8 ways people consume podcasts and how to make a better experience – TAP135

The Audacity to Podcast show

Summary: Podcasts are watched or listened to in a variety of ways and places that you may not expect. Forgetting these things could make you podcast difficult to consume and thus annoy your audience. 1. In noisy environments 2. Through noise-suppressing headphones 3. With one earbud 4. At faster speeds 5. On your website 6. With interruptions 7. Over mobile data networks 8. While falling asleep Links and shownotes at http://theaudacitytopodcast.com/135 Check out Podcasters' Roundtable at http://podcastersroundtable.com Make your blog or podcast website awesome with Social Subscribe & Follow Icons: http://subscribeandfollow.com Follow me on http://twitter.com/theRamenNoodle FEEDBACK Call (903) 231-2221 Email feedback@TheAudacitytoPodcast.com Send a voice message from http://TheAudacitytoPodcast MAILING ADDRESS The Audacity to Podcast PO Box 739 Burlington, KY 41005