Retro Radio Podcast show

Retro Radio Podcast

Summary: Sharing family friendly entertainment through old time radio, and more.


 Jack Benny – Jack Takes A Date To An Underground Restaurant. ep886, 540516 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Turn the calendar back one week to the conclusion of last week’s show. Jack and Rochester relax backstage. Jack gives Bob a critique of the band’s performance. A fan from Waukegan stops in for an autograph. Jack gets a massage from Frank Nelson. While he does, Jack plugs his Summer appearances, and the Sportsmen sing, Deep in the Heart of Texas. Dennis phones in, he’s shopping for a new house. Jack leaves for his big date with Gertrude the phone operator. Mel Blanc is a Mexican radio announcer. On the car radio, Dennis sings, Here is Where I Want to Be. Jack and Gertrude finally arrive at the underground restaurant. Gertrude complains about the places that Jack takes her to. Mel Blanc, as French waiter keeps a few running gags going.

 Crime Club – Death Deals A Diamond. ep34, 470717 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 28:44

A very exciting story of a play that was finessed by murder. Hal is a diamond thief who is released from prison, and within weeks is setup for another theft. The detectives haul him in, and all the circumstantial evidence points to him. But did Hal do it? There’s something fishy going on, and at least one of the cops begins to believe Hal is innocent. Though Hal is given the third degree, and a more softer approach by a lady dtetective, he still isn’t talking. Things get serious when a body is found, the head of the detective agency, Sam Lawless. Hal has to do some of his own investigating to solve the related crimes. As the bodies pile up, the list of suspects grows smaller. The ex-con sets up his own little trap to squeeze out the reall thief and expose the killer.

 Escape – Eye Of Evil. ep218, 540717 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:17

You are in a moonlit clearing somewhere in a Burmese jungle. An exotic girl must now take your life. A couple of world travelers are to meet in Mandalay, but one is late for the appointment. There are plenty of logical reasons for a delay, so the level of concern is low. The remaining traveller sets out, with language barriers to complicate matters, and dealing with native guides to find his missing friend. Enjoy the mysterious adventure and suspense as you travel through the exotic lands of the Far East, and Indochina, where danger lurks in the local customs, and in the jungles. (Audio enhanced for better listening enjoyment.)

 Lum and Abner – Squire Almost Traps Lum. 460603 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 13:47

Lum has won his bet, but despite the payoff from Squire, the costs from the bet start coming in. He had to pay his winnings, plus $5 for the towing bill, and is faced with $300 in car repairs after his wreck. He won it with $100 in raffle tickets, and the car was said to be worth about $800 to start with. Should he have the car fixed? How might he pay the mechanic? Abner thinks they ought to get rid of it the same way they got it, raffle it off. Squire Skimp is on hand, and more than willing to loan Lum the repair money. Watch out Lum, you can bet he has something up his sleeve. Even Abner smells something fishy going on, but will Lum listen to reason?

 Gunsmoke – Twenty-Twenty. ep170, 550716 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:53

Matt Dillon is the first man they look for, and the last they want to meet. It’s a job that’s a little bit chancey, and a little bit lonely. Today, Matt and Chester walk the street, and pause to watch the stage coach pull in. An old friend of Matt’s arrives, Troy. He’s a lawman who is on the track of an outlaw. Troy also seems to have a chip on his shoulder when Matt offers a little help. Matt and Kitty talk in the salloon, and after she complains about needing a vacation after the last mob of trail riding cowboys, attention turns to Troy. Troy has had a little fight, and seems paranoid. Though he leaves to cool down, Mat is afraid his friend has other problems under the surface. In a confrontation, we learn what Troys problem is. His eyesight is failing. After a reluctant exam by doc, it is revealed that Troy is at least at a point of severe vision loss that shouldn’t get any worse. The wanted man makes his appearance in town, and though Matt promised to let Troy run the showdown, Matt makes sure he is present for the face off. Will Troy get his man? When the gunsmoke clears, there’s two men on the ground. Has any lessons been learned? Maybe: Never take a knife, or a blind gunslinger to a gunfight. Or something like that.

 Casey Crime Photographer – A Tooth For Tooth. ep143, 460715 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 25:55

In the Express building, the newspaper presses are beginning to roll when photographer Casey, reporter Annie, and another colleague talk. Henry is upset over a dentist visit from an uncertified doctor. The phoney doctor offered free service to do experimental work on his teeth. Was there more to it than just dental work? Why is Henry feeling so low? Casey smells a rat, and when Henry comes up missing it’s off to the bar to relax with Ethylbert. The idle chatter in the casual atmosphere is just the thing to inspire Casey, and he’s off on the trail of the bogus dentist. Has Henry skipped town to evade his creditors, or is he in some kind of danger? Casey sticks by his friends honesty, and gets help from Henry’s son to stage a trap for the bad guys. Casey throws himself in the path of danger to get into the lair of the phoney dentist. Just what is the game here? What crimes are afoot that have such a hold over Henry? Will Casey fall under the control of the dentist? Listen for the exciting turn of events that Casey orchestrates to blow the lid off the mystery.

 Command Performance – Ginger Rogers, Virginia O’Brien, Jimmy Durante. ep132, 440805 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:47

Announcer: Ken Carpenter. * Ginger Rogers introduces the show, and keeps the fun coming. * Virginia O’Brien picks up the greetings to the mailbag requests, then sings a swinging version of, Take Me Back to Old Birginnie. n nnie. * Jimmy Durante jokes with Ginger about Umbriago. The pair enact a romantic scene, if only she will break a date. * Jimmy sings, In My Cut Away. * The Golden Gate Quartet sing, The Preacher and the Bear. * Jimmy Durante is joined by Ken Carpenter and others to present a compressed week in radio shows to include doctors, drama, music, Mr. District Attorney, game shows, time checks, superman, gangbusters and more. * Songs from favorite musical comedies are presented by Ginger, Virginia, Jimmy and the cast. * Songs include: Anything Goes, You’re the Cream in My Coffee, and lotas more. * Ginger wraps up with a word to keep the cards and letters coming.

 Lum and Abner – Lum Wins Bet with Squire. 460530 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 11:45

After being pulled from the ditch by a farmer with a team of mules, Lum would rather have the farmer tow him all the way to Pine Ridge. The county seat is only a few miles away, but Pine Ridge is about 19 miles. Lum is determined to get his new car to town so he can win his bet with Squire Skimp. Back in town, Squire talks with Dick Huddleston and grandpap in the Jot ‘Em Down store. They’ve recieved a phone call from Abner with news to fill them in on their progress back to town. Sure enough, the car is spotted rolling into town behind the mules. Squire and the gents figure the car must be totalled, and unfixable. Is Lum just towing it back to be used as junk? Abner hops out of the car, and races into the store to join the conversation. Together, the gents talk about the scene with Lum and his car. Squire becomes worried once he realizes that Lum intends to win their $50 bet by being the first to drive his new car down the street. Even though it’s being powered by a two mule powered engine.

 Bing Crosby (Kraft Music Hall) Spike Jones. 441130 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:13

playlist * Is You Is or Is You Ain’t My Baby. (Bing Crosby) * I Promise You. (Bing Crosby) * The One I Love Belongs to Somebody Else. (Eugenie Baird) * Jeepers Creepers. (Charioteers) * Bing and Spike Jones compare musical styles * Glow Worm. (Spike Jones) * Medley (Making Believe, With Every Breath i Take, Just Around the Corner, June in January)

 Philo Vance – The Eagle Murder Case. 480713 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 26:27

A man is raced to the hospital, and was alert enough to warn his attendants about danger. On arrival at the hospital, with nobody having access to him, he is delivered dead, and with a knife in his back. How could it happen? Time for Filo Vance to investigate. Miss Dearing assists as Vance gathers the clues. Suicide is out, the man had business partners in a jewelry business, and a woman in his life. Is it a matter of love, jealousy, poor business practices, something else? Listen carefully to the witness statements to see if you can pick up on the clues that tip off Filo. What’s the mistake the murderer made that unlocks the mystery? Just about all the players have motive to kill the man, so the trick is in figuring how the man could be stabbed after he was put in the ambulance alive. Filo has applied his knack for observation, and psychology and has it figured out. In case you don’t, he explains it all as he reenacts the crime to expose the killer.

 Greatest Story Ever Told – Loaves and the Fishes. ep25, 470713 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 28:37

It’s harvest season in Galilee, and with the sheaves tied, threshing can begin. Young Gideon’s mother tries to advise him on spending money from the harvest wisely, but will he listen? For now, the boy and his mother go to hear the teaching of the Master. A friend fills them in on the amazing miracles done that day. Are too many people focused more on the show, and not so much on the teaching? With a full day of teaching and miracles, Peter asks the crowds to come back tomorrow, and to let the Master rest. The crowds persist, and run after the departing boat that carries the Master away. The boat lands, and eager followers greet the weary Master. The teaching continues, and darkness will be coming soon. With even the crowd growing tired, and weary for lack of food, the disciples begin to worry about feeding them. Though his gift is small, Gideon offers his lunch basket to the Master. What good will 5 small barley loaves, and 2 small fish be able to accomplish? As amazing as the harvest in the field had been, Gideon and his mother have witnessed a bigger multiplication of food than they could have believed possible. Gideon also learns a lesson of not being wasteful.

 X Minus One – Time And Time Again. ep33, 560111 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 28:12

After a fatal wound in a battle in the year 1975, a soldier goes back in time to 1945, on his 13th birthday. He discovers he can change the future and tries to coach his dad on what he might do to avoid the coming war. Will his dad believe that his son is actually a grown man, trapped momentarily in his boy’s body? Even if dad takes the son’s words at heart, will his intervention, and involvement in world politics stop the future violence? Will the son remain in his childhood body, or be transported back to his future fate? Listen in and learn. Note: This episode also appeared on other radio series, particularly: Dimension X, 510712 Time And Time Again.

 Lum and Abner – Lum Wrecks the Car. 460529 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 10:43

We join Lum and Abner while they’re on the road back to Pine Ridge in Lum’s new car. Since Lum doesn’t know how to drive, Abner has been giving him lessons, but it’s still slow going. Lum is wore to a frazzle, and the complexity of driving makes him wish he had won a team of horses and a wagon. Abner’s patience is wearing thin as he tries to teach Lum once again how to start the car. Will they ever get back with Lum needing to stop and rest every few feet? It’s not the driving as much as the other drivers on the road. Can’t Abner clear them away for Lum? The way Lum races the engine, Abner’s afraid he’ll strip the gears, or do some other damage to the car. That doggone high tech jargon is overwhelming to Lum. Things like: starter, key, ignition, clutch, and the liked. Why do they have to use such words on this high tech equipment. Lum will never be able to keep it all straight. Lum’s on a roll as he cruises down the road, but he’s just barely managing to stay between the lines, and keep the shiney side up and the greasy side down. After a mishap, the car ends up in a ditch.

 Lone Ranger – The Wrong Pete Lorenzo. 380711 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:06

No man has ever done more to bring justice to the Great Plains of the West than the Masked Rider. Gold brought booming business to Carson City, as well as plenty of hardcases, and the Lone Ranger. The bank is robbed, and the banker murdered. An eye witness claims that it was Pete Lorenzo, an outlaw who has given every lawman the slip as he plagues the West with crime. As the sheriff leads the posse on his trail, the Lone Ranger is doubtful. He and Tonto set out after Pete on their own. Lorenzo is supposed to be such a slippery character that not many people have seen him and lived. The posse comes up on a man that the witness points out as Pete. The man claims to be hunting for Lorenzo himself. Personally, I don’t trust that witness. The sheriff isn’t taking any chances with this guy, but will he be hanging the wrong man? Where did the Lone Ranger get off to? Will he be able to find the real Pete Lorenzo before an innocent man is doomed? The Lone Ranger lurks nearby, biding his time and waiting for the real Pete Lorenzo to show his hand. Have you solved the mystery? How does the Lone Ranger manage to set a trap that Lorenzo can’t get out of?

 Jack Benny – At The Beach. ep885, 540509 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 30:31

Jack and Rochester comment about the Beaver Club, and past members as Jack gets ready for his trip to the beach. Bob and Judy Crosby get ready to leave and pick up Jack. Don and his wife get ready for the big event, and to get Dennis and the Beavers. The Sportsmen sing, By the Sea. Jack and Rochester take a final inventory as they wait for their ride. Mr. Kitzel stops by to talk about his exploits as a baseball player. Meanwhile the Beavers get ready and tell secrets about Jack. As Dennis gets ready, he and his mom talk about Jack, and about past family trips to the beach. At the beach the gang enjoy fun, playing ball, and a bonfire.


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