SONIA CHOQUETTE: Intuition; Trusting your Vibes

Art of Joyful Living show

Summary: SONIA CHOQUETTE is a world renowned author, storyteller, vibrational healer, and six sensory spiritual teacher. She’s the author of several best selling books, including Diary of a Psychic, Ask Your Guides, and Trust Your Vibes; and numerous audio programs and card decks. Having observed thousands and thousands of people from virtually every walk of life, with every advantage or disadvantage, Sonia can confidently say that the only ones who genuinely succeed, who find peace and joy in their hearts and take great pleasure in their experiences, have a different way of going about things. Rather than relying solely on their egos—their defended, insecure personalities—suffering the assaults life renders them, they turn to a higher aspect of their nature, the Spirit within, and let this direct their lives. Join Cindy and Linda as they interview Sonia about the ten simple yet necessary steps outlined in her book, The Answer is Simple, that will allow you to make that connection to your authentic Spirit and experience your truth. You can learn more about Sonia’s amazing work by visiting her website at: