V-RADIO show


Summary: V-RADIO is a radio show dedicated to spreading awareness of the Resource Based Economy model suggested by Jacque Fresco of the Venus Project. I also frequently have guests including scientists, documentary film makers, and other activists. Thank you for supporting V-RADIO!

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  • Artist: V RADIO
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 Could AI be dangerous? V-RADIO on the "Side Show". | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:46:00

On this episode of the "Side Show" with Frank Lee Seux and Tanaro, I engaged in a lively debate about the topic of artificial intelligience. Doug Mallette was also part of this conversation along with a couple of other panelists. 

 What is biometrics? And why should it scare you? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:30:00

On this edition of V-RADIO, I will be joined by Aarron "StormCloudsGathering" as we discuss the use of Biometrics by governments to track citizens. Some countries are now requiring biometric profiling in more and more cases. The process involves invasive and often humiliating methods to establish one's idenity that you are going to want to know about. As this is becoming more and more prevalent. And it is a tool of fascism. 

 Dr. David Allen, expert on medical Marijuana interview! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:11:00

On this episode of V-RADIO we are going to talk to Dr. David Allen. An expert on Medical Marijuana and actvist. We will be discussing the benefits of medical Marijuna as well as a lot of the trouble that people who are selling it legally as far as state law are finding when they encounter the federal government. We will also be talking about scientific research involved with this and the possible other benefits that are not being talked about publicly. 

 Why you should be part of independent media. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:02:00

This is a re-upload of the show I did on TZM Global Radio with several other radio hosts who do TZM related material. We talked about the importance of alternative media, the technology involved, and how and why you should be making your own radio shows, youtube videos, etc.  Terry Gadd from ZMUK Radio, Aaron Moritz "Theinfiniteyes" from youtube, along with Dannette Wallace and Gregory Wantz (Thunder) from Z-RADIO were all on this broadcast. It was a great conversation. 

 Why we need the military in the event of a collapse.... | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:57:00

On this episode of V-RADIO I will be talking with two fellow radio hosts from the old Ron Paul radio days, Jake and Mike, "The fire team for freedom." Both of these fellows are military veterans who feel that it is the oath to uphold and defend the Constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic that will save the people of the United States in the event of an attempted fascist takeover.  On this episode we will be reading and discussing this blog: http://miketherevolutionary.blogspot.com/2011/09/spread-love-to-uniformed.html You don't have to be pro war or even pro military to understand that alienating the military is exactly what any elite hoping to facilitate a fascist takeover would want you to do.  V-RADIO is still trying to get much needed donations for this month. Please visit http://v-radio.org/donations and consider a donation today. 

 Lucas Vazquez of "Occupy Wall Street" interview! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:00

On this edition of V-RADIO we are proud to have Lucas Vasquez of "Occupy Wall Street" to talk about their efforts in activism. 

 What to expect during a financial collapse. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:40:00

On this episode of V-RADIO my guests and I will be discussing the 1999-2004 financial crisis and collapse in Argentina, to reflect on what causes these collapses, and what happens to civilization during these conditions.  V-RADIO is still looking for donations this month, so please consider visiting http://v-radio.org/donations and contributing whatever you can. If everyone who downloaded just gave five bucks a month we would have 10 times what we need. :)  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Argentine_economic_crisis_(1999%E2%80%932002)

 heron stone, creator of gendo: a way of language | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:58:00

On this episode of V-RADIO we are proud to present heron stone, creator of gendo: a way of language I will be talking with Heron on the issues with language and how it can be distorted and misused.  You can check out Heron's work at http://gendo.net/ V-RADIO is still seeking donations for this month, so please consider visiting http://v-radio.org/donations and giving a contribution! Thanks again for everyone who has supported V-RADIO. 

 Stefan Molyneux to discuss the "Non-aggression principle"! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:42:00

Tonight on V-RADIO we are proud to once again have Stefan Molyneux of FreeDomain Radio to discuss elaborations on the "Non-Aggression Principle". Should it include issues like the environment? Should verbal and written aggression also be included?  You can check out more of Stefan's liberty oriented material at his website. http://www.freedomainradio.com/ Also joining us will be my partner in the making of the "TROLL" documentary Aaron Moritz, a.k.a Saydaysago. Who also made a video on this subject.  Thank you to everyone who has contributed to V-RADIO, and please consider a donation at http://v-radio.org/donations. 

 The Venus Project Q&A and updates on organization. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:58:00

V-RADIO is proud to have the Venus Project to discuss your questions, and the progress with their organization. Thanks again to everyone who has supported V-RADIO!

 Birgitta Jonsdottir, a member of Iceland's parliment. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:00

On this episode of V-RADIO we are proud to have Birgitta Jonsdottir, a member of Parliment in Iceland. We will be discussing her work with freedom of information, and the transformation of politics. 

 Doug Mallette returns to V-RADIO to discuss Liverpool! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:01:00

V-RADIO is proud to once again have Doug Mallette, Systems Engineer for the space shuttle program. On this episode we will be discussing his recent trip to Liverpool England to attend the school for Changemakers. http://schoolforchangemakers.org/ Thanks again for everyone who has supported V-RADIO and please consider a donation at V-RADIO.org!

 Ivan Munoz, a rock musician for the Venus Project and TZM! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:46:00

On this edition of V-RADIO we will have Ivan Munoz, a member of the Zeitgeist Movement in Chile, and lead vocalist for a band called "Vigilante". Great music that reminds me of Rob Zombie and Ramstein, and a great choice in causes to be fighting for. We will talk with Ivan about how he found out about the Venus Project and the Zeitgeist Movement and the Resource Based Economy. V-RADIO is still collecting donations for this month so please consider a donation athttp://v-radio.org/donations . You can check out "Vigilante" at http://www.vigilante.cl/

 Zeitgeist Spain to report on the situation in Spain! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:01:00

Ben McLeish happened to be in Spain during the recent protests so he will also be joining us on this edition of V-RADIO where we get to the bottom of the violence in spain. In addition we will have Vixi and Carlos. Please consider a donation at V-RADIO.org and thank you to everyone who has supported V-RADIO!

 Millons against Monsanto! Alexis Baden-Mayor interview! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:06:00

On this edition of V-RADIO we will be proud to have Alexis Baden-Mayor, political director of organic consumers association. We will be talking about her organization and it's work, along with the "Millions against Monsanto" campaign. Tune in!


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