The Hermetic Hour show

The Hermetic Hour

Summary: Tune in, turn on, and get magick with Poke Runyon, Archimage of the Ordo Templi Astartes. The O.T.A. is the oldest continually operating magical lodge in the US. "Poke Runyon is the real deal ... an international magical treasure!" ~ Lon Milo DuQuette

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 "The Royal Arch of Enoch," with Robert Sullivan | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:30:00

On Thursday November 14th, 2013 the Hermetic Hour with host Poke Runyonwill review and discuss the new book by Robert Sullivan, Esq, 32 "The Royal Arch of Enoch." This is a 600 page magnum opus which sets out to document the premise that one of Freemasonry's most important high degrees, The Ninth Arch, or Royal Arch of Enoch, establishes Masonry's underlying mythology as an antediluvian (before the Flood) Graeco-Egyptian (Hermetic) Solarism deriving from The Book of Enoch -- specifically Ethiopian Enoch -- which was not available to the Western World until the early 1800's. The author will call in and give us a summary of his book and the points of argument he seeks to establish. This book is impressive and deeply researched. Much can be learned from it, and the mysterious nature of Masonic symbolism will become more understandable in 'Light' of Brother Sullivan's revelations. This will be an intriguing disclosure of Masonic "secrets" that fans of Dan Brown and Indiana Jones will find fascinating -- so tune in and get Enochulated.

 The 25th Path from Yesod to Tiphareth - Temperance | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:53:00

On Thursday November 7th, 2013 the Hermetic Hour with host Poke Runyon will present a discussion on the Twenty-fifth Path of the Hermetic Qabalastic Tree of Life. This Path goes up the Middle Pillar from Yesod to Tiphareth and has the Tarot Trump "Temperance" attributed to it. Regardie considers it related to the Holy Guardian Angel as your guiding spirit. The astrological reference is Sagittarius and relates to an arrow shot directly upwards. The Hebrew letter is Samech and the traditional reference is "the Tentative Intelligence." Again our texts will be Gareth Knight's "Practical Guide to Qabalistic Symbolism," and John Michael Greer's "Paths of Wisdom." So if you want to keep going up the Tree with us, tune in, close your eyes, and we'll take a shot at the Sun.

 Halloween - Honoring the Dead | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:57:00

On November 1st, 2013 the Hermetic Hour with host Poke Runyon will present a serious and a lighthearted look at Halloween. Every Halloween we hold "The Dark Mother of All Halloween Parties" on the nearest Saturday to the 31st. We have a serious ritual in the outdoor henge, invoking "Mot" the Lord of Death who asks each one around the circle "What say you to honor the dead?" -- followed by a jovial Halloween costume party which features a comedy skit. This year we did an impromptu radio play "Sherlock Holmes and the Necronomicon," based on a Seventh Ray feature. We will read the ritual and then play part of theradio drama skit -- This is our Halloween Party on the air, so tune in, answer Mot's somber question, and then join the fun.

 The 26th Path from Hod to Tiphareth - The Devil | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:55:00

On Thursday October 24th, 2013 the Hermetic Hour, with host Poke Runyon, will present another of our on-going lecture series on the Paths of the Tree of Life. This time we deal with 'The Devil', the Tarot Trump and other relevant symbolic aspects of the Path that leads from Hod, theMercurial Sphere of the intellect, to Tiphareth, the Solar Sphere of Mystical Transformation and beauty. Once again our primary texts for reference will be Gareth Knight's "Practical Guide to Qabalistic Symbolism" and Israel Regardie's "Garden of Pomogranates" (first edition), so if you want to journey from the laboratory to the temple,and meet the devil on the way, tune in and travel with us from Darkness to Light.

 Dion Fortune's Dr. Taverner vs. A Vampire | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:00

On Thursday October 17th, 2013 the Hermetic Hour with host Poke Runyon will present a dramatic reading of occultist and psychologist Dion Fortune's fictionalized account of one of her mentor's strange "cases." Dion Fortune was very influential on modern Hermetic magical theory and practice. Her occult novels such as "Moon Magic" and the "Sea Priestess," are considered classics of occult literature. Her work is carried on by the Society of the Inner Light. Early in her career her master in both occultism and psychology was a man she called "Dr. Taverner." He operated a private sanitarium in a secluded moorland setting in England and the 1920s. There he treated unusual cases of dementia that responded to his occult methods of healing and exorcism. Dion Fortune claimed that these "Secrets of Dr. Taverner" were really true accounts, especially the vampire episode called "Blood Lust" which we will read and then discuss on this broadcast. So, if you've ever wondered just what vampires really are and how they operate, tune in and Dr. Taverner will explain how the dead can possess the living.

 "Return of the Dragon Lords" the Ultimate Conspiracy Theory | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:52:00

On Thursday October 10th, 2013 The Hermetic Hour's host Poke Runyon will present a reading of Frater Thabion's ominous apocalyptic, conspiratorial speculation: "Return of the Dragon Lords" which first appeared in The Seventh Ray, Book II, The Red Ray, thirteen years ago and seems to be increasing in credibility as we move further into the 21st century. Dragon Lords is the esoteric "Dark Side" of UFOabductions, Satanic ritual abuse, Illuminati mind-control and the Reptillian bloodlines of sensational writers such as David Icke -- who may be right for the wrong reasons. The "truth" about the reptilian menace to humanity might go deeper and actually be more disturbing....You are welcome to consider this only speculation, metaphor, and conjecture --but if you believe it, then keep it to yourself, because if you know about them, they know about you!

 The 30th Enochian Aethyr - Thabion Reads Crowley | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:58:00

On October 3rd, 2013 the Hermetic Hour with host Poke Runyon will present a dramatic reading of the ritual of the 30th Enochian Aethyr "TEX" (pronounced Tay-ets), which will include an opening by Watchtowers, a reading of the Call of the Thirty Aethyrs in Enochian and in English, and a reading of Aleister Crowley's vision of the Aethyr from "The Vision and the Voice" Equinox No. 5, 1911. We will give a short introduction to the Enochian Aethyr system and explain how the temple is to be arranged for the ritual. Those who have reproductions of the Enochian tablets on hand should pay particular attention to the Water Tablet. The four Governors for this Aethyr are all invoked from Water. So, if you would like to visit our virtual temple and go on a magical journey with Thabion (First Priest of the Phoenicians) and Therion (The Great Beast), then tune in and get Enochiated.

 The Legacy of Mithraism in Magick and Masonry | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:57:00

On Thursday, September 26, 2013 the Hermetic Hour with host Poke Runyon will present a discussion on The Legacy of Mithraism on Magick and Masonry. We will trace the origins of the Mithra sect from the ancient Persian Magi -- an offshoot of Zoroastrianism -- through the Greco-RomanMiddle East, into the mileau of classical Alexandria, where its western branch acquired a cosmology that was largely Hermetic. In fact one might say that the Greco-Roman Mithra sect was ritualized Hermeticism. For several centuries it rivaled Christianity but was eventually overcome when emperor Constantine, himself a Mithraite, made Christianity the official religion of the Roman Empire for practical political reasons. The Mithra sect was an elite, initiatory, all male religious fraternity that extolled honor, bravery and loyalty. Great for the Roman army but not for the downtrodden masses. Its influence on the later Masonicfraternity is obvious. Mithraism had seven initiatory degrees so similar to Crata Repoa that John Yarker called his Crata Repoa degree in Rite of Memphis "The Sage of Mithras." We will unravel the complex astrological symbolism of the "Tauroctony", the ritual slaying of the bull, the mystery of the strange lion-headed god, and the theory that the secret communion meal was the old Persian-version of Soma. Our main text reference will be D. Jason Cooper's "Mithras" (1996) with references to Franz Cumont's (1912) "Astrology and Religion Among the Greeks and Romans" and "Mushrooms, Myth & Mithras" by Carl A. P. Ruck,et allia (2011). So, if you want to follow us down into the underground temple of the Mithraeum for a look into the origin of many of our rites and degrees, then tune in and we'll lift the veil.

 Soma, Elixir of Immortality in Magick and Alchemy | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:55:00

On Thursday September 19th, 2013, the Hermetic Hour, with host Poke Runyon will present a discussion on "Soma," the Elixir of immortality in the Shamanic, Magian, Vedic, Mithriatic, Orphic, Magical and Alchemical traditions. We will refer to the works of Gordon Wasson, Andrija Puharich, Clark Heinrich, James Arthur and Carl Ruck, along with the personal reflections of a magician familiar with the sacrament's use in magical practice. Although the use of this entheogen is legal, we do not require it in our degrees, we do not recommend it, and we will provide no detailed instructions for its use, however, we would be skipping over a very significant aspect of the Western and Eastern Magical Traditions if we ignored "Soma." Let me assure those of you who are still confused about the identity of the legendary Magical Plant, and its effectiveness, your questions will be answered. So tune in and we will go in search of the Food of the Gods. 

 "Worlds Within and Worlds Beyond," with Dr. Ralph Metzner | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:56:00

On Thursday September 12th, 2013 the Hermetic Hour's host Poke Runyon will introduce distinguished guest Dr. Ralph Metzner who will discuss his latest book "Worlds Within and Worlds Beyond," the seventh in his series of books on "The Ecology of Consciousness." All of Dr. Metzner's works are of special interest to students of the Western Esoteric Tradition. Check out his web site at He was one of the original psychedelic experimenters and facilitators of that tempestuous era, an Oxford graduate, psychotherapist and a philosopher. His latest book will be of particular interest to students of Magick who may wish to compare his system of therapeutic soul travel to the Buddhist Six Worlds of the Wheel of Existance, the nine realms of the Nordic Yggdrasill World Tree, and the Octaves of Pythagoras with our own Pathworkings on the Qabbalistic Tree of Life. Many of his insights are applicable to our venue regardless of technique. He refers to his method as Alchemical Divination. Although we may use different techniques, and different mythologies we can always learn from the insights and the visions of a master -- so turn us on, tune us in, and don't drop out.

 The 27th Path from Hod to Netsach - The Tower | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:57:00

On Thursday September 5th, 2013 The Hermetic Hour, with host Poke Runyon, will present a discussion on the 27th Path of the qabalistic Tree of Life leading from Hod to Netsach, This is the lowest of three cross members uniting opposite pillars on The Tree. Gareth Knight considers it "The main girder of the personality." It connects the sphere of the Intellect with the sphere of Natural Forces, so sparks are bound to fly. The Path is attributed to the planet Mars and the Tarot trump "The Blasted Tower." This prompted Gareth Knight to relate the Path to the mysterious alchemical allegory "The Chemical Wedding of Christian Rosencreutz;" which he summarizes in the "Practical Guide." So tune in and we will walk the Path to "The House of God."

 The 28th Path from Yesod to Netsach - The Star | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:58:00

On Thursday August 29th, 2013 the Hermetic Hour with host Poke Runyon will present a discussion on the twenty-eighth Path of the Tree of Life, which leads up from Yesod, realm of the Collective Unconscious of the microcsosm, to Netsach, the realm of natural forces of the macrocosm. In the Hermetic Tradition this Path is attributed to Aquarius and the Tarot Trump "The Star," however, Aliester Crowley was moved to interchange The Star with The Emperor. We will discuss his reasons for this and its implications. This is an important symbolic path for neo-pagans and those who venerate The Goddess. So, tune in and we will try to walk this Path both ways.

 The O.T.A. Returns to Mt. Shasta | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:55:00

On Thursday, August 22nd, 2013 the Hermetic Hour with host Poke Runyon will present a report and discussion on our 16th through the 19th of August's Magical Pilgrimage to Northern California's remote and awesomely beautiful Mt. Shasta. This is not the first time for us. We shot our magical sci-fi adventure "Beyond Lemuria" at Mt. Shasta in 2006, and we have returned several times since. This time Soror Zandria and I had with us Sorores Seer and Sophia Draconia, and Lord Michael -- all together for the "yoga of the long drive;" (12 hours from L.A. to Mt. Shasta.) With only two days on the Mountain we concentrated on the Panther Meadows area where the founder of the "I AM Activity" met the Alchemist St. Germain. For an appropriate Mt. Shasta ritual we recited The Stanzas of Dyzan in Enochian and brought with us a rock from the Temple Vault at Nan Madol (Lemuria). We discovered a powerful vortex and brought back sacred water from the Panther Meadows spring. We each had our own visionary experiences which our team will share with you when they call in -- so, if you want to get first hand reports on America's most magical power spot tune in and and we'll unveil the mysteries of the Holy Mountain.

 The "Why" of Magick (re-broadcast) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:59:00

On this Thursday The Hermetic Hour's host Poke Runyon will lead a discussion on Hermetic Philosophy, from ancient Alexandria through the Renaissance, and into the modern era. We will look at the early work of Empedocles and Pythagoras, the Pomander and the Asclepius, the Emerald Tablet, and the Chaldean Oracles. We will consider the Gnostic connection, and how the kabbalah arose from Greek, Assyrian, and Gnostic roots, and how it joined with Hermeticism in the Renaissance. We will establish why astrology is so important in the magical art. Most importantly we will look for The Great Secret of Hermetic-kabbalistic philosophy. This is the "Why" of Magick. This is the Holy Grail that we search for. This is the reason we dedicate our lives to an art that destroys the fools, and makes the wise immortal. I doubt that you have ever heard anything like this before. Tune in and we will open the pathway to enlightenment. Nosce te Ipsum -- Tu es Deus.

 The 30th Path from Yesod to Hod - The Sun | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:57:00

On Thursday August 8th, 2013, the Hermetic Hour with host Poke Runyon will present a discussion on the 30th Path of the Hermetic-Qabalastic Tree of Life. This is the Path of "Resh" and The Sun, called "The Collective Intelligence." It is the first Path in which we employ "Kusor's Boat," a magical device unique to the O.T.A. derived from ancient Egyptian and Mesopotamian myth sources ( also inspired by A. Merritt's "Ship of Ishtar"). The Boat enables us to fly over Paths already walked in the astral journeys at the base of The Tree. The Boat is shown in our Pathworking video available to Associate Members. Our text will again be Gareth Knight's "Practical Guide to Qabalastic Symbolism, Vol. 2," and "Adamson's Quest" from THE SEVENTH RAY. This Path leads from Yesod, the Lunar sphere of memory, emotion and astral foundation to Hod, the Sphere of Mercury, reason, science and positive Solar-zodiacal progress. It questions the male and female spiritual perspectives and raises the current debate between techno-industrial progress vs. environmental and eco-centered spiritual philosophies, along with collectivism vs. individualism. So, tune in and find out about star-people and earth people, and why the Hermetic soul is androgynous.


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