The Hermetic Hour show

The Hermetic Hour

Summary: Tune in, turn on, and get magick with Poke Runyon, Archimage of the Ordo Templi Astartes. The O.T.A. is the oldest continually operating magical lodge in the US. "Poke Runyon is the real deal ... an international magical treasure!" ~ Lon Milo DuQuette

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 Sci-fi Classics that have Influenced the Occult Revival | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:59:00

On Thursday August 1st, 2013 The Hermetic Hour with host Poke Runyon will present a discussion on Science Fiction classics that have influenced the modern occult revival. Our special guest will be Professor Curtis Shumaker who teaches a course in science fiction in the State University system. We'll cover Clarke's "Childhood's End" (UFOs and Fallen Angels), Asimov's "Foundation Trilogy" (Scientology,the Process and CIA mind control), Herbert's "Dune" the psychedelic movement, Heinlein's "Stranger in a Strange Land" (the Hippie movement and CAW), H.P. Lovecraft's "Cthulhu Mythos" (post modern demonology). Philip K. Dick's "Valis" (God is information) and several titles thatDr. Shumaker will mention. This will be a fascinating look into what our great imagineers have predicted and inspired. Tune in and Scotty will beam us up for an hour on the Final Frontier.

 Magical Pathworkings (re-broadcast) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:00

This Thursday the Hermetic Hour will feature a talk by host Poke Runyon on Magical Pathworkings. These are hypnotic guided tours of the astral plane, "inner plane projections," intended to introduce the magical students to deeply significant symbolism from mythology and traditional occult correspondences. The kabbalistic Tree of Life is the road map. The central idea here is that the student confronts the symbol or archetype and receives personal knowledge he or she might not obtain by conscious study. They are astral initiations. We will look at the history of this type of working, the Eastern version that influenced the O.T.A.'s pathworking system, and we will even take you on a mini-pathworking, so you can experience some of the effect. This is an important part of traditional magical lodge instruction that is not well understood. Tune in and take the journey.

 The Dark Mirror in Medieval and Renaissance Magick | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:54:00

On Thursday July 18th, 2013 the Hermetic Hour with host Poke Runyon will present a discussion on the history and the use of the Dark Mirror in Medieval and Renaissance ritual magick. We will focus on historical accounts from Lynn Thorndike's "History of Magic and Experimental Science", the Latin "Picatrix", and passages from grimoires such as "The Grimorium Verum" and "St. Cyprian," and the kabbalistic "Ispaklaria" described by the late Aryeh Kaplan, along with references from folkloric sources and the" Saragossa Manuscript." Modern use by P. B. Randolph,Franz Bardon and Joseph Lisiewiski will be examined. This is a controversial subject among some contemporary Renaissance Magick reenactors who use crystals for both evocation and invocation. We will attempt to sort this out so the newcomer to the Art will have a better understanding of the full range of magical equipment and technique. So,tune in and go through "The Looking Glass."

 "Gateways Through Stone and Circle," by Fra. Ashen Chassan | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:00

On Thursday July 11th the Hermetic Hour with host Poke Runyon will review the new book "Gateways Through Stone and Circle" by Frater Ashen Chassan. We will have the author as a featured call-in guest. This book is, in our opinion, the best practical "how to do it" book on traditional Western ceremonial magick in the past 16 years. It is also one of the best "why to do it" books also. This is a magical book by a real magician who has studied, lived and mastered the Art. After working his way through the Lemegeton's Goetia and Almadel, he decided to concentrate on Trithemius' "Book of Secret Things" or "The Art of Drawing Spirits into Crystals" from Barrett's "Magus" and make this system of Angelic crystal conjuration his special forte. He built his own equipment -- graphically detailed in the book -- and described all the technical details, rituals and techniques necessary to replicate his experiments. The text is beautifully written in a mature, sophisticated and very readable style. So, tune in Thursday and visit with the Magus from "The Magus."

 The 29th Path from Malkuth to Netsach - The Moon | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:56:00

On July 4th, 2013 the Hermetic Hour with host Poke Runyon will present a discussion on the symbolism and meaning of the 29th Path of the Qabalistic Tree of Life leading from Malkuth to Netsach. This is the Path of the Moon (Tarot trump) and is a watery route up to the seventh Sphere of Netsach (Venus) which is attributed to the realm of Nature and natural philosophy. Once again our texts will be Dion Fortune's "Mystical Qabalah" and Gareth Knight's "Practical Guide to Qabalistic Symbolism." We will also summarize our own version of this Path as recorded in our special Pathworkings DVD used in our Associate Member Program. In our system the Goddess Astarte resides in the Temple of Netsach and Her divine body contains all the psychic centers (chakras) of the Lightning Flash. So, if you want to get up close and magical with Mother Nature tune in and we'll pay The Goddess a visit.

 The 31st Path from Malkuth to Hod - Judgment | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:00

On Thursday June 27th, 2013 the Hermetic Hour with host Poke Runyon will present a discussion of the Thirty-first Path of the Tree of Life from Malkuth to Hod, reviewing its esoteric meaning and symbolism in the Hermetic Qabalah. This is the Path of Fire leading up the Pillar of Severity to the Mercurial Sphere of Hod. Texts for our talk will be Gareth Knight's Practical Guide to Qabalistic Symbolism, Dion Fortune's Mystical Qabalah, and Poke Runyon's Adamson's Quest. We will also review our video presentation of this Pathworking in our DVD offered to Associate Members. So, tune in and "Walk the hot sands" of the Astral Plane.

 The 32nd Path from Malkuth to Yesod - The Universe | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:00

On Thursday June 20th, 2013 the Hermetic Hour with host Poke Runyon will present a discussion on the symbolism and meaning of the Thirty-second Path on the Tree of Life. This lecture will include a review of our special Path Working on this subject which we have recorded for members and associate members. The Tarot symbolism, the relation to Saturn in the Cube of Space, and the traditional qabalistic associations will be covered. Text for this lecture are The Garden of Pomogranets by Israel Regardie and Volume Two of Gareth Knight's Practical Guide to Qabalistic Symbolism. Tune in and start the journey upward.  

 Malkuth - Sphere of the Elements and the HGA | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:56:00

On Thursday June 13th, 2013 The Hermetic Hour with host Poke Runyon will present a discussion on the Qabalistic Sphere of Malkuth and its significance in Hermetic Magick. This will be the first of a series of lectures starting at the bottom of the Tree of Life and working upwards following the path of the Serpent of Wisdom. These lectures will actually be lessons in the Associate Member Program which we will later collect in one package. They will be interspersed with current topics, such as significant new books, important guest interviews, and such, but you can expect at least one or two Otz Chiim lectures per month. --- Malkuth is not just the physical world of Ashiah below the Yetzirah astral, it is a most important magical-mystical realm in which a significant visions are received -- especially the Holy Guardian Angel experience, which is done entirely in Malkuth (each Sphere contains an entire Tree). Our texts will be Dion Fortune's Mystical Qabalah and Gareth Knight's A Practical Guide to Qabalistic Symbolism. Tune in and start the long climb upward.

 Dagon - Ancient Alien Teacher of Humankind | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:59:00

On Thursday June 6th, 2013 the Hermetic Hour with host Poke Runyon, will present a speculative discussion on the ancient Phoenician God Dagon and his counterparts in Mesopotamian, Hindu, and African mythology. We will explore his connection to Astrology and the Kabbalah. He was the father of Baal, God of the maratime Philistines, and probably a legacy from Atlantis. The concept of Dagon's reincarnation in later humans as a sort of spiritual "bloodline" will be considered. -- So, tune in and find out what might be swimming in your think-tank.

 The Holy Guardian Angel Retreat - How To Do It | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:57:00

On Thursday May 30th, 2013 the Hermetic Hour, with host Poke Runyon, will present a discussion on the practical aspects and ritual techniques employed in the Holy Guardian Angel retreat. This is the modern three day intensive solo operation developed by Charles Russell for the G.B.G. and adopted by the O.T.A. in the 1970s as the central requirement for the Melanophoris Third Degree of our Crata Repoa system. The medieval origin of the H.G.A. retreat was the much longer vigil of "Abramelin The Mage." Our weekend intensive uses the Paths of the Tree of Life as a ritual frame work, requiring twenty-two separate rituals within the three-day time period. If done correctly and resolutely it can be the spiritual experiece of a lifetime. We will discuss the traditional background, from Hermes, through Agrippa, to Abramelin and the Pauline Art, detailing what the retreat should be and what it should not be. No one seriously interested in the art of Magick should miss this; it is the Keystone of the Great Work.

 Feraferian Beltane Ceremony at Rivendell | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:58:00

On Thursday May 23rd, 2013 the Hermetic Hour, with host Poke Runyon, will present an after-event report on the revival of Feraferia in Southern California, on the occasion of the Beltane rite celebrated at Rivendell on May 11th with 32 Feraferians, O.T.A. members and guests attending. Our special guest will be Feraferian Leader, Lady Jo Carson, who will give us an inside look at the original NeoPagan Goddess religion in America, founded by artist-philosopher Frederick Adams, and his Priestess Lady Svetlana. Feraferia celebrates paradisial wilderness and recreates the ancient Greek Elusinian Mysteries. This will be a rare opportunity to discover and rediscover the vision that launched the worship of the Goddess and Her relation to Sacred Nature. Tune in and find out how it began -- and has risen again.

 "Love Sex Fear Death" - The Process - with Timothy Wyllie | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:19:00

On Thursday May 16th, 2013 the Hermetic Hour with host Poke Runyon will present a review on the new book "Love Sex Fear Death" The Inside Story of The Process Church of the Final Judgment, by Timothy Wyllie, edited by Adam Parfrey from Feral House. Timothy Wyllie will call in and give us his inside story on "The Inside Story" of one of the strangest, and most influential "Cults" of the psychedelic 60s-70s era. The Processians were a spin-off of Scientology who worked a neo-Bibical mythology in which Lucifer, Satan, Jehovah, and Christ were equally venerated and extolled. The Process was a communal Millernarian (apocalyptic) cult that fascinated the youth subculture and frightened the older generation. They were very creative and dedicated to spreading their radical doomsday philosophy. They were masters of what we now call "disinformation." We will discuss their influence on the 1990s Satanic Ritual Abuse mass delusion, and the subsequent Demonic Illuminati conspiracy obsessions that pollute the internet. So, if you want to get to the Inside Story of The Process, tune in and get processed.

 William Blake vs Swedenborg: The Marriage of Heaven and Hell | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:57:00

On Thursday May 9th, 2013 the Hermetic Hour with host Poke Runyon will present a discussion on the art and poetry of British 18th century mystic artist-philosopher-poet William Blake -- who was influenced by Milton (Paradise Lost) and Swedenborg (Heaven and Hell). Blake's subsequent influence on Crowley, Austin Spare, Fred Adams, and the modern Hermetic Tradition will be delineated. Blake's brake with the piety of Swedenborg to extoll a more romantic, solipsistic view of the creative artist's duty to explore life's adventures to the fullest measure is the theme of the discussion. Books by Blake and books about him and his work will be reviewed. So, if you want to spend an hour with the man who invented the comic book, tune in and meet an 18th century artistic Super Hero.

 "The Demonologist" by Andrew Pyper | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:55:00

On Thursday May 2nd, 2013 the Hermetic Hour with host Poke Runyon will review the novel "The Demonologist" by Canadian writer Andrew Pyper. This is a recent mainstream thriller from Simon & Schuster that is surprisingly accurate in its presentation of demons working in the realm of the human mind exploiting personal weaknesses and former tragedies to accomplish their ends -- with some obligatory exaggerations for horror effect. Popular writers usually try to find some old Necronomicon book-alike to hang their story on. In this case Pyper used John Milton's "Paradise Lost." At first this seems an odd choice; why not "The Key of Solomon," or the "Lemegeton," or the "Heptameron"? However, Milton's long Biblical epic is actually a good choice. It was published in the 1640s, was very widely read and dealt extensively with Satan and the Fallen Angels, even incorporating our Canaanite Baal (Bael) and Astarte (Ashteroth) into their ranks -- along with the archdemon who is the disembodied villain of Pyper's tale. Readers of "The Book of Solomon's Magick" will recall that I quoted Milton's poem in relation to our Canaanite pantheon. Milton (and to a lesser extent Pyper) tried to give Satan and his minions a creditable, even darkly heroic point of view. This influenced William Blake's "Marriage of Heaven and Hell." Blake illustrated one of the later editions of "Paradise Lost." -- So, if you want a demonic thriller that will make you wonder what you might have lurking between your ears, tune in and we'll recommend one.

 The Vajrayogini Tantra -- Tibet's Magical Goddess | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:59:00

On Thursday April 25th, 2013, the Hermetic Hour, with host Poke Runyon, will present a discussion on the practice of the Vajrayogini tantra as undertaken by O.T.A. members and Gardenerians at the Sakya Center in Los Angeles in Oct.-Nov.1985 under the direction of Abbott Ludhing Khen Rinpoche of the Sakya Order, Ngor Sect, of Tibetan Buddhism. This was a rare opportunity for Westerners to take initiations, and an extended training course in Tibetan Trantric practice, supervised by Tibetan lamas and delivered in English by an American lama Nagawang Samten. My mentor in anthropology, Dr. Robert Ravitz, had been to Dharmsala, India several times. He recommended the program, and frankly told me: "Poke, you will be getting something that many people have gone to Asia, given up everything, spent years, and still not received, so get the most out of it." I certainly tried to, and found it one of the most meaningful experiences in my magical career. Our sessions with Ludhing Khen Rinpoche and Lama Samten lasted a month. We started with a Hevajrah initiation, as the most important yidam practice of the Order (this was our certification and a "planting of the seed"), followed by Chenrezi initiation, Padmasambhava, White Tara, an intensive Vajrayogini Initiation and practice, from a 100 page syllabus detailing all the rites and practices. This is a complete tantric system, including, Tumo, and Pohwa (death practice).Vajrayogini is very popular with Tibetans and Westerners alike. She is a very close analog to the Canaanite Goddess Anath. Programs like the one we participated in are now being offered more frequently here in America. You might check with H.H. Sakya Trazin's website for details -- So, if you want to find out what it is like to meditate with the Eastern Masters, tune in and we will share our recollections with you.


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