Audio Sancto show

Audio Sancto

Summary: Audio Sancto is a podcast of sermons in plain English on Catholic dogma, doctrine, and devotion.


 (2012-01-29) What Is ACTUAL Love | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 16:27

Sermon titled "What Is ACTUAL Love" given on Sunday January 29, 2012. Size: 3.8 MB; duration: 16:27. Keeping the commandments is necessary but empty without love. Charity is the form of the other virtues. Actual love. What is love? Changing ourselves for the beloved; acting for the spiritual good of our neighbor and our enemy. On the consequences of loving. Spending time with God.

 (2012-01-29) Have Recourse to Him Alone Before All Others | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 17:22

Sermon titled "Have Recourse to Him Alone Before All Others" given on Sunday January 29, 2012. Size: 4 MB; duration: 17:22. Is my trust and confidence in God or is it in myself? We believe in the truths of the Faith but do we apply the Truths: is God asleep or awake in our hearts? When we turn to ourselves this causes stress and disrupts peace of soul. Why trials are important. Some practical examples.

 (2012-01-22) The Sanctity of Marriage: We Are Left to Battle Paganism On Our Own | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 38:42

Sermon titled "The Sanctity of Marriage: We Are Left to Battle Paganism On Our Own" given on Sunday January 22, 2012. Size: 8.9 MB; duration: 38:42. Review of marriage contract. Prediction made by Archbishop Fulton Sheen in March, 1931. Actions of Henry VIII. Protestant revolt on perpetuity and exclusivity. Casti Connubii (Pius XI). The consequences on the mentality of those who use contraception. Solemn warning to US Catholics from Benedict XVI. HHS mandate and the Bishops' response.Significant quotes from this sermon: Since a week ago last Saturday, we can no longer expect them to defend the law of God. These sects will work out the very logic of their ways, and in 50 or 100 years there will be only the [Catholic] Church and paganism. We will be left to fight the battle alone, and we will. --Then-father Fulton J. Sheen, March 1931, reacting to the United States Federal Council of Churches of Christ endorsement of the use contraception by married couples Is it imperative that the entire Catholic community in the United States come to realize the grave threats to the Church's public moral witness presented by a radical secularism which finds increasing expression in the political and cultural spheres. The seriousness of these threats needs to be clearly appreciated at every level of ecclesial life. --Pope Benedict 16th, January 19, 2012, to the Archbishop of Washington DC and the bishops of the surrounding areas

 (2012-01-22) Faith and Effects of Good and Bad Reading | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 11:34

Sermon titled "Faith and Effects of Good and Bad Reading" given on Sunday January 22, 2012. Size: 2.7 MB; duration: 11:34. Preserving and living a Faith pleasing to God. Receiving Our Lord in Holy Communion. Damaging the Faith by bad reading: News media, Catholic media focusing on scandal; schismatic sources all act in a toxic way on our Faith. Keep a balanced focus.

 (2012-01-15) Never Doubt the Power of Mary | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 18:52

Sermon titled "Never Doubt the Power of Mary" given on Sunday January 15, 2012. Size: 4.3 MB; duration: 18:52. Our Lady assists better from Heaven than she did on earth. She bears us motherly and unconditional love. Explanation of, "What is that to me and thee woman? My hour has not come." Several examples of Our Lady's intervention.

 (2012-01-15) What does MARRIAGE Mean? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 26:00

Sermon titled "What does MARRIAGE Mean?" given on Sunday January 15, 2012. Size: 6 MB; duration: 26:00. Three events important to this day. Explanations by Cornelius a Lapide. What is a true annulment?

 (2012-01-08) About His Father's Work | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 10:17

Sermon titled "About His Father's Work" given on Sunday January 8, 2012. Size: 2.4 MB; duration: 10:17. Our Lord's peaceful family life; duties of spouses; to each other and to the children (food and education, esp. the Faith). Parents must prevent bad influences. Duties of children include obedience & respect; joyfully and cheerfully. Christ sanctified family life: many opportunities for sacrifice.

 (2012-01-08) Learning from the Holy Family: How to Grow in Virtue | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 17:01

Sermon titled "Learning from the Holy Family: How to Grow in Virtue" given on Sunday January 8, 2012. Size: 3.9 MB; duration: 17:01. How did God grow in wisdom and grace? Joseph and Mary practiced obedience. Jesus practiced obedience. We must all do our duty of state in obedience to God. Thinking of others first; practice a particular virtue and examine our conscience. Create a home where prayer and penance is a habit.

 (2012-01-01) Feast of the Circumcision | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 09:41

Sermon titled "Feast of the Circumcision" given on Sunday January 1, 2012. Size: 2.2 MB; duration: 09:41. Recelebration of the Incarnation. Mary begins her life of suffering. We find in this Feast the plan of our redemption.

 (2012-01-01) Accepting Suffering is Loving God | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 13:57

Sermon titled "Accepting Suffering is Loving God" given on Sunday January 1, 2012. Size: 3.2 MB; duration: 13:57. Covenant with Abraham. The innocent of all infants is carried by the innocent Mary and Joseph to keep this covenant. It is a mystery of suffering. The prophesy of Simeon addresses suffering. Here is the contradiction of suffering.

 (2012-01-01) Veni Creator Spiritus | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:46

Sermon titled "Veni Creator Spiritus" given on Sunday January 1, 2012. Size: 2.5 MB; duration: 02:46. Special Note: First off, this isn't a sermon: it's a recording of the Gregorian Chant version of the hymn Veni Creator Spiritus. It is included because traditionally, before the start of Mass on January 1, the priest intones this hymn in order to obtain from God blessings for the new year. All the faithful who assist on this day at this chant may obtain a plenary indulgence under the usual conditions. (This recording was made on July 15, 2007.)

 (2011-12-25) The Message Of Christmas | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 22:10

Sermon titled "The Message Of Christmas" given on Sunday December 25, 2011. Size: 5.1 MB; duration: 22:10. Refutes the modern error of the day of the time and day of Christ's birth. On the perpetual virginity of Our Lady. What Our Lady suffered and when. Teachings of the Gospels, Fathers, Doctors and historians. The teachings of Catholic Tradition. The message of the Angels.

 (2011-12-25) Men of Good Will Will Have Peace | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 07:07

Sermon titled "Men of Good Will Will Have Peace" given on Sunday December 25, 2011. Size: 1.6 MB; duration: 07:07. Meaning of the simplicity of Christ's birth. Worldliness. Solicitude for fulfilling our duties to God. Men of Good Will are in conformity with the will of God and have peace of soul.

 (2011-12-18) Christian Advent is Preparation for the Second Coming of Christ | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 34:51

Sermon titled "Christian Advent is Preparation for the Second Coming of Christ" given on Sunday December 18, 2011. Size: 8 MB; duration: 34:51. St. John the Baptist and Elias. St. John was sent in the spirit of Elias to preach to the Jews. St. John preached penance to those who had the true religion and they responded as if they did not care. Is this the same as now? Why does the Church give us this example during Advent? On confession as preparation for the coming of Christ.

 (2011-12-18) Make Straight the Way for Christ in Our Hearts | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 08:35

Sermon titled "Make Straight the Way for Christ in Our Hearts" given on Sunday December 18, 2011. Size: 2 MB; duration: 08:35. Repentance is the turning away from sin and the turning to Christ. The "third coming" of Christ is His coming into our hearts. Sin is the obstacle of Our Lord entering our soul and life.


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