Go Ask Your Father May 13th – Thank You

Go Ask Your Father show

Summary: After a truly successful pledge drive, Msgr. thanks all of you for your generosity and support of Relevant Radio.<br>  <br> Caller Question – Can Msgr. explain 1st John 3:6-10?<br> Caller Question – Are Spiritual Works of Mercy the same as good works?<br> Caller Question – What is proper etiquette during Mass?<br> Caller Question – Does Pro-Life include gun control?<br> Caller Question – She heard that the anti-Christ will come from Turkey, is this true?<br> Caller Question – What is the difference between venial and mortal sin?<br> Caller Question – His son wants to move in with his girlfriend. Can Msgr. help?<br> Caller Question – Does the book of Revelation reference the trinity?<br> Catechetical Corner – Science and Faith<br> Caller Question – How do you know if you’re being disciplined by God?<br> Caller Question – Her niece is living with her boyfriend, and is pregnant, how does she go about handling the the baby shower?<br>