Parenting Today’s Teens show

Parenting Today’s Teens

Summary: Help for the parents of teenagers from Mark Gregston. Feed includes daily 1-minute and a weekend 30-minute program.

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  • Artist: Mark Gregston
  • Copyright: Heartllght Ministries Foundation


 Living in a Zoo | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:00

Click To Hear Podcast via iTunes hereDAILY RADIO PODCAST: With a household of rambunctious kids, do you ever feel like you’re living in a zoo? Zookeepers have a lot to do to keep their animals happy: they feed them, clean up after them, and protect them from harm.  That’s also a pretty accurate description of a parent’s job—up to a certain point.  But if we keep sheltering our kids … without ever giving them more control of their lives … we’re not preparing them for life in the jungle.  In fact, we’re setting them up for failure. So start during her pre-teen years, and every month, introduce a small area of responsibility into her life.  By the time she reaches adulthood, she’ll be ready to leave the confines of the zoo… and face the challenges of the jungle! Mark will be hosting several fund raising dinners throughout the Spring of 2014.  If you’d like to attend and become a part of financially helping families and teens throughout North America, please call 903.668.2173. ©2014 Mark Gregston Email: Phone: 1-866-700-3264

 Facing Trials | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:00

Click To Hear Podcast via iTunes hereDAILY RADIO PODCAST: Moms and Dads, Grandmas and Grandpas can all attest… raising a teen is no cakewalk! I’ve worked with thousands of parents and teens over the years … and I understand when parents tell me that they’re ready to give up hope.  So today, I want to offer some encouragement from James chapter 1, verses 2 and 3:  “Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance.” When was the last time you rejoiced in the face of a trial?  I know, it doesn’t feel like a very natural reaction.  But when you and your teen go through a tough period, know that there’s a reason behind it!  God wants to use your trials to bring faith and perseverance. If you’re having problems with your teen at home and are feeling a bit weary and don’t know where to turn, please make plans to attend our next Families in Crisis Conference which will be held January 9 – 11 at the Heartlight Conference Center in Longview, Texas.  For more information, please visit, or call 903.668.2173. ©2014 Mark Gregston Email: Phone: 1-866-700-3264

 Coach or Bodyguard? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:00

Click To Hear Podcast via iTunes hereDAILY RADIO PODCAST: It’s the day every father dreads… the day his little girl wants to start dating a boy. When it comes to dating, most dads turn into bodyguards.  Their definition of a “date” is eating dinner with the entire family, or sitting on the porch under the watchful eyes of Mom and Dad.  Let’s be honest, though.  This sort of interaction won’t actually teach your daughter to avoid temptation or have self-control. Instead of being a bodyguard, I’d like to encourage you to be a coach instead.  A bodyguard zealously tries to protect his daughter from any perceived harm.  A coach trains and instructs her so she’s capable of making good decisions when the situation demands it! So, which one are you?  Coach?  Or bodyguard? You can find video messages of Mark’s at ©2014 Mark Gregston Email: Phone: 1-866-700-3264

 Relinquishing Control | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:00

Click To Hear Podcast via iTunes hereDAILY RADIO PODCAST: A parent’s goal is to successfully transition their kids from childhood to adulthood.  But, how do we actually do that? It’s a big concept.  When you think about moving your kid from dependent newborn to independent adult … sometimes it’s good to step back and get the big picture!  One of the best long-term parenting tips I can give is this: gradually relinquish control as your child grows. Teens who feel like they have more decision-making power are going to be less likely to lash out.  So, Mom and Dad, get ready to slowly and strategically let up on the reins. Ready to shoot for that big picture parenting strategy? Start the careful process of relinquishing control today. Parenting Today’s Teens radio is heard on XM/Sirius 131, Family Talk Radio every weekend.  Please check out for our program schedule. ©2014 Mark Gregston Email: Phone: 1-866-700-3264

 Policing Teens | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:00

Click To Hear Podcast via iTunes hereDAILY RADIO PODCAST: Whenever you see those red and blue police lights flashing behind you on the freeway, you can be certain they’re not pulling you over to say, “Hey, great job driving!” As parents, it’s easy to come off like highway patrol officers.  We flag our teens down whenever they step out of line or make a wrong move. Of course, it’s important to instruct and guide our teens.  But if they feel like we’re always watching and waiting to jump on their next mistake… our relationships are going to suffer. Are you policing your teen?  The next time you sit down to talk with him, try communicating love instead of judgment.  Your teen needs you to be a parent… not a police officer. Every year, Parenting Today’s Teens must raise money to fund our presence on Christian radio.  Our prayer is that you would consider becoming a financial partner with us as we offer help and hope to families throughout North America.  Would you remember us in your year end giving?  To become financially involved, please visit and hit the “Donate” button. ©2014 Mark Gregston Email: Phone: 1-866-700-3264

 WEEKEND: The Middle School Years | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 25:00

Click To Hear Podcast via iTunes hereWEEKEND RADIO PODCAST: It seemed like yesterday that you were changing your son or daughter’s diapers, but all of a sudden, your child is on the threshold of being a teenager.  So how can parents begin strengthening the relationship with their middle-schooler now in preparation for the challenges of the teen years ahead?  Today on Parenting Today’s Teens, Mark Gregston sits down with junior high pastor, Sean Meade, to give moms and dads some helpful tips for this stage of a child’s life.  Another fun and informative edition of Parenting Today’s Teens … with Mark Gregston! Tonight’s Cowboy Christmas Concert with Michael Martin Murphey has been postponed until Sunday, December 15th due to weather conditions. We are sorry for the inconvenience and hope you’ll join us on for the rescheduled performance. If you have not ordered tickets and would like to attend the event, please call 903-233-3080 or order online by clicking here. ©2014 Mark Gregston Email: Phone: 1-866-700-3264

 Hyper-Sexualized Culture | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:00

Click To Hear Podcast via iTunes hereDAILY RADIO PODCAST: Today’s culture is radically different from the one we grew up in.  Our children are being bombarded with sexual images and suggestive innuendo.  So what can parents do to fight against the cultural leanings toward inappropriate sexual activity? The sexualized culture means one thing for parents:  Mom and Dad, start those conversations with your teens early!  Sit down on multiple occasions … and discuss appropriate behavior with the opposite sex. You may think you still have a few years before you need to bring up the topic with your child, but the truth is… you don’t.  Help him understand the lines he shouldn’t cross. There is no question that your teen with struggle with the allure of sex.  So prepare him ahead of time to deal with the struggle of remaining pure in a hyper-sexualized culture. Tomorrow is the 3rd night of the Lonestar Cowboy Christmas Festival.  Tomorrow’s event is at LeTourneau University’s Belcher Center and begins at 6:00 with a Silent Auction.  Michael Martin Murphey will be performing his Cowboy Christmas.  Texas Music Entertainer of the Year, Pauline Reese, will be joining him.  For tickets, please call 903.233.3080. For more information, please visit, ©2014 Mark Gregston Email: Phone: 1-866-700-3264

 The Wrong Crowd | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:00

Click To Hear Podcast via iTunes hereDAILY RADIO PODCAST: “What should I do if my teen gets in with the wrong crowd?” Moms and dads expect me to answer that question with advice like… “take your son out of public school” or “limit his social interaction.”  But no amount of overprotection can shield your son from every negative influence.  So what should you do instead? Try talking with your teen about bad behaviors before they come an issue.  Create boundaries … and talk him through the “how’s” and “why’s” behind these boundaries.  Then he’ll be more likely to resist the dangerous behaviors when others engage in them. Plus, maybe God has placed the “wrong crowd” in your son’s life for a reason.  Take it as an opportunity to show love to a kid who needs it! If you’re in Longview, Texas on Friday night, come be a part of our Lonestar Cowboy Christmas Festival at the Heartlight Conference Center for a chuckwagon meal and concert by Joanna Smith.  The event benefits the Heartlight Ministries Foundation which produces the Parenting Today’s Teen’s radio program.  For tickets, please call 903.668.2173. For more information, please visit, ©2014 Mark Gregston Email: Phone: 1-866-700-3264

 The “Whys” of Anger | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:00

Click To Hear Podcast via iTunes hereDAILY RADIO PODCAST: When your son or daughter gets angry (and believe me, everyone gets angry), how does he or she cope with it? Over the years working with teens… I’ve watched angry kids punch holes in walls and bang their heads on the floor.  I’ve also seen them turn their anger inward… and become depressed, isolated, and lonely. It’s easy for parents to get caught up with the outward manifestations of anger, whether it’s a cold shoulder or a shouting match.  In my experience, though, I’ve found that all anger is an emotional response to an unmet need. The best way to deal with any problem is to tackle it at its source.  So don’t let your teen’s outward actions distract you.  Instead, try digging into the “whys” behind your child’s anger. If you’re going to be in Longview, Texas on Thursday night, the 5th of December, make plans to join us at the Heartlight Conference Center and have a chuckwagon meal and listen to one of the west’s finest cowboy poets, Baxter Black.  This is a fund raising event and we’d love to have you attend.  For more information, please contact our office at 903.668.2173.  For more information, please visit, ©2014 Mark Gregston Email: Phone: 1-866-700-3264

 Girl Bullies | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:00

Click To Hear Podcast via iTunes hereDAILY RADIO PODCAST: Middle school is a tough environment for any kid to enter… especially our daughters! On that first day of middle school, a girl will walk through the doors feeling like the princess her parents told her she was… only to find every other girl fighting for her throne!  The problem comes when the princesses morph into “mean girls” …in order to destroy reputations and boost their own self-confidence. If your daughter becomes the victim of bullies at school, you may need to go the extra mile to protect her.  Bring school officials into the situation, or talk with the bully’s parents. And if your daughter is the bully… quickly cut off her “tools of the trade,” whether it’s her cell phone or Internet access.  Parents need to be aware that even princesses can be “mean girls”! Does your local radio station carry the Parenting Today’s Teens daily radio program?  It’s a 60 second short feature program heard on weekdays.  If you’d like to encourage your local radio station to carry the program, please click here. ©2014 Mark Gregston Email: Phone: 1-866-700-3264

 Arbitrary Rules | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:00

Click To Hear Podcast via iTunes hereDAILY RADIO PODCAST: Do you feel like your words are going in through one of your teen’s ears and out the other?  Maybe it’s time to think through the content of those words! Here are a couple of phrases I heard from my dad all the time growing up:  “You’ll do it because I told you to do it!” …and… “As long as you live in my house, you live by my rules!” You probably heard similar things from your parents when you were a kid, and maybe they worked to keep you in line.  But I can tell you one thing: the “because I said so” line won’t work on any teens now! So, let’s spend less time making up arbitrary rules… and more time building meaningful relationships with our teens. Parenting Today’s Teens radio, as well as the weekly Parenting Today’s Teens e-mail Newsletter is sponsored by the Heartlight Ministries Foundation.  You can find out more about the work of the foundation by visiting ©2014 Mark Gregston Email: Phone: 1-866-700-3264

 Video Games | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Click To Hear Podcast via iTunes hereDAILY RADIO PODCAST: Parents often ask me, “What’s your stance on videogames?” Videogames can be a confusing topic for parents.  Should I let my teen play them?  What about the violent ones?  How much should they be allowed to play? These answers will depend on your teen’s personality and level of maturity, but let me offer a few tips. First, take time to play a new game with your teen.  If you see something in it that contradicts your family values, then switch it out for a different game. Second, don’t let videogames consume his life.  If he starts to spend more time in front of the console than anywhere else, give him some boundaries. And finally, if you feel that videogames are affecting your teen’s motivation or changing his personality, then take more serious action. Videogames can play a healthy role … as long as Mom and Dad pay attention! Mark’s first book, When Your Teen is Struggling is a must for every parent’s home library.  Written from the heart of one who has lived with over 2,500 struggling teens, this book offers help and hope to parents caught in crisis situations with their teens.  Click here to order your copy. ©2014 Mark Gregston Email: Phone: 1-866-700-3264

 WEEKEND: Tools for Parents of Teens | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 25:00

Click To Hear Podcast via iTunes hereWEEKEND RADIO PODCAST: A good mechanic will have a garage full of equipment.  A successful electrician carries a belt of tools.  And a well-prepared mom or dad has a tool chest of gear at their disposal, as well!  Today on Parenting Today’s Teens, Mark Gregston describes a handful of helpful tools that will arm parents to navigate the teen years. Featuring special guest, Neil Franks, the 2-Minute Pastor.  It’s an exciting edition of Parenting Today’s Teens with Mark Gregston! Every year, Parenting Today’s Teens radio must raise $500,000 to remain on radio outlets throughout North America.  If our radio program has benefited you in any way, would you consider making a donation to our cause.  You can do so at www.ParentingTodaysTeens. ©2014 Mark Gregston Email: Phone: 1-866-700-3264

 A Moving Target | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:00

Click To Hear Podcast via iTunes hereDAILY RADIO PODCAST: Parents who live in a constantly changing world feel like they’re trying to hit a bulls-eye … while the target is moving! Parenting is never easy, but just when you feel like you’re starting to get it down, the world—and your kids—change!  And it’s our job to make sure that our parenting styles change, too. The same modes of discipline that worked on your five-year-old child are not going to be effective when she’s fourteen.  When she was younger, you could make a demand and expect her to comply.  Now, well … things aren’t that simple. So let’s make sure that our methods match our kids’ needs, whether they’re toddlers … starting their first day of kindergarten … or graduating from high school.  Sometimes we’ll miss the target, but we should never quit trying to hit the bulls-eye. Happy Thanksgiving from all of us at the Heartlight Foundation!  Our prayer is that this day will be filled with opportunities to give and express your thanks for the many blessings we all enjoy.   ©2014 Mark Gregston Email: Phone: 1-866-700-3264

 Hot Pants and Feathered Hair | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:00

Click To Hear Podcast via iTunes hereDAILY RADIO PODCAST: If you open an old yearbook, you’ll probably get a good laugh from some of the clothes and hairstyles you find immortalized in there. There’s a lot that’s different about being a teenager today… compared to when we were kids.  But one thing never changes:  our obsession with wacky, new fads.  Back in the day, it was hot pants, ABBA, and feathered hair.  Now, things like iPads, hipster glasses, and dubstep are the rage. It’s true, some of today’s trends make no sense and drive us crazy, but let’s be honest … we probably drove our parents nuts with weird fashion crazes, too!  The most important thing is that it doesn’t represent outright rebellion or immorality. If not, I say, in the words of a famous rock-and-roll band, “Let it be.” Mark’s pocket size book Prayers for My Teen is an excellent prayer book for parents, reminding them to pray daily for their teens. You can find this book at ©2014 Mark Gregston Email: Phone: 1-866-700-3264


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