Audio Sancto show

Audio Sancto

Summary: Audio Sancto is a podcast of sermons in plain English on Catholic dogma, doctrine, and devotion.


 (2012-03-18) (Lenten Mission Part 2) Knowing Up from Down: Heaven from Hell | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 78:36

Sermon titled "(Lenten Mission Part 2) Knowing Up from Down: Heaven from Hell" given on Sunday March 18, 2012. Size: 18 MB; duration: 78:36. Get This Sermon on Audio CD! This sermon is part of a Lenten Mission which is available as a seven disc set. Click here for the order link.

 (2012-03-18) (Lenten Mission Part 1) Introduction: Climbing the Mountain of God | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 23:35

Sermon titled "(Lenten Mission Part 1) Introduction: Climbing the Mountain of God" given on Sunday March 18, 2012. Size: 5.4 MB; duration: 23:35. Get This Sermon on Audio CD! This sermon is part of a Lenten Mission which is available as a seven disc set. Click here for the order link.

 (2012-03-18) Marriage and the Current Political Climate | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:50

Sermon titled "Marriage and the Current Political Climate" given on Sunday March 18, 2012. Size: 6.8 MB; duration: 29:50. On marriage and the family in society. Have the two ends of marriage changed? Doctrine does not change. Comments by Benedict XVI and US Bishops.

 (2012-03-11) A Kingdom Divided Will Fall: Practicing Charity and Interior Peace | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 16:09

Sermon titled "A Kingdom Divided Will Fall: Practicing Charity and Interior Peace" given on Sunday March 11, 2012. Size: 3.7 MB; duration: 16:09. Cited quote from Spiritual Combat by Dom Lorenzo Scupoli: As often as you are guilty of any fault, great or small, frequent or rare, you should adopt the following procedure as soon as you are aware of what you have done. Consider your own weakness and humbly have recourse to God, saying to Him with calm and loving confidence:"Thou hast seen, oh my God, that I did what I could. Thou hast seen my impotence. And as Thou has given me the grace to repent I beseech thee to add to my pardon the grace never to offend thee again." Once you have finished this prayer do not torture yourself with anxious thoughts on your forgiveness, but without futher averting to your fall, procede in your devotions with humility and ease, seeking the same tranquility and of mind as before.

 (2012-03-04) Essentials of the Holy Eucharist | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 05:58

Sermon titled "Essentials of the Holy Eucharist" given on Sunday March 4, 2012. Size: 1.4 MB; duration: 05:58. Strengthened spiritually by the Heavenly Glory of Christ, the disciples were prepared for the future trials. The Eucharist is our strength. It gives us the grace of God and its Author. Holy Communion has many effects. During temptations it is more important to receive Holy Communion. Our Lord is also waiting for us to visit Him in the tabernacle.

 (2012-03-04) The Transfiguration: It Is Good For Us To Be Here | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 11:07

Sermon titled "The Transfiguration: It Is Good For Us To Be Here" given on Sunday March 4, 2012. Size: 2.5 MB; duration: 11:07. Baptism, Confirmation, Priesthood conform souls to Christ. He desires us and the Eucharist is how He brings us to Himself. The Eucharist is the source and summit of all the sacraments. We become part of the Infinite. What the soul is to the body, grace is to the soul. The importance of daily Mass and frequent reception of Communion.

 (2012-02-28) Lenten Mission: What is Love | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 46:38

Sermon titled "Lenten Mission: What is Love" given on Tuesday February 28, 2012. Size: 10.7 MB; duration: 46:38.

 (2012-02-28) Lenten Mission: On Mary | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:00

Sermon titled "Lenten Mission: On Mary" given on Tuesday February 28, 2012. Size: 6.6 MB; duration: 29:00.

 (2012-02-26) Merit Is Gained Through Temptation | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 16:49

Sermon titled "Merit Is Gained Through Temptation" given on Sunday February 26, 2012. Size: 3.9 MB; duration: 16:49. Christ allowed Himself to be tempted in order to be our example when we are tempted. We are in combat for our souls against the world, the flesh and the devil. Explanation of a temptation: the three stages. Importance of developing good habits and getting rid of bad habits.

 (2012-02-26) Lenten Mission: Why Stay Catholic | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 19:04

Sermon titled "Lenten Mission: Why Stay Catholic" given on Sunday February 26, 2012. Size: 4.4 MB; duration: 19:04.

 (2012-02-19) How to Develop True Charity | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 20:56

Sermon titled "How to Develop True Charity" given on Sunday February 19, 2012. Size: 4.8 MB; duration: 20:56. Using First Epistle to the Corinthians, chapter 13 as an examination of conscience; Supernatural love of God. "Greater love than this no man hath, that a man lay down his life for his friends" (John 15:13). The cross is the ultimate proof of God's love for us. What was in it for Him? Let yourself be loved and love your neighbor.

 (2012-02-18) Luther and Militant Secularism: the Crisis and the Remedy | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 24:03

Sermon titled "Luther and Militant Secularism: the Crisis and the Remedy" given on Saturday February 18, 2012. Size: 5.5 MB; duration: 24:03. Definition of marriage contract: how did we get to the point where marriage can be so misunderstood? Fr. Luther's first attack. Does God have a right to dictate the revealed law? Dogma of secularism. What is the proper rebuttal in defense of marriage?Note from the Preacher In regards to the effects of the principle of private judgement, the preacher wishes especially to give credit to the thoughts of Thomas Nelson, found in the preface to Liberalism is a Sin by Fr. Felix Sarda y Salvany.

 (2012-02-12) The Sanctity of Marriage: The Duty of Motherhood Versus the Abuses of NFP | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 25:37

Sermon titled "The Sanctity of Marriage: The Duty of Motherhood Versus the Abuses of NFP" given on Sunday February 12, 2012. Size: 5.9 MB; duration: 25:37. Definition of marriage contract: perpetual (constant), exclusive, limited. First and second ends: NFP uses. Gregory Popcak vs. Pope Pius XII: Serious motives must exist. Right and duty of marriage. Sin to habitually avoid fruit of marital privilege. When is NFP lawful? NFP not intrinsically evil. Who might not exist? Our Lady and the call to motherhood.

 (2012-02-12) The Seed in Being the Word of God is Our Faith | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 14:16

Sermon titled "The Seed in Being the Word of God is Our Faith" given on Sunday February 12, 2012. Size: 3.3 MB; duration: 14:16. Evolution is seed of atheism. Ken Miller ("Catholic" scientist). God is ever sewing but the ground must be receptive. Man was meant for God, not the world. How to prepare spiritual ground.

 (2012-02-05) Government Attack On Religious Liberty | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 04:18

Sermon titled "Government Attack On Religious Liberty" given on Sunday February 5, 2012. Size: 1 MB; duration: 04:18. Details of the immorality of pending legislation requiring Catholics to participate in sterilizations, contraception and abortion (chemical and physical). Our duty to resist.


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