Worldview Weekend show

Worldview Weekend

Summary: Worldview Weekend Radio with Brannon Howse is Your Source For Understanding The Times Through A Christian Worldview.

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 Brannon Howse: March 23, 2017 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:01:06

After reading The Benedict Option, Brannon gives a book review of this seriously troubling book that is, as of today, the number one selling book on Amazon in the Christian category. Brannon also plays 5 audio clips that he believes reveal that Rod Dreher is promoting the very thing he is critical of, which is postmodernism. Rod bemoans the collapse of the Western culture and that we are living in a post-Christian America while he praises Pope Benedict XVI. Pope Benedict promoted globalism, a one-world government, a global political authority with teeth, a central world bank and Agenda 21. Does Rod not understand that globalism is anti-Christian and has aided in creating a post Christian America? Then why is he praising Pope Benedict and calling him the second Benedict of the Benedict Option? Rod seems to take issue with moral relativism while he promotes moral relativism. Rod seems to take issue with liberalism while he promotes theological liberalism. Brannon believes that Rod is really promoting a form of emergent church group consensus, also known as "community," wrapped in Catholic and Eastern Orthodox spirituality. Topic: We take your calls. 

 Brannon Howse: March 22, 2017 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:00:48

Guest: Rocket scientist Jason Pratt. Topic: A high school student from Washington State that listens to our program e-mailed and wanted us to discuss what scientific evidence he could use to prove that Darwinian evolution and natural selection is false. Topic: Apparently former NBA player Shaquille O’Neal believes that the earth is flat. This story was in the secular press this week and we quickly over this topic again. Topic: Hear audio clips from a wonderful message by Leonardo De Chirico on the Jesuits, the Church of Rome, The Pope, and how they use Biblical terms to seduce evangelicals back to Rome. 

 Brannon Howse: February 23, 2017 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:01:43

Topic: News reports reveal that Matt Chandler and his Village Church apparently have ties to left-wing and Islamic groups. Many people often email Brannon asking him what he thinks of popular neo-Calvinist Matt Chandler and in this broadcast you will get an answer to that question. Topic: Matt Chandler is not only currently the head of Acts 29, but also is involved in leadership of the Ethics Religious Liberty Commission run by neo-evangelical, pro-amnesty, pro-leftist creation care, pro-ecumenical, pro-Mosque building in America Russell Moore. Topic: Southern Baptist Pastor Jack Graham and his church are withholding money from the International Mission Board run by David Platt because the IMB support a legal brief in defense of the building of a Muslim mosque in New Jersey. Brannon explains why he thinks Graham is one confused man. It was Jack Graham that had New Age Catholic Roma Downey on his church platform last year and it was his church that invited Neo-Marxist Jim Wallis to speak at a luncheon at Prestonwood. So how can Graham be upset with the liberalism of Moore when Graham seems to be rather theologically liberal himself? Topic: Why is it that so many American pastors see all issues though the culture war and rarely, if ever, through Biblical doctrine? Topic: We take your calls. 

 Brannon Howse: February 22, 2017 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 59:44

On December 30, 2016 Justin Peters received a call from Costi Hinn. Cost is Benny Hinn's nephew. Costi's father, Henry, is Benny Hinn's brother. Costi called to thank Justin for his teaching. Costi once worked for his uncle and has participated in hundreds of his miracle crusades. He always had questions but no one in his family could answer them. God saved Costi about four years ago and he is now 180 degrees from where he was before. Costi and Justin have, by God's grace, developed a friendship and Costi graciously agreed to record 9 radio interviews with Justin. Today you will hear a portion of the first program as well as hear from Justin how his friendship with Costi. Topic: We take your calls. 

 Brannon Howse: February 21, 2017 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 59:38

Guest: Dr. John Whitcomb joins us for another installment of Ask Dr. John. Question: What are some of your favorite experiences in ministry? Question: What will happen next in Bible prophecy? Question: Could the creation of stars in Genesis 1 have a double meaning—namely physical stars as well as angels? Question: Can a person be Divinely abandoned? I am scared. Is it too late for me? Question: How can Satan, having been cast out of heaven, still have access to God as "the accuser of our brethren" (Rev. 12:10, NKJV)? How do we reconcile the holiness of God with Satan in His presence? Question: Why will there be a need for a wall around the New Jerusalem (Rev. 21:12)? Will evil people be in that world (cf. Rev. 21:27)? Question: Can the non-elect ever be saved? Does the Holy Spirit convict them as He does the elect? Question: Why did God tell Noah to bring clean animals into the ark by sevens, and all the others by twos (Gen. 7:2)?

 Brannon Howse: February 20, 2017 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 59:15

Guest: Jason Pratt. Topic: Hear the audio of a Southern Baptist Pastor declaring that it does not matter how old the earth is and that people should stop being concerned with the age of the earth. Former atheist and evolutionists Jason Pratt explains why this is a Biblically dangerous comment coming from this pastor. Topic: We open up the phone lines for people to ask Jason questions. 

 Brannon Howse: January 31, 2017 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:02:33

Why discernment is not a spiritual gift in the narrow definition of spiritual gifts. Topic: In Acts 17:11 and I John 4:1 Christians are instructed to expose false teachers and their false teaching and the spiritual source they are tied to by knowing the Word of God. Yet in Acts 16:16-18 and Acts 5:3 the Apostles, prior to the completion of the Word of God, the Apostles were given a spiritual gift by God to immediately discern demonic activity. This gift was called the gift of discerning spirits. Topic: The Apostles could automatically identify a demonic spirit and even cast it out which fell into the signs and wonders category. Today, we identify false teaching by the study of Scripture which then identifies the source. Then we teach the Bible and proclaim the gospel as the solution. We do not cast out demons as that was a sign and wonder that only a few could do such as the Apostles and the 70 and perhaps 2 others working closely with the Apostles. While any ability to understand and discern spiritual things is a gift from God in the broad definition; in the narrow definition, discernment is not a spiritual gift only certain people possess. Topic: The gift of teaching is a spiritual gift and those that have this gift also manifest a large dose of discernment because of their study of God's Word. So if you want to say someone has the gift of teaching/discernment that is fine but the gift of discernment is not a stand alone gift in the narrow definition of the spiritual gifts believers are given for the purpose of edifying and building up the body of Christ. Topic: ALL believers can have discernment as Brannon reveals in teaching on several passages of Scripture in this program. Some people have more discernment because of their deeper study, (meat) as well as level of sanctification and being continually filled with the Holy Spirit (yielding in obedience). Not all Christians produce the same fruit and not all Christians have the same level of discernment. But make no mistake all Christians will have fruit and will have discernment. How much they have is based on study of Scripture, and yielding of their life in obedience to God's Word. Topic: We take your calls.   

 Brannon Howse: January 30, 2017 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:03:46

Is discernment a spiritual gift that only those who are given that gift possess? (Part One) What is the difference between having Biblical discernment and the gift of discerning spirits? Why is the gift of discerning spirits no longer active as it was with the Apostles? Topic: Why is it unbiblical and an attack on the Bible to say only certain people have the gift of discernment? Topic: While some have the spiritual gift of administration or teaching, or encouragement, all Christians can have discernment, but how? Topic: What does the Bible say about how to acquire discernment? 

 Brannon Howse: January 27, 2017 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:03:46

Guest: Mike Abendroth and Jimmy DeYoung: Topic: First guest is Dr. Jimmy DeYoung with these topics: The Syrian peace talks are going absolutely nowhere and are evidence of a failed Middle East policy for the United Nations, the European Union and the United States. Topic: President Trump is hesitating as he sets up to move the US Embassy to Jerusalem which the Islamic world has called a religious Holy War if indeed the embassy is moved to Jerusalem. Topic: Iran is watching the Trump administration take power even as they prepare for a Middle East takeover. Topic: The Gulf-Arab states eagerly expect Donald Trump's administration to counter Iran's power base, they say glad to see Obama go and ready to welcome Donald Trump. Guest: Mike Abendroth joins us to talk about his new book Evangelical White Lies. What are some of the most common white lies? 

 Brannon Howse: January 26, 2017 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:02:34

Guest: Mike Riddle. Topic: Learn how compromising biblical creation compromises the gospel. So you think the fact your church refuses to take a stand on Biblical creation is not a gospel issues? Think it is not a big deal if your children believe in millions of years? Topic: Why is it that Christians will accept the miracle of the resurrection but not the miracle of creation? Topic: Mike Riddle presents the connection between the gospel and Biblical creation. 

 Brannon Howse: January 25, 2017 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:03:11

Guest: Ron Rhodes. Topic: How has Christian publishing changed over the years & what topics are not as popular and which are and why? Topic: Ron explains what is bio-metrics and how it invades our privacy and fits in with a one-world government and economy. Topic: Ron has spent many years studying the threat to America by an EMP as well as cyber hacking. How might such an attack on America fit with Bible prophecy that has America absent? Topic: Why would theologically sound pastors tell their congregations that having reasonable emergency preparedness plans such as food insurance is selfish? Ron explains why this is not selfish and is very prudent. Topic: What is Kingdom Now Theology and how and why is it growing? 

 Brannon Howse: January 24, 2017 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:03:44

Guest: Mark Hitchcock. Topic: Mark is a prolific author of many books and has been the teaching pastor at Faith Bible Church in Edmond, Oklahoma. Question: As a pastor that has seen young people walk away from the faith, how should Christian parents respond and what hope can you give them? Question: Are the events of today in the Middle East setting the stage for a Gog-Magog event? Question: Why do you believe the one-world government and religious system will be based in literal Babylon some 58 miles south of Bagdad? Topic: We take your calls.

 Brannon Howse: Janaury 23, 2017 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:03:45

Topic: The myth of discernment ministries as portrayed by Christians and pastors that use the term as a pejorative. Topic: Why does Brannon not refer to Worldview Weekend as a discernment ministry? Topic: Why are all ministries that teach the Bible teaching discernment by teaching the Bible and a Biblical worldview ministry? Topic: Why do some so-called pastors tell their congregations not to listen to Biblical programs like Worldview Radio? Could it be that such pastors are really hirelings that do not want their church members to know the truth because it would reveal their unbiblical transformation of a local church through unbiblical methods? Topic: While the Bible is to be our sole foundation for all godliness, why is it important that we avail ourselves to books and radio programs on such topics as false teachers, creation versus evolution and even social and national security issues? Topic: Are Christians that purchase health, life, home, or car insurance sinning by not trusting God? Are Christians sinning if they have food insurance or make preparations for an emergency? Why do some so-called pastors and Christians demean Christians that seek to understand the times and protect their families? Topic: How can emergency preparation plans and resources actually be the opposite of selfishness? Topic: We take your calls. 

 Brannon Howse: January 20, 2017 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:02:58

Brannon provides rolling commentary as he plays most of the Inauguration speech of President Donald Trump. First Brannon plays a collection of audio clips of all the so-called experts that said Trump would never become President. Then Brannon explains why Charles Krauthammer was wrong to say that the speech of Trump was like the worldview of those that made up the early 1940s America First Committee. What neo-con Charles did not tell the audience is that America First Committee members included future Presidents John F. Kennedy and Gerald Ford or Walt Disney and Nazi sympathizer Charles Lindbergh. Brannon wonders why people continue to listen to neo-cons like Krauthammer who is wrong on so many issues.   

 Brannon Howse: January 19, 2017 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:03:36

Guest: Peter Pry. Topic: Former CIA officer Peter Pry joins us to discuss the attacks by the intelligence community on President-elect Trump. What does this say about the current state of the intelligence community? Should President Trump shake up the CIA? Topic: Why we must maintain the electoral college.  


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