The People's Pharmacy show

The People's Pharmacy

Summary: Everything from home remedies to the latest breakthrough drugs are discussed on The People's Pharmacy. Pharmacologist Joe Graedon and medical anthropologist Terry Graedon talk to leading experts to discuss issues relating to drugs, herbs, home remedies, vitamins and related health topics.

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  • Artist: Joe and Terry Graedon
  • Copyright: Copyright 20009 Joe and Terry Graedon


 Show 1168: What Should You Know About Women’s Heart Health? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 59:08

When you think about heart health, you may not think about any gender differences in symptoms or treatment. Most doctors don’t, so why would patients? However, women don’t always experience the classic symptoms of crushing chest pain that we expect from tales of men’s heart attacks. Sometimes, they may be bothered with back or jaw […]

 Show 1167: Will a Tick Bite Make You Allergic to Meat? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 59:08

For some years, emergency doctors and allergists were puzzled by people who started having extremely serious allergic reactions in the middle of the night, a long time after they had eaten or drunk anything or had any contact with obvious allergens. Smart sleuthing from our guest and his colleagues determined that a tick bite can […]

 Show 1166: How Can You Manage the Misery of Seasonal Allergies? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 59:06

Do you sniffle through spring or feel crummy in the fall? Many people suffer with seasonal allergies, and trying to figure out which medicines make sense is no easy task. To start with, how do you know if you are sneezing from a cold or from hay fever? Why does the answer change the kind […]

 Show 1165: Can Your Doctor’s Positive Attitude Improve Your Health? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 59:06

We all prefer to interact with people who are friendly, supportive and helpful. But when it comes to health care providers, does “bedside manner” really make a difference? Or is a doctor’s positive attitude irrelevant to the medical outcome? Does Your Doctor’s Positive Attitude Affect Your Health? We talk with a scientist who has looked […]

 Show 1164: Will We Win the Race Against Emerging Superbugs? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 59:08

Dr. Alexander Fleming discovered penicillin in 1928, after observing horrific lethal infections on the battlefields of the first World War. It was the first antibiotic to defeat a wide range of terrifying diseases. Today, however, there are frequently shortages of this critical medication. In addition, penicillin and related antibiotics may not kill emerging superbugs. Less […]

 Show 1163: Should You Trust Your Prescription Drugs? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 59:07

Do you use mail order for your prescription drugs to get a better price? Many insurance companies strongly encourage people to order online from preferred sources so they can control how much they have to pay. Most of us like to save money. However, are there any downsides to getting your medicines mailed instead of […]

 Show 1162: How to Treat Common Thyroid Problems | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 59:08

The thyroid gland on your neck is not very big, but it is super important. It secretes hormones that control the activity of every cell in your body. Consequently, the thyroid regulates your metabolism, your heart beats, your bowels and even your thinking. What happens when the thyroid doesn’t work as it should? How do […]

 Show 1160: How Good Is the Evidence for Cutting Salt? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:00:55

For decades, public health experts have been admonishing Americans to cut the salt in our diets. In fact, the American Heart Association recommends that we limit ourselves to 2,300 mg of sodium daily. That’s about one teaspoon. Ideally, the AHA says, we would get less than 1,500 mg of this crucial mineral every day.  Should […]

 Show 1125: How Can You Find Your Sleep Solution? (Archive) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 59:09

You may have read or heard that adequate sleep is a pillar of good health, like exercise and a healthy diet. Sleep affects blood pressure and heart disease, metabolism and obesity, the immune system, cognitive function and mood. But if you can’t get enough sleep, that information is more frustrating than helpful. What is interfering […]

 Show 1159: Do Cold Sores Boost Your Risk for Dementia? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 58:26

The past few months have produced some fascinating science stories from international sources. We interviewed two scientists in far-flung places to learn more about unexpected ways that microbes interact with us and affect our health. One researcher has developed some unique ways to study the microbiome of our digestive tract. Another is examining whether the […]

 Show 1158: Will Hormone Disruptors Affect Your Children’s Health? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 58:30

Over the last several decades, our environment has changed enormously. Comparing a playground in 1962 to the same playground in 2019 gives some sense of how thoroughly we have surrounded ourselves and our children with chemicals that may have profound impacts on the hormones in our bodies. As just one example, bisphenol A found in […]

 Show 1157: Why Are You Never Home Alone? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 58:31

You may think your home is sparkling clean. But even a clean house harbors a host of small creatures that have a fascinating web of interactions with each other and with the humans who live there. What do you know about the ecology of your home? How does the dust that accumulates in the corners […]

 Show 1153: How to Listen to TV Drug Commercials | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 59:37

If you watch television, you can’t avoid TV drug commercials for maladies from type 2 diabetes to auto-immune diseases like psoriasis or rheumatoid arthritis to refractory cancers. Do you see these ads as providing the information you need about your medicines? Or do you perceive them as pushing viewers to request drugs that they may […]

 Show 1152: Can You Conquer Your Cravings with Mindfulness? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 58:26

Have you ever thought about how a bad habit gets started? You can blame the neural wiring and chemistry we share with all animals. When we do something that feels good in the moment, we remember it and are likely to repeat that action. But “feels good” doesn’t always translate into “good for you.” How […]

 Show 1151: What Was the First Immunotherapy for Cancer? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:16:00

Back at the turn of the 20th century, the only treatment for most types of cancer was surgery. When a young New York doctor lost his first patient to sarcoma despite treating her by the book, he began to look for other approaches. What he came up with was actually the first immunotherapy for cancer. […]


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