Episode 20 of Speculate! – Aliette de Bodard Writing Discussion

Speculate! show

Summary: Welcome to Episode 20 of Speculate! The Podcast for Writers, Readers and Fans.  In this episode we wrap up our series of shows on Aliette de Bodard’s <a href="http://www.amazon.com/Harbinger-Storm-Obsidian-Blood-Book/dp/0857660764/ref=sr_1_4?ie=UTF8&amp;s=books&amp;qid=1278523630&amp;sr=8-4">Harbinger of the Storm</a> with a discussion of some of the writing techniques she utilizes in the book…and some suggestions about how aspiring writers can put similar techniques to use in their own fiction.  If you enjoy the discussion, don’t forget to check back for a special video episode of Speculate! next week, when you’ll get an inside look at the recently concluded <a href="http://www.speculatesf.com/2011/06/27/episode-17-of-speculate-wellspring-workshop-discussion/">Wellspring Workshop</a> from the participants themselves; until then, thanks as always for listening, and please continue to spread the word about the show!<br> P.S. We’ll be at <a href="http://www.gencon.com/">Gen Con</a> this coming weekend in Indianapolis, one of the largest fantasy and science fiction gaming conventions in the world, participating as always in the <a href="http://gencon-writers.com/">Writers’ Symposium</a>, a writing track specifically for aspiring authors (and the readers who love them).  If you’re in the area, please stop by and speak to us about the show, or whatever else is on your mind!<br>