Go Ask Your Father show

Go Ask Your Father

Summary: Go Ask Your Father™ is your answer to the tough questions you have about faith and morals, doctrine and social teaching, and applying your beliefs to everyday life. You’ll be hard-pressed to find a question that host Monsignor Stuart Swetland, Relevant Radio® Chief Religion Correspondent, can’t answer. If you have a question about the Faith, why not Go Ask Your Father?

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 Go Ask Your Father May 15th – Mass Distraction | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Have you ever been distracted at Mass? It happens to us all but what does it mean when we are distracted at Mass? Msgr. shares his thoughts with you.   Caller Question – Is it wrong to pray to want to get a new job she applied for? Caller Question – If God knows everything and all outcomes, then why do we pray for things? Catechetical Corner – Pilgrims Email Question – What happens to a chalice when a priest dies?

 Go Ask Your Father May 14th – What Do You Know About Prayer? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

What questions do you have about prayer or the Church? Msgr. invites you to ask questions to grow deeper in the faith.   Caller Question – Can Msgr. explain Papal infallibility? Caller Question – Can she attend a protestant baptism? Caller Question – What is the Church teaching about Erns? Caller Question – Is the Holy Spirit one in the same with our soul? When we die what happens? Caller Question – Is wondering about the Gospel reading today and what it means Catechetical Corner – Marriage Caller Question – Can Jesus take himself out of the host if something is wrong with it?

 Go Ask Your Father May 13th – Thank You | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

After a truly successful pledge drive, Msgr. thanks all of you for your generosity and support of Relevant Radio.   Caller Question – Can Msgr. explain 1st John 3:6-10? Caller Question – Are Spiritual Works of Mercy the same as good works? Caller Question – What is proper etiquette during Mass? Caller Question – Does Pro-Life include gun control? Caller Question – She heard that the anti-Christ will come from Turkey, is this true? Caller Question – What is the difference between venial and mortal sin? Caller Question – His son wants to move in with his girlfriend. Can Msgr. help? Caller Question – Does the book of Revelation reference the trinity? Catechetical Corner – Science and Faith Caller Question – How do you know if you’re being disciplined by God? Caller Question – Her niece is living with her boyfriend, and is pregnant, how does she go about handling the the baby shower?

 Go Ask Your Father May 9th – Are You Feeling Grateful? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Are you feeling grateful? Msgr. has been feeling grateful lately and shares with you why you should feel the same way.   Caller Question – Why do we see much healing in the bible but not see much healing today? Caller Story – He is Muslim and wanted to comment on how he appreciates the love and respect that RR shows to others. Catechetical Corner – Charity Caller Question – Has a question about the name of Knights of Columbus.

 Go Ask Your Father May 8th – Are You Lonely? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Do you feel lonely? Do you know someone who is lonely? Msgr. explains how America, the most socially thriving country on Earth, is suffering from loneliness.   Caller Question – What is the Church teaching on tithing? Caller Story – Shares a story of how she witnessed charity in her parish community. Caller Question – Question about the Israelite’s from the old testament. Caller Story – He explains his loneliness in life and asks Msgr. how he can reach out to others. Catechetical Corner – Walking in the footsteps of Saints.

 Go Ask Your Father May 7th – How Is Your Easter Going? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

How has your Easter season been going? Yes that is right, we are still in the season of Easter. Msgr. shares with you how you should be imitating Jesus.   Caller Question – How does the spirit interact with the soul and the body? Caller Question – Do we have any resources on how the Catholic faith grew so large? Caller Question – Can Msgr. explain what evangelism is? Caller Question – Is he allowed to dispense contraception as a pharmacist? Catechetical Corner – Fruits of Holy Communion.

 Go Ask Your Father May 6th – Has God Surprised You Lately? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Has God surprised you lately in your life? Msgr. shares with you why God is the god of surprises.   Caller Comment – Comments on how Go surprised him in his life when watching a movie of faith. Caller Question – Why was the oath against modernism resided in the 60’s? Catechetical Corner – Creation and the creator.

 Go Ask Your Father May 3rd – What is Your Favorite Bible Passage? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

What is your favorite bible passage? Have you ever thought about that before? Msgr. shares with you his favorite bible passage and why it had a great impact on his life.   Email Question – She is elderly and is wondering if she may receive the anointing of the sick every month? Email Question – Can I receive communion if i am not married through the Church?

 Go Ask Your Father May 2nd with Fr. John Paul Erickson | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Father John Paul Erickson shares with you about Saint Athanasius and the story of his life.   Caller Question – What does it mean to be baptized Catholic? Caller Question – What is the difference between actual grace vs sanctifying grace? Caller Question – Does Father know the status of Bishop Fulton Sheen for sainthood? Caller Question – Is there truth that a study found that our DNA goes all the way back to 2 people? Caller Question – Can Father explain the trinity? Caller Question – How important are dreams in Christianity?

 Go Ask Your Father May 1st – St Joseph the Worker | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Msgr. talks about the importance of St Joseph in the Catholic Church as well as why reparations are an important part of our lives.   Caller Comment – He has an issue with reparations. He came from Ireland and was oppressed there, he never received any reparations. Caller Comment – He is a lawyer and Msgr’s arguments don’t make sense. Caller Comment – We as Christians and Catholics are called to help others. You cannot argue this. Catechetical Corner – Lead us not into temptation Caller Question – What is the Church teaching on cruel and unusual punishment in regards to prison?

 Go Ask Your Father April 30th – Sharing is Caring | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Is taxation theft? Not according to Jesus. Jesus tells us to pay our taxes. Msgr. gives you his thoughts on it.   Caller Question – Her daughter is away from the faith and is very materialistic, what can she do to bring her back to the faith? Caller Question – Should we aspire to obtain the stigmata? Caller Question – Does the Church have a teaching for reparations for wrong doings? Caller Question – Why does the priest break the host and put a piece of it into the cup? Caller Comment – The best thing we can do to bring our children back to the faith is to be kind to them and pray for them. Caller Question – How many months pregnant was Mary when they fled to Egypt? Catechetical Corner – The Eucharist Caller Question – What is the difference between Catholics and Protestants? Caller Question – What does the bible mean when it says that Jesus appeared to the disciples in another form?

 Go Ask Your Father April 29th – Do You Want the World Set on Fire? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Do you want the world set on fire for Jesus? Do you want the world on fire for love of the Lord? Msgr. explains.   Caller Question – Has a question about a reading from Divine Mercy Sunday. Caller Question – Her Godfather is away from the faith, how can she show him that God is real? Caller Question – Why do Protestants baptize later in life? Caller Question – What is grace? Do you become apart of God when you get to heaven? Caller Question – Question regarding indulgences for Divine Mercy Sunday. Caller Question – Is there any significance to Jesus eating more in the gospel readings recently? Caller Question – What did Jesus mean when he told the apostles they can retain sins? Catechetical Corner – Condition of Christ Risen Humanity Email Question – She was told by a priest she only needs to go to confession once a month, what does Msgr. think about that? Caller Question – Why do we fast before receiving communion when the disciples received communion right after the Last Supper? Caller Question – What does the Church teach about modern scholars who think that not all the Gospels were written by the apostles?

 Go Ask Your Father April 26th – What is the Significance of 153 Fish? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Do you know what the significance of catching 153 fish is from this Sunday’s Gospel? Msgr. has the explanation for you.   Caller Question – Who is allowed to do a blessing? Caller Question – What does the Church teach about the Gnostic Gospels? Caller Comment – We shouldn’t let one bad experience ruin our vision of the Church. Caller Question – What is a good children’s story to read from the bible? Caller Comment – In her parish, the children are recognized. Caller Question – Her father is in an adulterous relationship, what should she do? Catechetical Corner – Prayer and the Christian Life. Caller Comment – She stayed in the pews growing up as a child when she couldn’t receive communion.

 Go Ask Your Father April 25th – Do you believe in human rights? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

* Do you follow the Church’s teaching on upholding the dignity of all and bringing about the fullness of Catholic social teaching? Msgr. Stuart Swetland cites an encyclical that reminds us that all deserve food, rest, social services, and shelter. He also says that family is the first unit that should bring these rights about, and after that, community. * Caller question – What is the true definition of social justice? Is it meant to be humanistic or secular? Or are its origins from Catholicism? * Caller comment – Social justice is being focused on too much; the Church shouldn’t get as involved in this political discussion. * Caller comment – When we deny life to any individual through abortion, we are denying their liberty. These rights can’t be taken away. * Caller comment – The government often dictates what social justice issues should be important, such as environmentalism. Building up our family should be of main importance. * Caller question – Who would be better at bringing about the common good? Democrats or Republicans? * Catechetical corner – Natural law and morality – discerning the truth and knowing the lie * Caller question – How the Church gotten so far away from Catholic social teaching? * Caller question – Why did the Church stop using the Duay-Reams translation of Bible?    

 Go Ask Your Father April 24th – What Does It Mean to be Pro-Life? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

What does it mean to be pro-life? Msgr. believes it is more than just advocating for an end to abortion.   Caller Question – What does the Church about DNR orders? Caller Question – What happens at the end of the world? Caller Question – Why does Msgr. sound like he is advocating for socialism? Caller Question – What happens when you die during the second coming? Caller Comment – Many employers don’t offer health care. Caller Question – Why are you asking the government to manage healthcare instead of the Church? Catechetical Corner – The forgiveness of our sins Caller Question – How can I help a family member who does not believe?


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