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ESL Podcast - Previous Episodes

Summary: ESL Podcast is brought to you by Dr. Lucy Tse and Dr. Jeff McQuillan of the Center for Educational Development.

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 ESLPodcast 98 - Winter Weather | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 19:37

Script by Dr. Lucy Tse Audio Index: Slow dialog: 0:36 Explanations: 3:13 Fast dialog: 16:56 I grew up in Minnesota where the summers are hot and humid and winters are bitterly cold. Living in Los Angeles now, it's sometimes hard to describe to people how winter weather can be in chillier climates. In L.A. most of the year, the weather is sunny, clear, and warm. In one of my favorite movies, LA Story, the weathercaster pre-recorded his weather forecasts because the weather was the same everyday! Well, that's an exaggeration, because even in L.A., it can sometimes be quite cool in the winter and some areas around the beaches can have dense fog and occasionally drizzling. But, that's nothing compared to Minnesota. In winter, they get snow flurries and blizzards, when as much as 3 feet of snow can fall. As a kid, I would build snowmen and make angels on the ground. That part was fun. But I also froze my buns off! And, of course, one thing that Minnesota has a lot of in the wintertime is snow. Sometimes, we get so many inches of snow, we have to shovel and plow our way out of our houses. The worst is when there is freezing rain and sleet and the roads are slippery. Needless to say, there are a lot of fender benders on the road with this kind of weather. Luckily, Minnesota doesn't get any hurricanes that far north, but other parts of the country are hard hit by those every year. Well, I have to say that it's nice not to have to scrape ice off my windshield in the mornings, but I do miss the white Christmases.

 ESLPodcast 97 - Checking into a Hotel | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 15:48

Script by Dr. Lucy Tse Audio Index: Slow dialog: 1:50 Explanations: 4:10 Fast dialog: 13:08 I flew into Atlanta the afternoon before a big meeting. I hailed a taxi at the airport and told the driver the name of the hotel. I asked him how long it would take to get there. He said it would only be 20 minutes. I sat back and relaxed. We got to the hotel and the doorman helped me take my luggage to the check-in desk. I said to the front-desk employee, Rob: Hi, I'm checking in. The last name is Rama. Clerk: Yes, here is your reservation. You have a standard room reserved for two nights. Is that right? Rob: Actually, no. It should be a suite. I had booked a non-smoking king. Clerk: Oh, my mistake. The reservation is for a suite and it is a non-smoking room with a king bed. I'm sorry for the error. Rob: That's okay. I'm here a little early. Is it possible to check in right now? Clerk: Sure, that's no problem. May I have your credit card? We need a credit card on file for your room charges and incidentals. Rob: Here it is. Clerk: Okay, now if you could please verify the room rate here, initial next to the X, and sign right here. How many keys will you need? Rob: Oh, just one. Clerk: Okay, you're all set. You're in room 1201. Take the elevators to the 12th floor and it will be on your left. Do you need any help with your bags? Rob: No, I'm fine. Thanks. Clerk: Enjoy your stay.

 ESLPodcast 96 - High School Reunion | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 20:36

Script by Dr. Lucy Tse Audio Index: Slow dialog: 0:45 Explanations: 3:05 Fast dialog: 16:12 When I got home from work, I opened my mail. The letter turned out to be a bombshell. I held in my hand an invitation to my 10-year high school reunion. It was a shock because I couldn't believe it had been 10 years. The first thing I did was to call my oldest and dearest friend, Maria. We had gone to high school together and we had been best friends. Maria said that she had received her invitation in the mail, too. I told her that I was leaning against going. After all, why live in the past?, I thought. But, Maria convinced me that it would be a trip to see some of our old friends and to find out what had become of them. At the very least, we would get a chance to see each other and to talk about old times. And, Maria said, Jeff McQuillan might be there. Ah, Jeff McQuillan. He was a senior when I was a sophomore, and I had a big crush on him. I thought he was so cute and he was smart, too. He was at the top of his class. He wasn't the class clown, but he had a great sense of humor and was voted most likely to succeed. He never gave me a second look, but I always made sure I sat next to him in class. I wonder what he's doing now and whether he'll be there. Hmm… Maybe this reunion will be more fun than I thought.

 ESLPodcast 95 - Nervous at an Interview II | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 14:54

Script by Dr. Lucy Tse Audio Index: Slow dialog: 0:45 Explanations: 3:28 Fast dialog: 11:11 I was just in time for my interview and I was very nervous. I walked up to the receptionist. She was talking into a headset and typing on her keyboard. David: Good morning. I'm David Laso. I have an appointment with Dale Mendoza at 10 o'clock. Could you please let her know that I'm here? Receptionist: Please have a seat and I'll tell her. About three minutes later, a man came out of the office and approached me. He introduced himself as Ben, Ms. Mendoza's administrative assistant. He told me he would show me to her office. I followed him and we stopped in front of an office door with a placard on the door with the name "Dale Mendoza" and her title "Vice President" written on it. Ben knocked on the door and opened it. By this time, I was feeling more confident and was actually looking forward to the interview. Then, I saw Dale Mendoza. She was the same woman who was in the elevator on my way up. I had been so nervous that I just couldn't stop talking. I had told her how nervous I was about this interview. I had even told her about my nightmare with a three-headed monster interviewing me for a job. And now, here she was, my potential new boss. Dale: Hello, you must be David. It's nice to meet you. There was a frog in my throat. My heart was beating a mile a minute. David: It's nice to meet you, too. Dale: Have a seat and make yourself comfortable. You see? I only have one head and I don't even bite. Needless to say, that was not my best interview. But, you live and learn. I'll know next time to keep my mouth shut!

 ESLPodcast 94 - Nervous at an Interview I | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 17:10

Script by Dr. Lucy Tse Audio Index: Slow dialog: 1:08 Explanations: 3:25 Fast dialog: 14:26 I was on my way to an interview and there was a lot of traffic on the road. I got to the office in the nick of time for my appointment. I walked into the lobby of the building and looked at the directory. I saw that Casey Enterprises was on the penthouse floor and headed to the elevator. The door was just closing. David: Could you hold the elevator, please? Thanks a lot. Woman: No problem. What floor? David: I'm headed to the 18th floor, the top floor. Woman: Oh, so am I. David: Do you work there? I have an interview today with Dale Mendoza. Do you know her? Woman: Yeah, I know her pretty well. David: To tell you the truth, I'm really nervous. I had a dream last night that I was being interviewed by a three-headed monster that kept trying to bite my head off. Oh, wow, my palms are sweaty just thinking about it. I just hope Ms. Mendoza won't be able to hear my teeth chattering. I just hope I get though this in one piece. The elevator doors opened just then and we both walked out. I don't know why I poured my heart out to a perfect stranger, but it actually seemed to help me chill out a bit. I didn't feel quite as nervous. We were in the reception area and I headed to the reception desk. The woman started walking in the other direction. She turned and called back, "Good luck" with a smile.

 ESLPodcast 93 - Diversity at Work | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 15:40

Script by Dr. Lucy Tse Audio Index: Slow dialog: 1:12 Explanations: 3:11 Fast dialog: 12:33 Jeff: What were you and Richard talking about earlier? It looked intense. Lucy: Yeah, Richard said something to me that I didn't appreciate. Jeff: Oh, no. I know how insensitive he can be. What has he done now? Lucy: He asked me how long it took me to learn English. Jeff: But, you were born and raised in California! Lucy: Yeah, but I get that sometimes. It doesn't matter how many generations my family has lived in the U.S., we'll always be foreigners in their eyes. Jeff: What a racist! How can you stand working with the guy? Lucy: You know, Richard isn't such a bad guy. He made the comment out of ignorance, not malice. Jeff: So, what did you say when he asked you how long it took you to learn English? Lucy: I told him 28 years. And, he knows I'm 28 years old since I just celebrated my birthday last week. He was puzzled for a minute, and then he got it. Jeff: Are you sure he really got the message? Lucy: Yeah, I'm pretty sure since I then asked him how long it took him to learn English. Jeff: That's hilarious! What did he say? Lucy: He said, "36 years," and we both laughed about it. He apologized and now, it's all good. Jeff: I'm glad. I bet he won't make that mistake again.

 ESLPodcast 92 - Types of Work | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 23:15

Script by Dr. Lucy Tse Audio Index: Slow dialog: 6:12 Explanations: 9:00 Fast dialog: 20:45 I got a call yesterday from Amy, a co-worker from the office. She and I work in the same department. We've had lunch at work a few times but I really didn't know her that well. I was really glad she called. Kevin: Hello. Amy: Hi, could I speak to Kevin? Kevin: This is Kevin. Amy: Oh, hi, it's Amy from work. Kevin: Oh, hey, how's it going? I didn't recognize your voice. Amy: Not bad. Listen, the reason I'm calling is that I'm having a dinner party a week from Saturday at my place around 7:30. I wanted to see if you could make it. Kevin: So it's not this Saturday but the Saturday after that. That would be the 17th. Amy: Yeah, that's right, the following Saturday, the 17th. Kevin: Let me just check my calendar…Yeah, I think I can make it. Are you inviting anyone else from work? Amy: Yeah, I am. Jennifer from marketing already RSVP-ed so she'll be there for sure and I'm waiting to hear back from James in accounting. I've also invited a few other friends. Kevin: Just out of curiosity, are they in finance, too? Amy: No. My friend Janis is in the medical field. She's an orthopedic surgeon. She's bringing her boyfriend, Tim, and I think he's an engineer in the automobile industry. Then, there's Megan. She works part-time in retail and moonlights as a tour guide on the weekends. She's been wanting to get into the hospitality industry for a long time. Kevin: Wow, that sounds like a great group of people. I'm looking forward to it. Can I bring anything? Amy: No, that's okay. Just come and bring your appetite. Kevin: Sounds great. Thanks for the invitation. Amy: No problem. I'm glad you can make it. See you in the office tomorrow. Kevin: See you then. Bye.

 ESLPodcast 91 - Thanksgiving | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 18:02

Script by Dr. Lucy Tse Audio Index: Slow dialog: 1:32 Explanations: 3:43 Fast dialog: 15:14 Thanksgiving reminds us to be grateful, but for a lot of people, the holiday also means a weekend of eating a lot and watching football. And, my family is no exception. My family likes to have a traditional Thanksgiving dinner each year. We invite people from our extended family. We also invite close friends, especially those who don't have family in town. When it comes to Thanksgiving dinner, our motto is: The more the merrier. Our dinner, of course, starts with a big turkey, baked in the oven. I always carve it before it's served. Then, we have the fixings. We always have mashed potatoes, stuffing, yams, cranberries, and corn on the cob. Some years, we go wild and have other vegetables and sides. And, for dessert, we have pumpkin pie. My wife is not a big fan of pumpkin pie so for her, we also have ice cream. After we have a really big meal, we usually watch football on TV. Things usually get pretty rowdy since there are always fans on both sides rooting for their own team to win. Last year, my uncle almost got into a fistfight with my nephew. Luckily, no one—and no furniture—was harmed. That was a relief! Script by Dr. Lucy Tse

 ESLPodcast 90 - Room Service | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 16:45

Script by Dr. Lucy Tse Audio Index: Slow dialog: 2:54 Explanations: 5:08 Fast dialog: 14:00 I was staying at a nice resort hotel in Arizona on a short vacation. I had been out on the golf course playing a round of golf. When I got back into the room, I was feeling pretty hungry. I was meeting some friends for a late dinner around 8:30. I wanted a snack. I took a look at the room service menu and called their number. Woman: Room service. What would you like to order? Jeff: Hi, I'm in room 1201 and I'd like an order of the calamari and a slice of cheesecake. Woman: Do you want the calamari appetizer or the entrée? Jeff: I'd like the appetizer. Woman: Anything to drink? Jeff: A diet Coke. About how long will that take? Woman: It'll be about 30 minutes. Jeff: Okay. Thanks. There was a knock on my door about a half hour later. Jeff: Who is it? Woman: Room service…Hi, where would you like me to put the tray? Jeff: On the desk would be fine. Woman: The total is $16.75. Jeff: Oh, that's higher than I'd expected. Woman: There's a 12% service charge for room service and there's also the usual food tax. Jeff: Oh, I see. Can I charge it to the room? Woman: Sure. Just fill in the total here, write in your room number, and sign at the bottom. Jeff: Okay, there you go. Thanks. Woman: Thank you and have a nice day. The calamari and the cheesecake really hit the spot. Script by Dr. Lucy Tse

 ESLPodcast 89 - A Good Listener | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 14:19

Script by Dr. Lucy Tse Audio Index: Slow dialog: 0:40 Explanations: 2:38 Fast dialog: 11:18 Woman: Hi, long time no see. How have you been? Man: Oh, I've been fine, but I'm having some trouble with my son. Woman: Tell me all about it. Man: Oh, he's 14 and in the past few months, he's become quieter and a bit secretive. He locks himself in his room and I think he's running around with the wrong crowd. Woman: Oh, I see. What makes you think that? Man: Well, he's become friends with a couple of older boys who are in a band. And one night last weekend, he came home really late, way past his curfew. Woman: Really? What happened? Man: He told me that his friend's car broke down and they had to walk home. Woman: I see what you mean. I understand why you're concerned. Have you tried talking to your son about it? Man: I haven't yet. I just keep hoping it's just a phase he's going through. Woman: You may be right, but it doesn't hurt to find out more about what's going on in his life. Man: You're right. I should talk to him. Sometimes, it's not easy being a parent. Thanks. It helps to get it off my chest. You're always so easy to talk to. Woman: I don't know about that, but my door is always open. Stop by anytime. Script by Dr. Lucy Tse

 ESLPodcast 88 - Socializing at a Reception | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 16:12

Script by Dr. Lucy Tse Audio Index: Slow dialog: 0:45 Explanations: 2:25 Fast dialog: 14:02 Man: Hi, it's a bit crowded in here. Woman: Yes, it's always like this on the first night of the conference. Is this your first time attending? Man: Yes, it is. By the way, I'm Dan Morimoto. Woman: I'm Gwen Renault. Were you here this morning for the opening keynote? I thought the speaker was excellent. Man: No, unfortunately, I didn't arrive to the venue until late morning. Luckily, I pre-registered and just had to pick up my registration packet, so I was able to catch the luncheon speaker and she was very good. Woman: You know, I attended a really interesting session this afternoon on ethics in the profession. It was a panel discussion and there was some lively debate. The luncheon speaker, Stephanie Morse, presented some of her findings from her new ground-breaking study. Man: I'm sorry I missed it. It sounds interesting. Do you plan on staying for the duration of the conference? Woman: No, I'm afraid I have to leave early tomorrow. Will you excuse me? I see a colleague of mine over there and I'd like to say hello. Man: Oh, sure. It was nice meeting you. Woman: Yes, you too. Script by Dr. Lucy Tse

 ESLPodcast 87 - Hotel Housekeeping | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 18:17

Script by Dr. Lucy Tse Audio Index: Slow dialog: 0:44 Explanations: 3:18 Fast dialog: 15:38 I'm so glad that the hotel I booked didn't turn out to be a dump. The last time I went on vacation, I booked it online sight unseen, and it turned out to be a run down motel. This hotel was completely different. The décor was tasteful and updated, the staff was friendly, and the rooms were well-maintained. Well, that is, until my second day there. When I left my room in the morning, I had removed the "Do Not Disturb" sign from my door so that housekeeping would know I needed my room made up. When I got back in the afternoon, though, it hadn't been done properly. The maid had made the bed, cleaned the bathroom, and re-stocked the mini-bar, but she hadn't vacuumed the carpet and didn't leave any soap or clean towels. I called down to the front desk to make a complaint. "Front desk. How may I help you?" "Hello. I'm in room 1201 and housekeeping didn't leave any soap or clean towels. And, the floor still needs to be vacuumed." "Oh, I'm so sorry. Let me connect you with housekeeping." I waited on hold. "Housekeeping." "Yes, this is room 1201. The maid who cleaned my room didn't leave any soap or clean towels, and the floor needs vacuuming." "Okay. I'll get someone up there right away to take care of that." About 10 minutes later, the maid knocked on the door. I stepped out of the room and she left the toiletries in the bathroom and vacuumed. That was pretty quick service. I'm glad I didn't get the run-around. Script by Dr. Lucy Tse

 ESLPodcast 86 - Asking About Jobs | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 18:08

Script by Dr. Lucy Tse Audio Index: Slow dialog: 0:42 Explanations: 3:22 Fast dialog: 15:04 I was at the store the other day. I saw a former co-worker, Michael, across the room. He used to work at my company until he quit a few months ago to start a new job as a public relations officer at Missouri University. It's a job he's been working toward for years. He wasn't happy working for a corporation and wanted to get into either a non-profit organization or a university. I wanted to see how he was doing. The truth was, I was thinking of making a move myself. Becky: Hey, Michael. Remember me? I'm Becky. We used to work at Lekmans together. Michael: Oh, sure. How are you? Long time, no see. How are things at Lekmans? Becky: It's about the same. I've been thinking of making a change myself. Do you mind if I ask you a few things about your job at the university? Michael: No, not at all. Go ahead. Becky: Well, I was wondering what the salaries are like? I mean…are they much lower than the corporate world? Michael: Well, I can't speak for all universities, but my salary is a definitely lower than at Lekmans. I just don't think the salaries are comparable when you leave a major corporation. Becky: Yeah, that's what I thought. But, I've heard that the perks are better. I was wondering if that was really true. Michael: I'd have to say yes and no on that. I don't get a big end-of-the-year bonus like I did at Lekmans but I get to take classes for free if I want to. I've always wanted to get a graduate degree so I'm taking classes now to do that. Becky: Oh, that's great. It sounds like you're really happy with your move. Michael: Yeah, I guess I am. Working at a university is the really suits me. Script by Dr. Lucy Tse

 ESLPodcast 85 - The Blind Date | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 16:56

Script by Dr. Lucy Tse Audio Index: Slow dialog: 0:44 Explanations: 3:18 Fast dialog: 14:15 I broke up with my boyfriend last month. We had gone out for a year and I was ready to settle down. But, I could tell that he still wanted to play the field before getting married. I don't think Don ever cheated on me, but I finally realized that he wasn't the marrying type. My friend Sheila was thrilled to hear that we had split up. She never liked Don and she was anxious to set me up with some of her single friends. I told her that I didn't want to go on any blind dates. But, she kept telling me about this guy Alan. She thought he was my soul mate and she was sure that he would be my Mr. Right. According to Sheila, he was good looking, he had a good sense of humor, he was bright and witty, and was kind and considerate. In the end, I told Shiela to give him my number. He called and we agreed to meet for coffee. I walked into the café and looked around. I saw a nice looking guy sitting by himself near the window. Lucy: Hi, are you Alan? Alan: Yeah. You must be Lucy. Lucy: Did you have trouble finding the café? Alan: No, I've actually been here before. I'm really glad you could make it. Sheila has been telling me all about you. Lucy: Well, Sheila likes to play matchmaker. But, it's nice to meet you, too. Alan: To tell the truth, I'm not big on blind dates. Lucy: Yeah, me neither. But, I'm glad I came. Alan: Yes, so am I. Script by Dr. Lucy Tse

 ESLPodcast 84 - Bargaining with a Seller | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 16:38

Script by Dr. Lucy Tse Audio Index: Slow dialog: 1:08 Explanations: 3:32 Fast dialog: 14:11 It was Saturday afternoon and I was shopping in the garment district in downtown L.A. If you want to find good deals on clothes, shoes, and accessories, this is the place to come. To get the best deal, though, you have to be ready to bargain. I walked by a stall and saw a purse I liked. The owner had just finished making a sale. Lucy: Does this come in any other colors? Man: Yeah, we have this one in white and blue. I also have this other style in green. Lucy: How much is the blue one? Man: It's $32. Lucy: $32? What about the green one? Man: That's $30. Lucy: That seems a little high. Can you do better on the price? Man: This is a designer bag and it's good quality. It's a bargain at that price. Lucy: Is that your best offer? Man: That's the best I can do. Lucy: Well, I don't know. I think I'll shop around. Man: Okay, how about $28. Lucy: That's still more than I wanted to spend. What if I take the blue one and the green one? Man: I'll give you both of them for $55. Lucy: That's not much of a break on the price. How about $50 for both? Man: You drive a hard bargain. The best I can do is $54. You won't find it cheaper anywhere else. Lucy: Why don't we split the difference and make it $52? Man: Okay, okay. You've got a deal. Script by Dr. Lucy Tse


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