Worldview Weekend show

Worldview Weekend

Summary: Worldview Weekend Radio with Brannon Howse is Your Source For Understanding The Times Through A Christian Worldview.

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 Brannon Howse: October 6, 2017 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 59:38

Guest: Jimmy DeYoung  & Tommy Ice. Topic: Source inside Trump White House says Las Vegas Shooter made ISIS video. Topic: NSA software released on to web that experts say terrorist groups, including Antifa, could use to interpret critical infrastructures. Topic: Reports are that the Las Vegas shooter purchased many items in cash in order to hide his life and activities. Will such terrorist attacks be used to convince the American people that we need to move to a cashless society? Topic: Tommy Ice explains that the words used in Greek, concerning the mark of the beast, state that the mark will be on the skin and not in the skin. Will the mark of the Beast be a tattoo? Topic: Jews and Christians from around the world gather in Jerusalem to celebrate the Feasts of Tabernacles. Topic: Saudi King Salman meets President Putin in Moscow which heralds a shift in global power. Topic: Turkish President Erdogan turns to Iran, away from the United States and the European Union. Topic: Israeli PrimeMinister says he will not accept a false reconciliation between Hames and Fatah, the Palestinian people. Topic: We take your calls.

 Brannon Howse: October 5, 2017 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 59:39

The Las Vegas shooter had 50 pounds of Tannerite in his car. Do you know what Tannerite is and what 50 pounds could do? Was the shooter planning to carry out a car bombing? Topic:  Communist groups are distributing the 1969 Terror and Urban Guerrillas Warfare manual in preparation for November 4, 2017 and this manual calls for the use of explosives. Can we expect to see more bombings in America by Antifa type groups? Topic: What kind of security should big outdoor events put in place going forward? Why should Americans avoid safe zones or zones that don’t allow for those with a carry permit to carry their weapon? Topic: We take lots of your calls.

 Brannon Howse: October 4, 2017 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 59:32

Communist groups are distributing the 1969 Terror and Urban Guerrillas Warfare manual in preparation for November 4, 2017 which they boast is the day the next civil war in America begins. As Brannon reads from the manual you will be shocked at how much some of the descriptions sound just like the Las Vegas sniper Stephen Paddock. Was the Las Vegas shooter a Muslim or part of the Antifa movement? Topic: Are Antifa groups learning terrorist and bombing making techniques in Venezuela? Brannon shares the long history of Venezuela and American terrorists including the Weather Underground. Topic: A late September 2017 report reveals Venezuela prepares for war with U.S. with missiles and well oiled tanks at the ready. Topic: Former State Department official says terror groups in Venezuela planning to attack U.S. Topic: We take your calls.

 Brannon Howse: October 3, 2017 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 59:35

Guest: Cliff Kincaid. Topic: Antifa and communist groups are distributing the 1969 “mini-manual of the Urban Guerrill.” This manual instructs the reader on kidnapping, assaults, ambush, explosives, sabotage, liberation of prisoners, and executions. Topic: Could the Antifa college students and twenty somethings be used for large protests, civil unrest, and violence in order to provide ISIS, Islamic Revolutionary Guard, MS-13 and other highly trained terrorists a needed distraction so police and first responders are unable to respond in a timely manner to their multiple terrorist scenes? What if the Anifa young people were set up by terrorist groups and became casualties through a terrorist attack in order to draw in police and first responders at further targets? What if terrorists infiltrated a large protests wearing police uniforms in order confuse police officers? Are police departments practicing for such scenarios? Topic: The 1960s student Marxists are now the college professors and there are hundreds of Marxist classes on college and university campuses that have brainwashed countless young people to be the cannon fodder for the revolution.  

 Brannon Howse: October 2, 2017 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 58:55

59 killed in largest shooting massacre in American history during a country music festival in Las Vegas, Nevada. Guests: Carly, who was at the concert and ran for her life when the shooting started, Former FBI agent John Guandolo, Islamic Expert Robert Spencer, & Communist/Islamic Expert Cliff Kincaid. We start with Carly as she explains what took place at the Las Vegas shooting. Listen as she explains how she kept her wits about her while others fell apart emotionally and did not move fast for cover. Topic: Robert Spencer explains that ISIS has taken credit and says the 64 year old shooter was one of their soldiers. Reports are that he was a recent convert to Islam but at the time of broadcast we were still waiting on confirmation of this report. Topic: Cliff Kincaid joins us to discuss how the FBI has a history of denying the facts. How might this event play in to Antifa’s call for the beginning of a civil war on November 4, 2017? Topic: John Guandolo reports that his sources that have been briefed are telling him that the shooter had built a platform from which to shoot from his hotel suite. John explains why he thinks this was a terrorist attack and thinks Islam is involved.

 Brannon Howse: September 29, 2017 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 58:55

Guest: Cliff Kincaid & Dr. Jimmy DeYoung. We start with Cliff Kincaid on the fact that communist groups are calling for the beginning of a civil war in America on November 4, 2017. That is their very words; “civil war.” These groups have been meeting and organizing since July for this November 4th day. They are calling for aggressive tactics and being politically provocative. A group in Los Angeles staged a dry run earlier this week and shut down the 101 and it is on video. Topic: Who are some of the groups behind this and what is there ultimate goal? Topic: Dr. Jimmy DeYoung joins us to discuss these topics: The most solemn day in the Jewish world Yom Kippur is underway. Topic: The Kurd’s vote yes for independence, which could cause Iraq, Iran, and Turkey to prepare for war. Topic: On the 50th Anniversary of the Jewish settlements Prime Minister says Israel will not leave the land that God has given to the Jews of today - as he did to their forefathers. Topic: Reconciliation of the Palestinian factions in Israel is only for Hamas to intensify Jihad against the Jewish State.

 Brannon Howse: September 28, 2017 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 59:22

Topic: Why would any pastor say that it is not their job to teach Biblical application? Such is the statement of one pastor that Brannon actually has in print. Brannon shares how some pastors boast that they teach interpretation but not application. Brannon reveals why this is unbiblical and dangerous. Brannon takes you to numerous passages of Scripture that reveal the need to apply the Word of God to our lives. One pastor writes that he leaves application up to the Holy Spirit. Both interpretation or illumination and application involve the Holy Spirit so by his way of thinking why not just leave both up to the Holy Spirit? If you do not need a Bible teacher for application then why would you need one for interpretation? See the fallacy of the argument being made by a pastor that boasts of not teaching application? Topic: Brannon starts off the program by playing an audio clip of the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff as he testifies to Congress that North Korea could be a few weeks or a few months from reaching the U.S. mainland with a ICBM. Topic: We take your calls.

 Brannon Howse: August 7, 2017 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 58:34

6 Reasons Why Do We Do Not Have More Men of Biblical Courage (Part 2): Christianity needs men with grit & convictions that are real–so real they cannot be yielded to the pressures of popularity & group consensus. Topic: To stay silent in the face of Biblical compromise is not to be neutral but to loudly proclaim one's compromise to selfish protectionism. Topic: Many preachers bemoan feminization of Christian men–yet when time for a masculine stand is needed they are neutered by their own compromise. Topic: Bold & unflinching churchmen die to their own reputation, social status, & insecurities to be distinguished as a leader among lemmings. Topic: We take your calls.

 Brannon Howse: August 4, 2017 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 59:42

Guest: Jimmy DeYoung. Topic: Alan Greenspan warns about the stock market. Topic: What is happening to the malls of America and what does it tell us about the economy? Topic: Jimmy DeYoung joins us to discuss these topics: Jews this last week stop to remember the destruction of the first and second Temples and call for access to the Temple Mount and a rebuilding of the Temple as they march around the city. Topic: The Middle East nations hold rallies to protest the Judaizing of the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. Topic: Russia flies 2000 mercenary troops into Syria, stationing them at Israel's northern border. Topic: Palestinians name a children's summer camp after the leader of the most lethal terror attack in Israel's history, as they use this center to train children to kill Jews.

 Brannon Howse: August 2, 2017 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 59:43

Guest: Shahram Hadian. Topic: Understanding the goal of the Yale Document that says that Christians and Muslims worship the same God. Topic: What Muslim front groups singed the Yale Document? Topic: As a former Muslim Shahram Hadian answers the questions as to whether or not the public exposure of the spiritual and national security issue of Islam hinders reaching the Muslims with the gospel. Topic: What is the goal of Interfaith Dialogue according to the International Institute of Islamic Thought.

 Brannon Howse: August 1, 2017 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 59:19

Guest: Dr. John Whitcomb. Description: Dr. John joins us today to sign off with our last Ask Dr. John Radio program. Dr. John is now 93 years old and is struggling with Parkinson's Disease. Dr. John spends the first segment of the program telling us about our created moon. The rest of the program is our audience calling in to tell Dr. John what his ministry has meant to them. Then Dr. John joins us for the final minutes to thank the listening audience for their kind words. Several callers became emotional when talking about what the ministry of Dr. John has meant to them. This is a very encouraging program.

 Brannon Howse: August 3, 2017 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 58:57

6 Reasons Why Do We Do Not Have More Men of Biblical Courage (Part 1): Christianity needs men with grit & convictions that are real–so real they cannot be yielded to the pressures of popularity & group consensus. Topic: To stay silent in the face of Biblical compromise is not to be neutral but to loudly proclaim one's compromise to selfish protectionism. Topic: Many preachers bemoan feminization of Christian men–yet when time for a masculine stand is needed they are neutered by their own compromise. Topic: Bold & unflinching churchmen die to their own reputation, social status, & insecurities to be distinguished as a leader among lemmings. Topic: We take your calls.

 Brannon Howse: July 7, 2017 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 58:51

Guests: Dr. Jimmy DeYoung, Usama Dakdok, & Shahram Hadian. Topic: Breaking News: James White’s Islamic Mentor Yasir Qadhi Works With Muslim, Linda Sarsour, Who Just Called For Jihad Against President Donald Trump. Topic: Just who is Linda Sarsour? Topic: Jimmy DeYoung and Shahram Hadian respond to a new article by James White stating that 2 John 9-11 does not apply to what he did with Imam Yasir Qadhi. Topic: Palestinians say that the United Nations decision on Jerusalem and Hebron confirms that Israel is lying about these two very sacred spots, very historical spots for the Jewish people. Topic:  Israel's northern border is quiet right now but could explode at any moment. Topic: Many nations in the Middle East burn the American flag; however, Israel is the only Middle Eastern nation that waved the United States flag on July 4th instead of burning it, there is a reason that this did happen.

 Brannon Howse: July 6, 2017 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 58:41

Guest: Paul Flynn. Topic: Paul Flynn from Megiddo Radio joins us to give us an update on the church in Ireland. Paul shares his testimony with us of how God saved him out of a heavy metal band and the party scene. Topic: Paul and Brannon discuss the James White controversy and how the compromise of the church in America is impacting Christians in his country. Topic: Brannon has made it clear for many years he is not a Calvinist but is a Christian that believes in the doctrine of confluence and certain aspects of the doctrines of grace. Paul is a Calvinists and yet Brannon and Paul discuss how they can agree on the essentials and even disagree on some aspects of eschatology and some side bar issues of theology and yet defend the church and gospel from interfaith dialogues.

 Brannon Howse: July 5, 2017 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 58:36

Topic: Understanding the Christian heritage from second generation of Reformers. What is the purpose of government? How should Christians respond when the government disobeys God? While Washington, Adams, Jefferson, and Franklin, were not Christians by their own statements and proclamations, they did follow the pattern laid out by the Puritans that founded the original colonies. Topic: Listen as Chris Pinto brings us a presentation that will help us to have a truly Biblical worldview when it comes to the purpose of government and our reaction to an ungodly, unconstitutional government.


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