The Audacity to Podcast show

The Audacity to Podcast

Summary: I believe podcasting is the BEST way for YOU to share a message to change the world! I give you the guts and teach you the tools to launch and improve your own podcast for passion and P.R.O.F.I.T.! Through each episode, I strive to help you communicate better, fully leverage audio and video gear, use podcasting tools for higher quality and efficiency, become an engaging interviewer, improve your podcast website, grow your podcast, and more! My goal is to help you and your audience get P.R.O.F.I.T. from your podcast: popularity, relationships, opportunities, fun, income, or tangibles. From each episode, you'll get inspiration, learn easy-to-follow steps, and discover resources to help you podcast better. Please join me, Daniel J. Lewis, and I will give you THE AUDACITY to podcast!

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  • Artist: Daniel J. Lewis
  • Copyright: © 2010–2024 D.Joseph Design LLC


 5 podcasting tool updates you should know about – TAP142 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 41:53

Five updates to podcasting tools that you should know about, and how to take advantage of them. • PowerPress 5.0 • LibSyn Four • WordPress 3.6 • Audacity 2.0.4 • Social Subscribe & Follow Icons 1.1 Get a great WordPress theme from Check out Podcasters' Roundtable at Make your blog or podcast website awesome with Social Subscribe & Follow Icons: Follow me on Links and shownotes at FEEDBACK Call (903) 231-2221 Email Send a voice message from http://TheAudacitytoPodcast MAILING ADDRESS The Audacity to Podcast PO Box 739 Burlington, KY 41005

 10 elements of powerful podcast promos – TAP141 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:07:01

Learn tips for producing your own podcast promos! Mike and Izabela Russell, from Music Radio Creative, are experts in audio branding and production. They join Daniel J. Lewis in this episode to help you better grow your podcast the audio and even video promos. Check out Music Radio Creative at 1. Call to action 2. Promo length 3. Audio clips of your podcast 4. Use professional voice talent 5. Think about music choice 6. Consider your promo as a donut 7. Keep it clean 8. The name of your podcast 9. Silence 10. Be shareable 11. BONUS: copyright Get a great WordPress theme from Check out Podcasters' Roundtable at Make your blog or podcast website awesome with Social Subscribe & Follow Icons: Follow me on Links and shownotes at FEEDBACK Call (903) 231-2221 Email Send a voice message from http://TheAudacitytoPodcast MAILING ADDRESS The Audacity to Podcast PO Box 739 Burlington, KY 41005

 7 Audacity features you’ll miss in Adobe Audition – TAP140 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 30:41

I don't regret moving from Audacity to Adobe Audition for podcast editing. But there are several Audacity tools I wish expensive Audition had or worked as well as Audacity's. 1. Multitrack Truncate Silence 2. Home and End jumps 3. Combined wave and multitrack editors 4. Project-free editing 5. Mute and Solo switching 6. Playback speed 7. "Ripple" paste Get a great WordPress theme from Check out Podcasters' Roundtable at Make your blog or podcast website awesome with Social Subscribe & Follow Icons: Follow me on Links and shownotes at FEEDBACK Call (903) 231-2221 Email Send a voice message from http://TheAudacitytoPodcast MAILING ADDRESS The Audacity to Podcast PO Box 739 Burlington, KY 41005

 Why use self-hosted WordPress for podcasting? – TAP139 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 41:14

7 reasons you should use WordPress on your own web hosting instead of choosing another platform. 1. Easy to use 2. Freedom and control 3. Plugins for nearly everything 4. Great theme designs 5. Search-engine optimization (SEO) 6. Support and community 7. Foundation for any kind of website Check out the latest Podcasters' Roundtable about "Is podcasting 'back'?" at Make your blog or podcast website awesome with Social Subscribe & Follow Icons: Follow me on Links and shownotes at FEEDBACK Call (903) 231-2221 Email Send a voice message from http://TheAudacitytoPodcast MAILING ADDRESS The Audacity to Podcast PO Box 739 Burlington, KY 41005

 Should you use profanity in your podcast? – TAP138 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 41:03

Profanity is a controversial subject in podcasting. If you're the type to use foul or explicit language, consider several important things before you include this in your podcast. What is "explicit"? Consider your topic Consider your audience Consider who else may be listening Consider your sponsors It is a choice, not a personality iTunes tags: explicit, clean, unmarked Make your blog or podcast website awesome with Social Subscribe & Follow Icons: Follow me on Links and shownotes at FEEDBACK Call (903) 231-2221 Email Send a voice message from http://TheAudacitytoPodcast MAILING ADDRESS The Audacity to Podcast PO Box 739 Burlington, KY 41005

 What 1 billion subscriptions means for podcasting – TAP137 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 31:54

More about Apple's announcement and the implications for podcasts. Also learn about YouTube live-streaming and the Electro Voice RE20. Make your blog or podcast website awesome with Social Subscribe & Follow Icons: Follow me on Links and shownotes at FEEDBACK Call (903) 231-2221 Email Send a voice message from http://TheAudacitytoPodcast MAILING ADDRESS The Audacity to Podcast PO Box 739 Burlington, KY 41005

 How podcasters can use Pinterest for promoting, ideas, and more – TAP136 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 54:48

Cynthia Sanchez shares tips for using Pinterest to promote your podcast, create better content, and get more followers. Check out Oh So Pinteresting podcast at Make your blog or podcast website awesome with Social Subscribe & Follow Icons: Follow me on Pinterest: Links and shownotes at FEEDBACK Call (903) 231-2221 Email Send a voice message from http://TheAudacitytoPodcast MAILING ADDRESS The Audacity to Podcast PO Box 739 Burlington, KY 41005

 8 ways people consume podcasts and how to make a better experience – TAP135 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 46:22

Podcasts are watched or listened to in a variety of ways and places that you may not expect. Forgetting these things could make you podcast difficult to consume and thus annoy your audience. 1. In noisy environments 2. Through noise-suppressing headphones 3. With one earbud 4. At faster speeds 5. On your website 6. With interruptions 7. Over mobile data networks 8. While falling asleep Links and shownotes at Check out Podcasters' Roundtable at Make your blog or podcast website awesome with Social Subscribe & Follow Icons: Follow me on FEEDBACK Call (903) 231-2221 Email Send a voice message from http://TheAudacitytoPodcast MAILING ADDRESS The Audacity to Podcast PO Box 739 Burlington, KY 41005

 5 WordPress plugins for faster blogging and podcasting – TAP134 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 4:48

Speed up your blogging and podcasting workflow with these five great WordPress plugins. They'll reduce your steps, optimize your site, and save lots of time. This is a special video episode. iTunes: YouTube: 1. Resize Images Before Upload: 2. Grab & Save: 3. Shortcode Exec PHP: 4. Simple Post Template: 5. Pretty Link Pro: Links and shownotes at Check out Podcasters' Roundtable at Make your blog or podcast website awesome with Social Subscribe & Follow Icons: Follow me on FEEDBACK Call (903) 231-2221 Email Send a voice message from http://TheAudacitytoPodcast MAILING ADDRESS The Audacity to Podcast PO Box 739 Burlington, KY 41005

 The best podcast hosting options – TAP133 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 58:43

No matter how you podcast, it needs to be hosted somewhere. You should have web hosting and media hosting that will grow with your podcast. I'll suggest your best options to consider. Visit to hear the Heil PR40 version of this episode! Check out The Business of Writing International Summit at Make your blog or podcast website awesome with Social Subscribe & Follow Icons: Follow me on Links and shownotes at FEEDBACK Call (903) 231-2221 Email Send a voice message from http://TheAudacitytoPodcast MAILING ADDRESS The Audacity to Podcast PO Box 739 Burlington, KY 41005

 How to prevent podfading and podcasting burnout – TAP132 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 54:27

Podcasting is supposed to be full of passion. But what happens if you feel burned out and want to quit, or you can feel that coming? I share 10 tips to prevent the podcasting burnout, or save yourself from it. 1. Find what's causing the stress 2. Re-evaluate your goals and expectations 3. Don't try to beat your competition 4. Allow yourself to take breaks 5. Get inspired by others 6. Try a new approach 7. Make it fun again 8. Simplify your workflow 9. Delegate some tasks 10. Be willing to end Learn about Stitcher's new stats: Learn about the "podcast patent" from Greg Gronholm: Subscribe to LibSyn's new official podcast about podcast: Check out Podcasters' Roundtable at Make your blog or podcast website awesome with Social Subscribe & Follow Icons: Follow me on Links and shownotes at FEEDBACK Call (903) 231-2221 Email Send a voice message from http://TheAudacitytoPodcast MAILING ADDRESS The Audacity to Podcast PO Box 739 Burlington, KY 41005

 How iOS 7 will affect podcasting – TAP131 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 30:49

Apple recently previewed the upcoming version of its mobile operating system, iOS 7. This version is a radical redesign from previous versions, but comes with some things that affect podcasters. 1. Podcasts app is not preinstalled 2. iTunes Radio probably won't include podcasts 3. Bing search results in Siri 4. AirDrop sharing Check out Podcasters' Roundtable at Make your blog or podcast website awesome with Social Subscribe & Follow Icons: Follow me on Links and shownotes at FEEDBACK Call (903) 231-2221 Email Send a voice message from http://TheAudacitytoPodcast MAILING ADDRESS The Audacity to Podcast PO Box 739 Burlington, KY 41005

 6 podcasting clichés you should avoid – TAP130 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 44:43

WARNING: strong opinions ahead! Proceed with caution and please add your own thoughts, additions, or disagreements in the comments. In my opinion, these are the top six clichés podcasters often forget, but that we should try hard to avoid with some creativity. 6. Ignoring international and time-shifted audiences 5. Having "podcast" or "weekly" in your show title 4. Using an RSS icon, mic, headphones in your cover art 3. Listing in the podcasting category 2. Saying, "best," "the," "only," or "#1" 1. Acting like radio Check out Podcasters' Roundtable at Make your blog or podcast website awesome with Social Subscribe & Follow Icons: Follow me on Links and shownotes at FEEDBACK Call (903) 231-2221 Email Send a voice message from http://TheAudacitytoPodcast MAILING ADDRESS The Audacity to Podcast PO Box 739 Burlington, KY 41005

 4 reasons podcasters should be blogging (with Ms. Ileane) – TAP129 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 45:55

If you're focusing on only podcasting, you could be missing huge potential to grow your audience! My guest Ms. Ileane from will inspire you to add blogging to your podcast strategy. Get my new WordPress plugin from Follow me on Links and shownotes at FEEDBACK Call (903) 231-2221 Email Send a voice message from http://TheAudacitytoPodcast MAILING ADDRESS The Audacity to Podcast PO Box 739 Burlington, KY 41005

 Why you need a podcast-only RSS feed and how to make it – TAP128 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 49:19

Learn about a podcast-only RSS feed, three options for creating one, and how to fix if you already podcast without it. Get my new WordPress plugin from Follow me on Links and shownotes at FEEDBACK Call (903) 231-2221 Email Send a voice message from http://TheAudacitytoPodcast MAILING ADDRESS The Audacity to Podcast PO Box 739 Burlington, KY 41005


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