DuelingPatriots show


Summary: The Dueling Patriots radio show is an honest talk about American Politics and dedicated to the critical evaluation of the US government. The show is hosted by award winning author Marcus Blake and guests are dueling patriots from all sides, liberals, conservatives, and libertarians. We're here to talk politics, promote ideas, and say the things that main stream media is afraid to say. We welcome anybody to have an honest conversation about American politics and our society with the Dueling Patriots. So call in and let's talk and maybe our government will finally listen to its citizens instead of just telling us lies in order to get our vote. The Dueling Patriots Radio show is a political talk show where men and women from opposite ends of the political spectrum talk openly about American Politics. The Host Marcus Blake and his guests challenge listeners with ideas, stay critical of elected officials, and don't under any circumstances let biased opinions rule the show. This show is uncensored and there's no bull unlike mainstream media. Marcus Blake and his guest are called the critical eye of the Constitution, challenging elected officials in their knowledge of the Constitution while making sure that the American people know who doesn't choose to follow it. The Dueling Patriots Radio show is simple - honest talk about American Politics where you get the views of all sides.

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  • Artist: DuelingPatriots
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 "Nuclear Trigger" documents used to frame Iran are forgeries | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:00

As this show predicted in mid December (check 12-17-09 archive), the Telegraph of London used forged documents to make it look like Iran had been working on a nuclear trigger. Now, even our own government has been forced to admit that the documents are indeed forgeries. We'll discuss that, as well as the upcoming 2010 election cycle. Some key democrats are not going to be running again, and that will make for an interesting primary season.

 The Underwear Bomber and Income Tax Terrorism | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:00

In our first show of 2010 we'll talk about the underwear bomber extensively. Has the Patriot Act worked? Or was this a false flag event that was allowed to occur so that we'd want to renew the Patriot Act again? Also, it's that time again: Income Tax Season. Of course, it's more appropriately termed "The 2010 Federal Government Income Tax Terrorism Season". We'll talk a bit about income taxation in general, as well as the tactics used by the government to confiscate wealth.

 The Decade in Review: How Has America Fared in the Last 10 Years? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:00

This will be our last show of the year, so we'll talk about the last decade and how America has fared through it. Lots of big events took place that affected us forever. Has the government put the screws to us more than usual? Are we more free now than we were in 2000?

 How can we fight Obamacare? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:00

In all likelihood, the health care bill will pass. What can be done to stop it? Most of it doesn't go into effect until 2014. Is that enough time? Is our answer at the federal level or at the state level? We'll also talk about a 9/12 candidate who is making waves in Kentucky against the political establishment. How much of an effect will the tea party / 9/12 groups have on the 2010 elections? And, to lighten the mood a bit, we'll have some hilarious Christmas music to play for you. You won't want to miss this!

 Does Iran have nukes, and what's the deal with the Nuclear Proliferation Treaty? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:00

So Iran shot a missile a couple of days ago. Does it matter? Should we care? And what about their supposed nuclear program? Does it exist? Are we making this stuff up? And is Iran even our biggest threat? We'll talk about that, as well as Obamacare coming down to the wire, the Copenhagen climate party, and women who serve in the military.

 Obama the Bankster, Bill of Rights Day, Gay Houston Mayor, and Larry Kilgore (former gov. candidate) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:00

Big show today. We'll be having Larry Kilgore on the show in the last half hour talking about his recent exit from the Texas gubernatorial race. First, we'll discuss Obama's plan for the banks and his urging them to lend. Houston has an openly gay mayor. Do you care? And of course today is Bill of Rights day!

 As War President Obama Accepts Peace Prize, Climate Change Propaganda Machine Rages On | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:00

President Obama today redefined what peace was as he accepted the Peace Prize. No surprise there. The climate change propaganda machine is in full force, and you won't believe the lengths to which some people will go in order to stifle debate or even censor the other side of the argument.

 Climategate, Copenhagen, and Drill Here Drill Now | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:00

Lots of developments regarding Climategate and the Copenhagen get-together over yonder in socialist land. We've also got a guest coming on to educate us about the Submerged Lands Act, which has direct bearing upon Drill Here Drill Now efforts.

 Who is Obama Trying to Fool? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:00

Obama's Afghanistan speech flopped...big time. It was like a tip-toe through the tulips, and nobody was fooled. We'll discuss the highlights of the speech and offer our analysis. Also, I'll share with you my conversation with a socialist. Good stuff. You'll want to hear this.

 Obama Escalates the Occupation in Afghanistan | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:00

Obama has decided to deploy about 30,000 more troops in order to help out with the occupation/nation building exercise we have going on in Afghanistan. At the same time, he's announcing a timetable for pulling out of Afghanistan. We'll also cover seven stories Obama doesn't want you to know about, and if we have time I'll share a conversation/debate I had with a Marxist this morning.

 9/11 Suspects get a trial in New York: Good idea or bad idea? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:00

Finally, after 8 years, the 9/11 suspects are going to be put on trial. Do they have a right to a trial in New York, do they have a right to a military commission, or do they not have any rights at all? Also, we'll talk about the revelation in the Fort Hood shooting that Officer Kimberley Munley is not the one who brought down Nidal Hasan.

 Health Care, Afghanistan, and the Federal Reserve | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:00

No, we're not going to try to connect these three things. We're going to talk a little about health care, specifically the penalties for not complying. We'll also discuss Obama's decision on Afghanistan, or lack thereof. Lastly, we'll discuss Chris Dodd's proposal to overhaul the financial system, and why he's actually going to be pitting himself against the Federal Reserve.

 The Ft. Hood Massacre: Was It Terrorism? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:00

The main talking point the past few days about the Ft. Hood massacre and Major Nidal Hasan has been this: was it an act of terrorism? We'll take a look at the inconsistencies in the story as it evolved, and we'll speculate on whether or not it was terrorism.

 Hate crimes law passes, racism in Chicago, and hispanics getting tickets for not speaking English | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:00

Hate crimes law passes, now what? Lots of unintended consequences will follow with this new law. We'll also discuss the case of black students being kicked out of a Chicago bar for wearing baggy pants, yet a white guy wore the same clothes and got in. And another bizarre case is this: Dallas police have been giving tickets to drivers who don't speak English.

 Corporate bonus caps, ABC flu shot propaganda, illegal banking, and Jundollah terrorism | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:00

Another jam packed show today. The Federal Reserve puts forth a plan to limit corporate bonuses of bailed out companies. ABC show "Flash Forward" injects some propaganda (or is it brainwashing) into the show regarding flu shots. A lawyer gets sent to prison for depositing money in a bank. No, we're not making this up. Last but not least, it's possible the US is supporting the Jundollah terrorists who just recently struck in Iran.


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