Art of Joyful Living show

Art of Joyful Living

Summary: Insights, inspirations, tools and techniques for creating the life and business of your dreams.

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 ANDREA CONWAY: Run Your Business From Inside the Vortex | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:01:00

Andrea Conway was a highly successful marketing executive in the technology industry, but in 1992 – not long after she discovered the Law of Attraction (as taught by Abraham through Jerry and Esther Hicks) – she took the leap to start her first business. 19 years later she's still listening to Abraham and now helps her coaching clients thrive in their businesses by putting the Law of Attraction first. Andrea is the original Law of Attraction internet business coach. Her first website,, was launched in 2002 and still today helps many thousands of spiritual entrepreneurs attract all the money they want from the businesses they love. Want to know what kind of benefits to expect when you learn to run your business from inside “The Vortex?” Join Cindy and Linda to find out as they interview Andrea and learn the specific steps that Andrea takes to run her very successful business from Inside "The Vortex!" Also Andrea is offering Art of Joyful Living radio listeners her report on Secrets of Attracting Prosperity in Hard Times. Go here to get your free copy:

 Dr. LORRAINE COHEN: Transforming Fear into Power | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:01:00

Join Cindy and Linda as they interview Reverend Dr. Lorraine Cohen, a creatively inspiring and innovative, cutting edge expert in the fields of personal growth, spiritual evolution, and conscious entrepreneurship. Founder of Powerfull Living, Lorraine is a gifted spiritual life coach and advisor, published writer, speaker, and popular radio broadcaster. She has coached thousands of conscious business owners to overcome the limitations of their mind to know their value, claim their Divine Power, and live their purpose in alignment with their spirit. Lorraine will discuss her powerful formula for Transforming Fear into POWER and how to remove barriers to success. Lorraine is also the host of the popular internet radio show, The Compelling Conversations for Powerfull Living Series. You can learn more about her work at: http://

 FORBES ROBBINS BLAIR: Huna and Hypnosis: Powerful Transformational Tools | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:00

FORBES ROBBINS BLAIR, a well known hypnotherapist, personal transformation expert, and best-selling author, joins Cindy and Linda to discuss how an ancient Hawaiian healing system (Huna) and a powerful mind technology (hypnosis) can help you to create everything you want in life. Learn more about Forbes by visiting his website at:

 How do I know if my Ego's in the way, Not open to Receiving, and more? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:01:00

We asked and you answered! Today on the Art of Joyful Living, we’re discussing topics that you suggested and answering questions that you asked: • Why is it that something manifested only after it became a vehicle for helping others? • How do I know when to hang it up? The economy is getting better but my business isn’t. I’ve invested in smart marketing, invested in my own professional development, but nothing’s happening. • How do I know if my ego’s in the way when I have to make an important decision? Better yet, how do I get it out of the way? • I’ve been told that I have trouble receiving and that’s what’s holding me back from getting what I want. That doesn’t make sense to me. I know what I want in my life and I really want it! So why wouldn’t I be open to receiving it? Do you have any questions you’d like to add to this list? We’d love to hear from you! Join us in the chat room or call us. You run the show! 646 929 1420.

 JEANNA GABELLINI: Money for 2011: Designing a Business that is Profitable and Peaceful | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:01:00

JEANNA GABELLINI is a master coach who helps high achieving entrepreneurs and their teams leverage fun, systems and intentionality for high-octane results. She likes to marry vision, divine guidance and proven strategies to help you increase your revenue and decrease your work load. When it comes to money, no one understands better than Jeanna the connection between our personal history with money and how it impacts our ability to have more. Guess what? It all starts with you and that’s the good news because that means you can change your money and success relationships. Jeanna believes that there is no reason you can’t add another zero to the end of your profits this year with some simple changes. YOU are the ONLY reason your wealth set point is not higher and you can do something about that today! Join Linda and Cindy to learn Jeanna’s personal formula for Money in 2011: Designing a Business that is Profitable & Peaceful! As Jeanna says, “this isn’t what your mother or father told you about running a business!” Be sure to visit Jeanna’s website at:

 JANET CONNER: Writing down your Soul | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:01:00

JANET CONNER is a writer, teacher, and speaker with a deceptively simple message: Everyone has direct and immediate access to the Voice of wisdom within. Janet is the author of Writing Down Your Soul: How to Activate and Listen to the Extraordinary Voice Within, (Conari Press), now in its third printing. A matching companion journal, My Soul Pages is due out in May. Through her book, telecourses and live events, Janet teaches people how to connect with their own inner Voice, so they can activate the guidance and creativity they need to live the life they're here to live. Janet discovered the writing down your soul process while navigating the difficult waters of a horrifically abusive marriage. It changed her life and she is now dedicated to teaching others how to do the same. Janet will discuss with Cindy and Linda the amazing shifts that will happen when you write with the intention of accessing the Voice of wisdom within, how soul writing differs from regular journaling, and her unique “write down your soul” writing process. Visit Janet’s website to learn more about her life transforming work at:

 SONIA CHOQUETTE: Intuition; Trusting your Vibes | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:01:00

SONIA CHOQUETTE is a world renowned author, storyteller, vibrational healer, and six sensory spiritual teacher. She’s the author of several best selling books, including Diary of a Psychic, Ask Your Guides, and Trust Your Vibes; and numerous audio programs and card decks. Having observed thousands and thousands of people from virtually every walk of life, with every advantage or disadvantage, Sonia can confidently say that the only ones who genuinely succeed, who find peace and joy in their hearts and take great pleasure in their experiences, have a different way of going about things. Rather than relying solely on their egos—their defended, insecure personalities—suffering the assaults life renders them, they turn to a higher aspect of their nature, the Spirit within, and let this direct their lives. Join Cindy and Linda as they interview Sonia about the ten simple yet necessary steps outlined in her book, The Answer is Simple, that will allow you to make that connection to your authentic Spirit and experience your truth. You can learn more about Sonia’s amazing work by visiting her website at:

 NANCY BROOK: From Banker to Published Author, Living your Dream | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:01:00

With one bounced check, Nancy Brook’s world collapsed around her. She was charged with a felony and thrown in jail even though her husband had pilfered money out of their business account. Eventually, the charges were dismissed, but her marriage and business were over. A decade later at age forty-three, Nancy thrived as a bank vice president and single parent. But somehow, she couldn’t get her dating act together. After seven break-ups in seven years, she knew it was time for a change. And change she did! Nancy had a dream of becoming an author and a passion to let women know that dependence on someone else was not the road to happiness. Living your dream was the road to joy and that’s exactly what she did through the publication of her first book, Cycling, Wine, and Men: A Midlife Tour de France Join Linda and Cindy as they talk to Nancy about her ride of a lifetime, which she calls Under the Tuscan Sun meets Sex in the City!

 MARGARET LYNCH: EFT Expert | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:01:00

This week, Cindy and Linda are delighted to introduce MARGARET M. LYNCH as their guest expert. Margaret is an accomplished Success Coach, author and is widely considered a top Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT?) expert. Her unique style of EFT, known simply as “tapping”, focuses on breaking through blocks around business, success and wealth and connecting more fully with your true self and life purpose. Margaret is passionate about helping people free themselves from the chains of old programming and wounds so each of us can step into our fully empowered selves! Margaret draws on her rich, eclectic experiential and educational background to facilitate healing and growth for her clients. Before her work as a Success Coach, she compiled 18+ years in management and executive sales as part of top Fortune 500 companies. She earned a Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering from Worcester Polytechnic Institute. Margaret is the author of the highly acclaimed tapping book and program “Secret of Intentional Wealth” and creator of the “Tapping for Money BootCamps” and “Tapping Through The Chakras” method. She is a frequent expert guest on radio and a featured speaker in numerous success and wellbeing focused events such as the annual Tapping World Summit and the Enlightened Wealth Women Telesummit and many more. For more information about Margaret’s transformational products and programs and to take the free video ecourse “Tapping for Money Through the Chakras” please visit

 KRISTEN WEBSTER: Laughter Yoga | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:01:00

Join Linda and Cindy as they talk with Kristen Webster about Laughter Yoga. Come laugh with us! Kristen Webster is a certified Laughter Yoga Instructor, EFT Practitioner, Energy Healer, Life Coach, Nutritional Consultant and mother. She is the owner of Elan Health and Wellness, a resource center for women designed to inspire living a healthy, well balanced life. Kristen is also the author of Dream It. Live It!, an introspective book and program developed to help anyone uncover their passion and live their purpose, and was a co-author of the Amazon best selling book A Juicy, Joyful Life.

 PAUL ZELIZER: Activate your Spiritual Genius | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:01:00

Today, Cindy and Linda interview PAUL ZELIZER, a business success coach who specializes in helping heart based people learn to make more money and experience more meaning in their work. He combines his 30+ year passion for understanding powerful inner technologies (like energy psychology and mindfulness) with a conscious approach to business technologies like the internet. Paul is the co-founder of a technique called Business Energetics, the first energy psychology tool developed just for conscious business. He is the author of Money Makeover 2.0: 5 Steps to Financial Well-being in Today's Economy which has been read around the world. Paul has a global coaching business where he helps spiritual entrepreneurs grow their business by combining the best of inner and outer technologies. Learn more about Paul’s great work by visiting his website at:

 JEANNA GABELLINI: Business on a Higher Plane | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:01:00

Join Linda and Cindy as they talk to Jeanna about her 7 Pillars of Enlightened Leadership. Jeanna Gabellini, is a Master Business Coach who assists high achieving entrepreneurs and their teams to leverage fun, systems and intentionality for high-octane results. If you think that business is all about taking as many action steps as possible in the shortest amount of time, hit the pause button. Business is supposed to be passion filled, exhilarating and profitable. Jeanna’s coaching & seminars marry vision, divine guidance and proven strategies. You’ll ditch the mental merry-go-rounds and overwhelm. Jeanna also co-authored Life Lessons for Mastering the Law of Attraction with Eva Gregory, Mark Victor Hansen & Jack Canfield. Jeanna’s website is

 How to make 2011 your BEST year ever with Cheryl Kravitz | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:00

Cindy and Linda are delighted to kick-off the New Year with a show that is entirely devoted to strategies that will help you make 2011 your BEST year ever! They are especially pleased to interview CHERYL KRAVITZ, President of CRK Communications, who has experienced many challenges in her life and spectacular successes. Cheryl is respected nationally for her expertise in motivational speaking, crisis communications, media relations, media training, feature writing, diversity training, fund development, community relations, and issues management. Although once involved in an abusive marriage, Cheryl sees herself as a survivor who learned to value who she is and her abilities to create great things for herself and her family. Listen as Cheryl reveals the strategies she has successfully used to create a fulfilling and joy-filled life. Learn more about Cheryl by visiting her website at: Have a question or want to add a comment? Join the discussion! Call 646-929-1420

 Eva Gregory's End-of-theYear Completion Process | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:03:00

We had so much fun interviewing our coach and mentor, Eva Gregory earlier this month (Dec. 7th, 2010)! Eva has a very powerful “end-of-the-year” completion process that we thought would make for a great discussion to close out this year and prepare for 2011. A funny thing happened. We became so engaged in hearing about Eva’s most recent spiritual and business insights that we ran out of time to discuss her completion process! Because we have personally benefitted from this teaching, we made a special recording in which we break down the process step by step, so that you, too, can benefit. We hope that you enjoy it! Happy New Year!

 Lesson Learned from Dee Wallace,Jarrad Hewett and many other AOJL amazing guests! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:04:00

Did you know that if you are doing something in order not to do something else, that your focus is split and that you are, in actuality, focusing on the very thing that you are trying to avoid?! Did you know that intuition is the Universal Gold being delivered into our consciousness and that we have to mine it at that moment or it’s gone? These are just a couple of the nuggets that Dee Wallace and Jarrad Hewett write and talk about in their book, “Everything is Energy: Unleashing the Power of Everyday Wisdom.” Our interview with Dee and Jarrad (November, 2010) was jam packed with information that can help you take a quantum leap forward towards your desired goals. For today’s program, which has been pre-recorded, we discuss lessons learned from Dee and Jarrad and many of our other amazing AOJL guests!


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