Where has all the good video game music gone?

Infendo Radio | Nintendo Podcast show

Summary: It's not often one comes across good original video game music. The last memorable (and new) score I think I heard was Shadow of the Colossus from 2005... until today. Enter my new favorite (what I think is) orignal game music; the Dinner Dash: Sizzle &amp; Serve theme for DS.<br> <br> While I can't speak for the game (out tomorrow, preview here, and it sounds cool), the music is just banging. Maybe I'm smoking crack, or this is a testament of my ultimate nerddom, but I love this theme music (right click to save). I freakin' love it! We'll be playing this for sure on this week's podcast.<br> <br> Which begs my next question: Where has all the good video game music gone?