The Hermetic Hour show

The Hermetic Hour

Summary: Tune in, turn on, and get magick with Poke Runyon, Archimage of the Ordo Templi Astartes. The O.T.A. is the oldest continually operating magical lodge in the US. "Poke Runyon is the real deal ... an international magical treasure!" ~ Lon Milo DuQuette

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 Ninjutsu - The Magical Martial Art | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:00

On Thursday, March 11th, 2013 the Hermetic Hour will present a discussion by host Poke Runyon on the Japanese martial arts system known as Ninjutsu. This may not seem related to the Western Hermetic Tradition but it seems that Hermetic magicians find it to be the most magical of the oriental combat systems and are attracted to it. Ninjutsu combines techniques of armed and unarmed combat, along with other skills applicable to both paramilitary and magical operations. The Ninja tradition is 800 years old, originating in feudal Japan. Ninjas were originally of the Japanese peasant class defending themselves against the heavily armed and tyrannical samurai warriors. Some of these oriental Robin Hood types evolved from patriots into professional assassins, so there is a dark side to Ninjutsu. There is also a mystical-magical element in their yoga system called "Kuji" which they claim to have received from Tibet via Chinese master teachers early in the feudal period. This system involves an interlaced energy 'grid' of Nine bands or "cuts" called Kuji-kiri. We will discuss Ninja history, training methods, and philosophy -- so tune in and we'll explore the spiritual side of mayhem.

 The Sufis and Islamic Mysticism | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:59:00

On Thursday April 4th, 2013 the Hermetic Hour, with host Poke Runyon, will present a discussion on the Sufis and Islamic mysticism. This is a subject that is impossible to fathom and difficult to summarize. The reason it is so difficult to understand lies in Sufism's passion for non-literal, allegorical and paradoxical teaching deriving in part from its fear of being persecuted by orthodox Islam for heresy; a very real fear which endangers Sufi circles all over the world at the present time. We will briefly outline the history of Sufism and highlight the work some of its legendary teachers with their profound, and sometimes humorous parables. We will recall the famous Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam, comparing the Western version to what Khayyam actually wrote. Gurdjieff's debt to Sufism will be noted. We will outline the so-called "Arabic Kabbalah" sometimes called "Abjad", and discuss the controversial book "The Other Islam" on present day Sufism by Stephen Schwartz. So, if you want to find out what you don't know about the Sufis tune in and be mystified.

 Darcy Kuntz - Grand Archivist of The Golden Dawn | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:59:00

On Thursday March 28th, 2013 the Hermetic Hour, with host Poke Runyon, will present an interview with author, editor and publisher Darcy Kuntz, who is certainly the foremost authority and resource on the history of the Golden Dawn and its off-shoots on this side of the pond. Darcy has worked closely with Robert A. Gilbert -- the leading British Golden Dawn scholar -- in tracking down, authenticating, editing and publishing the extensive writings of Golden Dawn adepts. Darcy is the founding director of The Golden Dawn Research Trust. His current offering is "The Magical Writings of Florence Farr," who was a Golden Dawn adept and the originator of the Magical Astral Pathworkings in Western magick. Darcy is also bringing out an edited and annotated version of the "Collectania Hermetica.". So tune in and learn how to uncover and discover all of the secrets of the Golden Dawn.  

 The Hermetic Revival in the 21st Century | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:59:00

On Thursday March 21st, 2013 The Hermetic Hour with host Poke Runyon will present a discussion on the rise of serious academic, intellectual, and scientific interest in Hermetic philosophy, spirituality and even practice in the late 20th and early 21st centuries. We will review the works of writers such as Joscelyn Godwin, David Fideler, Richard Kieckhefer, Kitty Fergueson, and Peter Kingsley. We will discuss the impact of new theories and discoveries in quantum physics on previous scientific and philosophical paradigms, leading to a renewed appreciation for the ancient Pythagorean cosmic and natural doctrines which were the foundation for the Hermetic sciences of alchemy, astrology, and the art of magick. In theoretical science one might say that the Qabalah is challenging Einstein. So tune in and find out just how serious the academy now regards our antiquated beliefs and superstitions. We don't need to go to the Moon anymore, we can send for it...

 O.T.A. Magick in Austin, Texas! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:59:00

On Thursday March 14th, 2013 The Hermetic Hour with host Poke Runyon will present a report on Frater Thabion and Soror Zandria's visitation to initiate nine new members, and help present the O.T.A. Spring Equinox Nuptiae pageant at the Austin, Texas Hermitage of Frater Heracles and Soror Omphala. This was a marvelously magical and wonderfully social weekend. The ceremonies on the spacious grounds, and inside the impressive temple were inspiring. Frater Heracles will be our call-in guest to give us his first hand report on the activities. We also visited the Scarlet Woman Lodge of the O.T.O. in Austin where Frater Thabion gave an after dinner talk on Evocation, then a tour of the State Capitol, and the Scottish Rite Temple.  We capped the expedition off with a carousal at The Spider House that was likewise memorable for magical fellowship. So tune in and we'll share Texas magick with you.

 The Picatrix (re-broadcast) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:59:00

At eight p.m this Thursday 2010 the Hermetic Hour's host Poke Runyon will answer your call-in questions on our last show about European magus Franz Bardon. In between calls we will discuss the oldest, most famous (or infamous) of magical grimoires, "The Aim of the Sage", more popularly known as Picatrix" (Picatrix, not pick-up-sticks, and other books of dirty tricks!) This once forbidden tome ( at least in English ) is now available, translated from both the Arabic and the Latin medieval texts. We will discuss the Harranian Sabian contribution, and the Spanish connection--and if this sounds like Greek, it's that too. So tune in and find out how to get scorpions to sting themselves, and how to grow smart plants from human skulls, along with some profound Hermetic philosophy, and astrology that fights back.

 Balancing the Male and Female Aspects in Hermetic Magick | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:54:00

On Thursday February 28th, 2013, the Hermetic Hour with host Poke Runyon, will explain the fundamental and practical changes the Order of the Temple of Astarte (O.T.A.) has made in Qabalah, Yoga, Angel gender, Evocation of Spirits, and both Biblical and Pagan mythology in order to make Hermetic visionary magick a gender-balanced system that men and women can feel is equally theirs, and still be within the compass of the genuine Western Esoteric Tradition. As most of you know The G.D., the O.T.O., Freemasonry and the Rosicrucians are all patriarchal, male-dominated and male-oriented systems in which there is no veneration of a true Divine Feminine and little concern for feminine viewpoint. The O.T.A. was founded in 1969, when modern Neo-Paganism was emerging as a dynamic spiritual force. We were very much influenced by Feraferia, and Robert Graves. We knew that if traditional magick was to be valid in this modern age, the balance of male and female elements had to be created and maintained. This is a controversial subject and we will be open to call-ins on the topic -- so, tune in and find out about traditional magick's affirmative action program.

 The Magick of Franz Bardon (re-broadcast) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:59:00

At 8:00 p.m. on Thursday Hermetic Hour host Poke Runyon will present a lecture on the magick of Franz Bardon, the 20th century European alchemist and magician. Bardon was the author of three books on magick, and one semi-autobiographical novel. His Eastern style methods of training, owing much to raja and tantric yoga, have had a considerable influence on modern Western practice. We will discuss each of his three books in sequence; where his information came from, and what his philosophy was. You will learn about "fluid condensers," "volts," "elementals," magnetic and electric fluids, and magick mirrors. His debt to P. B. Randolph will be mentioned. We will discuss the origins of his myriads of spirits, the way he derived his sigils, his unique concept of Kabbalah. Bardon's background as a professional hypnotist, alchemist and healer will be compared to his mundane life and problems. The Master was an over-weight chain-smoker who died after eating a bacon sandwich---but he was still "The Master," and we should appreciate him all the more for the faults that made him human. Tune in find out why Simon, King of the Witches kept saying "Magnetic-Electric," while having fun with the D.A.'s daughter.

 "Sorcerer" by Geoffrey James | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:57:00

On Thursday February 14th, 2013 The Hermetic Hour with host Poke Runyon will interview the distinguished scholar and author Geoffrey James whose historical novel "Sorcerer" on Elizabethan magus John Dee has just been released. It should be noted that Geoffrey James is also the author of "Enochian Evocation of Dr. John Dee," and "Angel Magic', both factual and practical works on the magical art. Geoffrey brings a unique combination of talents to his novel: he is an historian, a magician and a masterful story teller. There have been other novels based on the magical adventures of Dr. Dee and Edward Kelley, and some written by magicians themselves, but "Sorcerer" is far and away the best yet. The characters are real, the setting is alive, the story is gripping and the tragedy is classic. If Geoffrey had opted for a more reflective, less contemporary style, he could have expanded the book to 500 pages without breaking a sweat, and produced a piece of literature. But how well would that have sold in today's market? What he did was equally artistic: he produced a modern version, fast paced, emotionally charged, best-seller in thriller style, and still managed to keep the mood, the tone and the depth of a classic. I would give it six stars if I could. So tune in and meet the best author of magical fiction since Dion Fortune -- (and Geoffrey tells me he likes Jack Vance ! Perhaps Edward Kelley was Vance's model for Cudgel? )

 The Hermetic Qabalah (re-broadcast) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:57:00

On Thursday, Hermetic Hour host Poke Runyon will present a lecture on "The Hermetic Qabalah." First we will define what Qabalah, or Kabbalah, or Cabala, or "Q.B.L.," is, and then we will present a very simplified version of the basic principles -- sort of a "Qabalah for Dummies." Then we will move on into what we can do with it (that's the fun part). I once said that "hypnosis is the tactic of the magician, and qabalah is his strategy." We can define it as a software program, an operating system, or a schematic for the mind which enables the left brain (the rational part) to access and control the right brain (the intuitive part). We will get down to the magical nuts-and-bolts. We'll define the four dimensions, the Tree of Life, the Cube of Space, what the astrological connection is, where the angels and demons live, and how we use the qabalah to communicate with them. Tune in and let us gently bend your mind.

 From Vathek, Zothique, the Dying Earth and D&D | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:53:00

On Thursday January 31st, 2013 the Hermetic Hour, with host Poke Runyon, will present a discussion on the mysterious and fantastic origins of the the popular magical role-plying board game Dungeons & Dragons. We will trace the beginnings of "Oriental Gothic" magical fiction back to William Beckford's early 19th century novel "Vathek", a decadent Arabian Nights fantasy with diabolical themes, through Lord Dunsany's creation of exotic fantasy realms for his magical tales, to the early 20th century master Clark Ashton Smith who created the first "Dying Earth" setting he called "Zothique," the last continent under the dim Sun of a world soon to end. This idea was carried on by sci-fi-fantasy writer Jack Vance in his own cycle of "Dying Earth" stories in which he created the unique system of wizard spell-casting adopted by Dungeons & Dragons game players -- so, if you want to learn about the spell "Of Forlorn Encystment," or "the Excellent Prismatic Spray," tune in and we'll learn how it was done before Harry Potter.

 Hermetic Yoga (re-broadcast) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:59:00

This Thursday on the Hermetic Hour, host Poke Runyon will present a lecture on Hermetic Yoga. Poke will discuss the chakras in the etheric-plane Hindu tantric system, and the variations in Tibetan tantra. The kundalini in Hindu, Tibetan and Taoist procedures will be discussed. We will then differentiate between the etheric Hindu system, and our astral arrangement that follows the "lightning Flash" on the Western Tree of Life. The philosophical importance of the Western arrangement will be compared to the Eastern system's alchemical correspondences. We will discuss the origin of our system, from the Golden Dawn's Middle Pillar exercise, to its full development now used by the O.T.A. in its magical operations. The mantras and affirmations will be demonstrated and explained. Tune in and we'll meditate our way from Omega up to Tau, and beyond.

 The Integratron, Giant Rock, and George Van Tassel | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:58:00

On Thursday January 17th, 2013 the Hermetic Hour, with host Poke Runyon, will present a report on our New Year's Day field trip to the famous "Integratron" near the Mojave Desert community of Landers, California. This marvelous building, or machine, created by scientist-mystic George Van Tassel in the 1950's, and featured in "Weird California," is a New Age shrine. Originally designed and constructed by aerospace engineer Van Tassel from plans and technology received from space-faring Annunaki, it was intended to be a giant electrostatic generator which could regenerate human tissue, create an inter-dimensional vortex, and even (according to rumors) act as a time machine. Physically it is a huge dome with remarkable acoustics. Although it fell into disrepair after George (Van's) death, it has now been beautifully restored -- even though the giant centrifuge has yet to be engaged (there are plans...) the building iteself is a magical experience. We enjoyed a crystal bowl "Sound Bath" inside the dome and felt wonderfully centered and invigorated. A Greatly Honored Frater in our group vibrated Holy Names of God in the central channel of the dome with awesome effect. We also visited remote "Giant Rock," the huge boulder out in the desert where George Van Tassel was first contacted by a UFO. You can read his own account of this experience in his "The Council of Seven Lights" which reminds us of Urancha, Phylos and Sitchin. We were hosted in nearby Joshua Tree by one of our sisters who prepared a breakfast for us that even the Elder Gods would have enjoyed. So join us Thursday and we will share the Integratron experience.

 The Crata Repoa (re-broadcast) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:59:00

The Hermetic Hour will present a lecture on the 1770 Crata Repoa system of magical initiation. I will briefly describe this 18th century German (and later French) recreation of an ancient Alexandrian mystery tradition on a Masonic initiatory model. The Crata Repoa was a structural outline for a magical order that precedes both the O.T.O. and the Golden Dawn's Cypher Manuscript by 100 years. We will discuss the original authors, what they were trying to accomplish, and the considerable influence their creation had on subsequent magical traditions. I will recount how I literally stumbled into a French version of the system in 1963, and adapted it to the fledgling O.T.A. in 1969 --- Carrying the story on into the 70s, 80s and 90s as we found out more about the system and expanded our program along the lines laid out in Crata Repoa. Tune in and we'll explore this baroque version of the secrets of the ancients.

 Dashwood's Hellfire Club - Demythologized | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:00

On Thursday, January 3rd, 2013 the Hermetic Hour with host Poke Runyon will present a discussion on Sir Francis Dashwood's 18th century "Hellfire Club." We will recount the outrageous exploits attributed to Dashwood and his cult of "randy rakes' and merry ne'er-do-wells who called themselves "The Medmenham Friars" or "Franciscans" after "St. Francis" Dashwood, their founder and sponsor. Lots of fun, but behind all this naughtiness there was a genuine libertine appreciation for the erotic beauties of Classical Paganism. Dashwood was closer to Thomas Taylor and William Beckford, and the later Norman Lindsay -- and even our own Frederick Adams, than to De Sade and the French satanists. The Medmenham Frairs were certainly libertine, but their devil was Pan, not Satan, and their diety was the Goddess. Dashwood, before Crowley, was influenced to replicate Rabilias' Abbey of Thelema and carved "Do What Thou Wilt" across the door to his chapel. From Dashwood we get "The Frair's Club" and probably "The Bohemians." He was a successful politician and public servant, married and respectable until slandered in the press in his later years. Hopefully we will have Dave and Ann Finnin call in. They visited "The Abbey" and were conducted through the infamous grotto by the present Earl of Dashwood, and can give us a first hand look at the remains of a Pagan enclave that flourished at the time of the American Revolution.


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