The People's Pharmacy show

The People's Pharmacy

Summary: Everything from home remedies to the latest breakthrough drugs are discussed on The People's Pharmacy. Pharmacologist Joe Graedon and medical anthropologist Terry Graedon talk to leading experts to discuss issues relating to drugs, herbs, home remedies, vitamins and related health topics.

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  • Artist: Joe and Terry Graedon
  • Copyright: Copyright 20009 Joe and Terry Graedon


 Show 1184: How Technology Could Make Medicine More Humane | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 56:29

Marvelous technology like CT and MRI imaging, genotyping and microbiome analysis have given health professionals more power than ever to learn what is going wrong with an individual. Special tools like robotic surgery can help doctors treat complex problems. Highly advanced prosthetics can help people recover from devastating accidents or radical operations. Problems with Technology: […]

 Show 1183: How to Manage Your Foot Problems | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 57:15

Do your feet hurt? Foot problems can interfere with both work and leisure time activities. You won’t want to walk the dog or go dancing, not to mention stand at a cash register or move about a clinic with foot pain. What can you do about it? How Dangerous Could a Pedicure Be? A pedicure […]

 Show 1182: How You Can Use Exercise as Medicine | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:00:50

Does medicine mean “drugs and surgery” to you? That is certainly how a lot of people see it. However, physical activity–exercise–has powerful abilities to help us heal. How can we use exercise as medicine? What does it mean to use exercise as medicine? The concept may seem a bit strange unless you have encountered cardiovascular […]

 Show 1180: How to Eat to Nourish Your Brain | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:00:47

You know your body needs food to fuel it. You’ve probably thought about whether you should be eating more fat or less, how much protein you might need and if you are getting enough vegetables and fruits. But have you thought about how you should eat to nourish your brain? Managing Your Mood: Millions of […]

 Show 1177: How You Can Avoid Toxins in Your Home | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 54:14

Are there toxins in your home? As it turns out, many houses hold furniture, electronics and other products that have been treated with toxic chemicals such as stain repellents and flame retardants. Some of these are there because of misguided legislation requiring them in the past. What are the consequences of chronic exposure to compounds […]

 Show 1176: The Health Benefits of Our Relationships with Animals | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 54:42

Can you tell what your dog is thinking? Chances are, you have a good idea much of the time. And likewise, your dog pays close attention to your expressions and behaviors to decipher your mood. What are the health implications of our relationships with animals? Empathy Cements Our Relationships with Animals: The capacity for empathy […]

 You Can Order Your Own Lab Tests from Verisana | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 21:31

We invite you to learn more about our sponsor, Verisana Lab. We have long been advocates of home testing to monitor your health. This German-based clinical laboratory makes it easy for you to learn about many hitherto hidden aspects of your health. You can listen to our interview with the CEO, Christian Ziegert. He will […]

 Show 1175: How to Mix Conventional and Ayurvedic Medicine for Cancer | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 54:42

When a doctor is diagnosed with cancer, you can bet he will try to find the best possible treatments for the disease. Dr. Timothy McCall has long added yoga and Ayurvedic medicine to his standard medical toolkit. So when he was diagnosed with neck cancer and couldn’t schedule the first allopathic (Western medicine) treatment right […]

 Show 1174: What to Do About Skeeter Syndrome | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 59:08

Have your summer evenings outside been spoiled by the whine of a mosquito coming in for a bite? How do you deal with the resulting itch? Mosquito bites usually itch for a while and then go away, but some people suffer excessively. Do you have skeeter syndrome? Although it sounds fanciful, we actually found this […]

 Show 1173: How Is Diabetes Diagnosed and Treated? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 54:19

Diabetes has nearly become an epidemic, both in the US and around the world. This metabolic disorder interferes with the way the body processes energy and affects more than 30 million Americans. That’s approximately one person out of every ten. Type 1 and Type 2: Do you know the difference between type 1 diabetes (once […]

 Show 1145: Are Big Corporations Hacking the American Mind? (Archive) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 57:56

The distinction between pleasure and happiness might seem like a philosopher’s quibble. Fat Chance author Dr. Robert Lustig tells us why this difference is vitally important to our national wellbeing. Corporations are hacking the American mind because of our ignorance about the difference between them. Pleasure vs. Happiness: Dr. Lustig describes the neurochemical foundations behind […]

 Show 1172: How Can Antibiotics Affect Your Brain? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 54:09

Antibiotics are crucial for treating serious infections, but the specter of bacterial resistance to antibiotics is scary. Many public health experts have called for more diligent antibiotic stewardship to protect the usefulness of these medication. How Might Antibiotics Affect Your Brain? Some physicians point to other, equally compelling reasons to use antibiotics more judiciously. They […]

 Show 1114: How Health Care Became Big Business (Archive) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 58:12

The American health care system is a $3 trillion mess. Although it has significant technological sophistication, this big business doesn’t seem consistently able to get appropriate treatments to the patients who need them. Millions of people have no insurance, or the insurance they have doesn’t cover the care they need. Increasing premiums and unexpected bills […]

 Show 1171: How Can You Avoid the Pain of Diverticulitis? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 59:07

Diverticulitis can cause excruciating pain. What causes this problem, and how can you prevent it? As we grow older, many of us acquire little pouches, pockets or potholes in the large intestine. Doctors have a term for the presence of these diverticula: they call the condition diverticulosis. However, if food or feces get trapped in […]

 Show 1169: What Are the Problems with Generic Drugs? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 59:06

You may not be aware that the vast majority of medications Americans take are generic drugs. This helps hold down the costs that patients have to pay, especially if you are taking one of the medicines offered for an extra-low rate, like $4 a month, at a big-box store. That certainly sounds great, unless you […]


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