Parenting Today’s Teens show

Parenting Today’s Teens

Summary: Help for the parents of teenagers from Mark Gregston. Feed includes daily 1-minute and a weekend 30-minute program.

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  • Artist: Mark Gregston
  • Copyright: Heartllght Ministries Foundation


 It Will Get Better | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:00

Click To Hear Podcast via iTunes hereDAILY RADIO PODCAST: Maybe you’ve heard the phrase, “It has to get worse before it gets better.”  Well parents, the same thing applies to raising teens! Once I met with the parents of a girl named Angel.  Despite her name, she was anything but angelic.  Whenever her parents tried to talk to her, she’d pop in her earbuds … or start hurling verbal abuses. Mom and Dad knew things needed to change—but they knew it was not going to be easy.  When they first told Angel about their new expectations for her behavior, she tore their letter in half and stomped on it!  But over the course of some difficult months, Angel slowly started to improve. Sometimes, when disrespect is deep-rooted, things have to get worse before they get better.  But stand firm, and don’t give up hope!  Because one day, it will get better. You can follow Mark Gregston on Twitter by signing up at ©2014 Mark Gregston Email: Phone: 1-866-700-3264

 Getting Your Teen to Open Up | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:00

Click To Hear Podcast via iTunes hereDAILY RADIO PODCAST: Parents often ask me, “How on earth can I get my teen to open up?” Believe me, it is possible to get your teen talking … but you’ve got to employ a smart strategy to make it happen! Why don’t you give this a try?  Choose something that your teen likes to do, whether it’s taking pictures or skateboarding.  Even if all you can do is stand on the side and get his tricks and stunts on video—hey, at least you’re doing it together. Then, just be silent!  Don’t try to force a conversation.  Most teens find silence to be awkward … so to make things feel more comfortable, they feel obligated to start talking. So the next time you want to get your teen to open up to you, go out and do something together … and start listening! ©2014 Mark Gregston Email: Phone: 1-866-700-3264

 Two Ears, One Mouth | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:00

Click To Hear Podcast via iTunes hereDAILY RADIO PODCAST: Have you ever told your teen that she was born with two ears and one mouth for a reason? That word-picture provides a colorful lesson about the importance of listening … but it’s a lesson that applies to parents, too!  When moms and dads ask me how to have better communication with their teen, one thing I tell them is to stop talking, and start listening. Now, being quiet isn’t the same thing as listening.  It’s easy to be quiet … but completely tune out at the same time! So pay attention and really hear what your teen has to say.  Today it might be a rant about something inconsequential … but when your teen believes that you truly care about what she’s saying, she’ll become more willing to share her deep concerns with you. Make plans to attend the next Families in Crisis Conference at the Heartlight Conference Center in Longview, Texas.  For more information, you can visit ©2014 Mark Gregston Email: Phone: 1-866-700-3264

 WEEKEND: Creating Intentional Connections with Teens | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 25:00

Click To Hear Podcast via iTunes hereWEEKEND RADIO PODCAST: It’s impossible to raise a child while running on autopilot.  To be a mom and dad, your heart and mind have to be actively engaged … especially when dealing with teenagers!  On this edition of Parenting Today’s Teens, Mark Gregston and special guest, DeeDee Meyer provide some concrete ways parents can actively connect to their son or daughter.  Take your parenting to the next level with Parenting Today’s Teens! Like us on Facebook by visiting ©2014 Mark Gregston Email: Phone: 1-866-700-3264

 Constructive Conflict | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:00

Click To Hear Podcast via iTunes hereDAILY RADIO PODCAST: Arguing with someone is never a fun thing to do … especially when that someone is your teenage son or daughter. Parents tend to put a lot of effort into keeping peace in their home—rightly so!  The problem comes when it comes by simply avoiding conflict.  I like to remind parents that addressing conflict can be one of the most effective ways to bring about positive changes in your home.  Here are a few tips for engaging in constructive conflict with your teen: First, make sure your teen knows that you heard out his side of the argument—even if he still needs to follow your rules. Then, tell your teen that it’s okay not to agree on everything. Finally, make sure he knows that even though you disagree, you still—and will always—love him. If you’d like to have Mark Gregston come lead a Tough Guys & Drama Queens seminar at your church, please call Sam Sheeley at 903.668.2173 to get more information. ©2014 Mark Gregston Email: Phone: 1-866-700-3264

 Digital Communication | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:00

Click To Hear Podcast via iTunes hereDAILY RADIO PODCAST: When was the last time you used a pager … or got a letter in the mail? It wasn’t so long ago that we communicated mostly by phone, or through face-to-face conversations.  Advancements in technology, though, have changed that almost overnight … and helped foster a generation of teens that do most of their talking through texting and Facebook. If your teen is caught up in a world of digital friendships and virtual connection, then they’re missing out on the rewards of face-to-face friendship.  It’s up to you to remind them what extended conversations look like, and how valuable those deep relationships really are. So set the example by putting the cell phone down … and show your teen what it’s like to engage in genuine conversation. You can find a radio station that carries the Parenting Today’s Teens Radio program by visiting and scrolling to your state to see what cities carry the program. ©2014 Mark Gregston Email: Phone: 1-866-700-3264

 Prioritize Relationships | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:00

Click To Hear Podcast via iTunes hereDAILY RADIO PODCAST: Many moms and dads start off with great plans of taking their kids to baseball games, teaching them how to cook, and so much more.  But somewhere along the line, they lose sight of those dreams to spend time together. Hey, I get it.  Parents already have a lot on their plate, and the idea of making even one more commitment is daunting.  But I deeply believe that it’s crucial for parents to schedule an intentional time to connect with their teen every week. You could go out to eat, do an activity that both of you enjoy, or try something completely new!  It doesn’t really matter what you do.  But do something!  Actions speak louder than words, and your teen will appreciate that you’re making your relationship a priority. Today Mark is in Chicago recording the Parenting Today’s Teens Radio program.  To find out how you can hear this program, visit ©2014 Mark Gregston Email: Phone: 1-866-700-3264

 Boomerang Children | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:00

Click To Hear Podcast via iTunes hereDAILY RADIO PODCAST: Have you ever heard the term “boomerang child?” Here’s what a boomerang child is:  an adult child who leaves home … and then finds himself back under his parents’ roof.  Now, there might be a good reason for it, such as recuperating from a medical issue, or between jobs. But in many cases, the adult ends up back with his parents simply because it’s easier!  Hey, if we’re constantly working to make everything comfy-cozy for our kids, why would they ever want to leave? Mom, Dad, don’t let your boomerang child become a permanent boarder.  It will take a change in attitudes and principles—from both parties involved—to move your adult child out of your house and onto his own, independent life. One of Mark’s latest books, Tough Guys and Drama Queens is on sale now.  Buy it today! ©2014 Mark Gregston Email: Phone: 1-866-700-3264

 WEEKEND: Teens at the Center of the Universe | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 25:00

Click To Hear Podcast via iTunes hereWEEKEND RADIO PODCAST: At school, kids are taught that the earth revolves around the sun.  But at home, many teens think the universe revolves around them!  Today on Parenting Today’s Teens, Mark Gregston offers moms and dads some helpful advice curing the selfishness and bringing out the self-sufficient side of teens.  Do you have an entitled kid at home?  Join Mark Gregston and special guest, Bill Ziegler, today on Parenting Today’s Teens. Don’t forget to tune in and listen to our Parenting Today’s Teens radio program this weekend. Visit to find a station that broadcasts in your area. ©2013 Mark Gregston Email: Phone: 1-866-700-3264

 Teen Jobs | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:00

Click To Hear Podcast via iTunes hereDAILY RADIO PODCAST: How old were you when you got your first job? Many of us started our careers at an early age.  Remember those great afternoons raking the neighbor’s lawn, or the early mornings delivering newspapers?  But these days, you’ll find adults graduating from high school who’ve never had any sort of job! Parents might be tempted to think their teen is too busy for work—she’s too involved with sports and other extra-curricular stuff to have time for anything else.  Well, no amount of after-school activities, social clubs, sports programs, or music lessons can ever replace the education and life skills that having a job will teach her! This isn’t the only time you’ll hear me say this … every teen needs a job! Watch Mark’s video blogs at ©2013 Mark Gregston Email: Phone: 1-866-700-3264

 Entitled Teens | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:00

Click To Hear Podcast via iTunes hereDAILY RADIO PODCAST: How often does your teen ask for things?  Is it once a month … or on an hourly basis? When your child starts asking—or demanding—things that go beyond the basic necessities, you might have an entitled teen living under your roof!  It’s natural to bestow lavish gifts on our daughters, for instance … but she might see your generosity as her God-given right. Parents, if you want to keep your teen from feeling entitled, then stop giving her everything she asks for.  Provide the things she needs, but let her work for what she wants. Hey, a little hard work never hurt anyone.  But failing to learn the value of hard work … that’s something she’ll be paying for … for the rest of her life. One of the greatest resources for parents is other parents. Order your Dealing With Today’s Teens small group study kit today by clicking here! ©2013 Mark Gregston Email: Phone: 1-866-700-3264

 Teens Who Won’t Grow Up | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:00

Click To Hear Podcast via iTunes hereDAILY RADIO PODCAST: We usually think of the teen years lasting from 13 to 19, but did you know that the American Medical Association has recently increased the age of adolescence to 27? We might want to blame society for a generation of adults who won’t grow up… but the truth is, we’re not innocent in the matter.  In fact, too many parents are allowing their kids to keep living like kids! So how can we turn this around?  Try making a detailed plan about how you’ll move your teen through maturity.  It might start with small responsibilities, like washing his own clothes, or paying for her cell phone. No teen is past the age of growing up.  So put a plan into action today, and start steering your teen toward becoming a self-managed independent adult. This Saturday, November 16th, New Beginnings Baptist Church in Longview, Texas is hosting a Tough Guys and Drama Queens Seminar featuring Mark Gregston. For times and to order tickets, please contact Amy Owens at, or sign up online at ©2013 Mark Gregston Email: Phone: 1-866-700-3264

 Financial Lessons | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:00

Click To Hear Podcast via iTunes hereDAILY RADIO PODCAST: Did you know the Bible contains more than two thousand verses on the topic of finances? If handling money wisely is so important to God, then it’s our responsibility to pass those lessons along to our children, as well. So don’t be afraid to give your teen the experience of earning money.  If she receives an allowance, let it be tied to chores around the house.  As your teen gets older, encourage her to find a part-time job.  Then start letting her pay for some things on her own … like new clothes or her cell phone bill. Denying your teen might grate against your instincts, but simply giving her money won’t teach her how to handle it wisely … it’ll just lead to a lifelong addiction to entitlement. Instead, teach your kids about money … now! It’s not too late to sign up for our Families in Crisis Conference here at Heartlight, this weekend, November 14th through the 16th. This conference is designed to give parents the skills and tools needed to take control of their homes and families. Click here to sign up!   ©2013 Mark Gregston Email: Phone: 1-866-700-3264

 Life-Long Heroes | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:00

Click To Hear Podcast via iTunes herePODCAST SCRIPT: Do you have any heroes?  Can you point to someone who shaped your convictions and helped you get through difficult seasons? In the last few months, my path crossed with two of my life-long heroes.  One a popular singer named Kenny Loggins, the other a preacher named Chuck Swindoll.  An unlikely duo … but both men encouraged me in different ways through the years … giving me perspective when I was down, and helping me turn to God for guidance in confusing times. Interacting with these men recently, I was reminded how we all need others to help us through.  Whether on the stage with a guitar in hand, behind a pulpit or whatever … identify that hero and tell ‘em “thanks.” Then … pay it forward.  Be that steady voice of strength to someone who desperately needs you.   ©2013 Mark Gregston Email: Phone: 1-866-700-3264

 In Favor of Imperfection | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:00

Click To Hear Podcast via iTunes herePODCAST SCRIPT: No parent is the perfect parent.  In fact, most moms and dads need to relax a little and cut themselves some slack. Imperfect parents are healthy parents.  They know they’re gonna mess up … and they’re not surprised when their teens mess up, as well.  They’re aware of their shortcomings, so they trust God for grace and wisdom.  They love their children and don’t attach affection to performance. Imperfect parents focus on what’s right in front of them … live in the present moment, without worrying what others think. So, have you been caught up in trying to be perfect?  Let it go!  In case you have any doubt, you’re not perfect and never will be! So Mom, Dad, cut some slack.  Rest in God’s grace.  Relax! ©2013 Mark Gregston Email: Phone: 1-866-700-3264


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