Infendo Radio | Nintendo Podcast show

Infendo Radio | Nintendo Podcast

Summary: The best Nintendo podcast on the English speaking Internet. We discuss the Nintendo Switch, Pokémon Go, Mario, and everything in between!

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 Infendo PIRATE Radio is on now! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

While Scott, Blake, and Kyle are out to sea, the pirates have taken over. Check out the first (and possibly only) edition of Infendo Pirate Radio, brought to you by David, Fes, and Rosscott. MP3

 Infendo Radio #61 is on NOW! | File Type: audio/x-mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Hey everybody! Infendo Radio #61 is live and loud. Listen in as Scott and Blake discuss Wii rumors, tons o' games, listener calls, and most excellent user-submitted segments. Enjoy! Radio Feed iTunes Feed MP3

 Infendo Radio #60 bright and early! | File Type: audio/x-mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Hey dudes and dudettes. Listen in as Scott, Kyle, and myself discuss a plethora of games for Wii and DS including a special little interview with the Mag Weasel to discuss the future of print mags. All the regular segments are here including listening calls and news of the week. Enjoy, and have a great memorial day weekend! Radio Feed iTunes Feed MP3

 There are gobs of promising Wii games coming | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

The recent July issue of Nintendo Power is the best issue I've read since first resubscribing a year ago. The thing is packed to the gills with promising Wii games and pretty much kills the conventional wisdom that Wii is only good for party-games. Granted, announcements and previews do not a great final game make, but I'm giddy at the prospects of all the games profiled. Says Managing Editor Scott Pelland before unleashing a slew of titles, "Nintendo's vision of active player interaction goes far beyond realistic bowling and wacky cow games." And he's right, assuming developers can deliver on all the encouraging games mentioned in the mag. Let's run down the ones that piqued my interests, shall we? Geometry Wars: Galaxies (Wii/DS) coming this fall. It features an all new campaign mode not to mention both original versions of Retro Evolved like on Xbox Live. Dewy's Adventure (Wii). From the maker's of Elebits (awesome game) comes an action-adventure title that looks cute (did I just say that) and fun. Coming fall this year. Harry Potter (Wii). Okay, this may be a stretch, but the reason it caught my eye is that its heavy on wandage, and EA is making it. Yes, EA has been delivering the gameplay goods in my book, so this title could be worth your time. Probably not a must by, but a fun little title none-the-less me thinks. Coming next month. Resident Evils: Umbrella Chronicles and RE4 (Wii). This month's cover story only has good things to say about the two new REs hitting Wii this year. Chronicles this fall, and RE4 next month. Despite the former being an on-rails shooter, you'll still be able to move the camera around using the analog stick and team NP ranked the game high on the fun-o-meter. Same goes for RE4 Wii. Mario Party 8 (Wii). Nintendo Power only gives the game a 7.5/10, but say it's yet another great party game for the platform. Personally, I think I'm done with party games at the moment, but I'll definitely rent this mug. Coming next month. Madden NFL 08 (Wii). Hitting Wii in August, Madden on Wii will feature ALL online content as its more powerful comrade consoles. That's right, NP says EA is dumping everything in this version with still more attention on the motion-controls. Having loved last year's Madden on Wii, I think I'm starting to become a fan again, and it's looking like this version could be the one to have for all Madden fans; motion controls, online, the works. Good stuff. Mario Strikers (Wii). The first online game coming next month. I've said it before and NP echoes the same; the game looks to be a riot. The Bigs (Wii). Ever since first playing Wii Sports Baseball, I've been itching for a full on game. This could be it. Like Madden above, it sounds like 2K is putting in a lot of effort to give the Wii version its rightful cachet. You'll run the bases by shaking the Wii remote and nunchuk alternately in a drumming motion, then flick them both down at the same time to slide all while using the analog stick for direction (same for fielding too). Sounds like a really fun and smart implementation of motion-controls. Coming next-month. Legends of the Indy 500 (Wii). I don't know how this could be more fun than my beloved Excite Truck, but NP lauded the graphics. Indeed, this was one of the prettiest titles showcased in the mag and it's coming this fall as well. Fifa Soccer 08 (Wii). If there was one genre I thought wouldn't benefit from motion-controls, it was simulation soccer. What could developers really do; ask you to tape nunchuks and Wiimotes to your feet? But again EA seems like they could prove me wrong using nunchuk and wiimote jukes for tackling, getting past defenders, lobbing the ball, passing it, etc. Sounds fun and is also coming this fall. No More Heroes (Wii). Action-adventure game from the creator of Killer 7. Coming to Wii this fall.

 Where has all the good video game music gone? | File Type: audio/x-mpeg | Duration: Unknown

It's not often one comes across good original video game music. The last memorable (and new) score I think I heard was Shadow of the Colossus from 2005... until today. Enter my new favorite (what I think is) orignal game music; the Dinner Dash: Sizzle & Serve theme for DS. While I can't speak for the game (out tomorrow, preview here, and it sounds cool), the music is just banging. Maybe I'm smoking crack, or this is a testament of my ultimate nerddom, but I love this theme music (right click to save). I freakin' love it! We'll be playing this for sure on this week's podcast. Which begs my next question: Where has all the good video game music gone?

 Infendo Radio #59 is live and loud (and long too)! | File Type: audio/x-mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Listen in as we discuss all the weekly goodies in smart form. It's a bit long, but it's a good one. You won't believe what Scott did on the show ( Radio Feed iTunes Feed MP3

 Infendo Radio #58 loves its Mother | File Type: audio/x-mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Scott, Blake, and Kyle .. three guys only a Mother could love. Join them as they discuss some Nintendo stuff before they run out to buy flowers at the very last minute. Happy Mother's Day! Radio Feed iTunes Feed MP3

 Infendo Radio #57 is most awesome! | File Type: audio/x-mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Scott calls it a "special" show. I just call it most awesome. Listen in as we discuss a ton of Wii games, lots o' segments, and good ole calls. You're really missin' out if you don't download this mug. Get to it! Radio Feed iTunes Feed MP3

 Infendo Radio #56 Is A Shocker!!! | File Type: audio/x-mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Shockingly good, that is. We've got tons of new segments including This Week in Gaming, News From the Frontlines, The Sony Scoop, The Microsoft Minute, Infendo Europe, and more! Plus all the important Nintendo goodness you need to know from week's past. It's tons o' fun, folks. Get this! Radio Feed iTunes Feed MP3

 Infendo Radio #21: Wii, DS, and Portable GameCubes? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 34:31

Infendo Radio show #21 is live! Listen in as we discuss this week's game sites poll, portable GameCubes, DS sales, and a Wii discussion on Nintendo's critical areas for potential failure. Enjoy the show!Radio FeediTunes FeedMP3

 Infendo Radio Show #19 Is Live! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 31:50

For you non-podcast RSS or iTunes subscribers, Infendo Radio show #19 is live! Listen in as we discuss this week's poll, rumors galore, and potential weaknesses for the Wii. Enjoy the show.Radio FeediTunes FeedMP3

 Infendo Radio #17 Up! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 19:03

It's a good one! XML and iTunes feed to the right. Enjoy! [Message by Blake. Typos and brevity by Blackberry.]

 PDF: Nintendo Power Issue #1 from 1988 | File Type: application/x-bittorrent | Duration: Unknown

Quite possibly one of the most nostalgic Nintendo downloads ever featured on Infendo. Retro Gaming by Racket Boy is on a mission to start scanning old school magazines in all their goodness, and they've got a PDF version of the first Nintendo Power, issue #1, ready for download. The issue features a SMB2 preview, a Zelda walk-through, and so many nostalgic ads, you'll be bursting with Nintendo joy.Download: torrent | mirror (right click to save)There's also a Sega Visions download (right click to save) from 1991. Get to it!

 Infendo Radio 11 (Light Edition) Is Live! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 16:48

Better late than never. Listen in as we I discuss last week's poll, a slew of Game Boy Advance games, WiiConnect24, and Nintendo World Store impressions.We promise we "[W]on't be light" anymore.Radio FeediTunes FeedMP3

 Nintendo Spotting (Celebrity Edition) | File Type: video/x-ms-asf | Duration: Unknown

Jack Black during a Nacho Libre interview. The actor/comedian appears with his trusty DS several times during the video shoot. It's like "goodies and daisies."via DS Fanboy


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