Speculate! show


Summary: Speculate! is an actual play TTRPG show starring science fiction & fantasy authors, editors, and more. Co-hosted by authors Gregory A. Wilson, Brandon O'Brien, and Michael R. Underwood, the show explores the overlap between different forms of storytelling from prose to games and beyond. They've played Blades in the Dark, Rebel Crown, D&D, Girl by Moonlight, and more. In addition to the podcast episodes, you can find video-only shows at https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLTBKdAD6ibG9kUpFVqjuvSxOTLLdXq3hJ NOTE: In 2018, Speculate transitioned from its original literary criticism format to the current actual play. All of the old episodes are still available.


 Episode 25 of Speculate! – Podcasts, Professions and Shameless Promotion Talk | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:02:58

Welcome to Episode 25 of Speculate! The Podcast for Writers, Readers and Fans.  We’re just about ready to start posting our next sequence of shows on The Book of Cthulhu, but we didn’t want to leave our loyal listeners content free for another week–so this week we’re happy to present a talk Greg did at this past Readercon in Boston on the subject of using one’s personal and professional background to further a writing career.  The talk took place on a Saturday night at 9 p.m., but despite the late hour and the other items scheduled at the same time, the turnout was solid and the audience pretty enthusiastic.  Greg covers a lot of ground during the talk, discussing aspects of how his own personal background has helped him in his efforts to build a career in speculative fiction, and we hope you’ll find the conversation instructive (one note: Greg had thought the talk was scheduled for thirty minutes, but it turned out to be slotted for a full hour, so the question and answer period was longer than might normally be the case).  If you like what you hear, please check back next week when, as promised, we’ll return to our standard show arrangement as we discuss The Book of Cthulhu.  Until then, thanks as always for listening, and thanks for continuing to spread the word about the show!

 Episode 24 of Speculate! – Patrick Rothfuss Author Interview Video | File Type: video/x-ms-wmv | Duration: Unknown

Welcome to Episode 24 of Speculate! The Podcast for Writers, Readers and Fans.  In this episode we present our second interview with bestselling author Patrick Rothfuss, this one conducted at the just concluded Worldcon in Reno.  As usual, Pat’s answers are thoughtful and wide-ranging, from a frank discussion about the difficulties of writing “the middle book”–and the psychological impact of trying to follow up on one of the most talked about debut fantasy novels in decades–to a description of how work on his charity Worldbuilders grounded him during a stressful time in his life.  We were just glad to set Pat up and watch him go.  If you like what you hear and see, please check back next week when we’ll be getting back into our regular show format with a discussion of Night Shade Books’ upcoming anthology The Book of Cthulhu; until then, thanks as always for listening, and please continue to spread the word about the show!

 Episode 23.5 of Speculate! – Ed Greenwood Author Interview Video | File Type: video/x-ms-wmv | Duration: Unknown

Hello all, On Tuesday we’ll be posting Episode 24 of Speculate!, a special video interview with bestselling author and friend of the show Patrick Rothfuss.  To get ready for the event, we thought we’d get you warmed up with this video version of the interview we recently did with author Ed Greenwood.  If you like what you hear (and see), please check back on Tuesday for Episode 24, and please continue to spread the word about the show!

 Episode 23 of Speculate! – Gen Con 2011 Author Interviews | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 47:57

Welcome to Episode 23 of Speculate! The Podcast for Writers, Readers and Fans.  In this episode we bring you a series of interviews done with authors attending Gen Con, one of the largest fantasy / science fiction / gaming conventions in the world.  Robert Farnsworth, Don Bingle, Jerry Gordon, Paul Genesse, Maurice Broaddus, Elizabeth Vaughan and the inimitable Ed Greenwood hold forth on all sorts of subjects relating to writing speculative fiction and the unique qualities of Gen Con, and we hope you’ll find their insights enjoyable.  If you like what you hear, remember to tune in next week when we’ll post a special video interview with Patrick Rothfuss, just conducted at Worldcon; until then, thanks for listening, and please continue to spread the word about the show!

 Episode 22 of Speculate! – Hugo Nominees Discussion | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 40:48

Welcome to Episode 22 of Speculate! The Podcast for Writers, Readers and Fans.  In this episode we talk about some of the nominees for the Hugo, to be awarded this coming weekend at Worldcon in Reno, focusing in particular on short stories and graphic novels.  We hardly have a crystal ball, but (as usual) we have some thoughts about the competitors up for the award.  If you like what you hear, please check back next week for a series of short interviews recently conducted at Gen Con; until then, thanks in advance for your support and willingness to spread the word about the show! P.S. We’ll both be at Worldcon; if you’re going to be there as well, please make sure to stop by a panel or reading we’re doing and say hello!

 Episode 21 of Speculate! – Wellspring Workshop 2011 Video | File Type: video/x-ms-wmv | Duration: Unknown

Welcome to a special episode of Speculate! The Podcast for Writers, Readers and Fans.  This week we’re proud to present our first video, an hour long compilation of interviews, critique sessions and readings that made up part of the Wellspring Workshop held this past June in Lake Geneva, Wisconsin.  We hope you enjoy the video, and hope even more that you spread the word about our show (audio and video!) to others; we’ll be back next week with a discussion of the Hugo nominees. SpeculateEpisode21_August82011_WellspringWorkshop2011Video.wmv

 Episode 20 of Speculate! – Aliette de Bodard Writing Discussion | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 33:30

Welcome to Episode 20 of Speculate! The Podcast for Writers, Readers and Fans.  In this episode we wrap up our series of shows on Aliette de Bodard’s Harbinger of the Storm with a discussion of some of the writing techniques she utilizes in the book…and some suggestions about how aspiring writers can put similar techniques to use in their own fiction.  If you enjoy the discussion, don’t forget to check back for a special video episode of Speculate! next week, when you’ll get an inside look at the recently concluded Wellspring Workshop from the participants themselves; until then, thanks as always for listening, and please continue to spread the word about the show! P.S. We’ll be at Gen Con this coming weekend in Indianapolis, one of the largest fantasy and science fiction gaming conventions in the world, participating as always in the Writers’ Symposium, a writing track specifically for aspiring authors (and the readers who love them).  If you’re in the area, please stop by and speak to us about the show, or whatever else is on your mind!

 Episode 19 of Speculate! – Aliette de Bodard Author Interview | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 24:57

Hello again, and welcome to Episode 19 of Speculate! The Podcast for Writers, Readers and Fans.  In this episode we continue our series of shows on the work of Aliette de Bodard by interviewing the author herself about Harbinger of the Storm, covering topics from Aztec culture to the ways mysteries and thrillers can enhance speculative fiction…and whether she sees herself writing such fiction in French in the future.  If you enjoy what you hear, make sure you read more of Aliette’s work–and don’t forget to check back next week, when we’ll conclude this series with a discussion of the writing techniques used in the novel.  As always, thanks for listening to the show, and please continue to spread the word!

 Episode 18 of Speculate! – Aliette de Bodard Novel Review (Harbinger of the Storm) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 26:45

Welcome back for Episode 18 of Speculate! The Podcast for Writers, Readers and Fans.  Recently back from Wellspring Workshop, in this episode we begin a series of shows on the work of Nebula, Hugo and Campbell nominee Aliette de Bodard, focusing in particular on her book Harbinger of the Storm.  If you like what you hear, make sure to check back next week for our interview of the author herself…and as always, thanks for continuing to listen to (and spread the word about) the show!

 Episode 17 of Speculate! – Wellspring Workshop Discussion | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 40:39

Welcome to Episode 17 of Speculate! The Podcast for Writers, Readers and Fans.  In this episode we talk about Wellspring, an invite only novel writing workshop being held in Lake Geneva, Wisconsin and involving eleven speculative fiction authors (including your humble hosts Greg and Brad!), along with a more extended conversation about workshop models, MFA programs, and courses in speculative fiction.  If you like what you hear, make sure you check back in the next couple of weeks for some video of the workshop and interviews with the participants; until then, thanks as always for listening and continuing to spread the word!

 Episode 16 of Speculate! – Kevin J. Anderson Author Interview | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 48:24

After a brief hiatus, we’re back with Episode 16 of Speculate! The Podcast for Writers, Readers and Fans.  In this episode we talk to New York Times bestselling author Kevin J. Anderson about the conclusion of his epic fantasy trilogy Terra Incognita, his tie-in work in universes from Star Wars to Star Trek to Dune, and his writing process (spoiler: it involves hiking and a voice recorder!).  We even get the chance to chat about music and how he managed to get some of the most important people in progressive rock to record two companion CDs for Terra Incognita…Greg admits to being just a trifle envious about this.  If you enjoy the interview, don’t forget to stop back next week when we’ll talk about writing workshops and classes (and the pros and cons of each).  As usual, thanks for listening to the show, and please continue to spread the word!

 Episode 15 of Speculate! – Eclipse Four Writing Discussion | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 51:01

Welcome to Episode 15 of Speculate! The Podcast for Writers, Readers and Fans.  In this episode we wrap up our look at Eclipse Four, Night Shade Books’ newest anthology, with a discussion of some of the writing techniques demonstrated in some representative stories by Michael Swanwick, James Patrick Kelly and Andy Duncan.  If you enjoy the discussion, don’t forget to check back next week when we’ll start a series of one-off shows featuring interviews with publicists, artists and authors; until then, thanks as always for listening, and please continue to spread the word about the show!

 Episode 14 of Speculate! – James Patrick Kelly and Michael Swanwick Author Interview | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 46:55

Welcome to Episode 14 of Speculate! The Podcast for Writers, Readers and Fans.  In this episode we talk to two luminaries of speculative fiction, James Patrick Kelly and Michael Swanwick, about their stories for Night Shade Books‘ new anthology Eclipse Four, their careers in science fiction and fantasy and what they’re working on for the near future.  We even get them to dole out some advice to aspiring writers (the much too quick summary: learn and be confident in what you’ve learned).  If you enjoy the discussion, don’t forget to check in again next week when we’ll wrap up the Eclipse Four series by talking about some of the writing techniques involved in the some of the anthology’s finest stories.  As always, thanks for continuing to spread the word about the show!

 Episode 13 of Speculate! – Jonathan Strahan Editor Interview | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 47:05

Welcome back for Episode 13 of Speculate! The Podcast for Writers, Readers and Fans.  In this episode we interview editor extraordinaire Jonathan Strahan on his editing career, his philosophy on constructing an anthology and his work with Night Shade Books‘ newest story collection, Eclipse Four.  We even get a chance to talk to him about podcasting, which we hope isn’t too crazily meta for the show!  If you like what you hear, remember to check back next week when we’ll interview James Patrick Kelly and Michael Swanwick on their respective stories for Eclipse Four.  As usual, thanks for listening to (and spreading the word about) the show!

 Episode 12 of Speculate! – Eclipse Four Anthology Review | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:44

Hi all, Welcome back for Episode 12 of Speculate! The Podcast for Writers, Readers and Fans.  In this episode we start a new sequence of discussion/interview/discussion shows on the new anthology from publisher Night Shade Books and editor Jonathan Strahan, Eclipse Four, concentrating in particular on stories by Michael Swanwick, James Patrick Kelly, Andy Duncan and Kij Johnson.  If you enjoy the discussion, don’t forget to check back next week when we’ll interview Mr. Strahan himself to get his take on the anthology.  And as always, thanks for spreading the word about the show!


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