Greatest Story Ever Told – Loaves and the Fishes. ep25, 470713

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: It’s harvest season in Galilee, and with the sheaves tied, threshing can begin. Young Gideon’s mother tries to advise him on spending money from the harvest wisely, but will he listen? For now, the boy and his mother go to hear the teaching of the Master. A friend fills them in on the amazing miracles done that day. Are too many people focused more on the show, and not so much on the teaching? <br> With a full day of teaching and miracles, Peter asks the crowds to come back tomorrow, and to let the Master rest. The crowds persist, and run after the departing boat that carries the Master away. The boat lands, and eager followers greet the weary Master. The teaching continues, and darkness will be coming soon. <br> With even the crowd growing tired, and weary for lack of food, the disciples begin to worry about feeding them.<br> Though his gift is small, Gideon offers his lunch basket to the Master. What good will 5 small barley loaves, and 2 small fish be able to accomplish? As amazing as the harvest in the field had been, Gideon and his mother have witnessed a bigger multiplication of food than they could have believed possible. Gideon also learns a lesson of not being wasteful. <br>