only thing excluded from funding Obama’s health care law. Once you understand that tax-free savings is possible, you’ll recognize that while the crowd’s preferred method of saving for retirement may be okay, it’s not the best way to save. People just don’t know what they don’t know. The remedy is to empower yourself with knowledge. Then you’ll understand exactly how to create a dream solution that allows your retirement nest egg to accumulate tax-free. At retirement, those who saved in tax-deferred vehicles like IRAs and 401(k)s will find that unpaid taxes will consume anywhere from a third to half of their savings. They’ll also face the prospect of being in an even higher tax bracket than they were in throughout their working years. Lacking the deductions they used to enjoy and with higher tax rates looming, many people may outlive their retirement savings. When this happens, the fact that they went with the crowd won’t make any difference. But it doesn’t have to be this way. What Your Savings Vehicle Should Do There’s still time to position your nest egg for a brighter future. Ideally, you’ll want to have your serious money in a savings vehicle that provides some key protections. It will need liquidity for the times when you need to access your money. It should also provide safety for your principal so when the economy goes down your principal does not. Additionally, in those years that the market grows, your increase must become newly protected principal. Your savings vehicle must also earn predictable rates of return. People who have broken with the crowd and found the optimal vehicle have been enjoying rates of return averaging 9.2% while netting 8.2% for the past 38 years. Even more impressive is the fact that they’ve continued to outperform other savings vehicles over the last 10 years—the worst decade since the Great depression. They’ve learned how to rebalance and to use indexing to enjoy even better rates of return. These are some of the benefits for breaking with the crowd and becoming educated about these alternatives that have existed for decades. Folks who do this arrive at their goal of financial independence much quicker.

 Keeping Your Money Safe is Now More Important Than Ever | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

This week Doug Andrew discussed the following: Upcoming Free Webinar Attend our free 90-minute webinar live over the Internet Tuesday, April 2nd at 11:00 a.m. pacific (12:00 p.m. mountain, 1:00 p.m. central, 2:00 p.m. eastern), and again at 6:30 p.m....

 Gaining the Advantage Against Higher Taxes | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

This week Doug Andrew discussed the following: Upcoming Free Webinar Attend our free 90-minute webinar live over the Internet Tuesday, March 26th at 11:00 a.m. pacific (12:00 p.m. mountain, 1:00 p.m. central, 2:00 p.m. eastern), and again at 6:30 p.m. pacific (7:30 mountain, 8:30 central, 9:30 eastern). The topic is "True Asset and Wealth Optimization." You'll learn how to choose the right investments for liquidity, safety, rate of return and tax benefits. Click Here to Register Now All attendees will receive $997 worth of valuable gifts, including a customized LASER Retirement Brief, The Success Formula audio program, and access to The Secrets to a Tax-Free Retirement event.. The First Tax Hikes Are Already Being Felt As of January, we’ve just seen the first major tax increase in nearly 20 years for high-income earners. But all of us are feeling the pinch caused by the expiration of the payroll tax cut on employee FICA and Medicare withholding. Those rates jumped from 4.2% back up to 6.2%. This effectively means that most Americans are seeing a nearly 50% increase in the amount withheld from their checks for Social Security and Medicare. There were also noticeable increases in capital gains and dividends for high-income earners like married couples that file jointly and earn over $70,000 annually. This also affected single earners making more than $35,000. The capital gains increased from 15% to 20%. And, finally, there was a phase out of the itemized deductions and the addition of a health care surtax of 3.5% that went into effect on all investment income. This realization of higher taxes is causing many Americans to take notice of what is happening and to think about what can be done to immunize themselves from the effects of future tax increases. Many of them are choosing to abandon the tax-deferred vehicles like IRAs and 401(k)s where they’ve been saving for their retirement and doing a strategic rollout that repositions their nest egg where it can accumulate tax-free. People who have chosen to keep their retirement money in IRAs and 401(k)s will not have this luxury. This is because their money is being accumulated in a tax-deferred vehicle that will subject them to those anticipated rising tax rates the moment they begin taking their distributions. If this wasn’t enough, they’ll also be wrangling with the effects of rising inflation that is steadily shrinking the purchasing power of every dollar they’ve saved. Immunity from the triple whammy of higher taxes, rising inflation and continuing economic uncertainty comes from learning and applying the right strategies and not simply following the herd. Tax-Advantaged Growth Is the Way To Go Would it surprise you to know that DALBAR is reporting that most mutual fund investors have only averaged 3.49% during the past 20 years? Not only is that a dismal rate of return, but also whatever money they did accumulate was taxable. Those who have invested the time and effort to become educated understand that the best way to avoid higher taxes, market volatility, and rising inflation is to utilize the strategy of indexing in maximum funded tax-advantaged life insurance contracts.  It’s how they can maintain liquid assets while safely earning predictable rates of return. Facing the prospect of tax hikes, some folks are moving their retirement savings away from tax-deferred accounts like IRAs and 401(k)s. Many use a strategic rollout to reposition their nest egg to a vehicle where it can grow tax-free. These maximum funded tax-advantaged Insurance contracts that have been grandfathered into the IRS code for generations. In them, your money grows tax-free, transfers tax-free when you access it at retirement, and is tax-free when it goes to your heirs at the end of your life. To understand the difference this tax-free growth makes, consider the following question. If you had a $500,000 nest egg in your IRA or 401(k) 12 years ago,

 The Government’s Budget Problem Will Soon Be Our Problem | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

This week Doug Andrew discussed the following: Upcoming Free Webinar Attend our free 90-minute webinar live over the Internet Tuesday, March 19th at 11:00 a.m. pacific (12:00 p.m. mountain, 1:00 p.m. central, 2:00 p.m. eastern), and again at 6:30 p.m. pacific (7:30 mountain, 8:30 central, 9:30 eastern). The topic is "True Asset and Wealth Optimization." You'll learn how to choose the right investments for liquidity, safety, rate of return and tax benefits. Click Here to Register Now All attendees will receive $997 worth of valuable gifts, including a customized LASER Retirement Brief, The Success Formula audio program, and access to The Secrets to a Tax-Free Retirement event.. Putting Our National Debt In Perspective Imagine that you just got married and that right after making the commitment your marriage partner told you that he or she was $165,000 dollars in debt. Furthermore, if your partner informed you that with their annual income of just $25,000, every single penny of what they take in is allocated to paying just the interest on that debt as well as mandatory payments on their car, etc. Suppose they also told you that they had cut their spending by $380 and were planning on going to the bank to have their debt limit raised from $165,000 to $200,000. How would you be feeling right about now? Would you be a bit unsettled with that amount of debt? There’s a wonderful video circulating around the Internet that very cleverly demonstrates some of the thinking behind America’s mounting debt problem. It’s worth 3 minutes of your time to watch it. The thought of $165,000 in debt landing squarely on our shoulders helps illustrate some very important facts about our national debt and how it potentially affects all of us. With the national debt sitting at $16.5 trillion, every single taxpayer would owe $165,000 as their prorated share of the national debt. Just 7 years ago, each taxpayer’s share of the national debt was just $90,000 each. So who do you suppose is going to bear the ultimate responsibility for paying it all back? The unpleasant answer is that it will be passed along to our children and grandchildren. The federal government spends about a trillion dollars a year more than amount they take in from tax revenues. That’s money that must be borrowed and added to the national debt year after year. Ongoing partisan wrangling between the Democrats and Republicans isn’t likely to produce a solution anytime soon. And that leaves the rest of us with a responsibility to do what we must to protect ourselves from the likely consequences of this continuing federal spending problem. Two Hard Facts To Be Faced The former comptroller for the General Accountability Office David Walker has gone on the record stating that in order to dig ourselves out of this hole, we’ll have to double taxes and cut benefits. This means that you not only need to make your retirement nest egg immune from higher taxes but it also means that we cannot rely on the government to take care of us in our golden years. The writing on the wall points to taxes going up. It also indicates that inflation will be rising as well. And as the debt continues to pile up, there will be continuing economic uncertainty and market volatility. Hiding our heads in the sand and pretending this oncoming triple whammy won’t affect us is not an option. Protecting your nest egg will require learning and enacting the right strategies to enjoy liquid assets safely earning predictable rates of return for the rest of your life. This means that you can’t simply leave your money sitting in a savings account at a bank or credit union earning a paltry 1 or 2% interest rate. It means that your money should be strategically rolled over from a tax-deferred savings account like an IRA or 401(k) into a tax-free vehicle where it is completely and legally immune from tax hikes. From that day forward your money will accumulate tax-free,

 When Opportunity Knocks Will You Hear It? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

This week Doug Andrew discussed the following: Upcoming Free Webinar Attend our free 90-minute webinar live over the Internet Tuesday, March 12th at 11:00 a.m. pacific (12:00 p.m. mountain, 1:00 p.m. central, 2:00 p.m. eastern), and again at 6:30 p.m...

 Who Do You Trust With Your Future? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

This week Doug Andrew discussed the following: Upcoming Free Webinar Attend our free 90-minute webinar live over the Internet Tuesday, March 5th at 11:00 a.m. pacific (12:00 p.m. mountain, 1:00 p.m. central, 2:00 p.m. eastern), and again at 6:30 p.m....

 Some Things Are Important But This One Is Urgent | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

This week Doug Andrew discussed the following: Upcoming Free Webinar Attend our free 90-minute webinar live over the Internet Tuesday, February 26th at 11:00 a.m. pacific (12:00 p.m. mountain, 1:00 p.m. central, 2:00 p.m. eastern), and again at 6:30 ...

 How America’s ‘Paying It Back’ Problem Affects Your Taxes | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

This week Doug Andrew discussed the following: Upcoming Free Webinar Attend our free 90-minute webinar live over the Internet Tuesday, February 19th at 11:00 a.m. pacific (12:00 p.m. mountain, 1:00 p.m. central, 2:00 p.m. eastern), and again at 6:30 p.m. pacific (7:30 mountain, 8:30 central, 9:30 eastern). The topic is "True Asset and Wealth Optimization." You'll learn how to choose the right investments for liquidity, safety, rate of return and tax benefits. Click Here to Register Now All attendees will receive $997 worth of valuable gifts, including a customized LASER Retirement Brief, The Success Formula audio program, and access to The Secrets to a Tax-Free Retirement event.. Reality Can Be Stubborn It’s revealing that there are still members of Congress who try to portray the skyrocketing national debt as anything other than a spending problem. They claim that it’s really a “paying back problem” rather that what it really is. This means that there are members of Congress who do not believe that government spending is irresponsible and out of control. It also means that our current $16 trillion debt will continue to grow and will likely top $20 trillion by the time Obama leaves office. When Congress treats the national debt as a “paying back problem” it can only mean that they are looking to extract more money from the taxpayers in order to pay that debt. This can only mean that Congress will be raising taxes. Even when Congress supposedly avoided the so-called fiscal cliff in January, nearly every working American saw their FICA taxes go up by almost 50%. The higher income earners, the employers, and those who create jobs were deliberately targeted as needing to pay more in taxes as well. The bottom line is that more people will be paying more in income taxes unless they are willing to take the necessary steps that can make them immune to tax hikes. This is not a matter of evading taxes; it is a matter of redirecting otherwise payable taxes into causes you support by utilizing longstanding sections of the IRS code. These sections of the tax code are completely legitimate and have been in place for over 100 years. They have been used for generations by the affluent as a means of accumulating their money tax-free. This, in turn, means that they will be able to provide for themselves in their golden years and not have to depend upon the government to support them. If you want to do what they have been doing successfully for many decades, you must know how to best take ownership of your future. What You Must Know About Taxable Income Those who have invested the time and effort to become educated understand that the absolute best way to avoid higher taxes, market volatility, and rising inflation is by indexing in maximum funded tax-advantaged life insurance contracts. This is the way to maintain liquid assets while safely earning predictable rates of return. Since tax reforms enacted back in 1986, there have been only three types of income that are subject to income tax on your 1040 tax return form. There is earned income that refers to wages you earn. Then there is passive income that is derived from rent or leases or the like. Finally, there is portfolio income which is the income you earn from interest, dividends, and money you pull out of IRAs or 401(k)s. That last one should get your full attention. Many people don’t realize that the money they withdraw from their tax-deferred savings vehicles like IRAs and 401(k)s is fully taxable as income. This means that they’ll be paying roughly a third of their retirement nest egg to Uncle Sam in the form of taxes, plus facing the prospect of even higher tax rates since they’ll no longer have the deductions they once had. Some folks will find themselves in a higher tax bracket than when they were working and may face an even bigger rude awakening by possibly outliving their retirement savings.

 Don’t Follow the Crowd When It Comes to Retirement | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

This week Doug Andrew discussed the following: Upcoming Free Webinar Attend our free 90-minute webinar live over the Internet Tuesday, February 12th at 11:00 a.m. pacific (12:00 p.m. mountain, 1:00 p.m. central, 2:00 p.m. eastern), and again at 6:30 ...

 For Everyone Feeling the Bite of Higher Taxes | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

This week Doug Andrew discussed the following: Upcoming Free Webinar Attend our free 90-minute webinar live over the Internet Tuesday, February 5th at 11:00 a.m. pacific (12:00 p.m. mountain, 1:00 p.m. central, 2:00 p.m. eastern), and again at 6:30 p.m. pacific (7:30 mountain, 8:30 central, 9:30 eastern). The topic is "True Asset and Wealth Optimization." You'll learn how to choose the right investments for liquidity, safety, rate of return and tax benefits. Click Here to Register Now All attendees will receive $997 worth of valuable gifts, including a customized LASER Retirement Brief, The Success Formula audio program, and access to The Secrets to a Tax-Free Retirement event.. Tax Hikes Aren't Just Hitting the Rich We’ve just seen the first major tax increase in nearly 20 years for high-income earners. But everybody is feeling the bite of the expiration of the payroll tax cut on employee FICA and Medicare withholding. The rates jumped from 4.2% back up to 6.2%. This effectively means that most Americans will see a nearly 50% increase in the amount withheld from their checks for Social Security and Medicare. There were also noticeable increases in capital gains and dividends for high-income earners like married couples that file jointly and earn over $70,000 annually. This also affected single earners making more than $35,000. The capital gains increased from 15% to 20%. And, finally, there was a phase out of the itemized deductions and the addition of a health care surtax of 3.5% that went into effect on all investment income. This realization of higher taxes has prompted many Americans to take notice of what is happening and what can be done to immunize themselves from the effects of future tax increases. Many of them are choosing to abandon the tax-deferred vehicles like IRAs and 401(k)s where they’ve been saving for their retirement and doing a strategic rollout that repositions their nest egg where it can accumulate tax-free. People who have chosen to keep their retirement money in IRAs and 401(k)s will not have this luxury. This is because their money is being accumulated in a tax-deferred vehicle that will subject them to those anticipated rising tax rates the moment they begin taking their distributions. If this wasn’t enough, they’ll also be wrangling with the effects of rising inflation that is steadily shrinking the purchasing power of every dollar they’ve saved. Immunity from the triple whammy of higher taxes, rising inflation and continuing economic uncertainty comes from learning and applying the right strategies and not simply following the herd. This is where have chosen to use Maximum Funded Tax Advantaged (MFTA) Insurance contracts that have been part of the IRS code for generations. Your money grows tax-free and it transfers tax-free when you access it at retirement. Better still, it’s tax-free when it goes to your heirs at the end of your life. For those hearing about this option for the first time, it’s natural to have some questions. A Savings Vehicle That Makes All the Difference A common objection for people who are not familiar with MFTA is that they’re not aware of it performing well as a retirement savings vehicle. Fair enough, here’s a simple question: In the last 12 years, did you triple your money tax-free? In other words, if you had a $500,000 nest egg in your IRA or 401(k) 12 years ago, is it worth $1.5 million today? If the answer is “no” then it’s time to pay attention. Because that’s the kind of growth that was accomplished in maximum funded insurance contracts. There’s no shame in not knowing what you don’t know. But if what you always thought to be true turned out not to be true, how soon would you want to know about it? Most of us would say sooner than later. If what you always thought to be the best way to save for your future, for your retirement, and for your kids’ college, turned out not to be the best way,


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