Calvary Albuquerque with Skip Heitzig Video Podcast show

Calvary Albuquerque with Skip Heitzig Video Podcast

Summary: The Live Service VIDEO Podcast is a twice weekly bible study with Pastor Skip Heitzig from Calvary Albuquerque. Subscribe and you can receive FREE MP4 files of the message for your iPod or other MP4 Player. Skip teaches expositionally through the entire Bible, verse by verse. Calvary is a Christian fellowship where we gather for the purpose of knowing and glorifying Jesus Christ. We desire to see all people become committed to live as followers of Jesus Christ.

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 The End...or Is It? - 2 Kings 13:14-21 | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: Unknown

The End...or Is It? - 2 Kings 13:14-21 - Kevin Miller, Special Guest Speaker at Calvary Albuquerque. MESSAGE SUMMARY Obituary, funeral, afterlife?all those words describe your future. The reality is that just like we were all born, we will all die. Like Elisha, with our dying breaths, we should be speaking in faith, leaving a legacy of faith that will outlast our time on earth. The end of your life doesn't have to be the end of the impact your life will have.

 Message Summary for The End...or Is It? - 2 Kings 13:14-21 | File Type: application/pdf | Duration: Unknown
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Message Summary for The End...or Is It? - 2 Kings 13:14-21

 The Light Has Come - John 1:9 | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: Unknown

The Light Has Come - John 1:9, from our study, Topical, with Skip Heitzig from Calvary Albuquerque. MESSAGE SUMMARY I love early mornings when sunlight first comes up over the eastern sky. But if you've ever had the experience of the sun suddenly shining into your eyes, it's not so pleasant. Most people wince when light is shined in their eyes. Jesus is presented here as being "the light of men" and "shining in darkness." But the world cries out, "Turn off that light!" How can Jesus enlighten your life and how will you respond to Him?

 It's Darkest Just Before Dawn! - Matthew 4:13-17 | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: Unknown

It's Darkest Just Before Dawn! - Matthew 4:13-17, from our study, Topical, with Skip Heitzig from Calvary Albuquerque. MESSAGE SUMMARY A well-worn adage from the 1600s declares that it's always the darkest just before the dawn. Christmas is a celebration of light: Lights are strung everywhere both indoors and out. If you've ever wondered why, it's because Jesus, the light of the world, pierced the darkness of our world, making it possible for us to see clearly enough to escape one world and move into the next.

 A Baby in an Old Man's Arms - Luke 2:25-35 | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: Unknown

A Baby in an Old Man's Arms - Luke 2:25-35, from our study, Topical, with Skip Heitzig from Calvary Albuquerque. MESSAGE SUMMARY To speak about a gruesome death seems out of place at Christmas time, doesn't it? Why would we take Communion (the elements that speak of Jesus' death) at a time we should be celebrating Jesus' birth? An old man answers that question for us: Simeon of Jerusalem takes the baby Jesus in his arms and tells us the rest of the Christmas story.

 Maximum Impact - 1 Peter 2:11-12 | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: Unknown

Maximum Impact - 1 Peter 2:11-12, from our study, 60 1 & 2 Peter - Rock Solid - 2013, with Skip Heitzig from Calvary Albuquerque. MESSAGE SUMMARY How can Christ-followers make the most meaningful impact on the unbelieving world? That was in Peter's mind when he wrote this letter to scattered believers facing hostility from their neighbors. Four principles that transcend time stand out here; these will encourage us and empower us as we seek to influence our world for Christ and leave a lasting impression.

 Guest Speaker Franklin Graham | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: Unknown

Guest Speaker Franklin Graham - Franklin Graham, Special Guest Speaker at Calvary Albuquerque. MESSAGE SUMMARY God sought to deliver Lot and his family from the judgment of Sodom and Gomorrah, but Lot's wife looked back, disobeying the Lord. Franklin Graham teaches from a passage in Luke 17 and reminds us that God will judge all sin, but we don't have to receive this judgment. Because of His compassionate love, the Lord made a way for us to be redeemed?through His Son, Jesus.

 This Old House - 1 Peter 2:4-10 | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: Unknown

This Old House - 1 Peter 2:4-10, from our study, 60 1 & 2 Peter - Rock Solid - 2013, with Skip Heitzig from Calvary Albuquerque. MESSAGE SUMMARY God has been building His "house" since He first made the world. This is not a physical home nor a temple of worship as much as an assembly of peoples whom He has gathered to Himself. The stones He chooses are human beings in relationship to Christ, the cornerstone foundation. Let's consider God's site-plan for this construction project today.

 Numbers 6-7 | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: Unknown

Numbers 6-7, from our study, 04 Numbers - 2013, with Skip Heitzig from Calvary Albuquerque. MESSAGE SUMMARY As we study Numbers 6-7, we see some of the ways that God's chosen people separated themselves to the Lord and worshiped Him. As the body of Christ, we must also remember that the Lord should be the center of our lives and that our worship to Him is about giving rather than getting.

 Got Milk? - 1 Peter 2:1-3 | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: Unknown

Got Milk? - 1 Peter 2:1-3, from our study, 60 1 & 2 Peter - Rock Solid - 2013, with Skip Heitzig from Calvary Albuquerque. MESSAGE SUMMARY Babies need milk to survive and to thrive. And newborn babies need and crave it a lot. So too, those who have been spiritually born-again need spiritual milk so that they can grow and be mature. As believers grow, they will begin to enjoy more solid spiritual food. But here Peter is addressing our appetites?those things we desire and crave. He gives us a three-part instruction that will curb and train our appetites in such a way that maximum growth will be achieved.

 Numbers 4-5 | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: Unknown

Numbers 4-5, from our study, 04 Numbers - 2013, with Skip Heitzig from Calvary Albuquerque. MESSAGE SUMMARY In Numbers 4-5, God continues to give instructions to Moses and Aaron for the nation of Israel, and another census is taken. As we study this text, we are given insight into God's view of service and what our relationship with Him should look like.

 Rock Solid Love - 1 Peter 1:22-2:3 | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: Unknown

Rock Solid Love - 1 Peter 1:22-2:3, from our study, 60 1 & 2 Peter - Rock Solid - 2013, with Skip Heitzig from Calvary Albuquerque. MESSAGE SUMMARY Peter's love for his Friend and Lord, Jesus Christ, was at one time on shaky ground when he denied that he even knew Jesus. His love would even get questioned by Christ later on (John 21:15-17). But now Peter knows that love for Christ and love for His people is all part of the same package. A relationship with God includes an affection for God's people. Four components of a rock-solid love are given by the very man who learned what true love is.

 Running with Horses: Cue the Eagle - Jeremiah 12:5 | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: Unknown

Running with Horses: Cue the Eagle - Jeremiah 12:5 - Levi Lusko, Special Guest Speaker at Calvary Albuquerque. MESSAGE SUMMARY Jeremiah is known as the "weeping prophet." He tried to warn the nation of Israel to repent or God would send judgment. They didn't listen. As we study this passage, it may look like Jeremiah's life was wasted, but God never puts anything to waste, even our trials. Pastor Levi Lusko shares the tough realities of following Jesus, but reminds us that Jesus will always renew our strength.

 Where You Fit In God's Plan - 1 Peter 1:18-21 | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: Unknown

Where You Fit In God's Plan - 1 Peter 1:18-21, from our study, 60 1 & 2 Peter - Rock Solid - 2013, with Skip Heitzig from Calvary Albuquerque. MESSAGE SUMMARY God's plan always involves people, and you are one of those people. God's plan includes you. Just think of it. God had you in mind when He put His plan together for the whole world. So where do you fit in that plan? When did this plan have its beginning? How much did this plan cost, and what is your part in it? Today we make that discovery by noting five vital truths:

 Numbers 2-3 | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: Unknown

Numbers 2-3, from our study, 04 Numbers - 2013, with Skip Heitzig from Calvary Albuquerque. MESSAGE SUMMARY In Numbers 2 and 3, we are able to picture how the nation of Israel camped in the wilderness, and we look into the role of the Levitical priests. In this study, important principles about ministry become apparent, and we are reminded that God takes worship seriously.


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