The People's Pharmacy show

The People's Pharmacy

Summary: Everything from home remedies to the latest breakthrough drugs are discussed on The People's Pharmacy. Pharmacologist Joe Graedon and medical anthropologist Terry Graedon talk to leading experts to discuss issues relating to drugs, herbs, home remedies, vitamins and related health topics.

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  • Artist: Joe and Terry Graedon
  • Copyright: Copyright 20009 Joe and Terry Graedon


 Show 1201: Hard-to-Diagnose Conditions Can Be Deadly | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 55:36

Diagnosis is a crucial first step for medical treatment. In some situations, recognizing the condition as soon as possible makes a big difference in the outcome. However, doctors may have difficulty with certain diagnoses. If patients can help recognize when they are in trouble and ask questions, certain hard-to-diagnose conditions may be identified more quickly. […]

 Show 1200: Making Sense of Changing Nutritional Guidelines | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 55:37

Why is nutrition advice so controversial? Often, it seems as if food fights are the fiercest disagreements in medicine. Have you had trouble making sense of changing nutritional guidelines? Changing Nutritional Guidelines: For years, nutrition scientists have been telling us that people who eat red meat are putting their health in danger. Then a few […]

 Show 1197: How You Can Save Money on Medicines | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 55:36

Have your pharmacy bills been going up? When Consumer Reports surveyed its readers, 30 percent of them reported that their cost for a drug they take on a regular basis rose during 2019. About 12 percent of readers said their costs had soared by at least $100. What is going on here, and how can […]

 Show 1196: What to Do If Thyroid Treatment Doesn’t Work for You | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 57:23

Low thyroid function is a very common problem, affecting an estimated 20 million Americans. That is nearly 12 percent of the population. Most doctors are convinced that all they need is one lab test–TSH–and one medication–levothyroxine–to treat hypothyroidism. Why don’t all patients agree? The Problem with Thyroid Treatment: The thyroid gland produces at least two […]

 Show 1195: Do You Need Spine Surgery? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:00:47

People who have suffered with back pain for a long time may be told that spine surgery is their last resort. But far too often, spine surgery does not relieve back pain. Sometimes, people even feel worse afterwards. How can you tell if spine surgery would be right for you? Mark Owens’s Story: Mark Owens […]

 Show 1161: What Is the Evidence for Food as Medicine? (Archive) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 55:37

Angiogenesis–the growth and development of blood vessels in the body–may seem like an obscure topic. However, angiogenesis is a critical phase in the development of tumors. If it can be blocked when it is inappropriate, we don’t get cancer. If not, we may need all the resources of modern oncology to help us recover. Is […]

 Show 1192: How a Scary Fungus Is Threatening the World | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 56:29

You may have heard about antibiotic-resistant bacteria. They can greatly complicate the treatment of infections. But have you ever heard of antifungal-resistant fungus? Infectious disease experts knew nothing about a scary fungus, Candida auris, less than two decades ago. It has acquired resistance to a number of potent antifungal medications. Consequently, it now poses threats […]

 Show 1191: What Are Your Favorite Home Remedies? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 56:33

For centuries, people have been using home remedies as their first treatment for common ailments. With easy access to over-the-counter drugs, though, people have turned away from home remedies in the last several decades. There are still plenty of inexpensive options that work well, however. Which are your favorite home remedies? Apple Cider Vinegar: One […]

 Show 1154: How to Take Good Care of Your Eyesight (Archive) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:07:59

A national survey just a few years ago showed that Americans fear losing their vision more than they fear losing a limb, their hearing, their ability to speak or even their memory (Scott et al, JAMA Ophthalmology, October 2016). What do you know about how to take good care of your eyesight? What Can You […]

 Show 1189: What the Heck Should We Be Eating? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 56:30

If you like to cook, you are no doubt aware that favorite recipes change with the times, just like fashions in clothing. But a lot of Americans don’t like to cook. They may not have tried acquiring the skills or even more likely, they don’t have the time to do anything very complicated in the […]

 Show 1188: The Healing Potential of Psychedelic Drugs | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 57:00

Many indigenous peoples around the world have developed traditional uses for psychedelic compounds. In Western medicine, these were mostly unknown until Albert Hoffmann synthesized LSD (lysergic acid diethylamide) in 1938. He later tried to figure out how it might be used after having an extraordinary personal experience. By the mid to late 1960s, psychedelic drugs […]

 Show 1187: Are Supplements Really a Waste of Time? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 59:35

Last summer, a major review of research on supplements to improve heart health concluded that most do nothing to prevent heart attacks, strokes or premature death from cardiovascular causes (Annals of Internal Medicine, Aug. 6, 2019). In other words, they are a waste of time and money. (The possible exceptions include omega-3 fats and folate.) […]

 All About KayaBiotics | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 13:27

The People’s Pharmacy radio show and podcast appreciates support from its sponsors. One of our sponsors is KayaBiotics, a German company that makes high-quality probiotics from all-organic ingredients. Germany exercises rigorous oversight of supplement manufacturing, and we are pleased that our listeners can purchase such products. The pandemic interrupted supply chains and manufacturing for numerous […]

 Show 1186: What Happens When Doctors Make Diagnostic Errors? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 56:17

When you get sick, you need a diagnosis. If the diagnosis is wrong, the treatment won’t be appropriate. What happens when doctors make diagnostic errors? We talk with a leader in the Society to Improve Diagnosis in Medicine about his recent research. What Diagnostic Errors Are Most Serious? Clinicians make an estimated 12 million diagnostic […]

 Show 1185: What Are the Risks of Too Many Meds? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 56:19

Every day, an average of 750 senior Americans are hospitalized as a result of medication reactions and interactions. Part of the problem is that as we grow older and accumulate more health conditions, we also end up with longer lists of prescription drugs for them. In addition, many of us also take medicines to prevent […]


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