Calvary Albuquerque with Skip Heitzig Video Podcast show

Calvary Albuquerque with Skip Heitzig Video Podcast

Summary: The Live Service VIDEO Podcast is a twice weekly bible study with Pastor Skip Heitzig from Calvary Albuquerque. Subscribe and you can receive FREE MP4 files of the message for your iPod or other MP4 Player. Skip teaches expositionally through the entire Bible, verse by verse. Calvary is a Christian fellowship where we gather for the purpose of knowing and glorifying Jesus Christ. We desire to see all people become committed to live as followers of Jesus Christ.

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 How To Live The Blessed Life | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: Unknown

How To Live The Blessed Life - Bob Shank, Special Guest Speaker at Calvary Albuquerque. MESSAGE SUMMARY Bob Shank is the founder of The Master's Program, a leadership mentoring program that helps believers understand how to lead by living an irresistible lifestyle. He and his wife, Cheri, live in Orange County, California; they have two adult daughters, two sons-in-law, and five grandchildren.

 Message Summary for How To Live The Blessed Life - | File Type: application/pdf | Duration: Unknown
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Message Summary for How To Live The Blessed Life -

 Three Relationships with the Father - Luke 15:11-31 | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: Unknown

Three Relationships with the Father - Luke 15:11-31 - Nelson Walker, Special Guest Speaker at Calvary Albuquerque. MESSAGE SUMMARY Jesus' parable about the prodigal son is one of the most well-known parables from the Bible. But as we discover who Jesus' specific audience was, we learn that the son's warm welcoming by his father isn't the only—or even main—message Jesus was communicating. In this study of Luke 15:11-32, we learn about three types of relationships with the Father: the rebellious, repentant, and religious.

 A Person Who Is Holy - 1 Peter | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: Unknown

A Person Who Is Holy - 1 Peter - Raul Ries, Special Guest Speaker at Calvary Albuquerque. MESSAGE SUMMARY Peter called his fellow believers to be holy and reinforced this exhortation with an Old Testament command from the Lord. Today, there are many who walk in darkness—even believers—but as we study 1 Peter:15-16, we are reminded to live honorable and holy lives for the Lord. Let's consider what Scripture says about holiness, glean from examples of strong believers who came before us, and learn about the reasons for living a holy life.

 Message Summary for A Person Who Is Holy - 1 Peter | File Type: application/pdf | Duration: Unknown
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Message Summary for A Person Who Is Holy - 1 Peter

 Your Life: an Epic Fail Compilation or an Epic Feat? - Genesis 37-50 | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: Unknown

Your Life: an Epic Fail Compilation or an Epic Feat? - Genesis 37-50 - Neil Ortiz, Special Guest Speaker at Calvary Albuquerque. MESSAGE SUMMARY Time and time again, Joseph encountered hardships that were not his doing: harsh treatment, betrayal, false accusation, and apathy. But Joseph was always mindful of God and remained obedient despite the unfairness he met. We learn it was his reverence of God that gave Him peace to get through every situation—and God raised him from a slave to the second in command over all of Egypt. His life seemed to be an epic fail, but as we study his reactions, we see how God turned his life into an epic feat.

 Lion Alert! - 1 Peter 5:8-9 | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: Unknown

Lion Alert! - 1 Peter 5:8-9, from our study, 60 1 & 2 Peter - Rock Solid - 2013, with Skip Heitzig from Calvary Albuquerque. MESSAGE SUMMARY Just think what would happen if a lion from our local zoo escaped and was wandering around the park, looking for a fresh kill. Can you imagine the pandemonium that would erupt if such a misfortune occurred? Imagine no more! Our Enemy is far more dangerous and formidable and is on the prowl to destroy the spiritual lives of the residents of planet Earth, especially those who belong to Christ. Let's consider the battle and the potential outcome.

 Numbers 35-36 | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: Unknown

Numbers 35-36, from our study, 04 Numbers - 2013, with Skip Heitzig from Calvary Albuquerque. MESSAGE SUMMARY In the last two chapters of Numbers, God assigned cities for the tribe of Levi to dwell in, gave instructions for the cities of refuge, and enacted a new law concerning the marriage of female heirs. This book ends similar to how it began: with God at the center of His children's lives. As we wrap up the book of Numbers, we see God's overwhelming mercy, a prophetic picture of our High Priest and Redeemer, and God's view of the sanctity of life. Even though generations have died in the wilderness, God's plan, purpose, and work in the lives of His people are very much alive.

 The Upright Walk of A Bowed-Down Man - 1 Peter 5:5-7 | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: Unknown

The Upright Walk of A Bowed-Down Man - 1 Peter 5:5-7, from our study, 60 1 & 2 Peter - Rock Solid - 2013, with Skip Heitzig from Calvary Albuquerque. MESSAGE SUMMARY One website I came across recently stated that "the more in control you are of your life, the more assured and confident you'll become." The same website warned readers to not trust others. That is, unfortunately, the by-product of our proud world. But walking among others means we sometimes need to bend low in humility for the sake of solidarity and unity. Peter's words on this are timeless.

 Numbers 32-34 | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: Unknown

Numbers 32-34, from our study, 04 Numbers - 2013, with Skip Heitzig from Calvary Albuquerque. MESSAGE SUMMARY In Numbers 32-34, two and a half tribes refuse to enter Canaan, but in exchange for their help in the battle for the Promised Land, God gives them the land of Gilead. Then when the boundaries of the Promised Land are drawn, we find out Israel only occupied one-tenth of what God promised Abraham. In this study, we are challenged to ask ourselves: Do we sit on the sidelines while our brothers and sisters go to battle for the Lord? And are we content to forfeit the inheritance God has for us?

 Profile of A Good Shepherd - 1 Peter 5:1-4 | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: Unknown

Profile of A Good Shepherd - 1 Peter 5:1-4, from our study, 60 1 & 2 Peter - Rock Solid - 2013, with Skip Heitzig from Calvary Albuquerque. MESSAGE SUMMARY "The church needs leaders who serve and servants who lead." So said one notable pastor. Peter doesn't address just the suffering flock of believers in this letter; he also has encouragement for the leaders of the flock—the pastors. What are the characteristics of a shepherd who serves among God's flock? What are his responsibilities, and how can a church flourish under such leadership? Here, Peter places himself and fellow shepherds under the microscope.

 Numbers 30-31 | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: Unknown

Numbers 30-31, from our study, 04 Numbers - 2013, with Skip Heitzig from Calvary Albuquerque. MESSAGE SUMMARY Numbers 30-31 can be summed up in three words: vows, vengeance, and victory. In these chapters, God gives the children of Israel a set of regulations for vows, they war against the Midianites, and the Lord gives them victory. As we apply the text to our lives, we learn that our word is sacred, vengeance is the Lord's business, and God gives victory to those who are obedient.

 Message Summary for Numbers 30-31 - Numbers 30-31 | File Type: application/pdf | Duration: Unknown
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Message Summary for Numbers 30-31 - Numbers 30-31

 The Dos and Don'ts of Suffering - 1 Peter 4:12-19 | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: Unknown

The Dos and Don'ts of Suffering - 1 Peter 4:12-19, from our study, 60 1 & 2 Peter - Rock Solid - 2013, with Skip Heitzig from Calvary Albuquerque. MESSAGE SUMMARY Pain and suffering dominate our world. To some, that poses an insurmountable roadblock to faith in a good and loving God. How can a loving God let such unlovely things happen all around the globe every day for millennia? Not only is this a deal breaker for unbelievers, but it presents a quandary for believers who want to make sense out of everything in life. The apostle Peter weighed in on these issues in a very personal way to his fellow Christians.

 Message Summary for The Dos and Don'ts of Suffering - 1 Peter 4:12-19 | File Type: application/pdf | Duration: Unknown
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Message Summary for The Dos and Don'ts of Suffering - 1 Peter 4:12-19


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