Lum and Abner – Squire Almost Traps Lum. 460603

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: Lum has won his bet, but despite the payoff from Squire, the costs from the bet start coming in. He had to pay his winnings, plus $5 for the towing bill, and is faced with $300 in car repairs after his wreck. He won it with $100 in raffle tickets, and the car was said to be worth about $800 to start with. <br> Should he have the car fixed? How might he pay the mechanic? Abner thinks they ought to get rid of it the same way they got it, raffle it off. <br> Squire Skimp is on hand, and more than willing to loan Lum the repair money. Watch out Lum, you can bet he has something up his sleeve. Even Abner smells something fishy going on, but will Lum listen to reason? <br>