Art of Joyful Living show

Summary: This week, Cindy and Linda are delighted to introduce MARGARET M. LYNCH as their guest expert. Margaret is an accomplished Success Coach, author and is widely considered a top Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT?) expert. Her unique style of EFT, known simply as “tapping”, focuses on breaking through blocks around business, success and wealth and connecting more fully with your true self and life purpose. Margaret is passionate about helping people free themselves from the chains of old programming and wounds so each of us can step into our fully empowered selves! Margaret draws on her rich, eclectic experiential and educational background to facilitate healing and growth for her clients. Before her work as a Success Coach, she compiled 18+ years in management and executive sales as part of top Fortune 500 companies. She earned a Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering from Worcester Polytechnic Institute. Margaret is the author of the highly acclaimed tapping book and program “Secret of Intentional Wealth” and creator of the “Tapping for Money BootCamps” and “Tapping Through The Chakras” method. She is a frequent expert guest on radio and a featured speaker in numerous success and wellbeing focused events such as the annual Tapping World Summit and the Enlightened Wealth Women Telesummit and many more. For more information about Margaret’s transformational products and programs and to take the free video ecourse “Tapping for Money Through the Chakras” please visit