Episode 25 of Speculate! – Podcasts, Professions and Shameless Promotion Talk

Speculate! show

Summary: Welcome to Episode 25 of Speculate! The Podcast for Writers, Readers and Fans.  We’re just about ready to start posting our next sequence of shows on <a href="http://www.nightshadebooks.com/cart.php?m=product_detail&amp;p=201">The Book of Cthulhu</a>, but we didn’t want to leave our loyal listeners content free for another week–so this week we’re happy to present a talk Greg did at this past <a href="http://readercon.org/">Readercon</a> in Boston on the subject of using one’s personal and professional background to further a writing career.  The talk took place on a Saturday night at 9 p.m., but despite the late hour and the other items scheduled at the same time, the turnout was solid and the audience pretty enthusiastic.  Greg covers a lot of ground during the talk, discussing aspects of how his own personal background has helped him in his efforts to build a career in speculative fiction, and we hope you’ll find the conversation instructive (one note: Greg had thought the talk was scheduled for thirty minutes, but it turned out to be slotted for a full hour, so the question and answer period was longer than might normally be the case).  If you like what you hear, please check back next week when, as promised, we’ll return to our standard show arrangement as we discuss The Book of Cthulhu.  Until then, thanks as always for listening, and thanks for continuing to spread the word about the show!<br>