Go Ask Your Father April 25th – Do you believe in human rights?

Go Ask Your Father show

Summary: <br> * Do you follow the Church’s teaching on upholding the dignity of all and bringing about the fullness of Catholic social teaching? Msgr. Stuart Swetland cites an encyclical that reminds us that all deserve food, rest, social services, and shelter. He also says that family is the first unit that should bring these rights about, and after that, community.<br> * Caller question – What is the true definition of social justice? Is it meant to be humanistic or secular? Or are its origins from Catholicism?<br> * Caller comment – Social justice is being focused on too much; the Church shouldn’t get as involved in this political discussion.<br> * Caller comment – When we deny life to any individual through abortion, we are denying their liberty. These rights can’t be taken away.<br> * Caller comment – The government often dictates what social justice issues should be important, such as environmentalism. Building up our family should be of main importance.<br> * Caller question – Who would be better at bringing about the common good? Democrats or Republicans?<br> * Catechetical corner – Natural law and morality – discerning the truth and knowing the lie<br> * Caller question – How the Church gotten so far away from Catholic social teaching?<br> * Caller question – Why did the Church stop using the Duay-Reams translation of Bible?<br> <br>  <br>  <br>